white-n1nja 1 point ago +1 / -0

ignorance is strength. slavery is freedom. war is peace.

white-n1nja 1 point ago +1 / -0

as ridiculous as that sounds op,i believe this to likely be the case. they get some sort of energy or empowerment from, essentially, shitting on us. edit: another thing, its harder to think logically when ur in fear or angry.

white-n1nja 1 point ago +2 / -1

ppl dont know how real this is. they misunderstand that its pretend pain. psychomatic is real pain caused by your thoughts. wikipedia seems to imply that its "all in your head." thats deliberate disinfo to drive people into urgently seeking pills that will introduce new symptoms and put them into a pharma money generating cycle of neverending treatments. "my pain must be real, it cannot be imagined from stress or fear, therefore i must go" > doctor > (((diagnosis))) > pills > more sick > more pills. "the treatments are working." "this is all we can do." "safe and effective."

white-n1nja 1 point ago +1 / -0

thats a logical non sequitor. washing hands removes the three things he listed. altho i am unsure of this claim.

white-n1nja 1 point ago +1 / -0

damn bro watch out for all these fragments as this bomb explodes. i can already hear and feel the shockwave. i have been edging to mike lindell, on my mypillow, for the past 3 years. finally i can bust it. oh wait, whats this? more of the same copy pasted ad libbed propaganda? let me put on my cia goggles so i can translate this nonsense. "ok, i know the last...53 or so times i lied, but this time its for realz." who is dumb enough to swallow this shit? let me see them in rl and question their brains functionality status. teach your kids the tale of the boy who cried wolf about 50 or so times. after like 30-40 times it really is your fault for believing it. i can accept the first 10-20 times being fooled the same exact way but this is getting a little bit outrageous that they even keep posting this trash in our faces. (i dont mean OP, but the original "story generator")

white-n1nja 1 point ago +1 / -0

dude but what about munchies? i gotta have my munchies. milano cookies, lays, doritoes, combos, almond joy, lindth hazelnut milk chocolate, choxolate hazelnut pirrouhette sticks, the list goes on. but ya i agree pharma sux

white-n1nja 2 points ago +2 / -0

i agree. 5 hour blackout because of "mismanagement." gee, you would think there would be some kinda system in place to prevent just that from happening.

white-n1nja 1 point ago +1 / -0

sadly ive been right on everything for the past 17 years. my biggest mistake was thinking old ppl r smarter. no. most old ppl r totally retarded

white-n1nja 2 points ago +2 / -0

this is nothing compared to what happened in texas i think 2 winters ago. customers got their bank accounts emptied by the energy company who also failed to supply adequate power to millions of ppl. caused by corruption. (during peace time, zero sanctions btw) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Texas_power_crisis 1ks russians loosing heating temporarily (during war against nato plus sanctions) is international news? seems like they are reaching.

white-n1nja 2 points ago +2 / -0

literally ppl just need to grow spine and use brain. maybe. just maybe....

white-n1nja 0 points ago +1 / -1

hmmm.... no. unfortunately trevor moore and norm mcdonald are definitely not gonna be the first wave of illuminati agents to be moved. a lot of good ppl "died." if it was bad guys mostly then maybe.

white-n1nja 1 point ago +1 / -0

whenever u have an event where the top brass doesnt get prosecuted, but everyone below them does, its a setup. Prosecutions job is to get the top guy/s involved, unless they are informants/agents. it cannot be more obvious. the fact trump has support is disappointing af.

by DrLeaks
white-n1nja -1 points ago +1 / -2

they were elected by canadians

white-n1nja 3 points ago +3 / -0

dude why wud rich ppl controlling one country scheme with rich ppl controlling another country, like wat could be the reason i wonder?

white-n1nja 3 points ago +3 / -0

sounds about right. 70s had an anti war movement. also lots of labor movements. now its just office chair farters that will be too fat and useless to be a threat to anyone that isnt a donut.

white-n1nja 1 point ago +2 / -1

u stored ur research online only....bro...

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