Chicks reflect a lot of photons, if you consume some watching, nothing will happen with chicks. :) Chicks like to reflect photons, But reflected photons that will hit your eyes will be absorbed and turned into signals to your brain pleasure centers (if chicks are nice, straight, slim and so on, of course, otherwise your disgust centers will be stimulated).
But if you watching on single photon, there is no way to watch it other than consume it. And if you consume it watching, it would not hit the place it have been flying to.
When you want to measure/observe/watch single photon or some other elementary particle, in the middle of experiment with it, you inevitably change or destroy this particle, so experiment is flawed or ruined with watching.
Half of house cost is that unfolding mechanisms. Why not just produce same standard panels of different types separate and just asemble house from them on site? It could be even faster than to unfold this thing.
And that walls thickness.... IDK, looks like walls could be occasionally punched through with a mop handle. Houses with planned obsolence? That's the business plan?
He have other good stuff. Really.
I'm in no way a fan of such music styles, but from time to time I found his songs interesting and pleasant.
"Lone Gunmen" series, episode 1. Aired March 2001.
With exactly same plot and location, with explanations who, how and with what purpose wanted it, orders of magnitude more valid than anything official, but with happy end.
Even Hollywood make this idea in a movie and air it to US (and may be other countries) viewers half-year before, but somehow US government "had no idea".
It is very hard to understand how anybody, even completely dumb idiots, could believe official version when it happened.
Sometimes I think that all that modern 5G chip-mind-control crap often pushed here and there is a quarter century late.
It seems like even if the effect is small, as you allege, they are still using the Lorentz equations.
They do that "just in case", because "scientists insisted" or for whatever other reason, but definitely not because it is really necessary for positioning.
They use Lorenz equations on GPS satellites, but Lorenz equations are not used for GPS positioning, because their effect is unnoticeable.
Also, in any case once a day staellite clocks synced with Earth UTC time from ground stations.
So, statement that existence of GPS impossible without relativivty and GPS is a proof of relativity is a bullshit. Not because GPS disprove relativity or prove something different, but because whole system designed to minimize or completely exclude influence of clock instability or drift of whatever reason on positioning.
During finding position following happens in receiver: To determine position on one coordinate receiver need 2 satellites. Receiver measure static delay (phase shift) between signals from satellites. This way receiver find out by what distance it is closer to one of satellites. Pay attention to that - receiver does not measure absolute distance to satellite by comparing local time and received satellite time where Lorenz transforms matter, but local phase shift between signals from two satellites. What matters here is syncronicity between satellites which is not subject to Lorenz, not their absolute times or frequency drifts. Knowing absolute positions of both satellites from ephemeris (almanac) data and how it is closer to one or another, receiver calculate its absolute position. To calculate 3D position receiver need 4 satellites in view. With 3 satellites in view you will see empty field for altitude (height) value in NMEA sentence from GPS receiver and only longitude and latitude will be shown.
Say, receiver get 3.333 mS shift between signals from two satellites. This means receiver is 1000km closer to one of satellites. 38 μS/day is 38e-6 / 86400 = ~4.4e-10 adjustment to clock and so to position measurement, because receiver clock synced with received satellite frequency signal and is used to measure phase shift. On the distance of 1000km it is 0.44 millimeter difference. Could you tell that 0.44 millimeter on 1000km is anywhere practical or significant? Was it really necessary to make this Lorenz adjustment to the staellite clock, especially taking into account that other things add meter order errors?
Point of GPS and relativists who lie about it is very simple - Why relativists need this lies if their theory so cool and correct? Why do they need to pose GPS positioning example as a proof of relativity theories, when principle of GPS positioning made in the way it just cancels relativity effects if any? They slowed clocks on GPS satellites to some value, yes, but this value could be arbitrary, not -38μS/day, but, say -70 or +10 or 0 μS/day and this still will have no any noticeable effect on precision of GPS positioning.
Meanwhile, time shift is not the only possible relativistic effect. F.e. engineers examined other cases where relativistic effects could have some influence on positioning - about using GPS from high-speed plane or another satellite, i.e. when receiver moves too and this probably could add some relativistic effects.
Conclusion was: (see p197)
Eq. (17) "is just what one would expect by a Lorentz transformation from the center of rotation to the instantaneous rest frame of the accelerated origin" ([6], p. 23). Except for the leading γ factor, it is the same as the formula derived in classical physics for the signal travel time from the GPS satellite to the ground station. As we have shown, introducing the γ factor makes a change of only 2 or 3 millimeters to the classical result. In short, there are no "missing relativity terms." They cancel out.
It is really amasing that GPS engineers created a system that cancels out all possible uncertainites and minimize possible errors as much as possible fundamentally, by design. But still some use GPS that is designed to cancel out errors of different kind including relativity as a proof of relativity. It's just plain dishonesty in a nutshell. Why relativists ever have to use such dishonesty in attempts to support and propagandise their theory?
No, they don't.
GPS, just like any known GNSS system is differential, not absolute.
Receiver doesn't use absolute time data from satellites, it measure differences of time in signals received from different satellites (phase) and use only that differences to find out position.
GPS clocks on satellites do slowed slightly IIRC not 1.024 MHz clock signal, but 1.02399...whatever MHz to satisfy special and general relativistic time distortion prediction (-7μS/day special, +45μS/day general, total +38μS/day) to make satellite clocks appear running at same pace as clocks on Earth, but this does not make any real sense, since any absolute error is cancelled by differential nature of measurement (not a frequency or time on satellite matters, but phase offset between different satellites, that is measured ), so any relativity corrections will give position error in order of millimeters. This shift was done purely to satisfy relativists marketing demand, not for solving any real problems. Also, in any case satellite clocks are forcefully synchronised with Earth UTC every 24 hours .
Take a look at GPS position calculation math, it is pretty clear that relativistic effects if any, could not give any noticeable error.
For GPS positioning syncronicity between satellites is orders of magnutude more important than any possible relativity effects.
Major GPS error comes from atmospheric interference, ephemeris precision and so on, potential relativistic effect errors are at the very bottom of the list, even lower than short-term instability of atomic clocks.
PS: that often pushed statement that unaccounting for relativistic effects in GPS will give 11km/day error is a pure lie. Idiots who made this statement (300000km/S * 38μS) to show importance of Einshtein just have no any clue about how GPS really works. In reality such error will be absolutely negligeable (millimeters in a worst case), much lower than other ineradicable errors and it will not accumulate at all.
IDK what exactly sect he belongs to, but in that sect they believe that Jesus is not our only God and have no clue about Holy Trinity concept in whole.
I know that there are "christian-like" sects that push narrative that Jesus is just a kind of prophet of Old Testament God, but never dig into sorts of that shit.
If you care about him to the level of making personalised posts, then pray for his enlightement and so abandoning his heresy/sect. I don't think he is inherently bad person, really.
GPS don't need any corrections, really. It is a differential system, not absolute, so relativistic effects if any just cancelled. Military was not 100% sure that relativity theory is valid, so designed system so, that no relativity corrections are necessary.
Look, help me understand the implications of this.
Closed time-like curves is a product of general relativity math. That does not mean they are real.
Differential equations could have multiple solutions. Solution of differential equation is a function. So, there could be many functions that fit some theory that uses differential equation, but it could be that only few of them really occur in nature.
In one of my businesses I earn money from practical use of theory with differential equation as its core. (Sorry, I will not disclose exact details, since it could be a way to deanonymise me :) ) To use this theory practically, I have to find solution and use that solution to get result that could be practically verified. It is easy (well, not very easy, but whatever) to get a dozen of solutions, but in practice only few really works and give correct practical results that equal to what I get in practice. All other solutions, being mathematically correct either collapse when things come to real data, either produce complete garbage.
Meanwhile same thing happens with all that "new particle search" thing. Somebody find yet another solution that mean existence of new particle, people spend millions and years to check it, and find out that this solution just don't work in reality, being mathematically correct.
Hopefully, checking solution in my area don't need millions and years, and I don't really interested in producing more solutions, since those I already found works good. May be they are not insanely perfect, and may be there could be better solutions, but customers are fully satisfied, because they just work as intended. They do the job, so no need to search and research new "particles" or "closed timelike curves" for me. Unlike all those theoretical scientists who make money doing that.
Mathematical solution does not mean that it even have some sense. Math is a language for describing nature. And as in any language you could create perfectly grammatically correct sentencies that don't have any sense at all. Same with math.
Adding to that questionability of general relativity in whole, we get something like word salad expressed in non-existing language.
Also, who told that travelling through wormhole lead to time travel? You just disappear in one place and appear in some remote place. That's all. There is no any time travel happen. Even if passing through wormhole takes zero time. And why anybody should care how it will look like to some third-party observer? What he could see, whatever weird things it could be, does not change what is really happens.
If we reject relativity, that means we can preserve causality even with FTL…
You still don't get what I'm trying to tell. There is no any casuality problems at all. There is problem of wrong interpretation of observations. Observer could observe some weird stuff, but that does not mean this stuff really happens. If an example with supersonic plane flight when observer clearly hear casuality violation does not make sense for you, I don't know how to explain that in a way you can understand it.
Look, all relativity based on what observer see. But everything I ever read on that topic, silently omit the question about the exact process of that seeing.
When you read something from any other area of science, you see careful (or not very careful, but still) description of how exactly and with what instruments observations was done and how instruments distort observations and how that distortions was cancelled or accounted. F.e. if some voltage is measured, then there is always data for internal resistance and capacitance of voltmeter (or at least its model and you could find this parameters in tech characteristics). Internal resistance of voltmeter could be not a parameter you think about in the first place, but it obviously could noticeably skew observation. So it should be accounted for such observation, and if measured voltage source have internal resistance comparable with internal resistance of voltmeter then observed value should be corrected for voltmeter internal resistance to find real voltage from the observed.
This never done in any relativistic study. They use light to observe something happening with speed comparable with speed of light, but don't correct their observations for that "voltmeter internal resistance", i.e. speed of light that is used to observe. It is just garbage science or fraud, nothing else.
Entaglement have absolutely nothing to do with any information transmission.
Entaglement is like you take a number of matches and break each in two pieces unevenly without knowing where you break a match. Matches are made so that they instantly burn down when measured and you can't make a copy. Then you send first pieces to one place and other pieces to another one by one. Resulting sequences will be "entagled". Both places will know what sequence other party received instantly when find out his own. If one receive "long-short-short-long-long" sequence, then he immidiately know that other received "short-long-long-short-short" sequence. No third party could spy on sequences unnoticeably, since match part will burn down on measurement, so recipient will not receive it.
There is no any information transfer at all between two parties. And it does not matter with what speed this pieces of matches will travel to their destinations. But both parties will know sequence of another party instantly after measuring its own.
The only sensible use for entaglement is safe sharing of random secret keys. Random secret key does not have any meaning at all. It is just random bits that could be used for further encryption.
Funny, but calibration not necessary change the results of measurements. F.e. if your voltmeter is offset to a standard for whole 1V, i.e. shows 1V more than you really have, this does not prevent you from correct measurement of voltage difference.
Really, in measurements repeatability (instrument shows same result measuring same object) is often much more important than absolute precision.
Speed of travel of calibration information does not matter. What's matter is validity and preservation during transmission.
You can’t perceive landing before takeoff
Easily. You persieve a supersonic plane flying toward you with your ears. First you hear landing near you. Then you hear sound of flight. Then, finally you hear sound of takeoff.
Yes, you persieve all sequence in reverse order. Does that mean that nothing could travel faster the sound? Absolutely not.
But when you take in account speed of observation, then everything become completely normal. Takeoff, flight, landing. Just faster than speed of sound.
Exactly same with speed of light. You can persieve landing before takoff using vision, but that does not make cause follow effect. Use something FTL to observe events of moving close or faster than light, and there will be no any "paradoxes" or whatever.
If you could use zero time information transfer, then there will be no any relativistic effects observed at all.
nothing can move faster than light in a vacuum. Not mass, not gravity, not information.
I already told you - you could see how information travel faster than light in your garage. No ultimately expensive instruments or devices needed.
So when your measuring stick is “light in a vacuum,” there can’t be a faster process (that carries mass, gravity, or information).
Not at all. You could perfectly measure anything you want with "light in a vacuum" stick. Just never forget that there is always that "speed of light in a vacuum" thing. Even when you look at different ends of your stick. Especially when you look.
Because changes in quantum states of entangled particles do happen instantaneously irrespective of distance, that means the entanglement exists outside of classical space-time, where physical rules of speed apply.
There is no change in quantum states of entagled particles. Say, you have two particles entagled with different spins. If you change spin of one, then you still have equivalently entagled particles, but now they entagled with same spin. (and still don't know spin of your particle.) Entaglement is not some "connection" between particles. It is guaranteed state relation that does not change if nothing done to particles pair. Simple as that. Entagled particles does not magically obtain their state on measurement, we just don't know their state before measurement, but know it is opposite (or same). Measurement destroy entaglement. This allow sharing of secret keys securely, f.e. but such sharing does not mean remote side somehow receive information from you when you measure your group of particles. Information is shared since the beginning, just both parties don't have it before measurement.
But doesn't this assume light has to "touch something"?
Not really. Since it is EM wave too, there can be all that difraction things, but atoms are much smaller than light wavelength, so all that stuff will be negligeable.
It still doesn't account for any successful predictions of clock slowing by Lorentz, but it's a start.
You will have exactly same "clock slowing" for speed of sound if you will observe moving object time with sound waves.
Lorenz is not specific to the speed of light. In Lorenz transforms you have speed of obtaining information, and that's all. Cool stuff, really, that allows to revert effects of finite speed of receiving observation information to get how things really go in moving frames.
But specifically on this idea, I'm still not sure I follow it.
Just never forget that everything you see, you see with a delay proportional to the distance from you to the object you observe. If oblect you observe moves with speed close to the speed of light, light from different parts of object (head and tail of your train, f.e.) need additional time to reach your eyes.
Meanwhile, there is funny thought experiment that always make relativists hang indefinitely.
They often talk about time dilation effect. However, you could make a clock using speed of light as a source of time intervals. Pulse a LED into a sensor through mirror at a distance (or fiber) and use delay as a clock sync. Use delayed pulse from sensor to pulse LED again. You will get a simple clock base frequency generator. Since there is constant speed of light dogma in relativity, then this clock just can't have any dilation effect, regardless of any relative movements and inertial frames. :) Whoever observe this clock, he will have to see exactly same tick-tock in all cases. :) Even more - all such clocks in a universe will be syncronized by definition. And gravity also could not dilate that clock - speed of light is always the same, and clock using speed of light as a frequency source just can't run faster or slower. :) It's their own dogma. :)
Gonna need direct citations for that. and references.
The signal velocity is the relevant velocity studied in this report. It is the velocity of the transmitted cause, i.e. of the information. A signal may be attenuated (from forte to piano) but not deformed.
All superluminal experiments discussed in this article are restricted to the signal velocity and neither to the group nor to the phase velocities. The analysis of the experimental data has proven that no signal reshaping took place during tunneling and that all frequency components were equally transmitted.
And so on.
Don’t we need tachyons (with mass) to exist for any of this to be true?
No, we don't. Tachyons are ugly crutch to specifically satisfy special relativity dogmas. They are not necessary if you are not sticked to Einstein dogmas.
And if it’s true, why does causality exist? It obviously does.
FTL does not violate casuality. That infamous Minkovsky diagram is total bullshit based on unfounded dogma of speed of light as dogmatic limit. FTL is just a path with higher angle than light cone and nothing more.
Imagine, you have supersonic plane flying toward you and observe it with your hearing by ears. You will definitely observe "casuality violations". Like you will hear sound of touch-off after the sound of landing. But is absolutely does not mean that there is any real casuality violatons. Plane for sure still arrive after departure, but it moves faster than information you use to observe this events from your frame.
Same with FTL. If someone who use EM waves with specific speed of light to observe FTL processes should just account a simple fact that he use "slow" EM waves to observe faster process and fix his observations using that knowledge to get a real picture. And not to try to pass his observations for reality.
Principle of accounting for influence of method used for observations is unseparable for any measurement. F.e. when you measure resistance with ommeter, you adjust your measurement by resistance of wires and probes. Especially if you measure resistance close to the resistance of ommeter probes. You get observation of 0.1Ω. Your wires and probes have 0.05Ω resistance. So, you correct your observation by that 0.05Ω and find real measured object resistance as 0.05Ω. But somehow Eistein sect is absolutely unable to do exactly same thing when they do their observations. And come up with all that Minkovsky space bullshit and "casuality violations".
It's really insane, if you look at all that relativity stuff from the point of a regular engineer.
effect happening before a cause
FTL does not make effect happen before the cause. It does not lead to time travel or any other garbage. Just effect follow the cause faster than some ignorant observer will do its observations and that's all.
If you have FTL data transmission line between Berlin and Los Angeles and it takes twice less time than conventional one to transmit a message, message still will arrive after sending, just two times faster, and that's all. Fact, that some side observer could see events of departure and arrival in different order means that this observer just choose bad means of observation that need correction to find real way of things and nothing more.
False. Different experimenters successfully transferred different kinds of information, from original Nimtz experiment pulse whose form does not change during transmission, to the music, literally.
Whatever theory is behind, it defintely allows FTL information transmission. And looks like tunnelling time is just zero. So information could be transmitted at infinite speed.
Theory of quantum tunelling is very far from completeness. You just cant do such bold and fundamental statements basing on incomplete theory. There could be tons of explanations, from different nature of tunnelling to timeless virtual space in cavity for particles.
Einstein quote is just a description of how speed of observation distort objective reality for moving observer due to finite speed of observation (speed of light in this case). Nothing more, nothing less.
If you will observe same "two simultaneous events" using sound waves instead of electromagnetic waves, you will get exactly same math, but with speed of sound instead of speed of light. If you will use post pigeons to observe events, then you will get fucking speed of fucking pigeons in math instead of speed of light.
Dumb kike just silently omit the simple fact that he "look", i.e. use that slow EM waves of visible range to make his observations. And that explains everything, if you take speed of observation (speed of light or speed of sound) into account.
That's it.
And this absolutely does not mean that events could not be simultaneous. Problem of syncronisation of two distant clocks solved long ago, and solution is routinely used today in NTP protocol invalidating Einstein nonsense billions of times per day on planet Earth and even around. Just fucking take into account speed of information exchnage, and that's all. You will get two syncronized clocks at a distance without any problem and events happened at same time on both clock will always be simultaneous, regardless of what some observer see.
2.5 million molecules of air per cubic cm.
Just scale it by, a factor, say 10 million to get a clue how sparse it is.
Average size of oxygen, nitrogen and argon is around 0.3nm.
2.5 million molecules of 0.3nm size in volume of cubic cm is like 2.5 million 3mm balls in a volume of 1 million cubic km.
Obviously, it is just 5 (five) 3mm balls per 2 cubic kilometers.
It will be very tricky to even purposedly find at least one 3mm ball out of five in a 2 cubic kilometers. Not talking about accidental interaction during crossing that volume by straight line.
Literally impossible and proven thus.
If you are not aware, Nimtz experiment is extremely cheap, relative to many scientific experiments of such significance. You could replicate it in your garage at weekend and measure superluminal speed of quantum tunneling just for fun.
Also, you could not prove impossibility. You only could proove opposite. It is Einshtein declared impossibility without any reason and in was Nimtz who proove opposite.
but it didnt matter because his math was right.
It wasn't his math at all. It was Lorenz and Pounkare math.And yes, it is correct. But conclusions Einshtein did from this math was completely wrong.
Only thing that had to be done was to make this false Einshtein conclusions a dogma. Jewish tribe did that job without problems. They are really great in making hacks look like geniuses. You could find numerous examples in any area of human activity without any problems.
Special Relativity does not require a Unified Field Theory. What´s your point?
Special relativity uses EM waves for observation. And suddenly omit simple fact that EM waves have finite speed. All observable effects of Special relativity could be easily explained just as effects of finite speed of observation.
Such as?
Impossibility of FTL information transfer. There are no any "telegraph to the past" paradoxes at all.
Impossibility of syncronizing distant clocks. Your OS do that regulary without any problems just by taking in account the "speed of observation". Simple thing this kike "genius" could not understand.
And so on. There is no any speed limit. You don't need infinite energy to reach speed of light. There is no any paradoxes or time travel at all in travelling with speed close to speed of light or faster. Exactly like there is no any paradoxes in traveling with speed close to the speed of sound or faster.
Superluminal quantum tunneling is a hypothesis and far from being a theory.
It is a fact, proven by perfectly documented and replicateable experiments. What theory will appear behind that experimental fact does not really matter. Information could be transferred faster than light. All special relativity should be in the garbage bin long ago.
Special Relativity is mathematecally correct. But all this math is just a corrections have to be made on the side of observer to get how remote moving things look like in reality. It is not how remote things really are.
If not a confirmation from a subjects, I would not be sure that it is real.
May be whole thing will be released eventually, however I don't think there will be something we don't already know.
Heim was a crackpot who never completed his theory
He tried to make theory of everything. As far as I know, relativists failed to do that too.
and several of his predictions have been falsified through experiments.
Several predictions of special relativity was falsified too.
Which of the predictions of Special Relativity have been falsified?
See Gunter Nimtz, f.e. You absolutely can transmit information faster than speed of light. Significnatly faster. And Nimtz experiments was succesfully replicated by independent researchrs multiple times.
Yes, with 13000 dead fighters for LGBT freedoms and a lot of western junk burned. Idiors bring their manpower and weapons to single point of destruction.
You still didn't answer the question - Do you understand that "ukraine" literally means "outskirts" in any slavic language?