It doesn't matter who gets in. Genocide and death is next. Trump gets in, far left rape murder their way into the White House, instigate a coup with help from the CIA and National Guard, then prop the entire country to Civil War. Harris comes in, dissolves the consitution and replaces it with a new constitution, far right, patriots and nationalists team up to start a revolution with FBI money, then Civil War.

This isn't the end of it, and it gets worse. Exactly how I have said numerous times, but let me warn you. If they ever get their way:

Your women will weep, your children will become monsters, you will become ground meat, your ideals and hopes will be purified by blood, fire and brimstone, and all of modern civilization will be plunged and raped into the depths of hell.

The stage is all set and the actors and instruments are all in place, and it takes only one deliberately bad ballot and some plebians before the modern man gets brutally ground into mush by the artificially moving gears of Illuminati history.

You are not ready (
posted ago by Dps1879 ago by Dps1879

Was in the middle of listening to this karaoke I did of Wang Chung - Everybody have fun tonite.. and one of the lines was..

The words we use are strong They make reality

That London real interview with Icke the other week.. later on.. he seems to think things point towards how this is some kind of "simulation". Yet that might just be they're beginning to detect how Yahweh pulls this off.


The Deep State are prepping up a psyop to fool People into Raelism which is worship of aliens like Ra who is an Annunaki Prince.

Whoever understand the long history behind this can't be fooled so here it is in a big nutshell.

197,000 BC - Lucifer's ego gets too big so he rebels and tries to claim himself as God. Lucifer is just another ETI but somewhat more advanced and aged than Humans. Satan, Baal, Abaddon, "the Devil" all join his rebellion. 1/3 of the angels from the Battalion of Belzebub also join along with Belzebub. The philosophy was that selfishness and enslavement of others was the way to the top of Life Success. They turned out to be wrong later.

500,000 BC - 100 Nephalim Physical beings appear to guide primitive Humans from the caveman era to evolve as much as possible. The progress was very slow. By 200,000 BC, the Lucifer rebellion sucked 60 of the 100 Nephalim into the Rebellion. They lost immortal status and married Humans to pass on their DNA. The Immortal Nephalim used the Tree Of Life to stay immortal but the fruit didn't work on Humans. Only Nephalim. The Nephalim worked for a nonphysical entitiy who later became "the devil" and was Satan's manager on Earth. The other 50,000 nonphysical entities either left during the rebellion or joined it and became the fallen angels.

By 37,000 BC, the Lucifer rebellion died down which brough the 2 new prophets onto Earth named Adam and Eve. They lived on the East of the Mediteranian Sea where there was an island Pininsula called Garden Of Eden which was prepared by the good Nephalim for them. \

Humanity was ready to evolve to the next level since they overcame the terrible era of the Lucifer rebellion. Adam and Eve were immortals who ate form the Tree Of Life to stay immortal. Their job was to have children who's DNA would be passed to Humanity when their children married Humans and had kids. The "FORSAKEN FRUIT" was that they couldn't mate directly with Humans ever. If they did, the entire mission would collapse.

Satan and the dark side new the DNA would end their control of Earth so Satan tried to tell Adam that if he slept directly with Humans, Human progress would be much faster. Adam knew Satan was trying to trick him so he never paid attention so Satan then tried with Eve. Eve fell for it and mated with Kano. Kano had Cain who was a half breed. The entire mission failed. Adam/Eve children were all taken off Earth. Wars sprung up from fear. Adam was afraid they would take Eve from him so he mated with a Human Woman who lost the baby and died.

Adam and Eve were told they would not suffer serious consequences since their actions didn't have bad intentions but they did lose their immortality status and became regular humans who later died.

Later Aliens who had joined the dark side landed on Earth in 10,000 BC and claimed to be Gods. Many dumb humans believe them and got enslaved during the Egyptian and Babylonian era. These aliens included Ra, Enlil, Enki, Yawhwey, El and more. Note: Moses had to lie about God's name being Yawhey because the Hebrews had a hard time shifting to Monotheism but they did so because Moses told them that the 1 invisible God's name is Yawhey. He also said Yawhey would punish them if they didn't shift to monotheism which worked. The world used to worship many aliens who were simply tricking Humans and they themselves worshiped Lucifer. They demanded Human sacrifices form Humans. They enslaved Humans and were driven off. These Annunaki are bird People but their counterpart, the Reptilians, look like Reptiles.

Now the Niburu planet Annunaki live on is back. The deep state are praying that Humans fall for their trickery and end up worshiping these false idols like they did in 10,000 BC before driving them off Earth.

The reason the Bible messed up the book of Genesis is because the Hebrews wrote about it in 500 BC and it happened in 37,500 BC. They had no written records but only memories to write about.

The Annunaki also injected Humans with some DNA altering substance to block 10 of the 12 DNA which blocked our vision outside of the physical reality space. We are evolving those 10 DNA now but it took a long time for it to happen. They claim to have made Humans but what they did was ruin humans.

All of the Satanic deep state worship Ra, Lucifer, Baal, Baphoment and Moloch mostly. These Bible says even Satan appears as an Angel Of Light. How else can he fool us if he appears as the devil?

Cain, the half breed, was actually being bullied by Adam for ruining Earth. He would often say if it wasn't for Cain's birth, Earth would have been saved. Cain lost it one day and killed him for bullying him constantly.

Finally the Hebrews who wrote the Book Of Genesis lied about Adam and Eve being the first humans because they wanted to bury the history before them which was the Lucifer era. It was so horrible that they didn't even want the memory of it to exist anymore.

Now you know so when the shills try to brainwash you to worship Ra or whoever, you will know it's all a trick.

Tru (
posted ago by Dps1879 ago by Dps1879
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