annoying-goy 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ok Shekelberg thanks for your comment. Actually I was hoping the mod would modify the board to get rid of Jewgle capcha and replace it with something less invasive. Do you mind?

annoying-goy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the encouragement, I'm new here and have no idea what's what.

annoying-goy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I told you it was the Khazarian mafia running the site

Please accept my apology, I didn't realize you were making that claim. Would you mind telling me how you know that? Your answer doesn't surprise me, but any additional information you have would be appreciated. Feel free to PM me if that is a thing here. I'm new I don't know how this site works.

annoying-goy 1 point ago +1 / -0

32 seconds after I join this website, I get this message:

You are banned from The Great Awakening. notification from GreatAwakening's Moderators sent 2 hours ago You are now permanently banned. You are now permanently banned

It's good to know where the humanity-hating Jew supremacist moderators hang out.

annoying-goy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Get the fuck off my thread with your unrelated shit about Trump who is nothing but highly paid actor and a distraction.

annoying-goy 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ok cool there's a block function for morons. Keep posting your shit, I won't be listening.

annoying-goy 0 points ago +1 / -1

Is this a joke? You forgot the /s at the end of your post.

Just for kicks, I'll bite: You're referring to they and they, apparently the 1st they is the bad guys, and the 2nd they is the good guys. Who are the good guys that eliminated the top echelon and how do you know this?

annoying-goy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok I think I get you're insulting me, but the actual insult escapes me. Can you spell it out for me?

You're here representing or actually believing the phony left/right paradigm where we're supposed to think Biden & Trump aren't just puppets and voting actually makes a difference?

annoying-goy -1 points ago +1 / -2

Jewgle Captcha has been making life hell for every VPN user for years. Half the time Google won't even allow internet searching for people using VPNs, depending on the IP address. It has nothing to do with my VPN or my DNS, you're spreading misinformation.

annoying-goy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right, one of its functions is to prevent bots. But there's also 150 other solutions and options for captcha's that don't block VPNs, don't involve Jewgle, and don't try to collect your personal information. And most importantly, the capcha they are using makes it extremely difficult if not impossible for anonymous users to register for this site. Call it a coincidence but I don't think it is.

annoying-goy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm. Never visited it, but anyone who thinks Trump has more power than my pinky finger is no threat to the people really in power.

annoying-goy 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it doesn't matter to you, then why tf are you here on this thread, go to a thread you care about. You're just contributing to the noise and spreading a message of defeat and depression, like enemy planes dropping leaflets telling everyone: "surrender already the war is already lost." I've only known you for 30 seconds but I already think you are here working for the enemy trying to spread feelings of hopelessness.

annoying-goy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh yeah right. They've been in control for 2000 years, but tomorrow they're gonna just fall over dead.

annoying-goy 1 point ago +1 / -0

That sounds totally plausible to me Mad King. We're talking about people who don't tolerate ANY dissent, unless they can keep it tightly under their control and identify all the dissenters.

annoying-goy -2 points ago +1 / -3

You logged into your other sockpuppet account and tried downvoting your alter CrazyRussian personality?

annoying-goy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Another thing I like about this site is that it's constantly connecting to scored.co which sounds a lot like it's scoring us as in social credit score. Who runs scored.co?

annoying-goy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right, I'm aware of that. So they are running this site too? That's my question, in case you missed it.

annoying-goy 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why is it impossible to downvote this dude's comments? Is he some kind of Jew aristocrat or something?

annoying-goy 1 point ago +2 / -1

Oh cool. Already got a couple Feds showing up in the comments telling me to put my mind at ease.

Fed #1, the Turtle shows up and says... Relax, we already have you on our list anyway. You're no threat to us. "Your privacy is not needed here" and waves hand like a Jedi master.

Fed #2, the Russian dude shows up and says "As long as they don't ask your phone number, who gives a fuck?" Oh yeah right. What a genius this guy is. It's not like these fuckers don't use intelligence to kill people they don't like or anything. His username has so much authority I can't even manage to downvote him.

Hey guys I'm just joking ok, I know you're not Feds or anything like that. Wait... there's a knock on my door... let me go get that.

annoying-goy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for your comment Turtle. That's another red flag for me. Why do the mods allow Jewish Israeli bots and trolls here, just like they do on reddit.

Do we really need to hear the Jewish Israeli bots and troll point-of-view? They already own the media, if I want their misinformation I can just go to any major media source.

And the reverse is never true. Notice they never allow a single dissenting voice on Reddit in any of the mainstream communities on any topic (try voicing an anti-vax opinion anywhere and you get instantly banned), but you go into /r/conspiracy and it's 11,000 trolls and bots and non-stop harassment of legitimate posters there.

Lack of respect for privacy and allowing trolls to reduce the value of the community are 2 characteristics taken straight from Reddit, which gives me the impression it's the same people running both.