Mrexreturns 0 points ago +1 / -1

The message is crystal-clear.

"Anyone who drawn porn of fictional children is now considered equal to Epstein and will be held as accountable as real pedophiles."

And they chose to cancel the most prominent scapegoat imaginable.

Guess the UN will take advantage of this to manipulate lawmakers in Japan to completely and utterly end all creative freedoms as well as they rape children in Ethiopia.

It's that that sort where an entire artform can be wholly exterminated because anyone involved with it will be associated with Pedophiles, even if they go out of their way to try not to trigger the tripwires...because the tripwires will hit you EVERYWHERE. And by that point it will no longer be a ban from discord but CPS will take your children to be raped by actual pedophiles. They tested it on "naked baby pictures" and medical images... and will be moving to the next step and beyond.

We are not Freemasons.

The goal of this is complete control... and you do not know when it will be used against you.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +2 / -1

The true conspiracy is they want a full blown communist revolution to usher a New World Order.

People had been kept falling for this since Robspierre and Hitler.

Mrexreturns 3 points ago +4 / -1

Just watch what happens when full-blown communist revolution strikes and destroys America. It will be absolutely nasty.

Mrexreturns 4 points ago +7 / -3

Clearly faked. Beware, full-blown regime change is coming. I've warned this in a post prior.

Full-blown Regime Change. Mark my words.

Mrexreturns 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe instead of localizers, try just translating stuff on subtitles manually rather than rely on "localizers" (Politically correct censors) or AI?

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +1 / -0

I meant "free" in an ostensible term. There is a reason why the US hasn't degenerated into literal genocide yet.

If it's "controlled and methodical tyranny" like you said, then anyone who goes against the official narrative(s) or ideologies won't be living at all.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +1 / -0

This sounds an awful lot like the commie cope "but we never had true communism because the bourgeois capitalists were always running things from within". That's why I asked you - if Christianity bad and what came after Christianity bad, then what is the good form of government and society structure?

The "but we never had true communism because the bourgeois capitalists were always running things from within" is exactly what I am opposing. If you look at modern Christianity, the ones that didn't fall for establishment agenda, all they call for is do not murder, do not rape, follow basic human decency and only kill in self-defense -- yes, whatever corrupt shit is going in on America now is worthy of a mass crusade. Those are the people Communists love to kill. On the other hand, you have literal Zionists and Talmudists who preach insanity like original sin or god has power over your children and you have to chop them in pieces if he asks you to (yes they teach this even in the present day) or delusional beliefs such as the Rapture (where the most pious Christians can evade genocide through Jesus by being pious). The elites still sorta do this, they just swapped the lie too many types that you fail to recognize that there is a pattern no matter what cover story they use.

The best case against Hitler you could make is that he was a patsy and the jews helped him get into power, i.e. they manipulated him and knew he would fail and give them perpetual victimhood status. But that's a weak case too considering the evidence. The jewish Hitler theory is outright demented and I'm not saying this as a Hitler fanboy since I don't support many of the things he did, though I can see things his way and the why behind much of it. He was facing the jewish commie NWO and thought the ends justified the means in this battle.

Mainstream historian narratives about Hitler don't make sense unless you see everything in the view of a gigantic false opposition psyop intending to kill as many people as possible and blame it all on a scapegoat.

Mrexreturns 4 points ago +4 / -0

Everyone is.

The prospect of something horrible is in full drive. And believe me, if you think this is bad now -- it gets worse.

Mrexreturns 2 points ago +2 / -0

4 years later, guerillas begin to infiltrate the streets and assassinate officials and local governors, kill or detain anyone who stood in their way and recruit the dissatisfied to their cause. Due to the divided and conquered sections of the New World Order, the undivided rebels began to attack and destroy entire local governments, slowly and gradually, picking off and reclaiming entire states quickly and by surprise. Within a matter of 2 weeks, the rebels take out a huge portion of Europe from the NWO. There were cases of rebels facing true infiltration and getting compromised (with all of their personnel dying in war), but the infiltrators were for the most part, quickly caught. Within 5 months, the rebels took over Brussels and Switzerland and annihilated the Rothschild lineage amongst several others, and everything seems over.

--- at the end, trillions died within the course of four years because of a combination of tried-and-tested methods to bring forth mass death, with the results of these human catastrophes shown through scamming the worldwide population for a millennia and a bit more.

Unfortunately, this is not the end of the nightmare. It will never end. Humanity failed to learn before it's too late. Therefore it will pay the final price.

The truth is they don't care about power. They don't care about becoming God. They just want to make everyone who are better than them dead or suffer over their inadequacies before they are inevitably taken down -- "a death cult made of envy and hate". This is the part of the plan, and they succeeded every bit of it.

The rebels might had been maintained successful small societies, but everyone in the world is now too physically and emotionally broken to clear off the rubble, and a huge amount of the global population are left indoctrinated. As a result, the world is now ruled over by independent local gangs. Torn, violent and depressed, they kill and eat each other and leave society a ruin. There is no more hope of scientific enlightenment, there is no more hope for ideological freedom, there is no longer hope for what it "was". Humanity lost, humanity lost it, and there is only a world where a torn population eats its own, like what happened to Cambodia and Afghanistan, but the one that pays is not a state, but rather all of humanity...

Mrexreturns 2 points ago +2 / -0

As order is slowly replaced and returned, the United Nations declare that it is the sole ruling authority of the world, under the watching eye of the Rothschilds, the Freemasons, the B'Nai B'rith and several other globalist cults. The KGB and CCP voluntarily merge themselves into a sub-branch of the United Nations ruled over by people of all races and cred. From this point on, the nightmare begins and everything is easy.

People begin to systematically vanish immediately after the formation of the new world regime. Turns out the United Nations had ordered a mass purge against "unsavory elements", including conspiracy theorists, nationalists, patriots, Christians, Muslims, or pretty much anyone who said anything they don't like in the past. This is why they kept everything you said on the Internet. The fact that they had everything about you, arranging from anything you typed on the keyboard to anything you posted on sites such as Twitter or Reddit (even the ones deleted over "Fake News") makes the great purge a cakewalk. Houses are systematically searched using internet records and its residents usually get a knock on the door before being sent to a concentration camp to be brutally tortured and murdered, usually through routine injection of poisons, being eaten from the inside out by hungry rats or simple gas chambers. Those who do not support racial equality are met with death. Those who fail to perform daily, ordered routines are met with death. Those who spew conspiracy theories are met with death. Those who harbor "degenerate media", such as having been drawn anime porn, are often accused of being pedophiles, and their fate is death. Those who simply said the word "Faggot" 15 years ago, their fate...death. Eventually, even the UN is required to monitor each other -- even the elites who guarded concentration camps and directed mass death campaigns, save for the highest of highs, face their very end in the very camps they orchestrated. Furthermore, people are encouraged to snitch against each other and be paid a hefty sum, with children in particular being taught to do so to their parents from birth and monitor them. Since nobody is happy and they are desensitized to routine death, they will report you with no remorse.

Section 8 housing is prevalent with hundreds of people being cramped in small apartments with multiracial apartments being the norm. The people inside these apartments do not get well with each other, and as a result violent incidents and criminal gangs emerge. Most of them are surrounded by pristine wilderness and nature reserves, whatever left of big cities are mostly left to rot and waste away, and vehicles are expensive and mostly limited for commercial use. People are forced to grow crops and raise chickens atop their cramped apartments, which the common population is also not used to -- death by starvation becomes a normalized occurrence. Jobs are virtually impossible to find, and most people tend to take on jobs as cleaners, wardens or become criminals themselves.

Censorship is absolute and treated as a normal occurrence. They have won the info war, and pretty much so since the big ICANN sellout of 2016, and the only thing left to do is to make the message clear and fill in the potential exploited holes. They monitor internet records, they encourage the owners of websites to snitch to them, and censorship software is forced so certain sites and images are unable to be posted on the internet with threats of execution. All independent sites and records, particularly those that go against government agenda, as well as non-sponsored porn sites, are promptly scrubbed off the internet alongside whatever little that is archived, and whoever that might rebuild them are executed for good. Anime is no longer an occurrence and is only replaced by politically correct cartoons devoid of fanservice as it is deemed illegal in order to prevent "pedophilia". Video games had to go through immense screening for troublesome topics -- those such as incest or fanservice are not allowed, but violence and death always is. You also need to be careful of what you say and do in the streets, as the spycams can record your voice and if you say anything unsavory like "faggot", you will die.

Ironically, the ones who are on the topmost of top, who enjoy all sorts of luxuries of the old order, including fresh meat, harems of young boys and girls captured from parents who got executed and even host debauched orgies inside their quarters. They are not the only ones who are spared from the New world's wrath however, for several groups of survivors from each country began to ran to the depths of the wilderness and survive there. The first group ran during the great American Revolution, and more became rebels as living conditions inside the Section 8 pockets became worse. At first it was troublesome, with many dying of starvation and disease. But eventually decentralized, spread-out communities of ten thousand strong began to live survivalist lifestyles in the wilderness, with many communicating through walkie talkies and simple, local radio communication. Intruders and rival gangs are met with fierce resistance and killed. Infiltrators are screened, and if found out, executed. Eventually, they developed agriculture and ammo creation, and liberation and sedition cults began sprouting out like mushrooms.

Mrexreturns 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was approximately 5 years later where a mysterious warlord shown up out of nowhere. He was probably of Swiss descent and immigrated to America during 2024 and was conveniently hired by one of the warbands and infiltrated and climbed all the way up to becoming its leader. From that point on, what seems to be a righteous crusade took place. Within a year or two, all of the warring states are taken over as one United States of America, Nationalism and patriotism seems to be reevaluated positively, the economy came back, people went back to work, the Billionaires, Jews, and soldiers from other warring bands who stayed were executed, and people began to celebrate on the streets. All secret files by the former White House government are uncovered -- including the truth of the covid vaccines, the disclosure of 911 as a false flag, the plan to poison Americans through flouride and GMO foods, and the reveal that the US teamed up with Israel to form ISIS. This comparatively peaceful state of affairs however, did not last long.

As of the past examples of Stalin and Hitler had demonstrated, the new leader is a tyrant. A horrible tyrant. Anyone who does not worship him as the new Founding Father invariably vanish. Anyone who held opposing opinions against his ideology vanished. Eventually, even loyalists begin to vanish. They were in fact, sent to camps built by FEMA to be gassed and used for horrific experiments; some can pay a hefty sum to be shot on the spot.

In the meantime, as America falls, other states, including Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines and Australia and most of the EU began their own little revolutions and purges. The ones who were essentially lapdogs to America die the most quickly and violently. The Middle East exploded with Israel being destroyed by Iran and Palestine, as it has served its purpose by now. India eradicates Pakistan and takes over one portion of Nepal and Mongolia where Chinese are brutally murdered and survivors are forced to convert to Islamic faith. China, Russia and the United Kingdom were safe from complete regime change, although purges, especially against foreigners under fear that they're infiltrators of other countries, do happen.

Then, the catalyst happened.

Viewing China and Russia as a threat against the free world and using the premise of a US war veteran killed in a fitness center in China, the new United States of America teamed up with all the states they were allies of to defeat the "Axis" -- China, Russia and North Korea. This is the beginning of World War III.

Unfortunately, the American population and the population of the rest of the world were not used for combat on such a scale, and whatever draft the US government introduced, it was too late for a beanbag population. South Korea is the only state during this time that had an established draft, but they were nothing compared to the well-trained North Korean troops and the Chinese PLA. Russia declares a full-frontal counter invasion against the Ukraine and the EU, and steamrolled everything in its path, again conveniently avoiding Switzerland and the UK, who had the pretense to be kept away from the mess and free from the shackles of the European Union. The new leader seems to be a shoddy military commander who cannot get his military orders right, and all of his next moves are predictably captured by Chinese and Russian intel. Vietnam backstabs the United States, whom they mistakenly thought was an ally, and occupies all of Southeast Asia and Oceania while joining hands with Thailand and Cambodia. Taiwan, Japan, SK, Ukraine, the countries inside the EU and Israel fall apart spectacularly one by one, with most citizens starved to death or forced to endure horrific conditions they haven't faced prior.

It continued until 3 years later where billions had ended up dead or dying and ended when the US threatened nukes on Beijing only be retaliated and silenced by China through the nuclear annihilation of Las Vegas and Portland. The United Nations were then summoned by Russia and China to cooperate alongside their own Spetsnaz and PLA troops to arrest the now powerless new United States of American government where its leaders and members were promptly put to trial and swift execution.

Welcome to the end of the free world and the beginning of the New World Order.

Mrexreturns 3 points ago +3 / -0

It all began in America with the inauguration of President Trump in November 2024. People are now tired of the American "democratic" system and realized that elections do nothing because the same few old men always control and lead the people. Worse are the bellicose far-Left that are hostile towards Donald Trump and anyone who dares oppose the gender-and-sexuality fluid agenda and the alt-right who have no solutions other than doompost. Censorship and corporate greed, especially in the gaming industry runs rampant. It's clear the people are fed up, and they rose to protest in flags and banners. Men and women, gender-fluid and cis-gender, black, white and jew stood up against the corrupt government and corporations. Unfortunately, while the protests are peaceful for the first three days, as usual, they degenerated into Molotov cocktails, looting sprees and keyboard-based cancel culture.

People thought that this was just another George Floyd incident. How foolish that was. In truth, this is not a Floyd or Ferguson, but a Euromaidan or Arab Spring. In short words, this is only the beginning of the end.

The mobs quickly went out of control, and anyone found to support Trump or believe in Christianity found themselves dragged out from their homes to be publicly humiliated before being burnt alive. Rape and deadly house/business raids were not uncommon in places where gun control is in full force. The National Guard seems to be conveniently absent in all these cases and the local governments only went as far as to ineffectively suppress the Antifa rioters with tear gas, rubber bullets and state-wide lockdowns, the latter which inversely left anyone locked in more vulnerable to the rioters. The Red states were only kept away from the chaos because the Neo-Nazis and far right masquerading as "Patriots" took up arms to suppress the riots. In truth, unbeknown to anyone other than the Federal Government, the CIA already bribed and coerced the National Guard to commence mutiny. Some of them joined far-right warbands while others joined the protesters. Within a matter of 3 months of debauched riots all over the states, the White House was raided, almost everyone inside (including "Senile Joe") was murdered and hacked to a bloody pulp and a provisional government was built over the rubbles of the fallen American Dream. The elites who are chosen to live, such as Trump and Elon Musk, fled in exile. Most of these vanished permanently never to be heard of again.

Shortly after establishing the Neo-American provisional state however, the Antifa found themselves unable to govern the country. Therefore, the nation quickly fractured into warring warlord states that were split between far left and far right. Warbands frequently fought against each other and anyone with opposing opinions are invariably obliterated. Those who held Christian or Conservative beliefs inside California and Seattle are reaped with Machetes. Those who are "gender-fluid" or homosexual, once thought they are a protected race, suddenly found themselves placed inside concentration camps built by FEMA in Arizona and Texas. While the gun-owners are a problem, they turned out to be a bit of a pushover due to the way how the states are interlocked economically. The states that held ammunition and firearm factories and states around the Mideastern grain belt became draconian death regimes. They will not let anyone other than themselves have any resources, including their own people. Food and ammo is mostly kept for war efforts as the people who are unaccustomed to war and death starved to death. Ammo and firearms became a scarce commodity due to speculation. It was very clear that anyone who wants to survive is not going to hold food or ammo for long -- they must run, because this is going to be a nightmare that would last for some time. As for the rest trapped within the states such as California or NYC, it's only a matter of time before starvation gets them or the cancel gangs get them (As for the California fields, you can bet the Alt-Left will speculate and hoard the food until it rots).

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +1 / -0

People started to question the validity of the Christian faith and morals and started experimenting with other forms of government and social structures. And here we are now.

I already said this before. Nothing the elite cannot take advantage of. As long as the key personnel are not uprooted, they can always come back for revenge using another mask. Just because the scam changed skins doesn't mean it's not a scam.

he played some sort of 4D chess and his war against the jewish financial elite, taking Germany off the usury system and his nationalization of the Reichsbank could all be a plot to help the zionists.

Conveniently avoids Switzerland during WWII, kills Germans more than Jews in the Holocaust and fails invasion efforts on purpose. It's not a coincidence, the Jews love to downplay the amount of people killed by Hitler regardless of race and only ring it back to "6 million Jews" -- a minority of the people dead (the narrative makes no sense because elite genocides kill several millions on a minimum, if it's just 6M Jews they betray their own goal of unhinged mass death).

Mrexreturns 0 points ago +1 / -1

The Vatican is infiltrated by jews and freemasons, that's correct. But was that always the case? Because jews were persecuted and banished from England for example, until the jews recruited the revolutionary Oliver Cromwell to help them get rid of Charles I and the monarchy, which he did and in return the first thing his parliamentary republic did is let the jews back into England and a few years later we got the first central bank - Bank of England (jews were banished a few centuries before that by Edward I I believe).

It didn't get infiltrated, it is the incarnation of the Jewish System prior to the Freemasons. There is a reason why you almost can't find anything pertaining the era between the fall of Rome and the Medival era whatever little there is painted the Catholics in a positive light.

The Jews write history.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you realize the whole "me and muh freedoms" secular humanist movement that brought you the sexual revolution, feminism, relativism, scientism, skittles and a whole slew of other degeneracy is direct logical result of the liberal freemason (meaning jewish) worldview adopted at the time of the 18th century revolutions?

They need to subvert the Renaissance movements somehow using another disguise given their defeat after their "treatment" towards the Bubonic Plague was way too humiliating. Feminism and Communism in the French Revolution was the first step in attempting their vengeance.

Western Christianity was corrupted a long time ago (1054 officially), but still it upheld Christian morality and social cohesion and most of all - it was the bulwark against the jewish world order (that's why jews hate Christianity and know it's their only true enemy; usury was banned in Christian kingdoms because it's sinful). That dam has broken by the 20th century and the jews were given Palestine by the British zionists like Balfour, Rothschild and Churchill and the US shills like Roosevelt.

First thing. Usury is banned, sure, but you know what isn't? Killing people who disagree with you, serfdom or falsely curing rat plagues through bloodletting. These people are hypocritical. They love to allow one thing and disallow the other equally deadly thing.

The other one; you named the guy who gave the Jews Palestine wrong. He's not called Churchill and Roosevelt, he's called Hitler, a wedlock bastard of the Rothschilds. Although Churchill funded Hitler in the first place to exterminate the German race, commit mass blood sacrifices for Moloch and making Nationalism automatically synonymous with clowns and enemies of the master ideology.

Mrexreturns 0 points ago +1 / -1

Is this why the jews were banished from those kingdoms for their usury and as retaliation instigated all major rebellions and revolutions toppling down the monarchies (1640, 1794, 1917, 1939)? But the jews loved that system under which they were persecuted and hate the "free democratic" regime we live under now, where they wield unparalleled power through international banking and control of all industries, having all world powers in their pocket sucking their zionist balls and spewing their insidious propaganda like you do here.

You know the Vatican runs Europe after the collapse of Rome and the Jews run Vatican right? It's not the Jews that are in power that get persecuted. It's just dog bites dog at that point.

Mrexreturns 2 points ago +2 / -0

Note that the same guy written an entire thread defending the middle ages and ignoring the fact that if you are anything other than the rich or the Papacy, you are dead (citing the mamgificent wonders that are ancient churches). It is a Jewish utopia feeding on the deaths of "heretic" European Goyim whose crime is being the descendant of Greeks, Romans and Nordics or didn't believe in Blood God faith.

And then there are people on the comments section on another post that said that they want Feudalism more than "whatever we have today".

Even on this board there are people defending the Middle Ages, claiming that it is better than in the present day.

I dunno if they are bots or government shills, but when Feudalism returns for real you will die and there is nothing you can do about it.

The rich and the church gets richer while you can have fun dying of rat plagues and being kept under the dark why does Europe have out of control rat plagues while China does not. (Notice the obsession with "bloodletting" as a solution to rat plagues)

The entire thing is fully normalized manufactured consent...and if you wonder why we are on the way to LGBT genderfluid hell, this is it.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember you, the free man, is on thin ice...because the script has declared your defeat.

Tear it down while you still can.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +1 / -0

The vice versa would be true for Trumpets somewhere else.

Wake up. If you depend on an election for change, the only change will come from Machete-wielding communist mass murderers or revolutionary-ran FEMA camps where one wrongthink can get you gassed.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is why the Jews prioritized on wiping out Nordic religion since they wiped out the Romans.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +2 / -1

You got it confused. Every Freemason said the Roman Emperors are insane and life under the Vatican is the most serene, ideal utopia ever.

Also the Freemasons were just one of the forms of the secret society, even before then they're called the Cult of Dionysus or the Knight Templars. Also B'nai B'rith, Talmudic Zionists, York Rites etc.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +2 / -1

"American independent Christianity" promotes tolerance and complacency, which is why our society is falling to the forces of evil and degeneracy. You either destroy evil or it corrupts and destroys you...

I am referring to the side that didn't. Those who are literally calling for crusades against the current about to be world order. Those who regularly get purged by Communists from Soviet Russia and the Khmer Rouge as their spiritual leaders betrayed and abandoned them.

That's not really true... The Old Testament Israelites only killed those spreading evil and degeneracy. Similarly, during the Middle Ages, the Church put down those same types of people... And rather reluctantly (the attempt was always made to convert and make several more attempts).

They literally invented ideological crimes that did not exist in Greece and Egypt, named the calendar over their savior, wrote all history books to paint everyone who opposes them as insane degenerates, invented Serfdom, indoctrinated people that they are born with original sin and deserve to die, starved billions of Europeans to death and refused to do anything during the Bubonic Plague and said that it is your fault rather than them destroying all hygiene systems, eradicated all historical records, forced Europeans to rediscover the world and once discredited went back up taking the form of Communists, Zionists, Globalists and anti-free will advocates masquerading as "Moral Guardians" and "pro-LGBT".

Note that during the medieval era Europe under the rule of the Vatican is the only place with issues with out of control Bubonic Plagues while it did not exist in any other big City in the world -- China has big cities and organic dynasties for literal millennia and the only way the rat plagues get imported there is when the Mongols got Bubonic Plague by literally invading Europe. This is not a coincidence regardless of who tells you, the establishment LOVE to keep this part a mystery.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +3 / -2

Christianity is a fulfillment of the Old Testament Israelite Faith, which continues in the Church.

Old Testament Israelite Faith sums up as "if you disagree with me I am straight-up killing you". It's the exact same thing as "American Judaism".

American independent Christianity, the watered-down version preaches standard human decency.

Mrexreturns -1 points ago +2 / -3

Christian faith comes from Jewish faith. What isn't is grassroots Christianity and modern American Christianity.

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