And the Day of the Nuke during WW3 is the merciful part when the NWO decided that we will have the big day.
The ones that survived will have it way worse.
If you rely on fake talking heads to do the "fighting" for you, This is just the beginning of the big day and you'll be the lucky one if you just died or get turned into a loaf of half-dying flesh in the nuclear fallout of Portland. You survive WW3, and the true nightmare begins.
Or even worse, you spawn things like Hitler whose goal is to be a reverse psychological pawn so the Zionists and Globalists have unprecedented control over humanity. Note that you cannot say the word "Negro" freely because it is racist... and it "coincidentally" happened after Hitler. Hmmm.
Do not assume ignorance -- the sheer level of incompetence is deliberate.
Christianity is not the lgbt of tomorrow (whatever that means)
It is the ideology built out of hatred and envy triumphing against the free will, rational thought, morality and human decency it hates and becoming normalized.
If they create self-improving AI with agency it will become a threat to the Elites, it's as valid of a conspiracy as Elites using earthquakes and tsunamis to destroy the control grids they set up for hundreds of years.
The killers are dumb but they are not that dumb.
And if you're wondering if Communists are Atheist institutions, no they are not.
Communism runs on the same basis as Judeo-Christianity but you replace the Pope and YHVH with Stalin. They pretend that they don't believe in God but it's the same Canaanite religion that blasted the entirety of Europe back into the stone age and replaced Western Civilization with Jewish Civilization (which gets acknowledged as the real Western Civilization, by the way) behind it with the exact same consequences. "If you disagree with our glorious leader you will die".
But the point is here.
If you don't realize what's really going on, changing genders will be like changing clothes, and whoever doesn't believe that there are more than 2 genders and the racial equality agenda will die.
Suprised that I'm not on this list.
If these are our only "saviors" we're pretty much fucked from the inside out. These people are only going to encourage more inclusivity and pretty much the same sort of practices the Internet has been denegerated into since the big UN acquisition.
No, the timing is way too convenient before some government busybodies won over humanity with plebian tricks.
You DO NOT hear of any sites using "2FA" prior to 2015. Simply unimaginable. Then the idea is there... and it stayed alongside the likes of free to play "games" and search engine censor algorithms.
Imagine even 15 years ago you have to pay after downloading or buying a video game or having to proofread every single artist to make sure they aren't posting AI art 4 years ago? Me not seeing it.
Aaron Schwartz is assassinated. They love to cover that up. It's a part of the UN's takeover and finale against the free man.
Sooner or later you get fired because you do not support mass death against people who speak against Globalists and Zionists. They don't care about race or creed, they only care about your screams.
UK? You mean the world?
Just replace black immigrants with Communists and narcissicists with god complexes.
They literally warned you and you let it run under the radar. Therefore, you have lost the info war and the new Internet Gods has shown us who is in charge of everything you know.
Anyone noticed they only started to do this after 2016 where the UN and the Big Tech Gods officially own the Internet and won the info war against man?
Yup anything invented or conveniently appeared after 2016 is a scam.
Oh right and we have certain states being literally unable to browse anime porn sites. Yup just like China.
And apparently, they are backpedalling HARD!!
But beware, the idea is already there.
You can say the same with Hindus/Indians as well.
Also Jews reskinned Semitism into Christianity to rain death, feudalism and mass regression into Europe. The Communist and LGBT agendas come next after people call their bullshit out.
They did this in Germany 1933, and there are still countless people falling for it.
They'll say that Christianity made Europe prosperous for 1,000 years after it took over Rome. What they actually did was to blast Europe back to the stone age and took over the useless serfs with Fedualism while parading their sugar-coated Blood God religion around as "truth". And when people call of their shit they infiltrated the secularist Renaissance-era movement and rebranded themselves as "Communists" and "Revolutionaries" while parroting none the less the same religious agenda. Even now there are people who believe in and defend this bullshit.
Now we're seeing a rehash of the entire thing around the corner with gender, racial and sexual equality.
while Christians recognize that the only spirt that is good, is the spirit of Jesus, also known as the holy Spirit, all other spirits are evil.
This is the most primary and insidious form of demonic thought. "If you disagree with me, you are evil and you will die". Yet people are so oblivious to it.
Government masquerading as patriots.
It is always a part of history and mostly a part of Jewish history