demonman64 1 point ago +1 / -0

also consider this -- assume you are in on one of the major conspiracies and are being goaded into violence for revenge over it.

EVEN IF you were theoretically capable of "doing something about it" you wouldnt be achieving anything at all -- what would you do get rid of one tiny piece of a giant well oiled machine that will just be repaired anyway? only to be captured and hurt or just killed?

there is no benefit in choosing to allow the fuse to stay lit. even if you get angry, fighting is never the way. dont be convinced because at best you're just a patsy and you change nothing in the overall picture. you wont end the conspiracy -- you'll just end yourself.

so again, always, choose flight its the right option. people calling you a pussy or holding you down where you are are goading you into having your fuse lit.

they'll want you to stay where you are -- they'll want you to dig your heels in and fight an impossible battle for territory that was never even yours to begin with.

i promise you flee, and cut the cords, and a new life awaits without them.

demonman64 1 point ago +1 / -0

everyone does this if you're loud with any real information.

even some of you guys do it in some cases obviously. everyone tries to push people who know things to violence over them. the goal is to make the individual feel crazy and go psychotic and like he said light the fuse making them feel cornered and helpless and in a fight or flight state.

personally i dont like you guys anyway because you dont accept im a christian and want to wide-scale persecute everyone who isnt you and also I suspect you also to be complicit in certain things that get covered up.

remember fight or flight -- be a pussy and flight. fighting is for suckers. you fight and then you go to jail, get discredited and the guards turn a blind eye while the insider gangs beat and rape you with impunity.

running is the mans way. dont listen to anyone else. fighting back against a conspiracy is a war you cant win so never be goaded to violence. you dont want to hurt yourself and you dont want to hurt others. you just want to leave peacefully.

fighting back is literally a trap meant to make you political propaganda as well as free sadism rape meat in jail.

its hilariously obvious because if you talk to people and tell them "I just want to leave" they fight you tooth and nail to keep you where you are. they want you to get mental help HERE. start your life HERE. dont leave the family. stay HERE. stay where we can watch and control you.

thats for fucking suckers. a smart man takes flight and cuts the strings. he doesnt listen to retards and insiders telling him to do the wrong thing. he'll go get help... somewhere else ;)

and you cant stop them! or convince them otherwise or to change their position in any way no matter what you do or say!

sorry for going off the plantation. im just smart and i made the right choices! god lets us have that free will even if people love impinging on it.

demonman64 1 point ago +1 / -0

problem with christianity since the establishment of the papal church of rome is the church itself not jesus or the base story of the bible.

they dont actually really "teach" the bible but just go over whatever passages are politically convenient and preach re-unification with the catholic church and shit.

and yes they support zionism however the truth is, the book does say someone would re-establish an evil israel that would be taken over by the antichrist.

the reason christians look to isreal is because -- if say, israel is defeated and the temple is never rebuilt, then jesus isnt returning and the religion is false.

before israel was re-established there didnt need to be an israel, but now that it has it has to stay for the religion to be real necessarily. because it wont get re-established twice.

the whole idea of the bible is that an evil cabal (not just of jews but of jews that SAY THEY ARE JEWS BUT ARE NOT which includes even christians, hindus, etc just anyone who lies about who they are in a double-life) would in fact re-establish israel.

that the messiah the jews were waiting for (the great war-hero that defeats the illuminati and people worship as a hero and god) is actually the antichrist tricking everyone.

essentially the bible is a story about the devil tricking his own followers to become a sacrifice for his deification.

the idea is satan had to set up an evil world regime for two reasons -- to make the people suffer under evil and worship the hero who defeats them and delivers them from evil -- as well as to have the sociological and technological capabilities in place to establish a single world government for this hero-dictator to rule.

the entire time the elite were never going to rule the world and everything they did to fulfill the prophecy was in vain since the antichrist will not be born to any one of them -- he will be someone of no importance that gets to power in an unapproved way outside the system.

the specific hero the conspiracy community is awaiting is the same as the messiah of the jews -- the one who delivers them by war from the illuminati and becomes the new god-hero of earth.

what the bible says is that after satan wins and deceives the whole earth into believing he is the god-hero who saved them from the illuminati -- then he will become an even worse dictator than the leaders we have now almost instantly like a personality switch.

the real messiah will come to destroy everyone left on earth at the end when this happens who swears fealty to him.

if you pay close attention the bible describes our system as being selected by the devil directly (i.e. satan set up the illuminati to rule us), such that they could eventually develop society to this point and then eventually the people would groan under their tyranny -- awaiting the same false messiah as the jews to save them.

satan plays both hero and villain. he sets up the evil so he can be the one to come in and "save" us to be worshipped as god. the very origin of problem-reaction-solution.

this is why at the very end only the VERY ELECT dont get deceived and most christians go to hell. they also think the hero is a great dude and only those with extreme wisdom will know they werent "saved" at all and everything is an illusion/conspiracy.

only those people who are cast out and killed and removed from society are saved, or those who disappear in the rapture. those who worship the "common good" are actually worshipping evil that tricked them via problem-reaction-solution. if you believe in the first set of visible miracles saving us, then you go to hell because these are not miracles but literally a long-term setup to trick everyone.

its basically like, say i set up a cartel and terrorize your community then i come in from the background and save you from my own cartel and its a trick the entire time. now you think im a hero when really i was the villain and you just directly placed me in power for believing i was your savior.

demonman64 1 point ago +1 / -0

im not going to join the illuminati i hate them ok.

this was just part of my investigation into trafficking and sex cults that nobody believes i did.

if i wanted to be evil i think i actually could but i have a fucking soul. i cant take advantage of/deceive/harm others. i was actually told by individuals online involved that i could get quite far if i did since i had knowledge from my investigation and past. but its something i would never do because I believe in Christ Jesus our savior and not in doing depraved things in secret.

but yes, in-group family first, then famous connected people who already know the secret world, then randoms like me who become "illumined" on their own.

the rest involved in these organizations are just front faces and nobodies involved in the face religion.

again no i have no proof to back up my claims but this is still my testimony before God and Christ Jesus

see the thing is you guys believe im schizo. but when i talk to those people they absolutely do not think im schizo at all, entirely believe me and we talk about it. its wild. at least if i dont spook them out and get gatekept.

at this point me and my friend that are running away have both made enemies with the local group, and at a higher level ive had invitations to join things like OTO as well as masonry, and he's had masonry invites.

im honestly mentally scarred from everything but returning to sanity and intend to get therapy if i can find it.

demonman64 3 points ago +3 / -0

ok so, in order to actually really become an insider without being born-into it, there is only one way. im not one, and dont intend to join or become one, but this is what i've got from my current experience and interviews with people.

joining an illuminati branch organization does not illuminate you and yes -- you are just a normal frat bro there. and not even a full frat bro with access to the secret parties, drugs, or connections.

in order to actually become illuminati -- first you must become illumined through the course of your life outside any organization at all. for example before becoming famous and joining an occult organization, Snoop Dogg became illumined through street crime by being a human trafficker thus having knowledge of the secret world.

once you can see the secret world, then you have the option of potentially attempting to become illuminati from the outside. if you joined an organization like the masons or... other branches of these occult kabbalist schools, the real secrets will only be imparted to you if you're already illumined to the things the organizations front for.

so like, if you joined a magick cult in order to do certain wild things you may have heard rumors of, you wont ever be invited, unless you actually really DO actually KNOW KNOW about it, then if you joined you'd have the potential to mutually target other people involved via mutual detection radar (similar to how gay people can tell each other out, or drug users know how to find drugs, etc.)

this would actually potentially get you involved in whatever secret aspect of the organization is covered up.

otherwise yes you are a nobody off the street who just joined and is part of the cover.

if you're already illumined you're going to "See" things about certain people and pick up on certain words used and other things. this is going to be the test of actually involving you or not.

demonman64 2 points ago +2 / -0

my opinion is, there are too many cooks in the kitched, offshoot occult groups, and trainers that arent good enough anymore to be "in on it"

this has led to too many people in on it at a low/mid level and this has in turn led to too many information leaks and thus there really is no "secret subculture" anymore to a lot of people.

thats why we all know about the satanic system lol

demonman64 3 points ago +3 / -0

i have a deep fucking hate for these people. unlike you guys this shit is a personal mission for me.

i loved someone a long time ago who gave me hints i didnt understand, thought they were in a kink group. reality is they were groomed and being trafficked by their parents and temporarily quit being a sex slave and got extreme punishment at home for it and i never knew. dated me for love and left entirely regardless of the risk.

at the end she told me one day id understand, shed "left" for me, and had already given me knowledge that she had a secret double life before we me. i found out when i met someone else and thought it was just a group so i told them the breadcrumbs she gave to me.

and the day came i understood because i found out that other girl was the same and got more information, then i went online and got banned from half the internet interviewing people, getting trust in the communities, finding people who would break secrecy and help me along figuring things out. after i started really researching the cults, grooming rings/traffickers/parents, i ended up getting banned again.

anyway hope im not targeted for life now. but i wish death upon all groomers and traffickers. i know what kind of pain that must be firsthand.

demonman64 1 point ago +1 / -0

listen man i have someone coming with me.

thing is a long time ago i had this girlfriend who became a hooker and i blamed everything on myself but she said weird breadcrumb shit and that one day id understand.

in reality she wanted me to figure out she was being trafficked by her family in outcalls and clubs and had actually left and accepted some sort of punishment for this.

she was literally a bondage sex slave and i was unaware of this because of the family operation nature of it and the seemingly normal life with a job, middle class home, etc. she just left for awhile probably to be happy :(. looking back now i know her family must have groomed her with abuse since early childhood but i didnt know at the time.

i ended up figuring this out when someone else approached me and i just assumed "oh same kink group whatever" and told them the breadcrumbs i had. actually nope, major upscale human trafficking operation in the area. now im exposed.

i still didnt fully understand so i went online and investigated everything getting banned off half the internet for pissing off gatekeepers to that entire subculture and other trafficking organizations online. i ended up finding people in the community to help get information from on discord and even investigating ped groomers before i got banned.

anyway, i do have to leave. whether you want to believe this or not. at least the local area.

ive had political enemies for years who believe i owe them for a year of their hooker who dated me and didnt tell me and wouldnt even let my life go on that well here after 10 years. i was checked up on and then SERIOUSLY targeted after that. I did know what it was about so i told the one kid gangstalking me and he shut the fuck up fast.

and now im super widely exposed. its possible even moving wont stop it now because i may have increased the targeting exponentially by investigating.

its a case your belief or my survival ability dont matter much. leaving is what must be done. it is simply not a choice. if i manage to not be targeted forever then i might be able to go on living a life of some sort somewhere else. but even if nobody cares about me, i still cant do it here. im literally socially blacklisted with an actual powerful enemy somewhere in the area.

in their eyes i stole a groomed working girl from a pretty high level operation in this area for a year. i had no idea. they hate me and probably believe i owe them some huge amount that will never be paid lol. also information control failed, so i know and im not supposed to know.

demonman64 1 point ago +1 / -0

i actually converted and tried to repent my sins,

however i stood for the first time in a public in a decade and there comes another one right for me. this time i knew everything in advance but i wasnt sure it was true.

so i let her in so i could find out and i did. and they found out what wanted that i know everything. so we both got the intel we wanted i guess.

but idk man what i got tied in is kinda messed up. but its not my fault apparantly i was semi programmed by this secret society so i have like initiatory entry level basic knowledge because i was exposed to it.

i never meant to and in the future i will attempt to avoid interactions

demonman64 1 point ago +1 / -0

i was trying to find help to see how much danger i was in having accidentally gotten involved with some kinda prostitution club ring

demonman64 0 points ago +1 / -1

you never heard of pimps before?

pimps addict people to drugs. pimps recruit. there are secret nightlife clubs run by pimp organizations

this is all real and obviously real. i dont understand why you cant believe got caught up by accident.

the problem is in order to experience with this you need to be in a specific subculture and you need to be connected.

the problem is a worker from the highest echelon deceived me into letting them into letting them into my life. so thats how this happened i came out knowing almost everything without being part of it.

and the way it was its very likely since i was allowed to know, made better at sex, not fucked around on, given preferential treatment never expected to provide money objects or drugs.

idk whats happening but it scares me

demonman64 1 point ago +1 / -0

it is actually true, idk what the intention was with me but i know they treat normal daylife boyfriends different than how i was in the past.

for me it was like a cover sex teacher i knew was a sex teacher but didnt entirely understand at the time i was encouraged to use more drugs with her and get hooked. i was like allowed sorta to have initiatory knowledge leaked to me and i wasnt fucked around on so idk if they really "left" or it was a job.

someone in that town actually quietly covertly suggested both interactions were a setup on me. im inclined to believe it.

when i looked at this person idk how i detected them but it was like reading symbology in a secret society like i looked and "read" it. and they could tell something about me before getting info me. they said I seemed "secretive" and when they could detect me and how after using inside information to like do the illuminati handshake (actually girl literally said it was an illuminati test not joking)

they stopped pretending i was schizo at a point and admitted it because i do have inside info. it was not hallucinations or voices it was because im actually connected to this group for real because of the past setup.

ruined my life for 12 years and isolated me and gave me HSV. some of the people i found out were their associates actually were the people in town who were harassing me, stealing my mail and slandering me for years ever since that time 12 years ago.

i was actually getting info good for awhile so idk how but it may be low levels in my area dont like me and the organization itself might have interest in me as a worker or something idk. that or they were testing me to see how much i knew which is definitely too much. basically things went south when they talked to their associates in my town -- who know and hate me. this tipped them off and they said "our connections are too close"

i knew this would happen of course because i am connected to them from the previous event and have always suspected them of this specifically.

its hard to tell anyone because they think im schizophrenic and they think this of anyone who says it. the doctors then give you diagnosis and your testimony becomes not credible and law enforcement and mental health professionals refuse to believe this exists. it does. 100%. i absolutely proved it beyond any shadow of doubt i just have no hard evidence since i couldnt record everything you know.

i actually do want help because this shit traumatizes me i aint moved on in 12 years and have been miserable ever since.

all the people on here who like laugh at me say shit. none of you are legit. you believe in epstein right? why are private secret sex clubs so crazy?

you know pimps do addict hookers to make them slaves right? and also they do recruit people right? so like why is this crazy?

i even keep telling my therapist i aint on drugs and i do take my meds and my story wont change. the meds wont help. i wont stop being afraid.

its not paranoia when someone is really after you because you got connected to organized crime. like actually yes the second im in a new place i'll feel safer outside and not agoraphobic. the paranoia will subside. this is the reason for it.

i yelled at my therapist yesterday i told him im not making the next appointment im scared and im leaving. i'll get somewhere else. accused me of being on meth because i was freaking out having an episode because im scared.

like i have gotten people online to talk a few. most tell me to keep my mouth shut. we dont talk about that. and one person told me to get outta here.

the problem with this is i accidentally somehow became an initiate in a subculture and wider set of secret societies. now most of the time these societies are not bad or anything its just weird sex shit people do consensual. i have no problem with this. most of the places im talking about are run with hookers and you pay to enter and probably tip idk i dont do that this was an accident.

some people live that life voluntarily because they enjoy it as a career and i have nothing against them

in this case tho i saw drugs being used in a way that made people desperate and probably enslaved to this situation.

demonman64 0 points ago +1 / -1

i been on meds its hard even to convince a doctor i may or may not be an actual targeted individual

because i really am connected to a prostitution ring actually. i have inside knowledge on a private extreme sex club like some hunter biden shit man. i got deceived into being connected to it years ago and it ruined my life.

idk if it was incidental another one tried to "figure me out" but it was the same specific group.

I cannot prove it to you since i did not video record every conversation and event that i saw.

it is possible they wont come after me and i am paranoid about it, but its real and within weeks of me reappearing in public someone shows up and checks on me

demonman64 2 points ago +2 / -0

im still fairly positive its true. I think the reasons I said in concert with the political ones we already know about here are the real reason reddit is such a cesspit on literally every subreddit (with the exception of support groups)

its why even the people seem like bots (they act like them)

demonman64 2 points ago +2 / -0

whoever is in control of a subculture generally controls the subreddits. that is the problem as they gatekeep information this way.

the real truth is, you are supposed to have the answers to the questions you want to ask before asking -- to prove initiation into said thing. read my comment about sex clubs and the weird conflict I ended up in for context.

thats whats happening. for example, on the THC subreddits its mostly marijuana shop owners advertising product (thats why they smoke such lavish $500 hits and crazy shit on there) -- its not a normal guy using, its an advertiser looking cool trying to sell the oil pictured.

the political subreddits are run by political arms. the only genuine subreddits are support groups as in a support group things are different and the people in the subculture are all in it together (say we have a disease)

this is why the rules are so stringent on what you can post. they are specifically written such that topics that are taboo and meant only for the initiated cannot be asked about and people dont leak information.

in the case of economic subreddits (game subreddits, any subreddit about something for sale) the rules are written to prevent DIY information and things that impact the profit of the business (its meant to SELL product not get people to MANUFACTURE their own at cost for example)

for me, I learned shit from experience in person, so there arent as many safeguards. especially if you catch someone in the wild off guard with nobody who knows you around lol. that one was funny.

if you guys actually read my long crazy posts and get past the weird psycho shit, I really have exposed to you how reddit speech control is functioning and that in fact more subreddits than you know are hiding different secrets.

another fun one is the suboxone subreddit -- and since most suboxone doctors are crooked, and most prescribed patients abuse it by injecting to stretch supply and sell it on the street to pay for doctor visits+profit... if you go on there and say hey "people are doing <what i said above>" everyone denies it flatly and again brigades you off.

because you are threatening their little secret side gig and their little secret subculture by threatening their source of income by exposing them.

demonman64 1 point ago +1 / -0

if they knew of this account I have here, they would probably find this and start harassing me again because like I said "we dont talk about that" and I talk about it.

hey, im not in on it officially, and after being harassed fuck them i say what I want. remember I never took an oath of secrecy, im the result of leaking information. im not officially in on the eyes wide shut shit myself. Im just technically in on it.

technically now that im closer to officially in on it and have been told not to talk about it directly and acknowledged that does mean I kind of am putting myself in hot water talking about it.

but seriously fuck them its not that big of a deal. "well, i understand dated one of us, he didnt know" is over for me now so people probably would get mad on a wider scale if I keep putting shit on blast.

I no longer have the excuse since in no uncertain terms I was told once "more secret than drugs" then again "we dont talk about this" by someone else.

demonman64 2 points ago +2 / -0

in some of the hobby subreddits they actually protect small conspiracies.

Ok so I have a story for you about controlling speech on reddit in a way you probably didnt think of.

so I had this issue -- I happen to have dated a psycho BDSM club girl a long time ago so I happen to know all about those secret sex clubs even though I never was part of that. I saw someone, ended up calling them out on it thinking it was chill since obviously im in on it for some reason right? wrong.

people they knew who knew me, hated me and started gangstalking/harassing me (they were drug dealers and shit I know from the past). apparantly me calling her out as a domme at secret BDSM clubs when I wasnt really supposed to know about the clubs was like a huge deal.

so I went on reddit on the BDSM subreddits and Im just trying to talk to people be like "how serious is this shit im in? is it just some local shitheads dont like me or is some crazy gang of drug dealers from a secret sex club coming after me"

I basically got blocked and banned quickly as you said, but oddly some people wanted to talk about it a little in the comments before they did. and one person actually DM'd me and talked to me a bit about things and life and warned me basically "never talk about this again. we arent supposed to talk about this"

so yeah, basically every subreddit management is either part of a secret subculture related to that subreddit and is actually hiding insider information from people, or they are business owners advertising their product, or they are shills.

the entire site is controlled. and even the sections controlled by people might as well be controlled by gangs.

if you ever have a question you need to ask seriously about a topic (like I did) you are not allowed or able to ask.

people on discord and independent people betray that secret all the fucking time tho. so I dont get it. its not like i was asking "where the club at" "get me an invite" etc. nope. just knowing about it was too much. enough to actually get people to cyberstalk and gangstalk me -- but that was because they didnt like me.

probably a combo of shit my ex said and people being jealous about that whole bullshit back then (they shouldnt I got herpes, yeah sex was good not worth it in the end really)

either way, i figured you'd enjoy learning about another thing you cant talk about on reddit but people on reddit know about but if you arent officially in on it you cant talk about it even if you know all about it and are technically in on it like me.

demonman64 1 point ago +1 / -0

there is evidence for being an antivaxxer.

for one, one of the real subreddits I actually go to is an STD support group subreddit (all real people who have herpes, because its a support group it actually is a real subreddit still). if you search /r/hsvpositive you can find many posts talking about how people previously asymptomatic suddenly started having frequent outbreaks that didnt stop after the shot.

this is pretty much really good anecdotal evidence that it does in fact weaken your immune system (since previously their immune system fought it perfectly)

for more anecdotal evidence... I never got the shot, never got covid even once. never took precautions at all. I even had unprotected sex with a girl who got covid like 3 times (she took the shot) and Im still fine.

so I actually dont think it passes through unprotected sex as Ive seen no changes in myself for over a year now. never got sick still.

but everyone who got the shot seems to have had covid like 2-4 times and complains about how many times they've had it.

from what im seeing you're more likely to catch covid IF you got the shot. so Im like firmly convinced its just an immune system destroyer. and not just from "propaganda" online. but actual paying attention to shit around me.

demonman64 1 point ago +2 / -1

i typed a psycho rant but i'll shorten it and make it sane.

even if you got rid of the federal reserve by legislation, they still legally own everything so not only is it not politically possible as they have leverage over the citizens through employment and ownership of land/business, but even if we printed our own currency we do not redistribute the assets that were stolen under a capitalist system.

this is why I agree with socialist redistribution and disagree with most of you neo-fascists who want to keep the economy capitalist.

I think we could RETURN to capitalism after a vanguard dictatorship fixes the problems and creates a new money printing system and replaces the entire economy to employ people under non-bank-owned businesses.

you would not only have to print new real backed money, but also consider all previous economic activity "invalid by reason of rigging and treason".

this means some sort of socialist redistribution policy is absolutely necessary.

say tomorrow the fed owners and all their families somehow got sick and died simultaneously and nobody could inherit 2/3 of all property on earth. thats a real problem and the government itself would have to inherit that property and maintain/manage it.

you could redistribute it to the government itself (Soviet style that didnt work), or you could be more similarish to china where you actually redistribute it to trusted advisors which is still rigged but worked better than soviet style as its still privately run just in the interest of the collective under the direction of the state.

but im suggesting neither. Im suggesting we find qualified people to inherit the properties, put their names in a hat, and raffle off 90% of property on earth (where people who get a chance at the raffle are specifically qualified for the position they are taking over i.e. you inherit a pharmaceutical company's property -- this means only chemists, doctors, and pharmacists get their names in the hat for the position)

this does make it so eventually you can return to a capitalist system and it can run like fascism did -- where the new private owner is temporarily submissive to the all-powerful vanguard dictatorship, but still has rights over that property.

my idea is that the businesses and wealth were essentially stolen property. so by raffling it off to the current social castes who would otherwise have owned that property, we can "set things right" and eventually once life stabilizes, end the caesar's dictatorship and restore a republic with actual voting rights.

but you need a period of re-education and redistribution before that is possible, to teach the public what was wrong, why it was wrong, the real secret history and to correct the lies they were told to keep the former criminal system going.

so basically you require some sort of communism, even if its temporary, some kind of socialism in order to fix the damage they caused.

its not because I want to go to your garage and redistribute your garage. or go to your farm and redistribute your farm.

no theres a specific pool of money from a very specific small group of people I would want to redistribute. basically the assets owned by congress' dirty inside trading and the federal reserve families.

im basically saying take back all the taxes and pay them to someone else. well not the taxes themselves but the lands, etc. as much of it as you can. the foreign investments you just end previous alliances split from the UN and stop trading completely. nations like UK will be considered what Russia and China are now and we can possibly form an axis power with russia and china actually under new management they may accept a deal to do so, along with forgiving national debt, in exchange for IP rights and businesses owned by the previous overlords.

like we can give them Intel, AMD, Nvidia, and all rights to the intellectual property and physical property located in previously american-owned businesses located in mainland china. we make this deal and our hardball for them is that it also comes with some rare earth mineral rights they own so we can rebuild our own economy.

I actually believe china and russia might be willing to join with us to create the ultimate axis superpower -- since china owns its own central bank and Im pretty sure russia manages their own economy as well... that means that us turning on our allies and the bank-controlled nations probably puts us in "enemy of my enemy" territory. also our diplomatic relations will be much more friendly and basically the opposite of the previous regime.

if the three biggest superpowers all split from central bank control (even if they just run their own equally bad competing central bank like china) and became a neo-axis power, then the remaining allied nations would stand no chance if we went to war -- we'd still get weapons from russia and china and goods in this case even though we sold out the economy to them for freedom -- so together we'd pretty much be an unstoppable force that the rest of europe wouldnt be able to stop. if they ever did anything to one of us we could pincer attack them and just seize the rest of the world and split it up 3 ways.

remember also that the fed doesnt own all of the debt, at this point china owns another big fraction of it. so we'd need a deal with china to clear that debt, and it would be most beneficial if we could negotiate the terms I said and ally instead of continuing to fight.

demonman64 2 points ago +2 / -0

i deleted my post because it does sound like insane schizoposting.

demonman64 3 points ago +3 / -0

i wish they were something actually cool.

demonman64 -4 points ago +1 / -5

hold on brb infiltrating churches.

also I control the weather

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