Charitably, I think you're problem is that you're using a different meaning of "collapse" than the rest of humanity.
"Where is your discernment"
I see a man in a glass house throwing a stone.
Do you really think MAGA types are going to NOT think this was strung out over a year or more to spy on conservatives?
I couldn't agree more.
Please refrain from your shotgun fallacy. I will only reply to your first sentence.
My example is the existence of AIPAC.
It's Las Vegas. Every time you go into a casino, they are tracking your every movement, gait, face, and penny you spend or win.
It's politics, there is no consistency and principles in politics almost the entire world over, and never has there been historically. War is just politics by other means.
To define "meddle" let us define what it is not: Only the citizens of a nation should have a say, in the case of place that allows voting that is, with the decision-making process of who their next leader may be. Of course, outside the country in question, people can say whatever they want. They just don't have right to have anything to do with the decisions of the people who make those decisions...they have no skin in the game.
And yes, by this definition, it would include Romanians pretending to be Americans to complain that Americans should worry less about Russians and more about Jews. You'll never catch me pretending to be Romanian.
You're lying by pretending to be American.
I never said countries should be "forbidden" to meddle in other's elections I said they shouldn't meddle in a sane world. You have a real problem with lying, because you're lying now about what I wrote.
Finally, the Jews are a problem to the US (of course they are!), just as China and Russia are as well, and just as the US is to Russia and China when the US meddles in their affairs.
I'm trying to be charitable, but lying Romanians like you make it difficult.
What do you mean by "our"? You're not American.
No foreign country should meddle in any other country's elections, and in a saner world they wouldn't.
Their goal, ironically, was to create more dissention on the right, to help the weak-ass Kamala win....because she'd be a clown pushover compared to Putin.
And to keep the right, such as it is, from being coherent, and getting actual policy change.
Classic KGB stuff here folks.
Who did I lose it to?
Silly goose, it's not a wager. A "bet" also means a choice. My choice on the why.
Bet: "a person, plan of action, etc., considered as being a good alternative; choice: Your best bet is to sell your stocks now."
I'm more than willing to admit I was wrong, being human it happens from time to time. But be precise, if you can.
Moving the goalposts again, eh? Well, you might not know that the entire "second world" collapsed like dominoes after the Soviet Union fell. Moreover, you're ignorant that the entire world's post WWII Breton Woods system is teetering on the brink.
I could look up his bio. Suicide, wrongly or not, I'm asking for your opinion on the interviewer. I have never of him before.
I won't disagree that Israel should get the same treatment.
The point still remains...or in other words, "why not both?"
Have you read the DOJ indictments?
If they didn't matter, why have the propaganda in the first place?
Matter to who?
We are in a recession right now, but nobody has the guts to come out and say it before the election.
I just saw that they arrested the dad of the shooter. I suspect because the shooter used a gun dad bought.
They are going to use this case go after parents to make an example, again.
Lots of people.
What prompted this post:
You know why I think this one is real? Because it bet it's a black shooter since we've not seen his picture yet.
I agree with you, except I think you're confusing different interpretations of Scripture (there are 40,000 denominations after all) as shilling, which is silly.