It's more likely than not a giant data center.
Another order has been put out for the MLK, RFK, and JFK files.
No, they were real, and planned so that Israel could retaliate without due proportion in order to continue their genocide.
It's bad logic, an immediate turn off.
Not to mention it has a used car salesman ring to's "guaranteed to blow your mind". Feh. We are all skeptics here and I assure you, unless someone here sees an angel, their mind isn't going to be blown by anything they see on here.
It slices, it dices, it reorientates your entire understand of recorded human history properly. There's nothing it can't do!
Anyway, thanks for the TLDR. I'm tired of people complaining about the jews and I want to see what can be done about it rather than restate the problem endlessly.
Jokes on me then. What's excluded, pre-Columbian religious practices, the length of the 100 years war, who's buried in Grant's tomb?
Thou shalt not suffer a woman to teach.
What's the TLDR version of why or how "everything" you know about history is wrong?
Bold claim.
Wrong. My reply was just lazy.
Your post titles still suck.
Gregor Mendel
Your title sucks.
Francis Bacon
I'll stay with the standard definition of things. And even when it restricts their personal freedom? The history of the world says otherwise. All it would take is one Napoleon who wanted his Josephine.
I give you the last word.
I would never have made that connection.
Yep. You're "micro cucked" if she's not a virgin.
I don't know the biology of how this happens, but I bet.
"....and that wine may cheer the heart of man. That he may make the face cheerful with oil: and that bread may strengthen man's heart." Psalm 104
Gluttony was always sin, but the Bible also tells us that a wine used to promote cheer is acceptable.
You're redefining the word free to suit your own argument.
Even St. Paul says to test the spirits and to retain what's good.
When pentacostals and others babble in tongues...
Because such people break restraints upon them by their nature.
If you have location services enabled on your phone, while not actively using the map app while driving, you get what you deserve.
What trains AI?