Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree, and what makes this way more difficult is objective reality on a whole host of topics is essentially unknowable. Much has to be taken on faith, either religious, or faith in those teaching you.

Mad_King_Kalak 3 points ago +3 / -0

"oh so you trust the CDC now, huh?!?! Answer my question, huh huh huh!!!"

Something like that.

Mad_King_Kalak 4 points ago +4 / -0

NumbaZero, he will keep moving the goalposts further and further away, that unless you have a CDC report saying "we did X number of autopsies on Y number of bodies, and we can confidently say that Z number of them died of the vax" he will shout "source!" again and again.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your grasp on logic is tenuous at best. Are you Albanian?

You may not have made the conscious choice to think "this thing that was said about Trump must be true" but by assuming Trump is lying as you do about this specific thing, the inverse, therefore, is that the hearsay is true.

Oh mon ami, I feel sorry for you. Go see Deadpool this weekend and try to forget yourself, it will help.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

TallestShill? Is that you with an alt?

VPNguy: When did you stop beating your wife?

Now, answer me. Why do you assume that those who say Fink was going to be Treasury Sec. were telling the truth?

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0


Why won't you answer my question?

I asked why you think his opponents, you know, the ones that said he would choose Fink, were telling the truth?

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Plenty of Jews yes. Blah blah, Zion Don, I'm not disagreeing with an apropos moniker.

But why believe it without evidence?

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do you assume his opponents are telling the truth?

Mad_King_Kalak 2 points ago +2 / -0

Huh, seems to me you have to explain building 7, that burned for over 8 hours, was a records repository full of paper, and had a generator and a large amount of diesel fuel in the basement, as something other than a building that burned for 8 hours prior to Lucky Larry telling the fire department to pull the response.

Mad_King_Kalak 0 points ago +1 / -1

He could be lying. But it's equally as plausible, because those who are against him are also pathological liars, that both are lying, or he was lied about.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, the Zion Don moniker fits, but this was disinfo and the people who dislike Trump because of his ties to the Jews fell for it.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine having such a case of TDS that you think every lie about him is true?

The sword cuts both ways, mon ami.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +2 / -1

At 43 seconds into the video, you see the first tower fall sideways a bit, at maybe a 30 degree angle, towards where the plane hit.

The real conspiracy folks was the Jews doing it and Bush letting it happen. They muddied the water really, really well.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

You think pride's only effect is anger? Oh, my friend. Pride's surest and deadliest effect is surety in your own righteousness.

You want to debate your heresies, make another thread. Quit throwing red herrings about.

Mad_King_Kalak -3 points ago +1 / -4

Gay, you're going to have to post some actual evidence, as this could just as much be a vax death, or an actual normal death.

Mossad may be evil, but they are not under every rock and tree.

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