SystemGay 4 points ago +4 / -0

(((Laura Zionist Loomer))) is MIGA and pro-genocide. She is well liked in (((TDW/GAW))) communities.

SystemGay 1 point ago +3 / -2

:) He went after me, too. I made a post about it here. I am not a fan of blocking users; however, I tend to ignore them.

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Full debate, if anyone is interested.


“I Am NOT A Holocaust Denier” SHOWDOWN! Rabbi Shmuley vs Candace Owens

What is one of the detrimental effects of living among people who never learned the difference between right behavior & wrong behavior? - Such revolting filth as this rabbi shmooly enjoys police protection, while innocent people are violently attacked, stolen from, kidnapped & imprisoned. You need not harm or deceive anyone to have this hell brought down upon you. Evil cockroaches like shmooly could not live freely among us & lie so boldly without a morally bankrupt police force to protect him. They won’t protect you or I from the genocidal policies that are killing & bankrupting our loved ones, but they will protect shmooly because none of them have a clue who they really work for nor where our society is being taken.

I’m sure most of you will agree with this sentiment, so why am I the only person talking about it?

Last time I uploaded a Piers Morgan video, I wrote a lengthy piece to express my disgust with his support & promotion of multiple state-sanctioned genocide operations. In this video, Piers has really changed his tune in a big way. It's probably just a coincidence, but if someone out there is going to the trouble of sharing my articles with the people I write about, I hope I get to thank you properly someday. 🙏

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzogU1RncbU

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

The gist was that he tried to decide how posts should be submitted here (with summary) and when votes are not authentic (on one of your posts). He confronted you for an explanation to that vote manipulation.

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sometimes I do not see the point of arguing with MAGA or MIGA tards. It matter not how obvious the facts are, the vast majority of them will continue to ignore the (((elephant))) in the room.

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tim Pool's videos are always on the front page of BitChute. He is one of the top influencers there.


(((Win/Scored))) used to promote Tim Pool Counterculture, lol. It even categorized (((TDW))) as the right wing politics on this platform. That was pretty hilarious.

SystemGay 3 points ago +3 / -0

This guy talks kind of slow, you might want to play it at 1.5x speed. It is worth listening in the background.

SystemGay 3 points ago +3 / -0

The subject of genocide in the Gaza is a great litmus test to see if their loyalty lies with israel no matter what.

SystemGay 3 points ago +3 / -0

Friend or not, I do appreciate people who try their best to speak out the truth.

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

We see this pattern often: discredit people who don't support the preffered side.

The terrorist state of israel is committing genocide. This bitchute channel calls out the top Zionist influencers who are silent on genocide. Schlomos be like, you try to discredit my (((people))).

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Link post to orginal: https://conspiracies.win/p/1994kH3u2S/

Again, thanks for re-posting, schlomo.

Smoke&Mirros is a throwaway account set up to make sure things like this don't go viral.

Is it because he is anti-Semitic at pointing out the big-channel influencers dominating the front page for years? I like that channel, for he who was the first to call out the influencers silent on genocide in Gaza. Oy, you need (((big channels))) to go viral; otherwise, you are a limited hangout.

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0


Thanks for re-posting my post, schlomo.

Original post


W​ow, (((A​ma​zo​n))) i​s in​te​rf​er​in​g i​n th​e ​U​S​ e​le​ct​io​n.

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

@AmazingPolly has an episode on this (((New Narrative Gatekeepers Network))) that pointed out the top influencers. Here is a screenshot taken on early this year.

I also collected BitChute's front page and sorted out the top influencers between 2023-12-19 to 2024-01-27. You can view the screenshot here. All Tim Pool's videos were pushed onto the front page, see the top 25 users.

SystemGay 4 points ago +5 / -1

I like this bitchute channel that calls out influencers who are silent on genocide.

search term, channel

Edit: the list of influencers.


The list ..
Katie Hopkins, Mahyar Tousi, Tommy Robinson, GB News, Calvin Robinson, Lawrence Fox, Lotus eaters, Douglas Murray, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Piers Morgan, Timcast IRL - Tim Pool, Rebel News, Avi Yemeni, Russell Brand, Dan Bongino, Steve Bannon and the War Room, Newsmax, VivaFrei [David Freiheit], Mel K, Pete Santilli, Lara Logan

SystemGay 1 point ago +2 / -1

:) Sometimes you sound like that u/Uncle_Noticer guy. I thought that was funny. Thanks for the suggestion.

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

SuicideTruthbomber 1 points2 days ago

Nope. Just a little more free time last month. But I'm not the one reveling in how I'm able to dupe the "conspiratards."

What gave you away to me was how more than one account invoked my account name in a negative way to ensure I got the messages. I know they hate me.

You are the one that bears the mark of a seasoned account. It would not surprise me one bit that you run on multiple accounts.

SystemGay 1 point ago +2 / -1

SuicideTruthbomber 1 points2 days ago

Nah, you're part of the shill team that is getting laughs shoving it in our faces that they are the true "influencers" in the place they aim to wreck. I'll still talk about what I want to talk about, even if you've driven most of the users out. That's why both sockpuppet accounts are attacking me.

Projecting much? Is that why your account got activated recently?

SystemGay 1 point ago +2 / -1

Please keep me out of it.
EDIT: And if you haven't figured it out yet, they're flexing. Do you think anyone other that shills using Microsoft Teams keep social media statistics like this?

This was a habit that I picked on Voat.co. My intent is to preserve the information. If someone was flip-flopping or subverting a board, I could look it up. I have used it to expose sites, such as votal.net, wolfballs.com, and poal.co. And I am not the only one exposing those sites.

SystemGay 2 points ago +3 / -1

I apologize if I over-reacted. IRL responsibilities are taking up most of my spare times these days. I do not stick around as I used to. However, I tend to keep the videos playing in the background. I share them when I find them somewhat interesting.

Regarding the bots, I have started breaking up the keywords using [ ] ( ) or ZW spaces. So far I have not seen that free-xx bot following my posts. I also do not see the point of creating new communities. This place puts them in Politics jail. The admin even took my friend u/JosephGoebbels5's communities off the mobile apps. The reach is extremely limited.

No, I did not finish reading your entire post earlier.

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many hours on average do you spend producing the song? What percentage of the process is automated?

Edit: If I remember correctly, you have an active bitchute channel. I forgot to bookmark it.

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