I. only assets. Land, gold, silver, and the most important my soul and my believe in the creator. Money, land , everything can go, so it is important to care for your inner self.
I'll always be in debt unfortunately. It's not much compared to others but it's all debt as long as fiat money is involved. Paper money is debt and I have that as well.
The corporate wars aren't that far off, if you have outstanding debt I reckon you'll be pressed into service. FYI Taco bell army wins the whole thing 🤣
I feel sympathy for people who believe the goal of their life is collecting things What a shallow existence, like looking at the surface of the ocean and thinking its entirely barren.
I was doing ok, before getting poisoned. I havent been able to keep a steady job, let alone full time since then.
I feel like the energizer bunny and everyday my batteries drain a bit more. Cant last forever.
You think id be worry about the future, but I dont worry to much because I feel like im gonna be ded soon. I dont think your supposed to run around with super low phosphorous for years.
I already own nothing, have no privacy, and I dont fucking love it, at all.
Seeing people like the fuckers that work at the college of physicians with their fancy cars and laughing all day. Fucking makes me sick. The divide here in halifax is insane. I dont know what places like san francsico are like, but there is something extra disgusting about homeless camps next to million dollar homes.
I guess trudeau was knocking on doors around here, hes welcome to knock on mine, I know exactly what I would tell him.
That's not their debt though. At most a renter is only on the hook for the rent payments for whatever contract period they signed up for. And that's not debt, just a liability.
Generally, being in debt is only morally acceptable when there is a tangible object that can be recovered by the lender in case of nonpayment of be debtor.
And since you always need a place to live, this liability, which never goes away, unlike a mortgage which can be paid off, puts you as a renter in an immoral situation that is never resolved. It's also why property taxes are immoral, as it means you never truly own what's necessary to survive, which is shelter.
And there are times it makes even moral sense to rent, such as military service where you live 4-6 years in one location.
Oh, we have a jew here, holding up a mirror, telling us he finds debt perfectly morally fine.
Debt = slavery
You know what makes a slave, the never see the product of their labor. The work and the fruits of their sweat goes to their masters. If you have debt, the fruits of your labor go to someone else.
"morals" don't exist. Santa Claus doesn't exist either, sorry to tell you.
Jews do exist and they use the banking system to enslaves idiots. Same kind of idiots who simplify complex relationships down to absolute platitudes. ^^^
If there is no objective morality, then there is nothing but raw power that decides what is right or wrong, or more aptly, that there is no right or wrong.
Exodus 22:25 – “If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him.”
Leviticus 25:35-37 – “If your brother becomes poor and cannot maintain himself with you, you shall support him as though he were a stranger and a sojourner, and he shall live with you. Take no interest from him or profit, but fear your God that your brother may live beside you. You shall not lend him your money at interest nor give him your food for profit.”
Psalm 15:5 – “Who lends money to the poor without interest; who does not accept a bribe against the innocent. Whoever does these things will never be shaken.”
Lend all your money to poor third worlders without interest, then. At least Leviticus qualifies it as having to be your brother. Christians read this stuff and foolishly think they owe third worlders charity when their own kids are struggling.
Dave Ramsey brought me to a new level. Live like no one else so you can live like no one else
...you gave credit/creed to stand-under another, while taking on a burden/debt upon self...ba dum tss.
It's a simple method. You may not get as wealthy as quickly, but it's sustainable
I. only assets. Land, gold, silver, and the most important my soul and my believe in the creator. Money, land , everything can go, so it is important to care for your inner self.
/me waves
I have a ton of debt on appreciating assets and income producing property, leverage is truly the way to get ahead in life.
When you get real good write derivatives.
Using your ball and chain as a means of propulsion. It works until it doesn't.
Trees don''t grow into the sky either.
Be smart and buy (borrow) money when it is cheap and/or inflation is high. Sell money when it is expensive and/or in deflation.
Corollary to the above, live well below your means and continually build or create something.
Hope this is not personal debt and you are at least shielded by the appropriate legal structures so your "veil" cannot be pierced.
You get it.
I'll always be in debt unfortunately. It's not much compared to others but it's all debt as long as fiat money is involved. Paper money is debt and I have that as well.
Debt is a boot on the neck that has influenced the course of many people's lives.
The corporate wars aren't that far off, if you have outstanding debt I reckon you'll be pressed into service. FYI Taco bell army wins the whole thing 🤣
Your arguing with a jewish bot.
Now all I have is obligations (rent, car insurance, phone/internet).
I feel sympathy for people who believe the goal of their life is collecting things What a shallow existence, like looking at the surface of the ocean and thinking its entirely barren.
Zero debt is a fools game in times of high interest. I specifically bought a house to hedge against the inflation.
I was doing ok, before getting poisoned. I havent been able to keep a steady job, let alone full time since then.
I feel like the energizer bunny and everyday my batteries drain a bit more. Cant last forever.
You think id be worry about the future, but I dont worry to much because I feel like im gonna be ded soon. I dont think your supposed to run around with super low phosphorous for years.
I already own nothing, have no privacy, and I dont fucking love it, at all.
Seeing people like the fuckers that work at the college of physicians with their fancy cars and laughing all day. Fucking makes me sick. The divide here in halifax is insane. I dont know what places like san francsico are like, but there is something extra disgusting about homeless camps next to million dollar homes.
I guess trudeau was knocking on doors around here, hes welcome to knock on mine, I know exactly what I would tell him.
Since my 20s... which is a looooong time ago.
Not the wisest choice, but my choice.
Don't kid yourself that if you're renting you have no debt. You're paying the mortgage that the landlord has, not to mention property taxes.
That's not their debt though. At most a renter is only on the hook for the rent payments for whatever contract period they signed up for. And that's not debt, just a liability.
Generally, being in debt is only morally acceptable when there is a tangible object that can be recovered by the lender in case of nonpayment of be debtor.
And since you always need a place to live, this liability, which never goes away, unlike a mortgage which can be paid off, puts you as a renter in an immoral situation that is never resolved. It's also why property taxes are immoral, as it means you never truly own what's necessary to survive, which is shelter.
And there are times it makes even moral sense to rent, such as military service where you live 4-6 years in one location.
oy vey - off whacko.
Oh, we have a jew here, holding up a mirror, telling us he finds debt perfectly morally fine.
Debt = slavery
You know what makes a slave, the never see the product of their labor. The work and the fruits of their sweat goes to their masters. If you have debt, the fruits of your labor go to someone else.
"morals" don't exist. Santa Claus doesn't exist either, sorry to tell you.
Jews do exist and they use the banking system to enslaves idiots. Same kind of idiots who simplify complex relationships down to absolute platitudes. ^^^
If there is no objective morality, then there is nothing but raw power that decides what is right or wrong, or more aptly, that there is no right or wrong.
May you one day receive just a lesson in person.
how come debt is never exploitation when you're getting the money?
how come it only starts being exploitation when you have to pay it back?
Even jesus raged against high interest rates.
Lend all your money to poor third worlders without interest, then. At least Leviticus qualifies it as having to be your brother. Christians read this stuff and foolishly think they owe third worlders charity when their own kids are struggling.