a) Why would a jew have to infiltrate a government, when that which governs the mind of gentiles was suggested by a jew?
b) Camera/kamara - "vaulted chamber"...gentiles willingly holding onto suggested pictures and movies shapes their mind/memories into vaulted chambers for jewish suggestions.
taking pictures
A picture implies a "captured moment"...that's a suggested artifice tempting one to ignore that within nature one cannot capture moment-um.
Notice art students painting models that have to sit still to be captured...notice furthermore that those models sit in the nude, while those painting are covering a canvas to capture the nude essence.
they are jewish
Chosen one implies singular...suggested pluralism (they) tempts ones choice to ignore that.
get upset
Using suggestion to tempt many to want to get implies a "set-up" by few.
an existential battle was inevitable
-ist (ones consent to a suggested -ism) contradicts ex (out of)...the latter implies expression; the former implies repression. Few suggest existentialism to establish this contradiction within consenting many.
Sleight of hand: "express yourself; don't repress yourself...and I'm not sorry...it's human nature". https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/madonna/humannature.html
Consenting to any suggestion makes the battle (reason) inevitable, because ones consent invites the suggestions of another into ones mind/memory, which establishes a void.
facing the dragons
Aka turning towards (to face) dragging on (dragon), which implies carrying suggested information towards outcome, while facing away from perceivable origin.
Why is a dragon sitting on a treasure? Because dragging on suggested information implies the hoarding of valuables within memory. The one trying to inspire others to let go of what they "drag-on" implies a knight (servant) in shining (light-bearer) armor (choice to resist) trying to slay the drag-on by beating held on beliefs with endless blows of contradiction.
A sword implies a thrust (inception towards death) weapon (choice) of offense/defense (balance) with an edge (knowledge).
Democracy: Beginning of the end?
Momentum implies the beginning (inception) and end (death) of matter (life)...if one ignores this process of setting apart, then one permits few power (cracy) over many (demo).
If we extend unlimited
a) Ones consent to suggested pluralism (we) implies a contraction, which ignores singular (one) extension.
b) Extend aka ex (out) tendere (to stretch)...only within ongoing (inception towards death) can one temporary (life) stretch outwards.
c) Unlimited whole (motion) sets limited partials (matter) free to choose how to respond.
To tolerate; verb - "allow without interference"...being implies interference within all, hence each ones FREE will of choice interfering within the DOM-inance of balance.
Nature allows one to be free.
A parasitic few suggests an ignorant many to interfere with each others free will of choice within conflicts of reason (allow vs deny)...while ignoring natural balance for artificial imbalance.
to defend society
Society/socius/sekw - "to follow" attacks resistance (life) within velocity (inception towards death) by lowering defense.
Ones consent to suggested socialism (society) and communism (community) attacks ones defenses. Aggregation makes many weaker than few, because among many...each one can shirk response-ability onto another, while doing jack shit about few.
will be destroyed
Only during destruction (inception towards death) can a willing being (life) build growth...
The suggested rhetoric "will be destroyed" tempts a being to willingly focus on the suggested destruction of self, which in return prevents building.
They sold multiple copies of the same
a) Copies (suggested information) of same (perceivable inspiration).
b) Selling (suggesting jew) + buying (consenting gentiles).
c) THEY aka suggested pluralism sold as multiple copies (they) of singular (one).
Aka artifice (suggestion) shaped within natural (perception).
what you do as a student
Standing under a teacher by consenting to suggested information.
sell art to USA
US aka United States. In nature each unit stands apart from one another; which a jew inverts by selling an artificial coming together of united states aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one).
Most gentiles cannot comprehend the nature of US, hence being stuck within an artificial conflict of reason (us vs them).
either side will see this as a weaponization
Ones weapon (choice) of offense/defense (balance) can only exist in-between sides...
to vote
To vote implies lowering ones defense, while offering another the free will of choice over one.
to win
Matter cannot conquer each other without ignoring motion setting matter apart from one another.
Whatever one tries to grasp...nature always loosens ones grip.
The word ally implies some sort of equality or partnership.
a) Being implies ONE within ALL...few suggest "ally" to tempt many to align with one another.
b) Suggested words tempt one to ignore perceivable sound, hence ALLY = A LIE...
c) Being implies different (partial) within same (whole)...a process of differentiation. Many consenting to suggested partnerships by few implies "alike" behavior, which equalizes differences.
Can more people replicate this?
“Customers around the world love Alexa as their trusted, personal AI—they’ve now purchased well over half a billion Alexa-enabled devices, and use of Alexa increased 35 percent last year,” said Rohit Prasad, senior vice president and head scientist for Alexa...
this is insane
Insane aka in sanus - "within sound"...where else could one hear an echo?
Negative energy
NEGATION, noun - "denial; a declaration that something is not; opposed to affirmation, description by denial, exclusion or exception"... https://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/Negation
Only within all energy can one deny it.
How are time machines powered?
By ones consent to the suggestion thereof...without ones consent a suggested "time machine" couldn't even reach ones mind.
Energy...how else could power be sustained?
Machine; noun (Latin machina) - "artificial work"... https://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/machine aka an artificial suggestion shaped within perceivable nature.
A thought popped into my head....time machines
Based on suggested information invited by your consent into your head like "from time to time" (14c) or "the times" (1590) or "time after time" (1630) or "to be ahead of ones time" (1837) or "time and again" (1864) or "time machine" (1895) etc.
How about changing the sentence to "According to a suggestion by TIME magazine and H.G. Wells I believe that a thought popped into my head about time machines"?
Wouldn't there have to be a power source
Being implies a power within a source. Only within a source can there be power differentiation aka an out-sourcing of potential within source.
the other end
Ones beginning (inception); ones being (life); ones end (death)...there cannot be another end. Few suggest progressivism to tempt many seek other ends, while ignoring the only perceivable origin moving one to the only outcome of being.
time continuum
Continuous (inception towards death) generates temporal (life)...few suggest time (past; present and future) to tempt many to believe in temporal continuation by escaping.
A being can only perceive "now"...not before or after, which are suggested as a duration of time to distract being from now, which is why many ignore perceivable now by asking questions (a quest towards end), while waiting for answers afterwards, which implies life waiting for outcome aka for death.
Few offer artifice (information) to question, while industrializing and shaping the answers given so that many continue to ask for answers...it's just like feeding cattle.
Instead of thinking in terms of "duration"; try discerning self as being presence (life) within duration (inception towards death) with the free will of choice to increase or decrease being...only then can duration be freely traveled aka ones free will of choice on the journey of life.
Few suggest time to invert durability (life) with duration (inception towards death), hence tempting life to focus on death, when watching time running out...
all a state of mind
All implies motion; mind implies matter within momentum of motion, hence being enabled to memorize input.
State/status - "be firm" implies being formed (life) within flow (inception towards death) aka one within all.
Tim Pool does a 180
He spins for many, while never turning on few... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGmDLjczt2c
The enemy
The real enemy... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie7qnFSpE_g
ideas are not illegal
a) Idea/idein - "to see"...nature sets apart what one sees aka moving differences (perceivable inspiration). Few suggest idealism to tempt many to consent to concepts/archetypes/things formed together/-isms etc. aka to suggested information.
One such ideal-ism is "not" aka nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing)...
b) As for illegal... https://www.etymonline.com/word/il-#etymonline_v_34622
Il-legal implies being within natural law as crime/krei - "to sieve" aka to separate the finer from the coarser parts of disintegrated matter, which is what natural L(and) A(ir) W(ater) does to any particle of matter living within.
A gentile implies a "crime within law", which is why a jew suggests the inversion...follow laws and punish crimes.
Legal vs illegal implies a gentiles mind within natural law (il-legal) ignoring natural law (legal), while fighting other gentiles, within conflicts of reason, about which jewish suggestion is legal vs illegal.
health claims
a) Health/hale/hal - "whole"...one cannot claim whole without putting self at dis-ease.
b) Wanting to hold onto tempts one to ignore needing to let go.
c) Few tempt many to consent to suggested...which implies a claim aka a supplied demand.
want to believe
Wanting to BELIEVE tempts one to ignore what's needed to BE ALIVE...
public implies community
a) Community aka one (unit) together (com) contradicts being apart from one another as units (partials) within all (whole).
b) Public (plural) implies private (singular)...private (one) can be tempted with suggested pluralism (we) to ignore self for others.
c) Both public and community imply aggregation of private...meanwhile "implication" (if/then) implies a setting apart aka a privatization.
mindset implies cognitive disposition
The position of ones perceiving (cognitive) mind implies at the center of all perceivable. Dis-position implies ones position set apart from one another, while within all.
Dis-position can be utilized to distract ones cognitive perception from all perceivable with the suggestions of other ones...chosen ones.
The opposite of cognitive (perception) implies corporeal (suggestion) and few utilize corpus oration (corporation) to tempt many to ignore cognitive reality (perceivable sound) for corporeal fiction (suggested words).
A jew operates cognitive, while shaping corporeal suggestions for consenting gentiles...that's spell-craft; magic; masonry etc.
One's own mind cannot be shared universally
a) Oneness (whole) cannot be owned by ones (partials) within...potential cannot be possessed since it moves, only expressed as growth (life) during impressing loss (inception towards death).
The cognitive (inspiration) cannot be held onto, while the corporeal (information) tempts one to hold onto it; take possession of it; own it...by consenting to the suggestion of it.
That's where ones mind/memory gets misused as storage of information (hard-drive) instead for processing of inspiration (ram).
b) Sharing isn't consenting (buy) to suggestion (sell)...it's being partial (perception) within whole (perceivable) set free (will of choice) from one another.
A jew suggesting corporeal to cut off a consenting gentiles cognition implies a share-cropper...
c) Universe implies verse/vertere/wer - "to turn" aka turning one against another within conflicts of reason...which tempts one to ignore being (life) directed linear (inception towards death).
Reasoning implies "circular" logic based on ones consent to suggested logos (words)...that's the turn/tere - "to rub" aka those set free from one another rubbing against each other within conflicts of reason.
One's mind contains...
...whatever suggested information one consented to hold (tenere) together (con), while ignoring perceivable inspiration moving through.
One cannot see into another person's mind.
a) NOT was suggested by another person as nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing), for which ones consent de-nials perceivable.
b) Person aka per sonos (by sound) aka sound/sonos/sanus - "entire; whole" implies everything...few suggest nothing as the inversion thereof.
c) Can/gno - "to know"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/can#etymonline_v_645 implies each ones cognitive response-ability...while "can not" implies a suggested corporeal inversion thereof.
Nothing requires ones consent; everything forces ones adaptation...with or without consent.
no such thing as a public mindset exists
By private consent NO was set into a public mind. Many believing NO implies each one saying YES to the suggestion thereof.
A jewish suggestion becomes the public mind by gentile consent. Suggested information implies public mind; perceiving inspiration implies private mind.
To set implies putting into a definite/affixed place...mind/memory implies a response to a process within motion.
a) Off-spring implies set apart from one another...hence each anointed one.
b) Few suggest pluralism like "we the people" or "yes we can" or "one of us" to tempt many together, which in return permits few to remain apart...https://www.amazon.com/People-Apart-Europe-1789-1939-History/dp/0198219806
c) Pluralism implies the suggestion of "more than one"...if all is one in energy; then what is two? How could there be more than energy?
already out
AL (all) RE (response) ADY (added)..all perceivable adds each ones responding perception "within" aka the internal/inherent power of energy.
out of the womb
a) Father (motion) Mother (momentum) Child (matter)...matter comes into being within the momentum of motion aka transformed within womb of man.
b) Inception towards death CARRIES life aka gestation/gestatio/gero - "to carry"...that implies a womb/uterus/matrix/mother/matter.
c) Life being moved from inception towards death implies abort/aboard hence a moving vessel (living) passing away (dying). Temporary rise (life) during ongoing fall (inception towards death) implies miss-carrying aka life failing to sustain oneself while being carried towards death.
In short: OUT; adverb - "expressing motion or direction from within". One cannot be out; only coming into being within...the belly of the beast.
how many?
Each one. Sound sets frequencies apart from one another...few suggest many/manifold/multiply etc. to tempt together aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one).
Gentile frequencies
Aka generated frequencies aka whole sound generating partial frequencies. The trick here is tile/tegare/tegere/teg - "to cover".
falling for suggestion
Being implies temporary rise (life) during ongoing fall (inception towards death)...a suggestion tempts one to burden self while falling. This is why it's called "falling for temptation".
this word never lost its meaning
Sound moves, hence implying ongoing loss for temporary growth within...few utilize words shaped within sound to tempt many to hold onto meaning, while investing in loss.
Meaning/medyo - "middle" implies one within all aka frequency within sound. If one holds onto a suggested middle (meaning); then one destabilizes oneself as the middle of all perceivable.
Nazi would be a reference to an awkward or clumsy peasant
a) As in european (u are peon) aka peon/pawn/peasant/slave?
b) Nazi/nati/nat - "native", hence nasci - "being born"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/native#etymonline_v_2311
Each one is native within all and foreign to one another within sound, hence whole sound setting each frequency within apart from one another.
c) If frequency refers to one another for consideration (siding together); then they are mutually destroying each other. Few suggest words to tempt many to reference to each other within perceivable sound.
If many frequencies consent to the same meaning of words, then each ignores to resonate within sound, hence establishing dissonance among each other.
In other words...a jew tempts gentiles to vibrate each others frequencies out of existence by suggesting them to hold onto the meaning of word/verbum/verb - "a part of speech that expresses action, motion, being"....one cannot hold onto that which moves without destroying self.
some 100 years ago
a) Ago/agon - "departed; passed away"...being implies passing within way as partial within whole. Inception departs life on its passage towards death...that's the only way.
Many are tricked by few to mark and count an ongoing passage.
b) Year/yaro/jaro - "spring" like an "off-spring"...that's the life nature gives, and one doesn't need to count it, but simply spring aka burst forth aka grow life.
Frankfurt aka frank (free) + furt/ford (passage) aka free (life) passage (inception towards death). This also ties into Frankreich aka france/francia/frank (free) + reich/reg (to move in a straight line).
Germany, the land of the Nazis
a) ashke-nazi
b) Deutsch/dutch/dish aka "yid-dish-land"
c) German/germanus/germinis aka "gene-man"
d) Alemanni aka "all man"
e) Teuton/teutonic/teuta - "tribe", which implies a tripartite division of being within all aka tri-be-all (tribal).
like an empire
Imperium implies all balance; res privatus implies ones choice; res publica implies following the choices of another.
Empire implies same; private implies different; public implies alike.
If a private one believes in a "like empire", then one has been aggregated by another into a public mindset.
a) Notice the RED SHIELD (rothschild)...
b) Notice SORRY (full of sorrow) aka SOROS... https://www.reddit.com/r/Soros/
Now look into Open Society Foundations (Soros) and it's ties to Advance Publications (reddit), which are btw headquartered at One World Trade Center...
In this thought experiment (and that's all it is, is imagination)
a) The division of A vs B within the mind of the consenting observer implies imagination. This imagination tempts one to ignore ALL perceivable for the suggestions of another observer.
b) Being perception within perceivable implies "ex-peri-ment" (expression by mind)...the suggestions by another imply "en-chant-ment" (within enchanted mind).
whether or not the light hitting the woman happens at the same time is up to YOU the observer.
The rail-line implies male (motion); the carriage implies fe-male (momentum), and each thing within implies trans-form (matter)...only matter can observe the momentum of motion.
Observation can be tricked with suggested matter (information) to ignore perceivable momentum (inspiration)...being tricked like that establishes another observer (B) outside of self (A).
in the center...opposite sides equidistant
Ray (center) within spectrum (opposite sides) of light (equal)...no distance.
If one ignores to discern self as the above, then one establishes distance/destance - "discord/quarrel"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/distance#etymonline_v_11510
This distance/discord implies a conflict of reason within the mind of a ray, which ignores being within spectrum of light. Within a spectrum of light, the opposites aka pure light (white) and absence of light (black) aren't against each other, but apart from one another, while partials within whole.
Ones consent to any suggestion by another tempts one off-center and towards a side within a distant conflict of reason.
In short...ignorance distances one from discernment.
Observer A moves with the lamps
Each observer came to be "within motion", hence being (life) re-moved (inception towards death). Remove implies ones RE-sponse to being moved.
Those lamps imply artificial light from a suggesting "light-bearer" aka from a Lucifer...who gains the power to cast artificial shadows (ignorance) into natural light (discernment)...if one consents to it.
Observer B receives the light
Only if one consents to the suggestion thereof aka only if one chooses to re-ceive aka re-cipere (to recover/reclaim/retake) artificial light, while ignoring that all natural light is offered to each one ray within.
What is a ray? A raddix/radius aka a center (choice) within a circumference (balance) of moving light. How does light establish a circumference? By specifying (spectrum aka momentum) particulars (rays aka matter).
If your theory forces you to say
a) Sound doesn't force those within to say words to each other...suggested theorism tempts consenting theorists to soothsay (making predictions) in spell-craft aka by shaping suggestible words within perceivable sound. Why? To utilize the ignored force of nature against one another as for example law en-force-ment.
b) Nothing can force one to say anything..."the force is within you".
if this was allowed
Allowances suggested by another ONE tempts one to ignore ALL perceivable aka allow/alocare - "allocate" aka ones location within all.
How insane is the average person
In sanus (within sound) + per sonos (by sound)...not an equal share (average) but odds within equal.
made its way into
Inception implies coming to be alive within way of dying...made/make/mag - "to fashion; fit together" implies the mag-ic handiwork of suggestion tempting ones consent to fit things together, while ignoring that nature sets things apart from one another.
Life can choose to wander to Europe; Asian; Africa; Australia or America aka any which way; while being moved towards death...the one and only way of life.
Sleight of hand for being tricked off way... https://genius.com/Blondie-one-way-or-another-lyrics
We're just outside observers right?
a) OB (toward; before) + SERVE (watching perceivable or holding onto suggested)
Before implies forwarded (inception towards death) being (life). To serve implies in response to which master? The one (perceivable) who sets free (perception) or the one (suggested) who tempts one to bind (consent) self to another one...to a chosen one?
Are you observing (perception) from inside (perceivable) or by outside (suggested)?
Did another suggested pluralism (we) to tempt singular (one) to ignore self? How could WE observe if each ONE perceives from a different position?
God says
SAY from root sekw - "to follow"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/say#etymonline_v_22810
Why would a leader follow? When did your leader aka that which leads life from inception towards death say the word "God" and what happens if life follows the lead from inception towards death instead of resisting it?
The rail-line implies motion; the carriage implies momentum, observer implies matter...observer B implies either the suggestions of other observers or the self discernment of observer A.
The flashes of light imply suggested distractions to tempt observer to divide self into an A vs B conflict of reason.
Observing as self implies perceiving moving differences...observing from another implies holding onto moving differences, while ignoring perceivable momentum of motion.
What's preventing a war between men & women
If MEN fight the WOMB of MEN; then...?
Be-liev-able aka being able to lie. To believe implies to consent to the suggestion of another, while ignoring perceivable.
Nature doesn't require belief...artifice does.
Free will of choice implies ones key to open or close whatever one looks/locks onto. Consent permits others to use that key to lock one away underneath suggested information.
Nature cannot be claimed...nature moves. Consenting to a suggestion implies ones claim over artifice.
N(orth) E(east) W(est) S(outh) are set apart from one another to establish ones perception at the center of perceivable circumference. Ones consent to suggested "news" tempts one off-center, while inclining towards a side, which establishes discord with other ones.
Accord implies ad (towards) cor (heart)...not reasoning (accord vs discord) against others.