free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

black nobility

Aka being free (noble) from ignorance (dark).

jesuit order

Aka proceeding within (order) salvation (jesus; Iesus; yeshua) aka partial (life) within order of salvatio/save/sol/soul/sole/whole (inception towards death).


Aka ismatical - "by the same path"...if many consent to suggested -isms by few; then each one ignores being differentiated (life) by same path (inception towards death).

all the other

ALL implies whole (perceivable); OTHER implies partials (perception)...suggested THE-ism tempts one to ignore that.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

a) A jew suggests theism (theo) to gain the strength (cracy) of consenting gentiles.

b) A jew suggests globalism to lure consenting gentiles to remain within BA'AL (glo-baal-ism) while being sacrificed.

c) Suggestion ushers in ones ignorance of perception...if consented to.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

obsessive about 'clearing the name

a) Only nature clears (inception towards death) obscurity (life)...hence life struggling to clear (need) obscurity (want).

b) A jew tempts want with suggestion (information), which when consented to by a gentile, obscures needed perception (inspiration). Tempting consent implies selling and buying, both tempt one to ignore that nature sets free will of choice aka each one within as evaluation (perception) within value (perceivable).

In other words...jew suggests currency inside perceivable current to establish FIAT (Latin; let it be done) - "authoritative sanction" through the consent of gentile.

Ones choice of consent selects chosen ones suggestion, hence ELITE (French élite) - "selection, choice".

c) Nature doesn't name (noun) anything...it designates units (Latin unitas; unus, one) by setting apart whole (all perceivable) into partials (each ones perception)...those within shape names as idols for others to hold onto; while ignoring the moving nature underneath.

Suggested words can only be shaped within perceivable sound and oneself can be tricked with suggested "insane person" to ignore perceivable "in sanus (within sound) + per sonos" (by sound)". This implies spell-craft.

Those who adapt to perceivable sound imply PHONETICIANS (from phonic; sound); while those who consent to suggested words implies DEAF PHONETICIANS aka def-initions.

Furthermore...name (Latin nombre) implies number - "designation of unit" (Latin unitas; unus; one)...there can be only one...one for all and all (perceivable) for one (perception).

d) Consent to a suggested name implies "possessive"; while reasoning against others about it implies "obsessive"...posse (being able) + ob (against).

A jew suggests names/numbers/nouns to trick gentiles to posses it for self, while obsess about it against each other...which in return permits a jew not just control over both sides of every gentile conflict of reason, but also the power of mass consent to define (idolatry); redefine (revisionism) and contradict (talmudic reasoning) any and all suggested names/numbers (nouns) with added (adjective) words (verbs).

e) Any name gentiles hold onto; the natural order clears up...which a jew distracts from with suggested narratives for gentiles to also hold onto.

In short...sound implies ongoing; words imply temporary...gentiles are being tempted to ignore ongoing for temporary, which any jew exploits without a shred of mercy.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +3 / -2

a) Intel implies within (intel inside)...a frame implies outside.

b) What if inside (ones perception) within outside (all perceivable) can be tricked by the suggestions of another to cover self?

c) What if suggested information frames a picture painted by another within perceivable inspiration?

d) What if agent (inception towards death) generates regents (life)....while others suggest in the name of agency to distract ones regeneration?

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

skull and bones

Skull aka SK (one's self) CULL (separate from one another)...how?...by isolating ONE in-between BS suggested by another.

BS btw...not just bullshit, but also a bachelor's degree aka Baccalaureus Scientiae, and baccalarius (vassal farmer) of scientiae (scio; to know; to perceive) implies one who doesn't hold onto suggested scientism aka a serf/surf without a landholding.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1

VAS'SAL, noun - "a feudatory; a tenant; one who holds land of a superior"

a) In reality...master (motion) generates dominance (momentum) for freemen (matter). Superiority (inception towards death) set inferiority (life) free to wield choice.

b) TEN'ANT, noun (Latin teneo; Gr. to strain, stretch, extend) implies life being stretched from inception towards death, which isn't a holding position, but the relief of solid within fluid.

c) Having sight implies one can SEE/SEA...others invert this by suggesting the "land of the free", and if one by free will of choice focuses ones sight by landing on the suggestion of another, then ones trust/thrust gets stranded on a bank of a shore.

In short...vessel (life) within sea (inception towards death) aka ones perception within all perceivable.

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

What's making people stupid?

a) Ones consent to another ones suggested information shapes a diminution or suspension of sensibility within oneself aka stupor/stupid.

b) Others suggest pluralism (people) to tempt each consenting; singular one (person) to ignore self discernment for concern about others.

c) "dis" implies separation of self; "con" implies unification with another. Showing concern about another distracts one from discerning self.

d) Person implies by sound (per sonos), hence separated through motion; while people implies "the vulgar; the mass of illiterate persons" aka consenting many unified under suggesting few.

e) Action generates reactions by internally setting itself apart aka making (inception towards death) remakes (life)...if one ignores what makes perceivable for the suggestions of another; then one permits another to remake.

Few remakes many by mixing singular together.

Sleight of hand:

  • "There's not a problem that I can't fix; cause I can do it in the mix"
  • "Cause away goes trouble (life) down the drain (inception towards death)"


free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know my name

a) One does not perceive (know) a noun (name)...one upholds a suggested noun upon perceivable. The name has to be given to something that existed beforehand without a name.

b) If a name is mine; then why are others required to give it to me? If others are not required to give me a name; then why would I require a name among others?

c) Can one claim self as "me; myself or I" without naming everyone else "you"?

d) Is there a difference between claiming for self and taking from another?

bob and proctor are two words

a) Hum, while saying "two" words...is it really two words or one sound?

b) Does two exist without one counting others? Where within nature can one perceive two?

c) Does all perceivable suggest each ones perception to count anything? How? How does nature shape a suggestion towards ones perception?

my parents give them to me

a) Where did my parents got the words to give from? How do I take a given word? Can one posses a word?

b) Explain the transaction of giving and taking among those within nature, and nature giving (inception) and taking (death) from each one (life) within...

that's an interesting question

Does being alive imply "within essence" (inter-esse) and is it a quest (question) towards an outcome or a struggle to sustain self within origin?

I believe if a person

If being implies by sound (per sonos); then is belief required for one to discern self?

look for the answer and you'll find it

a) What if an answer tempts one to wait for an outcome; while ignoring that ones origin implies solution (inception towards death) for ones problem (life)?

b) Why should life look forward, when it has sight (left/right; up/down; front/back) within origin?

simultaneously in three planes of understanding

a) What if there's only one plane (inception towards death) for each one within (life)?

b) What if similar (inception towards death) generates differences (life)?

c) What if ones understanding implies "standing-under" another ones suggestion by willing consent?

d) Where's the perceivable "three" without one choosing to count other ones as two, three...?

spiritual creatures

a) Spirit (Latin spiro, to breathe) implies partial (expression) adapting to whole (impression)...whole had to exist before partial came to be.

b) Suggested creationism implies "out of nothing", while being partial within whole implies "within everything".

c) How could ones perception perceive any creation, when all perceivable had to exist before ones perception came to be? One cannot have awareness of surrounding without surrounding generating ones awareness at center.

we have an intellect

Intellect (Latin intelligo; to understand) implies standing-under what another suggests. How could one have what another suggests one to submit to? That's like kissing the pimp hand while pretending to own it...aka a bitch on stockholm syndrome.

we live in physical...

Matter (life) can only live within momentum (inception towards death) of motion aka physical (matter) within mental (momentum) of spiritual (motion). Motion forces one to breathe; while momentum implies the perceivable moment one has to react by free will of choice to sustain matter...or ignore it.

because we lack awareness

Self discernment implies "being within cause", hence not lacking anything, but given access to everything. Ignorance/denial thereof can be discerned right back to ones free will of choice given by the internal balance (momentum) of everything (motion) given to each one (matter) within...unless further ignored/denied by each ones free will of choice.

Others tempt one to ignore/denial self discernment with suggested rhetoric like "because"...which inverts "cause towards being"...yet only ones consent by free will of choice to the suggested rhetoric by another establishes ignorance/denial.

we're totally locked

Total (perceivable) sets partial (perception) free (will of choice)...choosing to consent to the suggestions by another locks one within ones mind/memory, where one remembers and contemplates suggested information; while ignoring/denying perceivable inspiration.

we let things outside of us control us

Ones consent to the suggestion by another permits another to control from outside, what one puts inside self.

Perceivable inspiration goes through one and cannot be held onto; while suggested information tempts one to hold onto it within ones mind/memory; where it becomes simultaneously ones burden upon self and ones debt to another.

reacting to life

Process of dying acts; living reacts...reaction can be tricked to ignore action, for the reactions of one another.

Few suggest actors under directors to distract many from discerning self as reactors (life) within direction (inception towards death).

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1

how to boil pasta

By utilizing natural physical process (chemistry) of all (al) aka alchemy...instead of using ALT+F for some stale pasta.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

a) Only balance makes choices...ones choice either adapts to balance (need/want) or ignores it for imbalance (want vs not want), hence wielding free will of choice withing dominance of balance aka free-dom.

b) Betting implies gambling ones choice away by selecting a chosen ones suggestion.

c) Inception towards death "makes"; life "re-makes"...life can only respond to being made by.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +3 / -2

Not everything is a global mass sacrifice ritualistic spell.

a) Everything implies a sacrificial (life) rite (inception towards death) of passage for each one within.

b) All (perceivable) reveals each one (perception)...others suggest spelling to spell-bind revelation, and ones consent to it, conceals self.

c) Globe aka being (be) clod (Latin gleba)...CLOD, verb - "to collect into concretions, or a thick mass; to coagulate" aka inversion of being set apart from ONE another.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

nothing happened

a) Nothing implies ones denial of everything perceivable for suggested nihilism (Latin nihilo; nothing).

b) Happen (come by chance) inverts being...coming to be choice.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0


a) What if it isn't a cycle (perpetual circle; proceeding from first to last?)

b) What if only temporal (life) within perpetual (inception towards death) are being processed from first (inception) to last (death)?

c) What if motion (direct flow) generates matter (wave form) internally/inherently?

d) What if sight (left/right + up/down + front/back) of wave (life) within direction (inception towards death) implies "cubic"?

e) Consider the following line:

"Wir quadrieren den Kreis gegen alle Konvention'...Und geiseln den Geist der Konterrevolution" (we square the circle against all convention...and take hostage the ghost of counterrevolution)

Here's the whole album: "Quadratur des Kreises" by Freundeskreis... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_nwwRnsN3Q

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

of course

Aka proceeding from (life) motion forward (inception towards death)...


What does seeking to obtain within a moving system imply? Can matter claim motion without other matter becoming a burden of debt?

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

We can’t explore our

Suggested pluralism (we/our) and denialism (can't) contradicts ex ploro (to cry out). Consenting to a suggestion tempts one to keep the suggested within self instead of letting it out.

we know

Knowledge (all perceivable) reveals itself only to singular (ones perception)...suggested knowledge in the name of others (we) conceals ones perception if consented to.

massive object

Few suggest progressivism aka that to which the mind is directed for accomplishment or attainment; end; ultimate purpose (object) to tempt each ones consent to be aMASSed under few.

As in...order followers implies massive (followers) object (order) and it's a few suggesting those orders.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

...is real

Reality WAS perceivable before anyone within can suggest what it IS. Resist what others suggest is real/rael...

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

species, had been genetically altered

Generation (inception towards death) of particulars (life) through alternation from one another aka internal differentiation...that's what "genetically altered species" implies.

humans as containers

a) Contain implies holding together; being implies set apart from one another.

b) Hue (color) of man implies a spectrum aka specification aka particulars within whole differentiated from one another.

c) Life; while being moved from inception towards death "wants" to hold onto, yet "needs" to let go of.

In short: living implies a revelation...not a containment.

origin of humanity

a) Origin of HUE (color) implies light.

b) Origin of MANual (life) implies auto (inception towards death).

significant mystery

Mystery implies "to conceal"; signal implies "a notice given aka to reveal"...

Perceivable reveals perception; suggested tempts perception to conceal itself by ignorance/denial from perceivable.

container of soul

If SOUL/SOLE; than WHOLE for each partial within...suggested "container of soul/sole/whole" contradicts itself, while tempting one to ignore self discernment.

Soul (energy) cannot be contained...all power can only exist within energy, which isn't a container, but a revelation of method (inception towards death) for each being (life) within.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

knew there was going to be...in advance

Being implies within advance (perception) of knowledge (perceivable)...hence advance (to bring forward) ment (mind/memory).


Suggested pan (all) demic (people) tempts each consenting person to ignore former (all perceivable) for latter (suggested people).

All sets itself apart into each one within, while people implies an aggregation of each person within coming together. Hence...PEOPLE, noun (Latin populus) - "the vulgar; the mass of illiterate persons; the commonalty; a collection or community of animals".

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +2 / -2

a) All suggested information implies "manufactured theatre" aka manually shaped and shown to another...as oppose to perceivable inspiration; which operates auto (inception towards death) matic (life).

b) ONEs consent to another ONEs suggestion implies dualism aka one holding onto another one establishing a bond of two.

c) Ones choice selects chosen ones suggestion, while binding self into a dualism called "reason" aka one side vs another, as in...want vs not want; true vs false; yes vs no; belief vs disbelief; us vs them; good vs evil; rich vs poor; left vs right; enlightened vs profane; football vs soccer; on vs off; big mac vs whopper; uptown vs downtown; 1st world vs 3rd world; black vs white; nintendo vs sega; bmw vs mercedes benz; feminism vs patriarchy; vaxxed vs unvaxxed; trump vs biden; israel vs hamas; jews vs gentiles; russia vs ukraine; straight vs queer; vanilla vs chocolate; islam vs christianity; communism vs capitalism etc.

The sides don't matter...only ones choice being tempted off-center towards suggested sides matters for chosen ones.

people can't seem to take themselves out of

a) Suggested pluralism (people; them) tempts perceivable singular (person; one) to ignore self for others.

b) Being implies within...others suggest progressivism to tempt one out of/away from.

c) Consenting to suggested information implies TAKING it into possession, hence burdening self with a debt to another. Perceivable inspiration cannot be held onto, it needs to be let go off.

Reason operates like a chinese finger trap...holding onto any side keeps one within conflict. Only center offers release. Being implies choice (life) within balance (inception/death)...either side imbalances choice.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

a) Dying (motion) was before living (matter) comes to be....others suggest what "is" to distract from that.

b) Self implies perpetuation of ones life through another one. Only living can self perpetuate...not the process of dying.

c) Suggested creationism (out of nothing) tempts one to ignore perceivable transmutation (being within everything)....consenting to suggested contradicts self discernment within perceivable.

d) GI'ANT, noun (Latin gigas) - "earth-born" aka terrigena aka generated (inception towards death) earth (life) aka motion generating matter internally/inherently.

e) Earth/heart implies pulsation within motion aka center of surrounding aka core/cordis. It also implies hearth (burning place; fire place) from ker (heat; fire).

Cold (inception towards death) generates heat (life)...a burned offering; a sacrificial furnace.

f) Motion generates matter (living) within momentum (dying)...only matter can experience momentum.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

transhumanist agenda

a) -ist (transhumanist) implies ones consent to suggested -ism (transhumanism). Consenting to another ignores/denies self.

b) Few suggest agenda (action) to tempt many to consent (react), while ignoring to be reaction (perception) within action (perceivable). One cannot react to each others suggestions without ignoring perceivable origin acting upon self.

For example...consenting to a suggested "PC aka personal computer" tempts one to ignore being by (per) sound (sonos), hence not thrown together (compute) but set apart (separate).

Ones consent permits another to craft spells like putting reality (per sonos) and fiction (compute) together within the same word (PC).


A spell once again...being implies EXpressed reaction (life) withIN impressing AcTION (inception towards death)...ones consent to a suggested TERM (Latin terminus, a limit or boundary); hidden in plain sight at the center of exTERMination, binds one to suggested fiction; while ignoring perceivable reality.

In reality...each one implies center (free will of choice) within boundary (dominance of balance) aka free-dom; yet one can only discern this as oneself, not by suggestions from others.


Animal generates human aka animation generating hue (color) of man aka motion (male) to momentum (fe-male) to matter (trans-formed-off-spring).

Color implies visible spectrum of light for each ray/race/raddix/radius within...others suggest mixing pure light (white) and absence of light (black) together to obfuscate the visible spectrum in-between. This implies both the masonic checkerboard and the equality (same) through diversity (difference) agenda utilizing the rainbow as the representation of the visible spectrum of light.

happening now

a) Suggested HAP'PEN (to come by chance) tempts one to ignore perceivable...choice coming to be within balance.

b) Happenstance implies standing of a gambler betting self on chance...a loosing stance.

Sleight of hand:

  • You're playing so cool...obeying every rule
  • Deep way down in your heart...you're burning, yearning for some
  • Somebody to tell you...that life ain't passing you by
  • I'm trying to tell you...it will if you don't even try
  • You'll get by if you'd only...cut loose; footloose; kick off the Sunday shoes


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