free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

Across all media

Across (inception towards death) media/medius/middle (life)...few suggest "media" so that the suggested becomes the mediator for the consenting many watching it.

still following

How could one follow motionless (still)? Notice that focusing onto suggested media tempts one to hold onto it, while ignoring motion. Notice further that parents are tempted to put children in front of screens to make them sit still...

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

What Creates Consciousness?

a) What implies energy (internal/inherent power) aka whole cause for each partial effect within. Otherwise...energy and what else?

b) Suggested creationism (out of nothing) tempts one to ignore perceivable origin (within everything). Energy cannot create...it energizes (motion) internal (momentum) shapes (matter) aka transforming (life) flow (inception towards death).

c) Suggest CON (together; with) tempts one to ignore SCIOUS/SCIRE (to know; to perceive)... https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=conscious

Ones perception can only perceive all perceivable apart from one another...not together with others. Ones consent to a suggestion of another one establishes a contract between (two) ones.

world science festival

Festival/festus/feast - "to eat sumptuously; a sumptuous repast or public entertainment"

Science/scio/to know - "to perceive"...one cannot take sumptuously from perceivable without paying with ones life. Others tempt one to ignore that by consenting to suggested scientism, upon which others can then feast.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

you have to be a freemasonic faggot & actually sell your very soul...Mr. Beast surely is a masonic

a) Each one (soul; sole; one and only) implies FREE will of choice...choosing another sells self out.

b) Surely/sure/securus - "free from care" implies ignoring ones free will of choice into the care of another.

c) Being implies FREE within SONIC (sound)...others suggest MA/MAG/MAGIC to shape ones consenting free will of choice within perceivable sound.

Suggestion tempts consent to mix together that which nature sets apart... https://www.etymonline.com/word/*mag-

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pulsing Electromagnetic

Electric pulse (inception towards death) generating magnetic suspension (life)


A suggested inversion of wide (inception towards death) entity (life). Ones consent to any suggestion "binds/bands" one to another, while "narrowing" ones sight within perceivable.

The hidden truth about light

a) Light reveals (motion) by generating a spectrum (momentum) for each ray (matter) within.

b) Few suggest many to be part of a race/ray, while mixing them together, hence obfuscating the visible spectrum of light with each others shadows.

A ray of matter within moving light casts a shadow into the visible spectrum of light, hence impeding the momentum of other rays.

c) Ignoring perceivable (light) for suggested (dark) implies a domain (ones consent) under a sovereign (another ones suggestion) aka a realm of shadows, shaped within ones mind/memory, where one hides from the move-ment of light.

align podcast

a) Align implies "falling in line"...being implies rising (life) within fall of line (inception towards death).

b) To cast implies "to form into a mold"...to be implies formed (matter) within a mold (momentum) of flow (motion).

c) Pod people (1956) was popularized by the movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," based on the 1954 novel by U.S. author Jack Finney about a plant-like alien life form that arrives on Earth as pods and are capable of replicating people.

Replication (suggested information) of origin (perceivable inspiration) enables snatching of bodies...if consented to.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +3 / -2

a niggersportsball logo

  • Nigger; negra; black - "absence of light"
  • Sport; desporter - "to carry away"
  • Ball...Baal
  • Logo; logos; logic - "a conflict of reason about suggested words"

Coincidence? Notice the background of the picture...masonry.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cheating at your religion.

a) Religion (Latin religio; to bind anew) implies binding self to another by ones FREE will of choice. Is being free to do that cheating?

b) What if a jew is trained to operate within the confines of religion, to which gentiles are willingly binding themselves, while learning/teaching self about being free from the bound of religion if choosing to resist?

c) How could resistance exist within religions based on following/submitting/falling for temptation?

d) Cheat/escheat/excadere aka ex (out of) cadere (fall) aka out of (life) fall (inception towards death)...

Opposite of cheat implies aid...doesn't fall (inception towards death) aid rise (life)?

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1


a) OBSESS'ION, noun (Latin obsessio) - "besieging; antecedent to possession". A happy merchant tempts consumers to obsess over possession.

b) COMPEL, verb - "to drive or urge with force"...only nature compels (inception towards death) resistance (life). A happy merchant tempts obsessive consumers to seek possession by going with the compelling force, instead of resisting it.

c) DIS'ORDER...ignoring natural order (whole separating into partials) by buying into (consent) to what another sells (suggestion) establishes a division among consumers aka a dis-order fed by dis-counts.


Aka para (beyond) noos (mind)...all perceivable moves through ones perception aka BE WITHIN; while anything suggested tempts outwards aka BE YONDER.

Mind/memory needs to draw from perceivable, while resisting to hold onto suggested, which draws outwards. One wants to hold onto; one needs to let go of.


Continuous (inception towards death) generates temporal (life)...an intermission...not a rest (cessation of motion); but a momentous beginning (inception) and end (death) of matter (life) during motion.

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

a) The law of noncontradiction operates only within the confines of logic/reason aka within a conflict, hence CONTRA-diction.

b) Nothing (non) contradicts everything. A jew suggest nothing to distract gentiles from everything perceivable... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQnaRtNMGMI&themeRefresh=1

Notice furthermore that SEIN-FELD (his field) implies both his field of vision and a pasture for his cattle...

His name...JEROME (hieronymus; hierous; holy) ALLEN (all) refers to SEIN (his) FELD (field) of vision within all perceivable; as partial within whole.

c) There can be only one origin (principle)...natural law. THE law puts suggested the-ism before it, hence contradicting origin.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +2 / -2

Both cannot be true

Does one have the free will of choice to believe both to be true? Does one have the free will of choice to ignore contradictions? Can free will of choice be tricked to believe in the suggested choices of another, while contradicting itself?

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

jews are responsible

Response-ability (ones choice) selects a chosen one.

responsible for everything bad

Bad vs good implies suggested moralism.

Let's check wiki..."Moralism is a philosophy that arose in the 19th century...The tradition begins with the Essais of Michel de Montaigne (1580)...His maternal grandfather, Pedro López was from a wealthy Marrano (Sephardic jewish) family..."


free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

will not be

That implies being (be) using free will of choice (will) to resist suggested nihilism (not).

Everything perceivable already was revealed to each ones perception...ones choice to ignore it for suggestions by another is made afterwards.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

The biggest problem with humans is they disagree.

a) What does a spectrum (hu/hue/color) favor (agree)? Are colors within a spectrum in conflict (agree vs disagree) with one another?

b) Problem/propose/proballein - "to throw forwards"...is being (life) thrown forwards (inception towards death) a problem?

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look at the word "reaction"...

a) Discerning self implies being RE within ACTION, hence adapting as reaction to action.

b) Consenting to another (suggestion) tempts one to ignore adaptation (perception)...notice the TION (action) within both.

c) Few shape RE to distract many from ACTION...discerning self allows one to adapt to action without being distracted by the re-actions shaped by others.

d) Action directs (motion); reaction re-directs (matter)....hence being shaped. Consent permits another to shape ones reaction, and consent is given by ones free will of choice.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

a) Re-do aka responding (life) to being done (inception towards death). Nature does; those within respond to being done, which implies re-doing self.

In short...doing (action) re-doing (reaction).

b) RE (response to) IN (being within) CARNA (corporeal; having a body; human nature) TION (action)

In short...reaction (matter) within body (momentum) of action (motion).

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

What would you think?

Either about information suggested by another, while mentally revolving within conflicts of reason OR less and less altogether, while drawing from and adapting to perceivable inspiration.

THINK, verb (Latin duco) - "to have the mind occupied on some subject; to revolve ideas, to judge; to conclude; to hold as a settled opinion"... https://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/think

Few suggest many to think aka to keep information in storage within a reservoir aka within a THINK TANK...

What would you do?

Discern oneself to be (life) done by (inception towards death); then re-do self.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

CPSNS aka College of Physicians & Surgeons of Nova Scotia...the regulatory body for physicians and surgeons in Nova Scotia. It provides professional standards, licensing, complaints, events and news for the public and the profession.

To PROFESS (to make open declaration of; to avow or acknowledge) to a PUBLIC (common to many) COLLEGE (collection or assembly) implies a contradiction of being a unique partial.

There can be only one regulatory (inception towards death) body (life)...each ones body within regal/reg - "moved within a straight line".

fearful their position

Position implies within (life) origin (inception towards death)...fear implies towards outcome (death). If a position requires ones profession to another, then it isn't ones position, but a temptation to incline towards another, while destabilizing ones position.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

Buddhist meditation where you empty your mind

a) -ist (buddhist) implies ones consent to suggested -ism (buddhism), hence mentally taking on something, while binding self to another.

b) Suggested meditation (revolving thought) tempts one to ignore mediation aka being medius/middle (perception) of ation/action (perceivable), which directs input through ones mind.

c) Buddha/budh - "to know; to perceive"


Aka animating power (psyche) and dis-ease (osis)...ignoring animating power (inception towards death) puts re-animation (life) at dis-ease.

How to ignore perceivable animation (inspiration)? By holding onto suggested definition (information)!

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1

community...don't allow

Notice you viewing it as coming together (community) instead of setting apart from others (don't allow). That's the deception...few settling apart by collectivizing many together, hence community (commun-ism); society (social-ism); religion (Latin religio; to bind anew); abrahamism (father of multitude); tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together); e pluribus unum (out of many; one) etc.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

distraction plays a huge role

Role implies "taking a part", which distracts one from being a partial (perception) within whole (perceivable). Taking a part implies consenting to the suggestion of another partial, while ignoring that only nature gives (inception) and takes (death) partials (life).

there are dozens of their books

Dozen implies "collecting units", while book implies "to bind". If one collects units (taking partials); then one binds self (ones choice) to another (chosen one).

One cannot focus on a book without confining self in-between a cover. That cover implies ones ignorance of perceivable (inspiration) for suggested (information).

If there's nothing left to lose then why do they bother keeping up the charade?

What if one cannot keep up (life) while losing (inception towards death)? What if letting go resists the temptation to keep, and what if resistance could be grown to sustain self within loss?

fully in control

What if full (whole) doesn't roll together (con-trol), but directs (inception towards death) apart (life)? What if the opposite of full isn't empty, but ones opportunity to grow self within a full offer? How could one be empty if all moves through one, hence fully fueling one?

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

wealthy elite

French élite - "selection, choice"...https://www.etymonline.com/word/elite#etymonline_v_5740

Does not each one wield a free will of choice to select? Could there be a higher value than evaluation?

The elite

What does it imply to put theism (the) before ones selecting choice (elite)?

actually understand

Does one "stand under action" or do reactions rise (life) during fall (inception towards death) of action?

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

everything is kayfabe

Labeling everything implies portraying the label as true/real. Nature doesn't label everything, nor anything within. To label implies to affix...nature moves.

Not according to people who think they're all in the same

All implies same; one implies different from one another. To accord/agree/consent to the suggestion of another tempts one to ignore being different from one another.

If form (life) reacts in accordance with flow (inception towards death), then it dies faster.

Thinking in accordance contradicts self discernment.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

savior and is part of the establishment

Saving suggested information by consent establishes it within ones mind...perceivable inspiration cannot be saved.

viable conclusion

The VI in viable implies vita (life)...conclusion (dying) contradicts vitality (living).

no fractions; many holes

Fraction (ones perception) within whole (all perceivable)...few suggest nihilism (Latin nihilo; nothing; no) and pluralism (many) to manifold ignorance.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

a) Trust implies what one chooses to hold onto...labeling others as real or false establishes a trust/bond/contract/connection/creed/faith/belief etc.

b) Suggested without tempts one to ignore being perception "within" perceivable.

c) People (plural) implies ones (singular) trust in suggested pluralism.

In reality...each one implies person/per sonos - "by sound" aka SOUND, adjective (Latin sanus) - "entire; whole". Only within whole can one be a partial aka only within sound can one hear.


What if "most" bots are utilized by few to feed information to many? How is what few suggest of a greater number than many consenting to it?

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