Show me a time that he ever condemned the individual or else general sweeping criticism of White Christian Americans. For any reason. Any criticism.
Is it okay for Whites to have pride or to have disdain for other races? No? Then why is it okay for jews to have disdain and racist prejudices against non-jews?
RFK is a fraud and deserves to be impaled.
I don't even think his ex-wife committed suicide. He probably had her killed.
Would RFK every impose consequences against anyone who criticizes a white man or who accuses a White man of racism?
Which criticism of jews is anti-semitic and which criticism of jews is not anti-Semitic? It seems that if you criticize a jew for any fucking reason you are called racist and anti-Semite. We already suffered this sort of irrational bullshit logic during the Barry Soetoro regime. Any criticism of Obozo whatsoever meant you were racist.
Frankly i am fucking sick of it. I would rather exterminate all jews than continue to suffer their hypocrisy and lies. They are incompatible with White Christian nations and don't belong here or anywhere else in the world for that matter. They are predators to the rest of mankind.
So what is an example? Because foreigners can speak about American politics all they want. If your elections are secure then it doesn't matter what opinions that foreigners have.
You allow foreigners to own land in your nation and to own shares in the largest corporations in your nation. That's meddling, is it not?
Jews meddle in American politics far more than any other foreign people. They're just mad that there might be any competition at all.
If the USA military has military bases in so many foreign nations, and just outside the borders of many more foreign nations, why would they not care or have opinions about American politics? You have military bases in their nations and other nations, such as Russia, have USA military bases and USA weapons right up against their border.
Did a single Russian non-citizen vote in the 2016 election? Not that I am aware of.
Illegal alien spics do far more to meddle in your election than Russia does. Illegal alien spics actually vote or receive mail in ballots and return them.
You have over 50 million illegal aliens in your nation. And you're worried and meddling from OUTSIDE your nation?
I remember that picture of all the jews in the White House that Joe Biden's administration posted
You have over 200 JEWS IN THE WHITE HOUSE RIGHT NOW RUNNING YOUR COUNTRY, but we're all supposed to cry because russians bought $5,000 worth of fakebook advertisements making fun of Hillary or advertising fake Hillary Clinton rallies?
What about foreign diplomats? LOL Aren't they all meddling according to your logic? Yes. Kick out all the foreign diplomats then.
But to hear this RUSSIA RUSSIA nonsense play out still in 2024, almost 10 years later, is fucking sad. Good grief.
It is true that Russia does in fact "meddle" in USA politics. Hillary, as Secretary of State, approved the sale over over $140 million worth of NUCLEAR URANIUM to Russians following millions of dollars of Russian donations to the Clinton Foundation. And yet if she won the 2016 election i don't think your kike jew owned media pundits would have made a single fucking peep about her collusion with Russians. Or when Obama was caught on a hot microphone making promises to the Russian president during the 2012 election campaign cycle, there was not one single kike media pundit arguing that Obama was colluding with Russians and must be impeached and removed from the 2012 ballot.
So if you want universal stricter rules against foreign meddling then fine. But first fry the big fish. Strip jews of their monopoly power over the currency and central bank. Arrest all domestic jews as foreign spies. Impale all jews in federal state and local government as traitors. Be serious. This Russia Russia crap just shows that you are disingenuous and not altruistically against meddling because you want to remove Russia (competition) from meddling and give jews yet another monopoly.
Define meddle.
Once you define meddling, then equally apply it to all foreign nations and enforce it equally and make the consequences known and consistent.
That's all I ask. Consistency and principality. Something neither democrats nor republicans have.
Define meddle.
It's fucking laughable. Define it and explain to me how all foreigners of all foreign nations are forbidden to "meddle."
You can't. And it certainly is not equally applied. Jews pick a boogie man and scare you and you fall for it. Meanwhile Jews literally run your bank and country and you're gnashing teeth over boogie man Russians
Stop being a simp. Your sound like MAGAtards crying about chi-coms in between sucking off jews every other hour.
Don't link me to all your Jew fake news boogie man propaganda.
Tell me in your own words how Russians stole the 2016 election. How did they do it? What did they do? Who did it? Name names. Name the method. How exactly was the 2016 election stolen by Russians?
Telling me that republicans merely talk with Russian citizens or once visited Russia or once invested in a Russian company means nothing. Democrats literally fuck jews. Kamala Harris is married to a faggot jew. One of the candidates is the wife of some fag jew. That's meddling. Why is she even allowed on the ballot? Her kike husband is an enemy of white Christians and a jew rat spy.
You do know that Obama did a world fucking tour meeting with leaders during his 2008 campaign, right? So if Trump meeting Putin is a huge boooogie woogie scandal then why are nigger Democrats allowed to tour the fucking world meeting leaders of foreign nations during an election campaign?
See you have nothing. Just fear propaganda jew decoys. You're a fucking fraud.
Russians meddling in our elections is a huge scapegoat. Who is screaming it? The jews in the media. So if jews shriek about Russians, why do you believe them? They shriek about white nationalists too.
Why would jews scapegoat others?
If jews own the media broadcast companies and the media praised Israel and vilifies white people and vilifies Russians then why? Why why why would jews depict themselves and Israel as your greatest ally and depict Russians as villains?
Why is water wet?
Why are jews hypocrites and liars? Why are any jews inside a supreme white nation at all? Why hasn't the USA become the 110th nation to ban the Marxist parasitic spy troublemaker jews?
Russia's $100,000 vs Israel's $40,000,000,000.00
Which one buys more influence?
The DNC and RNC conventions literally had Israeli flags, Israeli speakers, Israeli bands, and speakers groveling and begging foreign jews for their funding and support.
I don't want Russia meddling either but let's fry the big fish first.
How many Russians are in bidens cabinet? How many jews are in bidens cabinet?
Obviously Jews meddle in white nations' governments and elections more than any foreign nation. If you're giving the number one suspect a free pass to only whine about Russian influence then yes, you are in all likelihood a kike or someone completely brainwashed by kikes.
Jews are at war with Russia. Supposedly. Ukraine.
Jews have spent billions of dollars influencing the 2024 USA election.
Cry me a river is Russia spent a fraction of the amount kikes did buying the 2024 election
You can't cry about Russian influence if you think jews should have any fucking say in our elections.
And who gives a fuck about advertisements and pundits.
anyone even pretending to be disgruntled about this is obviously a kike and should be banned. Only a kike Jew would get angry about $1 Russian influence money when kikes have literally spent billions of dollars buying every USA election and literally fill out the cabinets and powerful positions of every Democrat and Republican politician
So don't bitch about Russian meddling election until kikes are impaled for meddling in white nations first.
Now let's see which Republicans and Democrats are influenced by Israel and jew owned media outlets. Then we can indict and arrest and impale every Democrat and Republican politician and bureaucrat since they are all bought and paid for by kikes since kikes own the Central bank, the media, the fucking currency.
Why is Israel allowed to meddle in white nations' elections but not Russia?
It's still a fantasy.
Only evidence from 2016 was that Russia bought $5000 worth of fakebook ads
If anyone is allowed to buy fakebook stock from anywhere on the world, and fakebook spends $400 million influencing the election of 2020 then anyone in the world is indirectly influencing USA elections.
Israel, your employer, meddles in USA elections more than any other nation in the world.
Also, you never contribute anything meaningful to this forum. Fake fact checkers are unwelcome. Fuck off to snopes.
Why do you let Israel meddle in and influence USA elections you fucking kike?
Go back to snopes and do your fake fact checks over there, jackass
What about Israel?
Pervert predator jews just lock female fake journalists in their offices.
Matt Lauer allegedly locked women in his office with a secret button under his desk
Now put the mirror down and join the rest of us
Oh right. You cant. Jews can only change their last names to sound less jewy, get rhinoplasty and pretend to be "fellow whites."
Haha The ZOGnald once called the jew poison shots "beautiful vaccines" marketing ugly goblin jew Albert bourla's snake oil.
What a dumb boomer fraud trump is. Zionist suckup who grovels to kikes. It's pathetic.
Lex Friedman another inbred retarded pseudo-intellectual synagogue of Satan kike who babbles about AI on his boring sleepy retarded podcasts
Muh greatest allies! - u/CanadianMeathead and other MAGAtards like him
We have the best kikes, trannies, niggers and faggots don't we pedes?
Yet the government claims there are only 12 million illegal aliens total in the USA. Lol
Trump says he will bring millions of migrants in too. He's just going to bring in "legal" non-whites instead of illegal ones. Lol like it makes much of a fucking difference.
The USA is so bankrupt thanks to jews, that increasing the population by millions is necessary to bring in enough payers to keep the social security and Medicare ponzi schemes going. If the population shrinks or just stays the same then the pyramid scheme collapses.
The federal reserve must be destroyed and all banker jews be arrested, tried for treason and impaled. With that comes the collapse of the dollar, the fake fiat jew currency and the collapse of jew kike power.
Sounds like a good excuse for oil companies to jack up prices going into autumn unless there's political meddling in the oil supply and economics during election season.
Define interference and explain to me why you only cry about Russians doing it when, by your own definition, every other fucking nation in the world could be accused of the same thing by the same definition.
I guarantee you that you can find political tweets and Facebook posts by every national of every nation. You can find politicians that have connections or six degrees of separation to every other nation on the planet
You have nothing. You are a propagandist and a fraud. Just pushing the Russia Russia boogie man stories like a brainwashed purple haired female bitch that just got off the couch from a late night tell-lies-vision binge.