I am not sure what is a good investment. I kind of regret funding 401ks and roths. Of course, people push you into it, the employer offers a match, and we kind of get coerced into it to avoid taxes or get money to grow tax free.
I am not qualified to give investment advice. I do not consider myself a good investor. I think i under-perform SP500 when trying to make my own stock picks.
So in those scenarios historically the money printers have used their accrued power over the government to bail them out with taxpayer money, which ironically increases their share of the wealth even more than if their system was just humming along flawlessly. So even when they should lose, they win because people are too dumb to realize that government is a scam as well.
U.S. Billionaire Wealth Is Up 88% Since the Pandemic—Now Topping $5.5 Trillion https://ips-dc.org/u-s-billionaire-wealth-is-up-88-since-the-pandemic-now-topping-5-5-trillion/
Ten richest men double their fortunes in pandemic while incomes of 99 percent of humanity fall https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/ten-richest-men-double-their-fortunes-pandemic-while-incomes-99-percent-humanity
The world’s ten richest men more than doubled their fortunes from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion —at a rate of $15,000 per second or $1.3 billion a day— during the first two years of a pandemic that has seen the incomes of 99 percent of humanity fall and over 160 million more people forced into poverty.
“If these ten men were to lose 99.999 percent of their wealth tomorrow, they would still be richer than 99 percent of all the people on this planet,” said Oxfam International’s Executive Director Gabriela Bucher. “They now have six times more wealth than the poorest 3.1 billion people.”
Drinking my first cup of coffee this morning after only a couple hours sleep and looking at spreadsheets and stock price charts and gold and silver charts It occurred to me just how impactful it would be if studies showed the the consumer price index published by the Federal bureau of labor statistics is heavily flawed and inconsistent and has political meddling to manipulate markets. Consider just how big of a deal it is since we must adjust almost all economic nominal figures for prices or spending or production by this consumer price index inflator figure. But if that figure is a scam, that means most of the field of Economics in the last 50+ years is all fraudulent. Things like "GDP" or the published "inflation rate" are bullshit or the data is manipulated enough to get the final result they desire.
I didn't read through the entire conversation i linked, yet. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37898988
Wondering what you guys think about all this talk about GDP adn inflation. What if the underlying data is bullshit, the multipliers are fucked, and all these four eyed six figure tenured economics professors have been busy body calculating fraudulent economics figures and charts their entire lives? LOL sometimes I think GOD must be laughing at us. All the superstitious crap people believe in, like fraudulent GDP figures or Biden's fraudulent jobs reports that get revised a year later by a significant amount.
I always knew that statistics could be heavily manipulated to get desired results. But I am reminded just how subjective and narrated the field of economics is, meaning it has much subjectivity and manipulation of data and less objectivity or reliance on consistent raw unmanipulated data. The people who specialize in this sort of deceit are probably related to the people who organize data for polls during election cycles.
One project i want to do is find data on the vote counts over a timeline and analyze that data. For example i think vote counting in 2024 election continued for weeks, not with real uncounted authentic ballots, but by fraudulent data being fed in to manipulate the vote counts. The elections are a huge scam and i think it can be proven with the raw data which the government is probably trying to remove or erase or modify on the internet.
This is another thing i notice.
I used to download and save lots of spreadsheets and pdfs and excel files from BLS.gov and other government websites. But now if i go back and download the same document again, it has different data. I've known this for years. I should have posted examples when my head was in that game.
Shapeshifting reptilians
Or kikes who pretend to be White and on your side.
Not meeting with White nationalists.
Traveling overseas to conference with kikes.
Kikes first, white Americans last.
I still don't understand why you are worried where I am located unless you're a fed worried about jurisdiction boundaries because you want to arrest me for free speech.
You didn't answer my question. What does it mean to be American? It doesnt mean shit anymore. So stop worrying about it. Your nation is gone. There is no nation. I'm not convinced you even understand what a nation is. A nation is a people. MAGAtards who claim we are all one human race don't get it.
Also notice that the SECOND highest voter turnout was 1960, the election year in which conspiracy theorists claim that Kennedy stole the election from Nixon.
This means that abnormally high voter turnouts correlate with years in which people highly suspect election fraud occurred.
I wonder if they are going to purposely do a huge leak to frame their political enemies?
I agree jews always lie. It is their very cursed nature. But like any criminal, they are vulnerable to leaving behind clues. I agree that they may not INTEND to always leave behind sixes, but they do. Not every lie has a six in it, but many of their lies do.
I have heard that masons signal each other through public news and use code words. For masons, it seems 33 is a number frequently used. So perhaps jews are using code words or clues to signal to each other, whereas those not in the know are prone to dismiss "Cohen"cidences.
Or perhaps satan just leaves his mark on things.
When God leaves His mark on things, they seem holy and pure and righteous and untainted and beautiful.
When the devil leaves his mark it is just sixes, such as the claw marks on the Monster Energy drinks, which is a hebrew numeral 6 three times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bntfUA6TmLs
So is it too late to get in? LOL the only way bitcoin would completely collapse is if i bought some. I'm terrible at gambling.
Any time i buy a stock, after careful analysis, it goes bankrupt. There's over half a dozen stocks in my portfolio that are delisted and can only be found on pink sheets now. haha
How To Notice When Legislation Is Written By Jews - It Counts By Sixes. i.e. Federal Reserve Act of 1913. #SynagogueOfSatan #GoblinJews #SixGorillion #ImpaleJews #EndTheFed https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/17siEgczy4/how-to-notice-when-legislation-i/c
Dinosaurs went extinct 66 million years ago, goy https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dinosaur-extinction.html
The earth spins around the sun 66,600 miles per hour, goy http://theperihelioneffect.com/facts-about-the-sun/
Six feet distance, goy
Six gorillion dead jews, goy.
66.6% turnout in the most secure election ever, goy.
six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six - jews lying
There use to be peer to peer loan sites back in 2005-2010 but most of them got heavily sued into oblivion. Basically the bookies were making money and advertising investment returns that were quantifiably misleading and false.
It's easy to claim it was a no-brainer now.
But there was huge risk in exchanging dollars for digital bitcoins. There was the threat of governments shutting it down. There was the threat of other digital coins stealing marketshare away or improving upon bitcoin and innovating something better that negates it. There was the problem that most of the people using it were criminals on the dark web on silk road, which made it more likely it was going to get shut down.
I agree that the Federal Reserve Note is fiat. But all the infrastructure is built around it and the government backs it with the full faith and credit of the USA government. Whatever that means is debatable. But bitcoin was backed by promises that no more would be created past the capped amount, that it was open source, etc.
Gold, and maybe moreso silver, do have some industrial usage. Silver is supposed to be one of the best conductors of heat and electricity and one of the shiniest metals and has some other great industrial characteristics.
I'm admitting I was wrong about bitcoin. 10 years later it went up a whole bunch and all that time the conspiracy theorist in me said the rug was going to get pulled and instead government, big banks, hedge funds, etfs, etc. are all in and it is $2 trillion market cap. So, yeah, i was wrong. I'm just trying to explain what my hesitation was.
"I was like, we're going to drain the swamp, and lock her up, and build the wall, and take on the deep state. Then I hired Swamp creatures, let her go, locked up my own supporters at a protest i lured them to before i took off, i only replaced sections of existing wall while huge caravans marched into the country, and i hired the deep state and filled my administration up with lying deep state jews such as William Barr, Walensky, Greenblattt, Mnunchin, Neuberger, Cohn, Berkowitz, Rosenstein, Rosen, Shulkin, Eisenberg, etc." - ZOGnald Trump c/TheZOGnald
Screenshot taken from the Council of Foreign Relations website.
Remember, Biden was on stage with the CFR when he bragged about extorting the president of Ukraine. "I said fire the prosecutor, or you're not getting the billion. Well son of a bitch...." When Trump began investigating it, they accused Trump of quid pro quo which was another scandal kikes tried to utilize to impeach Trump and protect Biden.
I just bought a stand mixer. Going to try making my own bread loaves for now on. Price of good quality bread is so high. Time to do it myself
Sounds about right. Bartenders easily make $300+ at a busy bar in one night.
Building domes https://www.bitchute.com/video/0ihTIRWvHWY
Apparently he doesn't need permits. He's using earth bag packing which I guess is loophole in most states.
Haha literally
Can you elaborate? I have a couple family friends who are sitting on savings, wanting to buy but a bit worried it might be overheated market. The property values seem crazy. How are people coming up with down payments? 20% of $500k is a $100k. How are people coming up with a hundred stacks? People used to struggle to come up with $20k down payment.
He also outsourced all content moderation to a foreign jew company.
I listen to Christopher gardeners bio-charisma podcast sometimes and he talks about building domes. Something about how it is the ideal shape, not a box or rectangle with gable roof design prevalent in USA.
Residential housing seems ridiculously overpriced. So I'm just wondering do we tell a young guy to take the 30 year loan and get in now, or wait for another crash because current properties are priced way more than they cost of labor and materials, which is why corporations got so involved, and why importing migrants to fill them was priority over the domestic citizens.
I can't tell young guys to save, because like someone on this forum told me yesterday, the cost of housing increases at a pace faster than anyone can save for it
Do you think there will be any housing market crash again, like there was in 2008?
People are just random cold calling desperately trying to make cash offers on people's houses. Jews have so much of this fake monopoly money they've printed at the federal reserve, they're trying to lure gentiles into selling real estate assets. Like you said, they are just LOOKING for things to invest in. The jew knows the fiat money is shit and is trying to buy up anything they can get their greasy rubbing goblin hands on.
I've spent a lot of time looking into bullion but even that seems a bit gamed. For example, you always have to pay spot price plus a premium to buy gold or silver coins, but then when you take those coins back to the same gold coin exchange place you bought them before, suddenly they want to offer you 10% below spot. So they collect huge premiums on both sides of the transaction. Gold has to go up over 20% for me to break even. Fucking scams.
Haha this was some of the most boring criticism of jews ever. Lol after a few documentaries like this I'll be too bored to name the jew