freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I came in here to say, and got side tracked by vpn's bullshit.

Dude this isnt something to make fun of people about, it could be any one of us being cremated/put in the ground next.

I am part of the group that happens to believe covid is a real weaponized cold strain and that the vaccines have some kinda of ulterior purpose.

I still think its to create a super strain of covid that will kill the unvaccinated.

The more you wish this kinda stuff the more it feels like were tempting fate.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Prolly even higher.

I said this at the very beginning.

Heart inflammation/irregular heart beat was highest in young males. Thats funny because I bet it was just as common in middle aged and elderly people, but once your over 25 or especially 30, they can just blame "pre existing" heart conditions. Fucking losers. Same shit they did with me with the freon. When the covid vaccine came around, it wasnt even a choice, I wasnt going to take it and risk the same fucking thing. Absolute insanity and the people in r/halifax just fucking DOGGING Me like im the biggest piece of shit that ever existed. God damn hypocrites.

On top of that, how retarded are fucking normies like vpnsurfer. You give them fucking a free pass for anything thats not "willful fraud".

And I even called this back then too. None of its "willful" if you delete emails, and shred the fucking documents.

Absolutely sickening.


It may very well be way worse than any of us realize. But after billions of shots, they are safe now, right?


How the fuck anyone can trust a doctor or politicians or a lawyer, I dont fucking know. They are all SCUM.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

If freon could cause irregular heartbeat, they would like put a warning on the stuff right? They wouldnt hide it like fucking dupont has done with all their shit.

Evil people man, you need to wake the hell up.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like the idea that it was inspired by the gods, well a demigod anyway. I think some of these legends may be inspired on things that happened. I believe they were flying around celestial chariots and creating the human race. I think thats why nasa is obsessed with naming everything in space after greek names. They are jealous basically and emulating god.

According to tradition the first Olympics took place in 776 BC. While one legends claims the games were established by Heracles (Hercules), who brought a sacred olive tree to Olympia, an alternative myth has the hero Pelops (from which the name of the Peloponnese region of Greece originates) establish the festival after defeating King Oenomaus in a chariot race.

There was a time where I wanted to compete, I wasnt actually good in anything though, just dummy dreams. My god I spent everyday in highschool tripping over my feet at least once. I didnt get any kinda balance and coordination until I stopped growing.

When i was poisoned with refrigerant though, I couldnt tell you how many people were like, "But theres nothing wrong with you! You got the heart of a athlete!"

Fucking retards I swear. The more healthy a heart is, the more any kinda of irregular heartbeat will fuck it up. God DAM I feel every PVC I have it fucking sucks.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh I already have a retirement plan that doesnt involve technology lmao ill be homeless. It doesnt matter where we are, they will keep track of us, one way or another. Smart dust prolly. That with elons 5g grid that your constantly reminding us about, that hes building around the earth, there will be no where to hide.

Like that article "its 2030 and we have no property, no privacy, and have never been happy" it talks about people like us, who arent happy with the technocratic 1984 dystopia state, will be living outside the city's in the abandoned towns.

Ive been having one (of many) reoccurring dreams for the last 10 some years now. Long before I heard of the wefs 15 minute city's.

That im living in some kinda decrepit abandoned tower and the damn thing is falling apart, I constantly have to watch where I step or my leg will go through the floor and I dont know how many times I dreamt I went tumbling down some kinda huge freight elevator because the thing is just holding on by a thread lmao.

Im sure theres some kinda dream symbolism there, but still weird.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree it is.... I really hate judging an entire race by the actions of its leaders. People do it to americans all the time.

But israel is not special, they are not gods chosen people.

I was just reading this article earlier,


The Israeli government took extraordinary measures to frustrate a high-stakes US lawsuit that threatened to reveal closely guarded secrets about one of the world’s most notorious hacking tools, leaked files suggest.

Israeli officials seized documents about Pegasus spyware from its manufacturer, NSO Group, in an effort to prevent the company from being able to comply with demands made by WhatsApp in a US court to hand over information about the invasive technology.

Pegasus allows NSO clients to infect smartphones with hidden software that can extract messages and photos, record calls and secretly activate microphones. NSO’s clients have included both authoritarian regimes and democratic countries and the technology has been linked to human rights abuses around the world.

The July 2020 seizures were made after Israeli officials and the company appear to have discussed how to respond to WhatsApp’s requests for NSO to disclose internal files about its spyware, raising questions about whether they coordinated to conceal certain information from US legal proceedings

Documents suggest the seizures were part of an unusual legal manoeuvre created by Israel to block the disclosure of information about Pegasus, which the government believed would cause “serious diplomatic and security damage” to the country.

I figure this is what Canada used against me, I dont think they are smart enough to make shit like this if im being honest. Canada is not a leader in technology.

But why does gods chosen people feel the need to spy on journalist, human activist's, and just average joe blows like me?

What the fuck?

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah dude needs a haircut, looking a little to feminine.

Unless thats what he is into, then more power to him I guess.

The hand symbol makes me believe that elon's kids are satan worshippers like their grandfather, and very likely, like elon too.

How many kids elon got now, 100? Dude needs to learn how to wear a condom. Or do it like us poor plebs, pull out.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thats funny, I was just thinking earlier about how people bitch about the royals, and then the rich and powerful have conquered these lands.

On a side note, I bitch about the boarding schools in canada alot, I raged from freecanada's site over it because most of them think its fake somehow.

But places like poland and sweden did this exact shit to the indians that live there too. All under the crown and the need to own everything.

Put them in boarding schools, forbid them from speaking in their native tounge, killed/raped them, destroyed their reindeer.

Literally a playbook from the crown on how to steal shit from natives 101.

Anyway, israel has to be the worst one of them all. Its the 21st century and they are still killing people to steal their land. Wost of all is doing it while claiming they are gods true people.

They do not see the irony. Alot of them anyway, a good fraction of them do know their leaders are evil as hell. The leaders of hamas are evil as well, but they dont have the full might of the technological world behind them.

Its like rocks versus guns. I would think gods chosen people could do it with sticks.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stuff like this has been debunked so many times.

Give me something with actual high resolution. Not some low resolution digital tv signal. Or a compressed youtube/streaming video.

I think our leaders worship some kinda entity, but are they shape shifting reptillians, nah proally not. I think people like david icke and alex jones were allowed to see "something" and their minds filled in the gaps.

I do believe that some of the ancient gods, like quezecoatl were definetly described as being "lizard" like.

There is supposedly old hopie stories about lizard people who could open portals and step through them and they would steal women and children. But I have never really been able to verify this.

If I had money, Id spend years just chilling with indians trying to get this stuff out of them. I can imagine these are not stories they want to share with just anyone, most people think their crazy!

Its interesting that jim morrison spent time with indians didnt he? Did he write his song lizard king before or after I wonder. I did learn this little tidbit from his wiki which I thought I would share, even tho its not really relevant, but its something certainly strange.

Morrison's senior year English teacher later said, "Jim read as much and probably more than any student in class, but everything he read was so offbeat I had another teacher (who was going to the Library of Congress) check to see if the books Jim was reporting on actually existed.[31] I suspected he was making them up, as they were English books on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century demonology. I'd never heard of them, but they existed, and I'm convinced from the paper he wrote that he read them, and the Library of Congress would've been the only source."[24]

Material his military dad gave him I wonder?

freedomlogic 4 points ago +4 / -0

I assumed its the elites plan.


They knew a while ago that someone was going to own everything, might as well be them. And people think its some stupid fantasy that the rich want everything and would conspire to get it. Actual insanity to me.

Once they own everything, there will be no need to make a refrigerator that last 10 years or a plastic bowl that will last 5.

Its sad seeing people in canada, especially the local subreddits, get mad at immigrants for taking all the housing, but they need to smarten the fuck up and direct that anger at their leaders who are making tons of money by destroying our way of life. Literally selling us out for their fucking mcmansions and their mcyachts. Sickening.

They must be some confident that the masses are never going to wake the fuck up and riot.

Like the ships that canada just spent a billion dollars building, are already breaking down. Taking water, there is lead in the drinking water because irving cut corners and used fittings that were to high in content for potable water.

It almost makes you fucking wonder if its not china using their wealth and influence to slowly weaken us to the point that they can simply finish us off in one blow, like holy shit.

All these articles about canadian politicians working with the chinese government, and then weeks later articles about how all western nations are preparing for war against china in 5 years.

I dont know but I just dont think shit is going to ever get better, call me negative nancy or whatever.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have you ever seen the guerrilla in the room experiment?

If you havent done this video, dont read anything about it first, just watch the video and do what the video asks you to do, which is count how many times the balls is thrown by the people wearing the white shirts.


This the exact same thing they are doing with the left, and the right. The deep state and the normal state. Its a circus, meant to maximise your attention so your not paying attention to what is happening in the background.

Once you understand that, youll understand there isnt two governments, a "shadow" government.

Its all owned and controlled by the super wealthy elite.

With this mindset, the news becomes more akin to reality tv, than anything that actually resembles ethical reporting. Makes alot more sense anyway.

Like that black lady they killed after cornering her in the kitchen. The elite are to smart to let us know the truth, because then everyone would actually understand, that there isnt anything left to lose.


freedomlogic 0 points ago +1 / -1

Im sure most of you here read about the black lady being killed in her home after calling police after she thought she heard a intruder.

They released the body cam footage.

I cant tell what this lady said, something about the hot scalding water, but shit went from 0 to 100 in 10 seconds and they fucking just blew her away, zero fucks given.

"I rebuke you in the name ofjesus" or something?

Sad state of affairs. The value of a human life means absolutely nothing to these people.


The link again with the timestamp since playback is disabled on other sites.

Fucking cowards screaming to drop the pot after they filled her with bullets. They must be trained to do this shit too.

Like I said they all got a playbook they use to fuck the common person over.

Ive had enough internet for tonight.


Lmao pretending to shake like hes all shook up about what happened. How can these people call themselves cops.

Thugs is more like it.

People in the reddit comments living in deluded reality bubbles.


All I seen was a woman trying to shield her face from fucking BULLETS.


edit: I really don't mind the downvotes, people are allowed to have their opinions. For the sake of being informed, watch the clip(I time stamped it for you) https://youtu.be/HFun2GydGyU?si=Y-wi3AVTAsQb1Nqu&t=1697 and set the playback speed to 0.25 so that you can see the sequence of events: officer raises weapon, victim raises hands with potholders, victim ducks down to the pot of boiling water on the floor, officer approaches, as officer body cam puts victim back into frame, we see the victim raising the pot of boiling water overhead in a throwing motion at which point shots are fired and the victim collapses to the ground.

I guess slowed down, you do see her try to throw the pot.

They escalated that shit and were judging her the entire time, they just wanted an excuse to kill her.

If you have a gun, and the suspect has aboiling pot of water, running towards them in a threatening manner usually reacts in this behavior.

What is that art of war saying?

Never put your enemy in a corner. Because then its either fight or die.

Rip this lady.

Another comment.

And he’s the one who told her to take the pot off. I read elsewhere he freak out when she said she rebuked him in the name of Jesus. I’m not one to believe such things, but I honestly feel this man is evil and was triggered by that. He was so triggered and threatened that he could not restrain himself from murdering this woman. Pure evil and disgusting.

She was saying rebuke you in the name of jesus, weird shit. Apparently she told them that it was a false alarm and they come in anyway, I didnt watch the entire video.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im sure most of you here read about the black lady being killed in her home after calling police after she thought she heard a intruder.

They released the body cam footage.

I cant tell what this lady said, something about the hot scalding water, but shit went from 0 to 100 in 10 seconds and they fucking just blew her away, zero fucks given.

Sad state of affairs. The value of a human life means absolutely nothing to these people.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, this is what I think you call synchronicity right?


Right after this the guy he is interviewing is talking about how it could take a decade or two before the full blowout is known. Makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up, for sure.

Back to the movie the guy is talking about, he mentions another movie about the dude who invented the windshield wiper and how he was institutionalized when he had a breakdown on a public bus.

Yeah, I understand how these people feel, my god its weird feeling solidarity with someone when ive been a lone wolf my entire life.

But I resisted the urge to do something insane to make people listen to my story. Instead I just had to bitterly bite the bullet, and rant to everyone here about it all the time. I am sorry and I just want to thank anyone who actually reads my shit. I know it cant be easy to put up with. Mostly just lawyers and I wouldnt be surprised if ARCAS vp rick reads shit while hes eating his caviar at night in his million dollar home. Have a good laugh while he does whatever drug that hes into, prolly pharmaceutical. But if I was on reddit or some other bullshit, I wouldnt be able to actually say names, and fuck its worth it even if no one hears me here. Just saying these fuckers names gives me a little relief.

Even if no one believes me. I was used to that before being poisoned. No one wants to listen to the ravings of individual suffering from low latency inhibition.

I like to think people like me are what scare the fuck out of the powers that be though. People like JFK and MLK terrified the elite, why? Because they didnt use violence to move the people. Without a reason to throw them in jail or vilify them, it was very hard to control them.

The power of the pen is mightier than the sword.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like im watching that video now, while i do some late night programming.


Holy fuck does shit like this sound familiar.

When I sent in my appeal to the WCB tribunal, they just acted like I never sent in my appeal and they never looked it, never made a judgement, just never contacted me. I asked them if they looked at it, yeah were gonna make a decision, and then after a month the woman supervisor turned into a right cold cunt. "WHAT DO YOU WANT STOP CALLING US". Or the college of physicians and surgeons of nova scotia claiming that I never brought up the medication that dr nicholson never actually prescribed me. When I have copy of the fucking LETTERS!

Its like these fucking assholes have a playbook they use to fuck people over as hard as possible.

I watched that movie breaking recently and had no idea that shit happened back in 2017. Trying to look up information up about it and theres barely anything. No one mentions the part where they were taking his disability check to pay someone else tuition bill, HOLY FUCK. Some random blurb about his brother being in the illuminati to frame him as schizophrenic, and never touched on again.

I said it before, and ill repeat it again.

When cost savings is more important than doing what is right, then society is completely and utterly broken, and it wont be long before the rest of it shatters along with it.

Why? It aint to save the taxpayers money, its so the rich can funnel more from the system for themselves.

Its so fucking absolutely disgusting.

And people like you vpn fucking DEFEND IT. Thinking its just all some bullshit so people can claim some free money.

Grow the fuck up.

I cant understand what the plan is, are our leaders fucking INSANE? Do they not care that they are ripping apart the fabric of society for what? A FUCKING MCMANSION?

The only thing that makes sense is they know the end of our civilization is near, and they just dont give a fuck anymore.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Youll be fine. Its mostly nitrogen in the air we breathe. 78% to be exact.

Halogenated fluorocarbons on the other hand.....

Lets just say I wouldnt recommend using something like a ventolin inhaler, if you have a family history of irregular heart rhythms.

VENTOLIN HFA is a pressurized metered-dose aerosol unit fitted with a counter. VENTOLIN HFA is intended for oral inhalation only. Each unit contains a microcrystalline suspension of albuterol sulfate in propellant HFA-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane). It contains no other excipients.


Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including: fast/pounding heartbeat.

Get medical help right away if you have any very serious side effects, including: chest pain, irregular heartbeat, rapid breathing, confusion.

This guy seems to think that breathing it in, shouldnt hurt you.


But fails to realize that halogenated hydrocarbons can induce cardiac sensitizing and they actually noticed this because some people die when they are put under something like, chloroform. And when adrenaline hits them, boom heart attack.

Common examples of halogenated hydrocarbons include: 1-bromopropane (C3H7Br), methylene chloride (CH2Cl2), chloroform (CHCl3), tetrachloroethylene (C2Cl4) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4).


Upper respiratory exposure (particularly to high concentrations) to Freon may cause an irregular heartbeat (cardiac arrhythmia), asphyxia, dizziness, and loss of concentration and coordination. If workers should experience these medical conditions, they should contact a physician for the appropriate medical care. When seeing a doctor, affected workers should make sure that they indicate that their work involves exposure to Freon.

Employers should provide all employees who work with or around Freon annual physical exams. If the employer does not presently give such exams, these should be negotiated into the collective bargaining agreement. All physical exams should include possible cardiac or heart effects from acute exposure to Freon.

How can a million dollar company like the appliance recycling centers of america, and wcb nova scotia another mult million dollar entity just claim ignorance?

And the laywers to tell me well your fucked because t heres not enough money in it for us to care.

Give me the nuclear launch codes, ill hit the godamn button.

freedomlogic 4 points ago +5 / -1

What do you mean?


Seems like theres still alot of activity in places, as for mainstream social media? I imagine people are tired of not being believed and the ones who dont want to hear it are tired of listening anyway.

couple that with the mainstream covering it up, and sure it seems like no one is talking about it.

But this youtube video from 3 days ago that I found in that sub shows that this isnt a issue that is just going to disappear.


I think were all just kinda praying everyone doesnt start having heart attacks in a few years.

Like me, irregular heart rhythms run in the family, at the end of a long life, 70-80 years old. No history of heart attacks.

But if you get irregular heart beat while your middle aged, and its not taken care of.

You will for sure be having heart attacks instead of irregular heartbeat when your old.

Get irregular heartbeat when your under 25(and again dont get it taken care of), and ill bet you will be having heart attacks by 40.

I wonder how many teenagers got heart inflammation, and didnt even know it. Was proably happening just as much in the older generations, but they just said "its your age".

Same shit they pulled on me when I was poisoned with refrigerant. Your 30 years old, you were proably alreayd having irregular heartbeat, that they kept claiming i didnt have.

I dont know how a government entity that is supposed to help and protect people can just keep saying contradictory things like that, fucking criminal scum.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +3 / -1

People have, I just dont think they realized it. And it looks like once they slipped up, they learned to disassociate the data on the blockchain and aggregate it together off network.

Shortly after the mass covid vaccine campaigns began, peoples medical data started popping up on ethereum.

I believe they were using these networks to crunch data about the vaccines and the effects. I also have this weird nagging thought that they prolly used a quantum AI to do it. Because it sounds like one was involved with the creation of the vaccine.

Moderna and IBM are teaming up to use generative artificial intelligence and quantum computing to advance mRNA technology, the development at the core of the company's Covid vaccine. The companies said they signed an agreement that would allow Moderna to access IBM's quantum computing systems and generative AI model.

Seems easy enough to do...

We develop smart contracts to automate the traceability of COVID-19 vaccines while ensuring data provenance, transparency, security, and accountability. We integrate the Ethereum blockchain with off-chain storage to manage non-critical and large-sized data.

Is this not someone just straight up admitting it?

In this study, we presented a method for securely and rapidly storing and retrieving COVID-19-related health information using smart contracts with the Ethereum blockchain. It enables the protection of patient information while facilitating more efficient research and communication.

That was oddly the time that ethereum hit a all time high.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know some beer is held in charred kegs, so they prolly just add charcoal in thinking, its close enough.

I cant drink beer anyway, its so fucking perfumy. Must be the hops, which is funny because I have always felt this way and read a article a few years back about how hops has the highest estrogen in any plant.

The strongest known phytoestrogen so far is 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN), which along with 6-prenylanaringenin (6-PN), 6,8-diprenylnaringenin (6,8-DPN) and 8-geranylnaringenin (8-GN) are fundamental for the potent estrogen activity of hops.

No wonder it smells/tastes so perfumy. lmao. And something about miller products my body cant tolerate, a can/bottle of a miller brand and im guaranteed to have a headache the next day. I bet they use a ton fuck of hops.

Thats why I mainly stick with liquor the odd occasion I drink. Over the years, I found gin is what my body seems to tolerate most. I can get drunk as hell and rarely do i wake up with a hangover.

Ive drank maybe 3 times this year so far. But I worry about my liver, the last couple years when I have drank, its like the alchohol does nothing ot me until I hit a certain point and then I am to drunk.

Its like having a alcohol tolerance, but I shouldnt have one lmao. Waste of money.

350 ml of a mediocre gin is like 50$ in canada. What a racket they got going here.

That 50$ could buy me a night of being drunk and everything being a blur, or I could buy a quarter of weed and be high for a week.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess it does have alittle bit of a bang to it, but its weird how trump is just sideways there for a bit before it starts.

So what, 3 pops, followed by 5 pops from what sounds like the same gun. Followed by what sounds like 1 pistol shot. And then one more shot, im guessing a sniper finishing him off. And then a women screaming.


I cant get over trump and everyone cheering. Some dude just tried to kill someone and lost his life but it didnt seem to dampen anyones spirits did it!


freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im looking at r/conspiracy at this moment.

Top posts have like 30 upvotes, and its of like old conspiracy stuff.

Aliens, poisoning our food.

Im thinking, wtf did I sort by new or something and then it hit me.

The fucking bot farms that are manipulating reddit must be down. LMAO.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the problem with canadians.

Im not saying this woman doesnt have a valid right to complain. But the only reason she cares is because she literally sees it happening. If she didnt see it, she wouldnt care.

Canada is imploding from within. Their entire social construct is breaking down.


As many as 15,000 Canadians may be dying unnecessarily every year because of hospital crowding, according to one estimate

The survey found levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization — a lack of ability to feel empathy for others, an emotional distancing and numbness that comes from feeling at the end of your rope — have increased among emergency doctors since COVID hit, and the consequences for patients could be disastrous.

Today, emergency rooms are still filled with sick people waiting to be moved to the wards. In Ontario, the average wait time in May was 18.8 hours. Fewer than a third were moved to a bed within the government’s eight-hour target. Emergency departments are reporting record levels of “boarding,” a dehumanizing practice of holding patients in hallways or makeshift spaces after they’ve been admitted because there are no open beds upstairs. In Nova Scotia, emergency department deaths hit a six-year high last year, CTV reported, increasing to 666 deaths in 2023, from 558 the previous year.

Good maybe satan has his sights on nova scotia now, they deserve it.

These people are fucking liars, and the populace is so fucking ignorant and complacent.


The rates of lung, colorectal and prostate cancers are projected to decrease this year, but less common cancers -- including melanoma, liver and kidney cancers and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma --are on the rise, the projections suggest.

Breast cancer incidence rates are relatively stable and mortality rates are decreasing, Brenner said.

"A lot of that has been from the successes in screening approaches with mammography through organized screening programs," combined with improved treatment options over the years, he said.

They literally live in their own reality bubbles.


One of the patients, a man who had no family doctor and who could no longer wait to get care for his symptoms, had metastatic disease — the cancer had already spread to other parts of his body. “You’re looking at the CT scan and it doesn’t say somebody has a treatable diagnosis like appendicitis,” Vojdani said. “Then you’re thinking, ‘How do I sit down with this person and their family in this unbelievably busy space and provide them with a life-altering diagnosis.’” Across Canada, doctors are reporting a similar troubling trend, saying an increasing number of patients are receiving a cancer diagnosis in emergency departments in yet another symptom of a health system under pressure. Patients, they say, are forced to go to emergency departments for help because a family doctor shortage means they cannot easily get care anywhere else.

So which is it canada? Do you guys have "prevention" programs, or that just something the wealthy and elite have access too, or dont you.

Ive been suffering from health problems ever since I was poisoned with refrigerant in the back of arcas shitty little shop. Its been almost a year since I seen a endocrinologist. No follow up, no plan, no fucks given at all.

I sincerely hope these people rot in hell.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did we watch the same video?

Thats the thing, even at the distance he was, there shoulda been some bangs, they shoulda been delayed though. Instead it was a very soft sound.

A bit like a paintball gun.

Heres something weird and kinda related.

When I seen the video, I ended up youtubing what does a suppressor sound like, I have never actually shot one.

Of all the videos, I landed on demolition ranchs video where he used 69 baffles, and then I find out a day later that the shooter was wearing a demolition ranch tshirt.

Weird as fuck.

Then they tried to say the shooter was posting on steam forum, but that turned out to be a lie.

Fucking weird all around.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

The cities themselves will likely be beautiful. Seems to be how evil rolls.

No pollution, lots of green space.

The "important" people will have these beautiful spaces. The plebs will have a cubicle with a vr set.

Wont be a need to pollute when the rich have everything. Pollution was just a byproduct making shit so they could gain the capital/power to have not just some of it, but all of it.

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