freedomlogic 5 points ago +5 / -0

Meh, canadians are easily swayed and controlled. A very docile and placated race. Though they are quick to anger and prone to some serious mental gymnastics to justify just about anything.

Immigrants are being used to suppress wages and keep house prices/renting high. Rent in halifax has doubled since covid. They are also being used to keep work safety laws pointless.

But I dont blame immigrants, its like blaming a mouse for going for the cheese.

I blame politicians who allow all this corruption to happen so they can enrich themselves. I know america is bad, im from appalachia.

But this shit is insane.

The wealth gap between the rich and poor in Canada widened at the fastest pace on record in the first quarter of 2023 compared with the year before, according to Statistics Canada, amid high inflation and declining real estate values.

The top 20 per cent of earners in Canada held 67.8 per cent of the country’s net worth in the first quarter, compared with the bottom 40 per cent holding 2.7 per cent. The difference between those amounts equals the wealth gap.

Yeah, they are basically slaves here and they just dont seem to care. Most of them anyway. All these indians too, there is definitely some caste undertones in everything.

But I cant kid myself, the medical system was broken long before immigrants, the roads were crumbling long before them and the corruption has only gotten worse. But man do canadians love to blame immigrants for it, the same way they think all native indians are drunk pieces of shit lmao.


Halifax Regional Police are releasing more details about the workplace death of a 19-year-old woman at a Walmart on Saturday.

"The woman, who was an employee of the store, was located in a large walk-in oven belonging to the store's bakery department," police said in a news release on Tuesday afternoon.

Like I said she was an immigrant (a sheik apparently), she prolly didnt smoke weed, so they cant blame it on that, dang.

But ill bet 100$ that 4 years later her family gets nothing because they will determine it was her fault somehow for not following protocols that were likely never properly explained to her. Ive been on dozens of construction sites here were people arent even wearing their hard hats, safety is a joke in canada.

People think she was murdered. Nah I just think she was doing the job of two people, being exploited for not knowing her rights or really the lack of them here (your responsible for your safety was a sticker that my old supervisor stuck on arcas mirror, i used to get a laugh out of that, now I know what he meant).

Its hard to be aware of your safety when your just some pleb making minimum wage and your company is some million dollar cursed piece of shit who is supposed to be the so called "experts" so they can train you. What a joke.

I think she set the oven to some kinda self cleaning mode, and what happens when you set that on your oven at home. When the door shuts, it locks and starts going on its own. Ugh, what a terrible fucking way to go, no one deserves that. Rumors on social media are that the few people on shift at 2 am heard her screaming but couldnt do nothing to stop it. My guess is there was no emergency shutdown on the fucking thing. Why would they care, like I said, work safety is a joke here.

Looking at comments just shows me how dumb these people really are, most of them are thinking the family is going to get a nice payout from walmart. ROFL. Perhaps it works the same int he states, ive never been in the situation there. But here you cant sue your employer, all you can do is go through wcb and in the end the amounts they payout are very little. This government does not want to provide a living expense to the disabled. Again prolly the same in america. The value of a human life means nothing.

Best thing they can do is maybe sue the contractor of the oven for not installing a emergency shut off button which was proably required and ignored.

Like i said, 10,000 fine, family might see something after 4 years, based on what her life was worth, Then again being a immigrant they will prolly weasel out of it somehow, they usually do. Even if they did, minimum wage 19 year old worker, her life was prolly worth something like 20 grand.

You have to be a lawyer or a doctor or a politician to get the really big payouts.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good enough to take your shit, but not good enough to get help in return.

Its ok, the "vaccinated" will prolly take care of your organ better which i mean realistically is not a matter of if, but when its going to fail.

The organs always fail after something like 2-10 years. Its super rare if you get more than that I guess?

Revolving door of spare human parts, disgusting.

Like I told wcb, I wouldnt want to live if I had to get dialysis every week when I was begging them for help, they had a good laugh about it.

I couldnt fathom having someone elses organ in me and taking the meds and constant stress about when it was going to fail, thats not a quality of life I want or am used to.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

In places like applachia its been like that for a long time.

I cannot remember what I was watching, but it opens with this guy and girl talking about how they would never be organ donors because they wouldnt want someone not helping them, I had a laugh.

People in nova scotia think im some conspiracy theorist star lord when I tell them I opted out of organ donation.

freedomlogic 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ill point out again (did already in the kotaku thread)

That this proally happens everywhere, but because it was appalachia the nurses and doctors actually did the right thing.

I would not trust a place like nova scotia which is the first "opt-out" organ donation state/province in north america.

Like I said between what happened to me, allison hoffman who they told her husband that she would not have a life worth living and to pull the plug immedietly that night, and then never bothered to give him a cause of death lol.

Or Davelle Desmond, who got pushed and smacked his head on a table going down, and was declaed "brain dead" after "30 minutes without a pulse" lol. He obviously had a pulse, they were just to incompenent? or just Evil/Corrupt to notice it.

The people in this place, are barely human.

On top of the work injury in nova scotia, I had a close family member in ohio who was in foster care their whole lives, lived with a pimp the last few, got knocked up by a john, gets overdosed on heroin as a cheap form of abortion by the pimp.

Gets wheeled into the hospital talking and fine, and is dead five hours later. Im pretty sure they did the same thing to them :(. What the hospital ran out of narcan that day?

Or me mum in ohio who had aids, who was asked to wear a "ribbon" on her ankle in case she was ever in a wreck so the emt's could take "special" precautions. Im like 8 years old and she gets pulled over by teh local police who proceed to tell her its not so they can help her, its so everyone can avoid helping her.

My mom cried for days over that shit, so the refusing help if your a organ donation case doesnt seem that far off honestly.

It seems like I would be retarded to actually trust the system.

freedomlogic 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ive spent alot of time outside over the last several decades of my life. I feel pretty confident when I say that something is happening.

I thought the sunflower conspiracy was a interesting one, people in r/conspiracy a month ago talking about sunflowers not tracking the sun properly. But who knows.

Even the indians are seeing it.


Even stranger is the fact that the sun now appears to set many kilometres off its usual point on the horizon, and the stars are no longer where they should be. Is the Earth shifting on its axis, causing the very look of the sun and stars to change?

These are the drastic conditions Northern Canadians, whose lives depend from childhood on their knowledge of the most minute details of the Arctic land and skies, say they see all around them. These observations by Inuit elders are detailed in a groundbreaking new documentary, Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change, by acclaimed Nunavut filmmaker Zacharias Kunuk ( The Fast Runner, The Journals of Knud Rasmussen) and environmental scientist Ian Mauro.

Do you believe these indians, who have lived there for thousands of years are just "imagining" things? lol.

Heres a article claiming its because we are pumping so much groundwater.


Pumping groundwater appears to have a greater consequence than ever previously thought. But now—thanks to a new study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters—we can see that, in less than two decades, Earth has tilted 31.5 inches as a result of pumping groundwater. This equates to .24 inches of sea level rise.

Thanks to a study from NASA published in 2016, we were alerted to the fact that the distribution of water can change the Earth’s rotation. This new study attempted to add some hard figures to that realization. “I’m very glad to find the unexplained cause of the rotation pole drift,” Seo says. “On the other hand, as a resident of Earth and a father, I’m concerned and surprised to see that pumping groundwater is another source of sea-level rise.”

Oh thank god guys, nothing to worry about here.

What causes an ice age and glacial-interglacial cycles?

Many factors contribute to climate variations, including changes in ocean and atmosphere circulation patterns, varying concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and even volcanic eruptions. The following discusses key factors in (1) initiating ice ages and (2) the timing of glacial-interglacial cycles.

Just fake news, nothing to worry about here.


The circulation of the Atlantic Ocean is heading towards a tipping point that is “bad news for the climate system and humanity”, a study has found.

The scientists behind the research said they were shocked at the forecast speed of collapse once the point is reached, although they said it was not yet possible to predict how soon that would happen.

Using computer models and past data, the researchers developed an early warning indicator for the breakdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (Amoc), a vast system of ocean currents that is a key component in global climate regulation.

They found Amoc is already on track towards an abrupt shift, which has not happened for more than 10,000 years and would have dire implications for large parts of the world.

Just fake right? The news here tells me that the reason so many sharks are swimming around nova scotia is because they are protected now or something. Totally has nothing to do with the warmer waters, or the explosion in critters like lobster there. I linked that quote of a canadian saying hes never seen so many lobster in his life time haha.

Prolly nothing. I hope the original story that the bible was based off of wasnt some kinda of warning or, great reveal about what was going to happen, to humanity again.

What does it matter anyway, live everyday like it is your last, because you never know when it is. Best bet advice I have heard these last few years?

Enjoy the peace and tranquility, while you can.

If nothing ever happens, just consider yourself lucky. But I imagine most here are like me. They have felt something building for their entire lives.

freedomlogic 6 points ago +6 / -0

Doesnt even have my favorite seal.


I can hear my old roomate now, "But how do you know the pictures arent just made up. "

It appears in the iconography of cylinder seals, and later on reliefs, or other motifs.

Its a pretty iconic picture that has made its way down through the ages.

Depicting the creation of humankind with the vessel of life. Not sure what some of the rest of the stuff on there is supposed to be.


This is the Assyrian version, but its more like a tree, not a vessel/container.

Neat picture the OP showed. The great pyramid was on my bucket list, but I dont think ill ever be able to afford going there.

And even if I could, I stick out like a sore thumb, id prolly get my head cut off.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

What makes you think their faking being hacked?

Lmao microsoft got hacked like 2x in the last few years and lost the source code to windows. That aint good.

Reading about how the chinese have infiltrated nsa backdoors.

I dont think its all fake lmao.


Microsoft has now confirmed that the Russian cyberspies who broke into its executives' email accounts stole source code and gained access to internal systems. The Redmond giant also characterized the intrusion as "ongoing."


A cyberattack tied to the Chinese government penetrated the networks of a swath of U.S. broadband providers, potentially accessing information from systems the federal government uses for court-authorized network wiretapping requests. For months or longer, the hackers might have held access to network infrastructure used to cooperate with lawful U.S. requests for communications data, according to people familiar with the matter, which amounts to a major national security risk. The attackers also had access to other tranches of more generic internet traffic, they said.

When these programmers made a good chunk of this stuff back in the 90's, security wasnt really a big thought in the process. There are security holes everywhere. Israel seems to have access to everything as well.

The internet is just one big leaky sieve apparently.

In some dystopia books/movies, ai have destroyed the original internet exploiting everything, and you cant use it without having some kinda of ai to defend against it.

Doesnt seem that far off honestly.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, looking at their posts. They either snapped.

Or whats more likely, pedo pajeet compromised his account somehow.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I assumed he was talking about pedo pajeeet(well claims to be) who keeps bombarding his nonsense to gaming and kotakuinaction2. I see his posts almost every day under new names, lmao. There are two posts of his sitting on gaming now, and its pretty low key disgusting.

The mod on this forum just declared not calling anyone out, especially with no evidence, so yeah Id say prepared spirit is gonna get banned from conspiracies, theres still saidit and the other forums here they can visit.

Yeah I declare prepared spirit a dissident, even though I have no real proof, see how that works? Lol.

I dont know why, others, expect the admin of this board to admin other scored communitys. Hes not a site wide admin.

In fact, besides the op's baseless accusation, this post would be better served in meta because I agree with op. Its quite disgusting and the pajeet is just trying to either get this site shut down, trying to troll people, or is just really a nasty individual who should prolly get his balls chopped off before he harms a child.

Its hard for me to care about anyone through a story, or hearsay. We all have a bit of compassion fatigue, especially when no one cared about what you (or in my case what happened to me). Knowing people though, or going through something yourself, like sexual assault or molestation/rape is fucking terrible and rich people get off way to fucking easy.

But I still could never handle being something like a facebook mod where you have to admin communitys from across the world. The amount of children being raped everyday in the middle east, or even by certain, holy people, dont seem to matter to the masses oddly enough.

An entire reason our ancestors fought so hard for a way of life that didnt involve rich people doing whatever the fuck they wanted, but everyone seems to have forgotten.

Like prince andrew, that scum, getting off after everything hes done with epstein.

Never forget Alisa Dmitrijeva, a 17 year old found dead on one of the queens estates which she was supposedly involved with prince andrew. The family begged for answers, only for the investigation to end because of "national security".

OP calling out some random member as a pedo, doesnt seem to care about the actual pedophiles like epstein or their crew.

Dumb shit.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lool. I had to look this up. Even yandex not having any hits on this one. It kinda looks like you just made it up.

Best explanation I could find that makes sense is this one.


The next item is the well-known plague doctor mask, which was bird-like in shape, and had a long beak. According to one source, people once believed that the plague was spread by birds. Therefore, the use of such a mask may have stemmed from the belief that the disease could be removed from a patient by transferring it to the garment. The mask also had a utilitarian function, as the beak was packed with strong, pleasant smelling substances, such as ambergris, mint, or rose petals. These were meant to ward the disease away because people believed miasma (“bad air”) spread the disease. Obviously, we know more about germs today and that this effort would not have been effective.

I know some people dont believe in bacteria and germs tho. Shrugs.

I do think its funny that I cant even get recognition for my work injury but these people have no problem getting legal retribution on anyone who even slights them.

However, I will once again say, you cant judge an entire people just by a few of their race. If that was the case, than us white people really are all imperial corrupt pieces of shit.

freedomlogic 8 points ago +8 / -0

I am still fascinated for such a dead little corner of the internet that anyone cares enough to call someone out lmao.

I dont mind being called out, I have never been easily bullied, its why I never got the covid vaccine. But there is a reason I dont reply to 99% of comments, I got tired of that game long ago. Just seems like all anyone wants to do is bicker and hate each other.

But I can understand others who are still young and impressionable caring. I hope they come back under another name. I do appreciate others opinions and I myself need to stop with my baggage. Its hard though, I feel really shitty lately, and thinking about ones own mortality does have a way of putting things in perspective.

I got to stop letting myself get trigged and I will try better not to drag others down, I have been bad lately. But I read dumb shit and I let myself feel like its some kinda personal battle.

A good example and you can delete my comment if you feel its to off topic, I understand but this local subreddit this morning about halifax having the highest levels of thc in the sewage.

Ironically all the people thinking this is some sort of commendable achievement cannot find a job paying a living wage or buy a home.

LMAO these retards are worried about pot consumption while their leaders and other elite drive up the price of of housing, grocery's, everything and get a free pass. I wont even delve into lack of social services like medical or workers comp LOL.


And im the mentally ill one? LMAO

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

While Axo may have believed in Qanon, I believe it was the election interference that was what they technically they got him with. Although I cant find any proof of that.

It was the capital riot, thats right. The "insurrection" that would have made our ancestors giggle like schoolgirls. A real party to these guys would have been going to a major dock and destroying millions of dollars in goods. It does seem like there was a target on the sub after pizzagate though.


The ban came hours after Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) called out “Reddit conspiracy theories” following the Capitol riot.

“By trying to overturn this election, they are placing more trust in Reddit conspiracy theories over the Constitution,” Duckworth said Wednesday night, referring to the Republican members of Congress who objected to the election results.

Interesting, who knows who is lurking these forums these days.

Axolotl_Peyotl has also weighed in on his mod removal and suspension on conspiracies.win, another conspiracy-minded site he’s been pushing on Reddit for the past month. The then-top mod knocked Reddit while promoting the new forum, writing, “There’s already considerable more freedom at conspiracies.win…like a breath of fresh air. So many old time r/conspiracy folks are already there that got banned by the admins back in the pizzagate days, etc.”


For those familiar with r/The_Donald, this might all sound familiar—mods on that subreddit similarly used Reddit to launch their own .win site, where conspiracy theories now run rampant.

Its easy believing, its harder trying to see the big picture.

I admit, I was certainly curious in the beginning when Qanon predicted that meteor that exploded over the michigan area.

Was obviously someone with some pretty high clearance. I read somewhere that nazi germany had a similar psyop to flush out dissidents.

Between that and the "insurrection", prolly not a free thinker left in the government now.


Looking for that psy op I was talking about but no luck. Did find this.

Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz fought coercion(compulsory detention) and denied that mental illness existed. Although he was regarded as a maverick, his ideas are much more plausible when one discovers that between 1939 and 1941, up to 100 000 mentally ill people, including 5000 children, were killed in Nazi Germany. In the course of the Nazi regime, over 400 000 forced sterilisations took place, mainly of people with mental illnesses. Other countries, including Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland, had active forced sterilisation programmes and eugenics laws. Similar laws were implemented in the USA, with up to 25 000 forced sterilisations. These atrocities were enabled and facilitated by psychiatrists of the time and are only one example of the dark side of the profession. This article reviews some of these aspects of the history of psychiatry, including Germany’s eugenics programme and the former USSR’s detention of dissidents under the guise of psychiatric treatment

They still sterilize native indians here in canada.

Indigenous women in Canada have been subjected to forced sterilization in public hospitals, going back many decades and into 2018. This practice appears to disproportionately, and possibly exclusively, target Indigenous women. Dozens of victims have come forward on their own since late 2017, but the full scale of the problem is unknown because there has been no comprehensive investigation, and due to a lack of publicly available data.

Cant find this shit through google or duckduckgo anymore :/ and I have to use tor to access yandex.com, appears to be dns blocked by my isp or something.


THE “Q” PsyOp is borrowed from the 1920’s Bolshevik “Operation Trust”… and again from the WWII PsyOp … as”Wild Bill Donovan” who formed the CIA, assisted MI-6, FDR and Churchill with entry into WWII. They repeat PsyOps that worked well in the past – Here is your evidence from the book: DESPERATE DECEPTION”

Ahh it was a russian operation, not german.


Operation Trust (Russian: операция "Трест", tr. Operatsiya "Trest")[1] was a counterintelligence operation of the State Political Directorate (GPU) of the Soviet Union. The operation, which was set up by GPU's predecessor Cheka, ran from 1921 to 1926, set up a fake anti-Bolshevik resistance organization, "Monarchist Union of Central Russia", MUCR (Монархическое объединение Центральной России, МОЦР), in order to help the OGPU identify real monarchists and anti-Bolsheviks.[2] The created front company was called the Moscow Municipal Credit Association.[3]

And just for the record, I didnt leave reddit because I was banned. I was tired of hearing the same opinions over and over. All reddit subs pretty much became echo chambers after covid.

Bunch of drones buzzing the same dumb thoughts over and over.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its ok, you can say it, I am definetly one of these "mentally ill" people you speak of.

Lmao you sound alot like WCB and the doctors. I hate to break it to you, but things like "being really sad and depwessed" dont cause your phosphorous to drop or your parathyroid hormone to be 4x its limit. Sorry but you guys just sound retarded as hell when you say this. The low phosphorous certainly fucks with my mental faculty's, I will admit that. The 200/160 blood pressure I went through is prolly another reason.

Im not sure who the other 4 are, I assume he talks about the resident bot/autistic lmao. Free Will.

Does he count the christians as mentally ill? I mean there are a few of those here and I dont mind reading their posts, but flooding the forum everyday with flat earth posts and god will absolve you of your sins. Buddys weekly songs dont bother me. Doing gods work as far as im concerned.

Funny thing, when I started visiting r/conspiracy years ago, back before it was ever mainstream, it was a rather small group there too. But thanks to the popularity of the site grew mainstream.

Have you ever noticed r/conspiracy is one of the only subs that doesnt display ads? I guess they werent considered, mainstream friendly either.

In fact the majority of people who visit are much like you. They just want to debunk the dumb conspiracy theorist, as if we have the power to affect your grocery bill or your rent. Or let me guess you dont rent like the rest of us plebs do? You seem to have lived a very sheltered and pampered life.

I am more curious about why you care so much, its because of people like you that us, the 1 mod, 5 mentally retarded people, and whatever have to come here to bitch about it.

You guys wanted your echo chamber, and you got it. The few of us here were either banned, or were bullied off reddit because we dared to have a different view of reality.

People had been warning about this for years but fuck it, no one cares about the other point of view. Let society crumble for all I care.

If wcb and canada didnt want me bitching so much about what happened to me, they should have fucking helped me instead of fucking me over.

Thanks to people like you who seemingly have no inner voice to guide them.

God I try not to hate but I am slowly dying from whatever is happening to me. Its hard not to be full of hate.

I wouldnt expect a rather simple pleb as yourself to understand.


I was going to show my blood tests results again, but whats the point, im not a doctor, and neither are you. But I know it wasnt vitamin d 3 years ago, why would it be vitamin d now. Fucking doctor was a schmook and I left a nice review for him.


Article from 2017.

In 1996, MIT researchers Marshall Van Alstyne and Erik Brynjolfsson warned of a potential dark side to our newly interconnected world:

Individuals empowered to screen out material that does not conform to their existing preferences may form virtual cliques, insulate themselves from opposing points of view, and reinforce their biases. Internet users can seek out interactions with like-minded individuals who have similar values, and thus become less likely to trust important decisions to people whose values differ from their own.”

Van Alstyne and Brynjolfsson dubbed this fracturing of the online community Cyberbalkanization. Ominously, they warned that “the loss of shared experiences and values may be harmful to the structure of democratic societies as well as decentralized organizations.”

You people only have yourselves to blame, stop blaming us. Were not your boogeymen.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

This woman was obviously not in a good state of mind. In the reddit thread on r/news its mentioned she may have had some kinda of traumatic brain injury shortly before this happened.

Via other reporting, a cousin says prior to the killing Torilena was an actress who did some work in low budget film and that she had recently returned home from California after having had a severe motorcycle accident and suffering brain injuries.

Not sure the accident is related to these events, but her mugshot seems to show a very disturbed woman…


Seems likely to me, you dont just wake up one morning wanting to chop your mum up.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

But, but but reddit said that fema is their saviors and that they should be happy with their 1000$ checks if they dont have insurance and bla bla bla.

I liked how they claimed people were threatening fema workers and they had to reign in the entire department, only to arrest one man who sounds like he was blowing off steam more than anything else. Mentally unstable people do exist. Dear god its not like we have law enforcement or mental holds to take care of people like this.

I also think its halarious how people give the government a pass every time. Like I said be happy with your 1000$ while the crooks spend a trillion a year on the war machine and its spying apparatus. A billion dollars could rebuild most of these people lives, a billion dollars could eradicate alot of student debt.

Nah lets use it to bomb the shit out of people a world away and spy on everyone and everything. K?

But yeah, if you dont know a appalachian person, we are built differently for sure.

Not going to wait for a government that doesnt give a shit about us to do anything. So buddy is right there, donate to the actual people, not to fema or the red cross. It would be more effective to donate to LE or Churches.

As much as I bitch about religion, alot the churches in ohio were ran by honest god fearing folk. They used their coffers to buy a family a car or to build a new home. Not all of it was used for these god awful mega churches that the mainstream churches have.

And as much as I have tried to explain to the doctors and wcb and the college of physicians that I do not think like mainstream people do, they do not care.

Its why I resigned myself to die, when im on my death throes I hope to plague wcbs or some politicians door step, so they can actually see what their policys do instead of hiding in their million dollar homes living in a fantasy world where they are the best people ever.

freedomlogic 0 points ago +1 / -1

Proably saving a few lives by not using the aerosol. But its kinda silly to use aerosol's anyway since they do eat up the ozone, and we do kinda need that.

But again, shocked me to find out they still use refrigerant in those ventolin brand puffers.

VENTOLIN HFA is a pressurized metered-dose aerosol unit fitted with a counter. VENTOLIN HFA is intended for oral inhalation only. Each unit contains a microcrystalline suspension of albuterol sulfate in propellant HFA-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane). It contains no other excipients.

R-134a and HFC-134a share the same chemical formula, C2H2F4, however, they have slightly different molecular structures. In contrast to R-134a, which is a chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), HFC-134a is a hydrofluorocarbon (HFC). The main difference is that CFCs include chlorine, which contributes to ozone depletion.

They still have this cardiac sensitizing potential though.


Five minutes later, they were exposed to the test substance for a total of approximately 10 minutes. After the first five minutes of exposure, each dog received a challenge injection of epinephrine. During the next five minutes of exposure, the dogs were monitored for the development of a cardiac arrhythmia. There were no arrhythmias at 75,000 ppm, and two of the 6 dogs displayed multifocal ventricular ectopic activity lasting approximately 2 seconds followed by several ectopic beats at 100,000 ppm. Under the conditions of this study, the no-observed-adverseeffect level (NOAEL) for cardiac sensitization was 75,000 ppm and the lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) was 100,000 (Huntingdon Research Centre, 1994)

I was working with r-12 and r-134a where the cardiac sensitizing has a much higher potential. :(


Contrary to their reputation as being inert, aerosol fluoroalkane propellant gases (Freons) are rapidly acting and potent cardiac toxins. This discovery, first made in mice, has been confirmed during adequate oxygenation, either in vitro or in vivo, in rats, cats, dogs, monkeys, and man. This brief review demonstrates that propellant gases are toxic to the mouse heart, enter the blood after inhalation, and, despite adequate oxygenation, quickly cause ventricular tachyarrhythmias in monkeys and lower arterial pressure and peripheral resistance in several species, and are directly toxic to ventricular myocardium, profoundly depressing its contractility in all species studied, including man. Ventricular tachyarrhythmias, bradyarrhythmias, acute heart failure, arterial hypotension, and asphyxia may cause sudden death in youths who deliberately inhale aerosol propellants. The possibility that these gases are harmful, acutely or chronically, to frequent aerosol users requires further study.

The fluoroalkane gases used to propel aerosols were toxic to the hearts of 34 mice, sensitizing them to asphyxiainduced sinus bradycardia, atrioventricular block, and T-waue depression. Cardiac sensitization was rapid, long-lasting, and lethal. It also occurred in rats and dogs. The propellants are postulated to possess a spectrum of cardiotoxic effects capable, in various species, of causing bradyarrhythmias, tachyarrhythmias, or myocardial depression. In humans the cardiac toxicity of aerosol propellants, particularly during asphyxia, may be a cause of sudden death in youths who "turn on" by inhaling propellants and in patients with asthma who make excessive use of bronchodilator aerosols. To a degree presently unknown, cardiac toxicity, including arrhythmias, due to propellant inhalation may be a potential hazard to frequent users of pressurized aerosol dispensers.

Im not a chemist so keeping track of all these different types is a challenge lmao.

But whatever they use as a aerosol is likely going to be of this class of chemicals.

Prolly doing a favor for grandma honestly, going to suck switching for sure, but prolly worth it in the end.

By the way they have known about this for a hundred years, and WCB is going to claim they dont know any of it. Yeah whatever, bunch of shit head criminals.


An increased sensitivity of the heart to endogenous epinephrine (adrenaline), a phenomenon referred to as cardiac sensitization, has long been recognized as a risk during exposure to hydrocarbons, principally halogenated hydrocarbons. Cardiac sensitization, which can result in serious arrhythmia and death, requires a certain critical blood level of both the sensitizing agent and epinephrine.

In the early 1900s, Levy and Lewis (1911) reported that cats lightly anesthetized with chloroform were unexpectedly sensitive to injected epinephrine. In these studies, the investigators administered chloroform at 0.5 or 2% in air followed by a bolus intravenous injection of epinephrine (up to 65 μg total dose). The authors described the electrocardiographic (ECG) pattern as “heterogenetic,” short pauses in heart rate followed by tachycardia. Continued administration of chloroform ultimately resulted in ventricular fibrillation.

Many halogenated and non-halogenated hydrocarbons do possess the ability to sensitize the myocardium to produce cardiac arrhythmia alone or in combination with injected epinephrine.


Generally, high concentrations of agent, ranging from 0.5 to 90% in air, are required to produce cardiac sensitization and subsequent arrhythmias.

LMAO, I got wcb on phone saying they dont need to test teh air basically because freon cant cause irregular heartbeats.

So i have no idea how much I was being exposed to. Or what the current operator is being exposed too. Hope he dont have a family history of irregular heart rhythms too. No one helped me, no one cared. So I guess I really dont give a shit if they kill someone else.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just need some medical help mang T_T. Parathyroid is killing me lmao. I havent tried going back to the thunderdome aka the walkin for about a year, I am almost ready to go back. But since summer is over im gonna start taking vitamin d again. Maybe only 500 units a day since it makes me feel like shit.

I keep thinking about the retarded asshole endocronlogist that I spent forever waiting to see.

"Yeah i just want to see you get your vitamin d up to 40." "I dont care if it was 38, 2 years ago"

This retarded faggot knows damn well ill never get my vitamin d up to 40 when my pth is fucked, calcium is normal, and phosphorous is super low. From what I understand the only thing that will help is getting surgery. But then again if its from the kidney injury, there isnt anything I can do anyway, but get a phosphorous blood infusion every now and then.

Im not in a rush though to go to the hospital where its obvious they dont want to help me.

May death come for me swiftly.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

There cant be any left.

There are none left in nova scotia, not one. They are all spineless weasels doing their masters biddings.


It doesnt help that the government hides basically 99% of everything. The retards here have no idea how bad things really are. Just living oblivious while the health problems for the masses, both mental and physical grow along with the tent encampments.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lmao, the woman was a mk ultra victim and heavily drugged while being passed around to politicians for favors.

If I remember correctly, this woman grew up in "the family", which is a sex cult that has existed for decades that preaches its ok to have intercourse with babies, children, animals, etc.

Now when you search the family you come up with all these other cults.

Anyway they supposedly have ties with alot of rich politicians and things, I remember a group of children who sang christmas carols at the whitehouse prolly a few years after 9/11. Supposedly those kids were part of that cult. Prolly just fake news though.

I actually learned of this cult in Dr. Maribello's alternative religions and history class.


This guy was wild, and his classes were amongst my favorite electives I took. People mainly took them for the easy A's, but I am fascinated with ancient history and obscure myths and stories.

I have no doubt the woman was a victim of mind control, its hard to say what she seen that night she was drugged and being raped.

I doubt dick cheney turned into a lizard, as much as that mother fucker is a cold blooded son of a bitch. The stories that she tells about him just seem so authentic to his character.

Like yall remember when he shot that congressman in the face right? Lmao. Sure a "accident".

The Children of God changed its names many times, and ultimately extended its reach far beyond the United States. But it was started as Teens for Christ in Huntington Beach, California in the late 1960s by a man named David Berg. Like many cults, it promoted an apocalyptic message, promoting the idea that Berg was God’s “endtime” messenger, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. It also promoted an extreme version of free love.

According to the BBC, Berg encouraged sex between members regardless of age or relationship as a way of getting closer to God — a rule that resulted in rampant child sexual abuse and incest.

Berg dispatched members throughout the world to function as missionaries and live communally, ultimately rebranding the organization as the Family International in 1978. The organization was enormously successful, at one point counting some 10,000 members around the world, according to Britannica. Celebrities including Joaquin Phoenix and Rose McGowan were born into the cult, according to Esquire.

Many former members, including writer Lauren Hough, have talked openly about their experience of abuse while growing up in The Family. Esquire reports that Berg was under investigation by both Interpol and the FBI by the time of his death in 1994.

In her description of her book she doesnt mention the cult though, so perhaps I am thinking of someone else, but it sounds pretty much right up the alley something her family would have done if they were part of this cult.

And then people wonder why the fuck people think epstein was legit, and guess what HE WAS, ITS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY. DUDE WAS PIMPING UNDERAGE GIRLS TO THE WORLDS ELITE.

Cathy O'Brien's troubles began at birth (in 1957) when she was subjected to constant abuse by her family. As she grew up, her father ensnared her in a corrupt pedophile ring and eventually sold her out to the CIA

Just concidences right?

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its almost like people can have different opinions.

Been thinking about making a post again about this black lady judge in nova scotia who got tossed over her refusal to get the covid vaccine. Now shes trying to sue and they are trying as hard as they can to fuck this lady over.

This lady has bigger balls than any of her white male counter parts.


Been three years and these retards have mostly given up on covid, but my god fuck this judge for exercising her god given rights though. She must be some crackpot conspiracy theorist!

These retarded faggot pieces of shits in nova scotia are some of the most hypocritical, scared people I have ever seen.

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