megalithicallstar 2 points ago +4 / -2

Ohhhh 😲 I get it. I see the curve just to the left. I went from believing in globe earth to going crazy and thinking flat earth is real but now ......back to globe earth again. I should have never doubted my fourth grade teacher. Matter of fact I felt the earth spinning this morning so it is indeed moving really fast.

megalithicallstar 6 points ago +6 / -0

that's what I've been on. it's funny that people just clung onto it and never questioned the origins of it. Just, "Oh...hey this guy made it then left...and isn't it great?!! it's the future...." riiiiight.

megalithicallstar 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s easy for anyone to claim this with no proof. Good people and bad people.

megalithicallstar 5 points ago +6 / -1

The same people believing that a new virus or bengay fever is real probably do

megalithicallstar 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm not shocked. Jab free but I've still been feeling different. Hard to explain maybe it's that or just realizing we live in a shit world when we're being gaslit and lied to all the while knowing the parasites want us dead while we still carry on like life is just fine. Could be that.

megalithicallstar 4 points ago +4 / -0

gtvflyers.com. talmudic zionists need to go. anyone with dual citizenships need to go. anyone who supports them and kisses a wall also need to go. until that happens and these parasites are abolished there is no hope for America or other invaded international govts

megalithicallstar 5 points ago +6 / -1

world is a stage. fake b.s. for the masses

megalithicallstar 0 points ago +1 / -1

Real question is what are they distracting us from? What else is going on while people are emotional about this particular fake incident?

megalithicallstar 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's the government. Gtvflyers.com it's run by the jewish lobby so yes....it all needs to go away. Military needs to attack our government and parasites with dual citizenships

megalithicallstar 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're right. His first real public show that people started knowing him from is fear factor. I should have said that.

megalithicallstar 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's what he's doing with his hand. There's meaning behind it. If you know you know but Hollywood celebrities, politicians, athletes have used similar gestures because they're part of a satanic system that's very 🤫. freemason and occult practices are very secretive about their doings (not the freemasons your uncles are in that's just a guys club).

Joe's past started with Fear Factor. How he got selected people have to understand you don't just walk on to a network tv show and get the job. Same with anyone that is on TV shows, movies, Hollywood, music artists. The gestures signify other "shit" pledging allegiance to the system. Call it controlled opposition or whatever. Who runs the show?


megalithicallstar 2 points ago +3 / -1

The entire political system is corrupt. Anyone still voting and choosing sides is a fool and still doesn't get it. Divide and conquer.

megalithicallstar -4 points ago +2 / -6

Earth is flat. I was a globe tard all my life until I realized it isn't round like our fake history taught us. Hopefully one day you'll understand that we've been lied to about everything. No matter what you say you can't get me to ever believe that the earth is a globe again. It's equivalent to believing in Santa once you know Santa is fake.

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