Sabrina Wallace also does a really good job breaking it all down.
I love shit talking Israel and us govt on the rednote app.
They lie.
Ty I'll check it out later.
To your point they are both puppets. They all are so yes, it's happening regardless.
I’m amazed that so many accepted and trusted the story behind the creation of bitcoin and ran with it. Unbelievable.
I'm with ya. In my opinion Bitcoin was created by the NSA. I can't prove it but it's funny 10 years prior to the inception of Bitcoin, NSA talked about crypto and how to implement cloud money and here we are. The Blockchain and the logs available (to anyone) on that Blockchain it's heavily monitored but it was sold to the public as decentralized. I'm not buying any of it.
This is why I'm finding new hobbies to get away from the bombardment of everything. We see what's happening and there's not much we can do but watch it. I need balance so I'm trying other things to make me happy
The government may make owning precious metals like gold illegal like they did during the inception of the federal reserve. The people couldn't possess it otherwise they faced jail time and or fines. This went on for forty years. It'll be interesting to see what happens there this time of government or whoever tried to create laws against the people outside of their digital CBDC.
There's no such thing as the term conspiracy theory. It's truth and lies. Most are too lazy to do their own homework or they don't want to know the truth because ignorance is bliss to them
I honestly wondered myself. Perhaps weight loss and the bald head but the first thing I thought was, "that's not Alex." When I come across these thumbnails of him. I wouldn't be surprised. Almost everything in this world is fake and gay.
Anyone still participating in anything pro hope Donald Trump or any politician are blue pilled.
It's great watching And knowing he's a fraud but us knowing doesn't stop anything these parasites are helping usher in and ridding of us all.
No one is going to stop it because no one cares enough to
I hear you. I wonder when as well. Things seem so close but I'm thinking it's just the beginning.
I understand he has his reasons. The whole thing is just flat out strange. This life is one big game it seems.
His time is outside of our time domain but if he understands our time domain he's taking his sweet azz time. While people are being poisoned and murdered it's amazing his patience if that's what that really is. Glad I'm not Him. Would be miserable.
All set on that (burnt out on bible stuff) but merry Christmas. The bible is so boring. God's leash on Satan is too long. Do something.
Play stupid games 💉...
Well put. NSA came up with a plan 10 years prior to the inception of Bitcoin. This had to happen to get people to merge with this new system. Good luck to those that threw their fiat into this. It'll be interesting how you'll access this crypto once the law monitors the access points to get to your invisible coins.
People believe it's decentralized and that in itself is funny. Not only do these people believe in a system that was launched, they trust that it will be there long term after the world reset or when the lights come back on. Good luck. All of it including fiat is worthless. These zionists thought of everything to trap us.
We need to start harming them. Anyone supporting israhell is the enemy.
Israel won
It's all lies. Elon will just have his team shadowban those accounts into oblivion that say the "wrong" things. Nothing really changes.
He's calling out the Jews. It's music to my ears. Not many other people are doing this on a platform like he has. He has my respect for that alone. Most others are too scared to call them out or even hint at the Jews being the problem.
Possibly but also November 5th. Likely won't be an election but we might get darkness for several days. Source: trust me, bro