lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is true, that the bible mostly gives the view, that earth is flat. But it can also be, that whoever wrote the bible, wanted to make people believe this, although is is a fake. To me, it does not matter anymore, be it whatever it is.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

agree on that. I am still workiing on my knew theory of music. all I know frequency matters.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bigligno and his translation of Ruach. Since I am Swiss German speaking. Ruach is easy to translate. It means Rauch, see the twist of the vocals! Rauch means Smoke in English. Puzzle solved.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

No , it has not, the opposite is true.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems that I had to get this from thanks alot.

lbrt 1 point ago +2 / -1

Since I came up with this topic here my view as of today.

  1. I looked at all the scriptures, be it from Christianity or Muslim or the Jews. None of the Abrahamic religions make sense to me, although I can deduct logically that there is or was one first God. But is he he only one?
  2. These scriptures look heavily edited if not outright made up, just in a way like a novel as Harry Potter.
  3. Either you have to believe it or you have to bleieve it and do something or nothing to get saved.
  4. They all have mediators, priests etc.
  5. One religion, which I would not even call a religion, is pure logic. It is the teachings of Buddha as outlined by George Grimm in the Doctrines of the Buddha.
  6. But even the teachings of Buddha have over time led to a religion. Some People pray tomthe statues of Buddha and do strange rituals. One guy even bowed 60000 times to the ground before he visited the alleged birth place of Buddha. After not having had the enlightment after 6 years of miserably treated by a tibetan monk, he left and became Christian, because there, as he said, you just have to believe.
  7. I now am on myself and follows the teachings of Maharaj who says essentially the same as Buddha. Safe yourself and be the observer of your ratio. The world your mind makes up is not reality. It is your own world.
lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem of virologist lies at their foundation. They do not think it is necessary to isolate the virus, or what they call isolation is not really an isolation. And so their science is false from ground from circular thinking. Deseases are transmitted by Myon Neutrinos. That was the state of science 11500 years ago, before the Atlantians destroyed themselves in a war.

lbrt 5 points ago +5 / -0

It was the Zionists, which are the Deep State.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read the manifesto of the UNA Bomber. I found the analysis accurate, but he drew the wrong conclusions. When you want to change, change yourself first, the rest comes by itself, that is the Buddha way!

lbrt 4 points ago +4 / -0

I ate vegan from 2018 to 2020. Fresh food, vegetables, no cheese, no milk except coconutmilk. But when Schwab, Gates et al. said that we should not eat any meat but bugs instead, I started eating meat again.

lbrt 1 point ago +2 / -1

the lunar solar calender is exactly described in the Bible. For more info go to


lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

True Buddhists do not worship any God, that would be contrary to their beliefs. But these days many have forgotten the doctrines of Buddha and they worship Buddha himself. As it happens with most religions.

lbrt 0 points ago +1 / -1

The photographer.

lbrt 0 points ago +1 / -1

my wife accuses me, that I did well, her making big business with the fat one.

lbrt 4 points ago +4 / -0

I. only assets. Land, gold, silver, and the most important my soul and my believe in the creator. Money, land , everything can go, so it is important to care for your inner self.

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