Jalapeno_gringo 4 points ago +4 / -0

It actually was fun to watch back in the '70's. The constant narrating off subject makes it unbearable

Jalapeno_gringo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's a fun little thing to try. Turn on a TV in a room with the volume off and leave the door open. Next, stand down the hall and watch the flicker rates. Also notice the hue changes. Sometimes flickers when red and solid blue with no flicker and sometimes blue hue with flicker and solid red. Now have someone in the room watching the TV and after a while ask them if they noticed it. Then change positions so it becomes understood by both what is happening without direct perception. Let the learning begin...

Jalapeno_gringo 1 point ago +2 / -1

I never denied that the Jews are the chosen people. I will however remind you that God chastises those he loves. What did God do with Israel when they disobeyed him? 400 years of slavery is but a short time. You definitely have a twisted understanding of the words of Jesus. If Israel is doing God's will, all the armies of the earth would fall before them. Unfortunately, killing innocent civilians is not God's will. I will affirm that Israel has a right to defend itself from Hamas, but defend and reckless killing are not the same

Jalapeno_gringo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm coming back to this tonight with a note pad and pen

Jalapeno_gringo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can't say I have, I'll check it out

Jalapeno_gringo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most likely is. Nothing is free. Perhaps they just want to know what their opposition thinks. They would also be able to drop a dime on someone they see as a physical threat. Let's face it, 40 years ago most of us here would have been considered Democrats.

Jalapeno_gringo 2 points ago +2 / -0

It started in the 50's. We haven't lost technology

Jalapeno_gringo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or perhaps he was just saying what he believes. Between that and the "Appointment" of Kamala Harris, some people are beginning to wake up. Now if they only do something about it

Jalapeno_gringo 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's with just about everything now days. We all brainwash ourselves with what input we allow. It's why I only want to hear Jesus music anymore. I'd rather bend my mind into something positive and encouraging

Jalapeno_gringo 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's a form of hypnosis. It would probably explain why she is so popular. Producers use techniques to captive the mind. It's the same with radio, TV, advertising and just about everything else in life. Garbage in, garbage out

Jalapeno_gringo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have not. I'll look into these 2 things and further my education

Jalapeno_gringo 5 points ago +5 / -0

I had read many years ago about a map of Antarctica made in the 1500's that has a somewhat accurate representation of the land mass below the ice. Apparently it has not always had ice covering it. It's very possible it was inhabited and they try to conceal that fact. The question is why?

Jalapeno_gringo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would look for an extended payment system crash to force people to use their cash on hand before creating a financial meltdown

Jalapeno_gringo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Shorts can keep the markets from becoming over valued, and they can also be used as a weapon. It would be interesting to watch people buy and drive up the price per share. I wonder their date to make the call?

Jalapeno_gringo 2 points ago +2 / -0

So is this how they off him? Here comes the ventilator...

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