I feel this might have been what Putin was referring There are statues on top of the buildings. It seems many sites were destroyed or repurposed or the story entirely fabricated.
You must ensure you can pass on the symbolism. Its the only way to ensure they cant do this again.
You are right. many jews on here gaslighting.
I still check it out for the new stuff.
Ah yes an average history Enjoyer.
It makes sense the last civ fell in the 1800's just based on the architecture and buildings the people inherited. Yeah, the guys building boardwalks and wooden saloons, built Romanesque super structures.
Sometimes I wonder if the worlds fair was how the elites reintroduced the salves. orphan trains. etc..
I think that the Tartarian Empire was a global civ. and the last great war the elites/kikes won or at least survived better and kept the lore.
The tartars had no knowledge of the reset cycle while the jews and elites share the lore openly.
I think the tartars are the civ that emerged after the romans.
You might enjoy John Levi or Restitutor_Orbis_214 Lucius Aurelian
That was actually an enjoyable read thank you.
Here take this.
I just took a stroll through his comment history. He always capitalizes jew and crys like a woman and has 0 comments that are not just rage bait.. Seems jewish to me.
Im just here to say fuck kikes TKD
lol its just a 3d printed case with an xbox360 HDD blue laser inside.
Its not magic man.
you must be prepaird.
You must remove ego.
You must have a few chill projects or things to occupy your time.
You must connect with nature.
I wouldnt trust anything nowdays since the fent reactors came online.
OP delivers
That's pretty honorable.
But I stole it too :)
I have not seen Puma Man but.
There is no time in the astral realm.
The knowledge presents itself when you seek it.
Maybe a link between requesting future knowledge?
If I was some Faggot new Hire at the Majestic 12 this would be a good way to drop hits to all my mason bros so they dont forget how to tap in.
So strange to see all the vaxxie kike shills show up. They must be getting ready for another psyop
I've noticed chemtrails since 2012 and I absolutely hate jews.
Why do they spray us?
Can I see a photo of the demon baby plz.
I think all frens have tipping points. Ours have been reached. Yet we know and understand that once it starts there is no going back. hence why we are here.
normies are noticing at an all time high. I would not lose hope yet king.
If the ram represents the golden age.
And Pisces represents the age of Jesus.
Then the age of Aquarius representing knowledge means all the pedophiles and kikes will be crucified?
You know. I'm not big on worshiping idols. But On my Tartarian digs. I have found an older Christian that goes to the old world building and finds the symbolism. Out of all the lore and speculation of the old world buildings. I do like to think that the buildings were built by God and the angles during Gods reign. leaving us in the timeline of satan.
Anyways. The old world Romanesque buildings that are found worldwide and found in most major city's in America have acanthus leaves and fish all over them by master artisans.
I thought we were sperging out man. I was just joining in on the Fun! Sorry. I do think elon is a faggot though and know most of the lore. Not sure about this game though. I have bought Startcraft battle chest 9 times in my lifetime. The boxes were in fact that big.
Im not to sure what your going on about I just finished Mars Maunder. it was ok at best. I played on my gateway and the old monitor makes a buzzing sound and has a strange line around the screen too.
I was just under the assumption that Braun was passing the torch to musk. And since these blood lines work on generational terms and feudal contracts it was decided which mk ultra victim would be assigned to "space" long before the name was given to the child.
His father was into emerald mines. These jews and there obnoxiously high paying jobs, for once could they be modest? I would enjoy seeing a tech start up to come from a former baker or failed musician. Yet not long after one does comes to light they are quickly gobbled up my Microsoft or some other satanic entity.
I had no idea Von Braun was suspect to be the father! Anyone have an infograph or some more info to dig?
They say it drove from CO . Wouldn't it need to stop to charge?
Anyways. EV bombs are well known and typically dont harm many people so what a faggot way to try to to do something.
Kikes are not creative and lack imagination. Guess to many generations of inbreeding and baby dick sucking.
Kikes are so lazy. Didn't they do this same shit with the 5 dancing isralies and the passports?
Its sad that all that money and power and they still cant be creative.
I dont think it could make the trip. which means it had to stop for charging?
I found the hole photo in 2022, I have seen the same High rez photo posted a few times on other sites.
Im not the authenticity of it. But its fun to think about.
Tartaria is about the restructuring of the old world. Hence the common buildings. Not hard proof other than research and critical thinking. But it seems the first race built the pyramids and passed on the hive mentality. All for one, for the queen etc. the establishing of the slave race. Dirigibles were old world airships. OH THE HUMANITY was essentially a ritually and dismantling of old world tech. Cant have slaves flying around for free.
To reach the level of Hyperborea you first have to learn who your ancestors really were, and understand histroy is a complet fabrication. It essentially taking the stand that if they lied about xyz then its all a lie.
Hitler was the last White ally to explore this knowledge.
Its so niche because of the 6million spell
I was going to link you a few old world photos. But instead ill share this neat site I found sometime ago with a huge archive. Also John Levi on youtube started a website for old building photos i cant recall it though.