free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not even you know

a) To know implies ones perception of all perceivable..."not; nothing" implies suggested nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing) by another and ones consent to de-nial perceivable for it.

b) Even (all perceivable) generates odds (each ones perception) through differentiation...many consenting to suggestions by few tempts them to respond "alike"

In other words...the natural balance of even/odds can be imbalanced with likeness, hence order followers; NPCs; slaves behaving like one another.


What can you tell me about Jacob/iacobus/ya'aqobh - "one that takes by the heel; a supplanter"? https://www.etymonline.com/word/Jacob#etymonline_v_1631

free-will-of-choice 5 points ago +5 / -0

jewish occultism...

...can only work if one consents to the suggested -ism.

Black Magic

Making (magic) ignorance (black) requires ones free will of choice selecting suggested (fiction) over perceivable (reality).

the devil and the jews...

a) Consenting to suggested THE-ism gives authority over self to others.

b) Devil/diaballein - "to throw across"...hence devil (inception towards death) within details (life).

free-will-of-choice 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kabbalah the jewish book

Cabbala/qabbalah/qibbel - "to receive, admit, accept"...not the suggested book, but ones consent by free will of choice to any suggested information.

the "process" by which the Mishnah was transmitted

a) Transmission (ones perception) of mishnah (all perceivable)...corrupted by gemara (reasoning about suggested).

b) Process (motion) sending (momentum) transformation (matter) aka matter (life) within momentum (inception towards death) of motion.

Kabbalah arose in Babylon

BA'BEL, noun (Hebrew) - "confusion; disorder"...established by ones admission/acceptance/consent (qibbel) to suggested information (gemara); while ignoring perceivable inspiration (mishnah).

influenced by...occult

Holding onto suggested (matter) conceals (occult) perceivable (motion). Influence implies being (life) within fluid (inception towards death).

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +2 / -3

Alex has a flair for the dramatic, hes a talk show host. Doesnt make him wrong however....

a) Comedy (life) can only exist during drama (inception towards death)...few utilize both to distract from one another.

b) A host with an audience on the drip for suggested information...YET...why does the audience need to consent for the host to deliver suggested information into ones mind/memory?

c) Sleight of hand: https://genius.com/Talk-talk-talk-talk-lyrics + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IgjUYrDbWI

  • When every choice that I make is yours
  • Keep telling me what's right and what's wrong
  • Don't you ever stop to think about me
  • I'm not that blind to see that you've been cheating on me
  • All you do to me is talk, talk

Also check out... https://genius.com/Talk-talk-its-my-life-lyrics

  • If I could buy my reasoning, I'd pay to lose...one half won't do
free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haym Salomon aka 'Chaim Shalom' aka L'chayim Tovim Ul'Shalom...

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1

An army needs generals and soldiers.

a) Soldier...sold for what?

b) SOL (whole) DIE (passing away)...

c) If general (whole) opposes special (partial), then why does a general hold a special rank within an army?

d) Army/arm/ar - "to fit together"...doesn't that contradict being special (set apart from one another)?

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

They squander money then guilt trip us for not having given them enough.

What is enough money? What is enough money during a $35 trillion debt foundation? Where would you attribute guilt...suggesting interest or consenting to be interested?

Usury/usus/uti - "use" implies user...

more free speech than any other platform

How does a platform/plateau - "elevated position" offer more if those on the platform have less room to operate from?

free-will-of-choice -2 points ago +1 / -3

It is a total lie.

If it's a total/whole/entire lie, then there couldn't be truth...

no any need for servers

a) If thirst is needed, then does one serve that need by drinking?

b) What can you tell me about the relationship between web-servers (jews) and web-browsers (gentiles)?

  • Server/serve/servus - "slave".
  • Browse/breast/bhreus - "to swell"

other distributed solutions

Distribution (life) by solution (inception towards death)...how could there be any other?

no tools for censorship and no owners

How does one censor a fox without claiming ownership over a chicken? Does a chicken coup imply censorship...a firewall...state interference...a dead legal body (corporation) in-between the living?

If ones free will of choice is a tool/tōwalan/tol - "implement", then how could it be negated and what implemented it?

free-will-of-choice -2 points ago +1 / -3

Each one wields the FREE will of choice to shape SPEECH...consenting to what is spoken implies buying into it, while selling self out.

The trick...few suggest "free speech" to tempt consenting many to argue against each other about it. Those who consent lack to comprehend that the suggested words "FREE SPEECH" imply speech shaped by another ones free will of choice, and ones consent to it establishes another as a chosen one over ones free will of choice.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1

word origins

Singular origin...sound.

historical connections

Each ones consent to his-story establishes a connection.

tenuous at best

That's in the eye of the beholder aka the being choosing to hold onto the aforementioned connection.

To make connections that are not obvious. Kind of like what u/free-will-of-choice pretends to be doing

Why would FREE make CONNECTIONS? That contradicts itself...

I glanced over it. For me, it seemed to be an exploration of word origins

Try glancing over Ior Bock 'The Bock Saga" for way more word origins...

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

a) Jumanji aka "jew magi"... https://forward.com/culture/621088/forgotten-judaica-chris-lisa-van-allsburg-jumanji-polar-express/

b) Hope implies towards outcome, which tempts one to ignore resisting (life) origin (inception towards death)...which sucks one back in.

c) Just like a game...amazon suggests one to consent to play with fire. It's temptation sucking ones consent in...unless one resists.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +2 / -2

a self-perpetuating entity (AI)

How is artifice self perpetuating? What's the "self" of artifice?

no one

How could nothing be one? How could one be nothing?

directing it's actions

Action directs reactions. Action cannot be directed, since it implies direct-ION aka directing action.


Ones consent to "no one"..."no human person"..."don't actually" convolute ones way of thinking with suggested nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing).

goals that don't actually make sense

Enacting origin generates reacting senses...suggested outcomes (goals) tempt one to ignore perceivable origin.

black rock

Alternating (to rock) ignorance (black)...

free-will-of-choice -2 points ago +1 / -3
  • SILENT (sound) WEAPONS (choice) FOR (motion) QUIET (being) WARS (reason).

a) Perceivable sound implies silence; suggested speech breaks that silence, and it's the quiet being, which utilizes its weapon of choice to speak out loud, within conflicts of reason against each other, about suggested words.

b) A being can only matter (life) within motion (inception towards death)...sound implies that motion, and holding onto words tempts a being to ignore it.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

forced people to worship or threw them in the fire, so at least we're not there, yet


free-will-of-choice -2 points ago +1 / -3

Believing in government (control of mind) implies ones election to select others in charge over one.

As for support...flow (inception towards death) supports form (life). Trying to support each other destabilizes one. The strength of form isn't about how much form is accumulated together, but about how much each form resists the temptation of flow to bring back together.

Kamala Harris

Harris (that which is higher) and Lewis (that which is lower) + Kamala/Kabballah... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamala_Harris#/media/File:Kamala_Harris_in_Selma_-_2018.jpg

What's in-between harris (higher) and lewis (lower)? The red tie...

As for her middle-name...DEVI (L)... https://www.etymonline.com/word/Kali#etymonline_v_1770

free-will-of-choice -5 points ago +2 / -7

the economy is already dead

Eco/oikos (habitation) + nomy/nem (to take)...if one (life) tries to take ones habitation (inception towards death) then one dies quicker.

Holding onto current/currency drowns one faster...

until the election

UNTIL implies your electing choice to ignore perceivable origin for suggested outcome...hence waiting until.

Few trick many to think just like that when waiting until...the paycheck; the holiday season; the weekend; the electronic benefits transfer; the weather changing; halftime; Mr or Mrs right showing up; two more weeks; better times; apocalypse; salvation; the return of something etc.

It's simply about tricking life to play the waiting game instead of living...and it works effortlessly; especially with suggested fear/hope.

I bet

Again towards outcome while ignoring origin.

extend for now

That implies matter (life) within momentum (inception towards death) of motion; struggling to sustain self by resisting temptations...that's the only way to extend life now.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

never add any value

a) Nature implies all value perceivable, the inception of each ones perception within implies added evaluation...the suggested values by others tempt one to devalue self. Only nature offers value.

I don't try to add value...I write about the origin of value (all perceivable) added (ones perception).

b) Nature allows each one within to draw from value (perceivable inspiration) or devalue self by holding onto suggested information.

c) If you respond to a comment linking one and a half decade of Mark Passio material with "you never add any value to any of the things you comment on"...then you try to insult all his listeners...the very thing you blamed him for.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1

Many common people (demos) voting establishes the strength (kratos) of representative few.

The math... minus choice of many equals plus choice of few.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

a) If you're offended, then you took an offer willingly...

b) Mark Passio explains again and again to his listeners that "What on Earth is happening" starts at episode one...at the beginning. His "insult schtick" aims at each one of those listeners, who for over fourteen years ignore to listen from the beginning.


free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

theological property

Theism (theo) and logism (logi) imply proposed suggestions...ones consent to a proposition by another tempts one to ignore property/properte/proprius - "ones own".

Ones consent to another ones suggestion shirks property (ones choice) to another (chosen one), while putting self into poverty.

jews believe

Be (being) + lieve/lief/leubh (to care; desire; love) implies a being holding onto a wanted suggestion from another, while ignoring the need to let go within perceivable, which burdens one.

This burden of belief is carried by gentiles, while each jew suggests the burdens for gentiles to willingly take upon self.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1

a) A bot test for many by few...voting.

b) MOGA aka make ophthalmology great again

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

You can tell by an examination of the photos

Photo/phōs - "light". Ones sight within perceivable light implies "affirmative"...few suggest photos from a "negative" to invert the perception of many.

Tricking many to reason against each other over photographic evidence...based on the inversion of light and the ignorance of videre (to see)...implies photology (light discourse), which keeps those participating in the dark.

it's all too easy to accept or reject the evidence of your own eyes when someone else has told you what you're seeing

Indeed, hence few tricking many to focus on photos (negated light); pictures (captured moments) and film (moving pictures).

free-will-of-choice -1 points ago +1 / -2

a) Suggesting any -ism tempts consent, which cultivates ignorance of perceivable...if consented to.

b) Sceptic/spek - "to observe; hold onto" tempts one to ignore that agency/action/ag - "motion" cannot be held onto.

c) A challenger aka a claimant implies ones choice to claim (consent) from another (suggested); while ignoring that nature (perceivable) cannot be claimed aka held onto, since it moves.

d) Pseudo (suggested information) tempts one to ignore natural (perceivable inspiration).

ethical skepticism vs pseudo skepticism

Both sides consent to the same suggested -ism, hence fighting each other from different sides of the same deception. These conflicts are called "logic/reason".

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