I do believe that revealing
To reveal implies giving out...to believe implies holding within. Believing suggested conceals what perceivable reveals.
manifest this action into being
Mani/many (plural) contradicts being (singular)...enacting flow (inception towards death) sets reacting form/fest (life) apart from one another.
Manifest aka "manual form" tempts one to ignore auto (inception towards death) manual (life) procession.
collective consciousness
Scious/scio - "to know; to perceive"....all perceivable moves through each ones perception and cannot be collected (coll) or put together (con).
Ones choice is being tricked to come together with and collect from a chosen ones suggestion, which when given consent to, permits few to build a hive mind (collective consciousness) within the minds/memories of many, where few can manifest at will.
What is Revelation of the Method?
a) Method aka meta (in pursuit of) + hodos (way)... https://www.etymonline.com/word/method#etymonline_v_14731
If one consents to a revealed method; then one pursues the way (inception towards death) which already revealed one (life). That's also why METH addicts and META users are being exploited for their addictions to pursuit suggested material.
b) Suggesting the revelation of what IS tempts one to pursuit (meta) the outcome (hodos) thereof, while ignoring what WAS perceivable through the origin of ones perception.
Origin (all perceivable) moves through being (ones perception), hence propelling it aka inspiring it to grow (life) during loss (inception towards death).
In short...a revealed method by suggestion cannot share self discernment as perception within perceivable.
c) Few utilize the revealing method because nature already reveals all perceivable through each ones perception, hence few artificially mimicking natural revelation, while adding METH/META aka the temptation for many to pursue the suggestions by few.
revealing crime
Crime /krei - "to sieve; strain; separating the finer from the coarser"...coming into being implies the separation of natural law (inception towards death) into crimes (life), hence inception of being implying a life sentence towards point of death.
Natural L(and) A(ir) W(ater) discriminates fine motion into coarse elemental matter...balancing on land; breathing air and drinking water.
...bound by the neck with a cravat/khrebet - "mountain chain" aka zion.
think of somebody's "opinion"
A suggested opinion implies an option for ones free will of choice to consent (want) or deny (not want), while ignoring ones adaptation (need) to perceivable.
Aka being the JACK (jek) of ALL (yll) trades or HYDE-ing from ones response-ability (free will of choice)...
scientific discovery
Discovery implies separation (dis) of that which is concealed from sight (cover)...a contradiction of all perceivable revealing each ones perception. Nature doesn't produce a cover...each one within wields the FREE will of choice to cover self by for example consenting to suggested scient-ism, while ignoring science/scio - "to know" aka ones perception.
the bond between mother and child...
...was broken at birth, hence off-spring aka nature setting mother and child FREE from one another.
Cell/celare/kel - "to cover; conceal"...a suggested inversion of nature revealing each ones life sentence towards point of death at inception of being.
Furthermore...father (motion) mother (momentum) child (matter) implies revelation through separation.
genetic material remains part of
Genetic material implies generated (inception towards death) matter (life) aka whole separating into partials aka not a remaining, but a departure.
all created beings
ALL cannot create since it implies ALL already. Each being can be tricked into denying (nihilo,nothing) all perceivable for suggested creationism aka creatio ex nihilo (creation out of nothing).
have you heard of...-ism?
That's not hearing, but ones consent to suggested hearsay. Nature doesn't shape -isms, it moves sound through each instru-mental being.
the integrity of the ballot box...casting votes by black cube
Aka allotting a ball (circular logic) within a box (ones perception in-between left/right; front/back; up/down) by casting a black cube (shrouding perception with suggestion).
Here's a quote from Ayn Rand - "For the new Intellectual" (1961)
- Man’s consciousness shares with animals the first two stages of its development: sensations and perceptions; but it is the third state, conceptions, that makes him man. Sensations are integrated into perceptions automatically, by the brain of a man or of an animal. But to integrate perceptions into conceptions by a process of abstraction, is a feat that man alone has the power to perform—and he has to perform it by choice.
- The process of abstraction, and of concept-formation is a process of reason, of thought; it is not automatic nor instinctive nor involuntary nor infallible. Man has to initiate it, to sustain it and to bear responsibility for its results. The pre-conceptual level of consciousness is nonvolitional; volition begins with the first syllogism.
This quote describes how choice is being tricked to ignore perceivable sensations (inspiration) for suggested abstractions (information)
encouraging violence
Stakeholders aka holding a stake...
PLUS (inception) towards MINUS (death) implies ongoing velocity for each temporary resistance (life) within...
Joining each other implies the temptation for each one to ignore resisting.
Ones consent to the suggestions of another draws connections among many for the sole benefit of few remaining apart... https://www.amazon.com/People-Apart-Europe-1789-1939-History/dp/0198219806
But that's how systems function.
System/synistanai implies placed together...action sets functions apart from one another. As in...there's an underlying current (inception towards death) for each separate function (life) within aka discharge generating recharge.
electronic circuit
A circuit implies a closed environment, while electron (elect one) implies each ones FREE will of choice, hence free before binding self into a circuit (circular logic)...
summon demon
Dai-mon implies a separation aka divider (dai) provider (mon)... https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=demon aka division (inception towards death) providing being (life).
Sum-mon implies the summation (sum) of provision (mon) aka the sum of all things aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one) aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) etc.
a) Purity implies ones resistance to the temptation of mixing, and thereby diluting self.
b) Reality implies the separation of all perceivable and each ones perception...fiction implies the mixing of ones consent with the suggestions of another.
Being implies in-between purity (perceivable inspiration) and dilution (suggested information)...
Wine/wei - "to turn; bend", hence turning water (inception towards death) into wine (life). That's why the fermented (cause to rise) being whines/wines during infancy and begs to be calmed, and why a jew wails at the wall of gentile ignorance.
Brother (Bro): This is the basic term of address for any member of...
Notice the contradiction between joining to be a member OF and the separation of each OFF-spring. If sibling (bro or sis); then separation from ones being...
What if ignoring this separation establishes a cover (hood) aka brotherhood and sisterhood?
- 123456
Fight Fight Fight aka FFF aka 666
good energy
Energy implies internal power aka being one within all. Others suggest one to choose a side within an external conflict called reason (good vs bad), where both sides externally waste internal energy against one another.
dismantler of bad
If a "good" flower has "bad" parasites, then does planting more good flowers dismantle the bad parasites?
Doesn't a flower need to be cut down to prevent the spread of parasites? What if one has to let go of good to get rid of bad aka self sacrifice?
What if mantle implies a cloak for manus (hand)? What divides (dis) manual (mantle)?
how it runs...let me ask...
Origin runs...asking for outcome tempts one to ignore being (life) run (inception towards death) by origin.
The questions one asks permit those who answer to build artificial operating systems within reality.
You've made an interesting connection
Nature separates each one within from one another during procession...making connections with one another tempts one to ignore self discernment, while binding self to others. Few utilize suggested information to spell-bound consenting many with connections into a world wide web.
through a philosophical lens
Notice the implication of an artificial lens (suggested information) over natural sight (perceivable inspiration)...
Notice furthermore that THEY LIVE made a spectacle out of getting others to put on the artificial lens to see the distorted reality...a spectacle representing a "fake" wresting match (reason) between white (discernment) and black (ignorance).
PHIL (tending to) LO (logic; conflict of reason) SOPHIA (knowledge)
Knowledge implies perceivable; logic implies reasoning over suggested, and tending to implies the temptation to ignore perceivable (need) for suggested (want).
Knowledge (perceivable inspiration) implies origin moving through one, while tending implies towards outcome.
PHIL implies the suggested inversion of perceivable SOPHIA...LO(gic) implies the consequence of falling for suggested, while ignoring perceivable.
like what even is that
Same knowledge moving through each different mind aka even (inception towards death) generating odds (life) with the opportunity of being.
Few utilize suggestion to equalize differences (evening the odds) among many by tempting "alike" consent.
The suggested spell "phi-lo-sophy" tricks one to consent aka tend to (phi) suggested information, which lures one into a conflict of reason (lo) against others, while ignoring perceivable inspiration (sophy).
what is reality?
Ones response (re) to all (al). The issue...all WAS perceivable before one can suggest each other what IS. Ones consent to what another suggest IS implies fiction.
what is the nature of being?
ALL nurturing each ONE native being...nature/nurture/native/gnasci/gene - "to give birth, beget".
what can we know...
Nothing. Since knowledge implies all perceivable dividing into each ones perception. Suggested pluralism (we) tempts perceiving singular (one) to ignore everything (all) for de-nial (nihilo; nothing) thereof.
merchants of chaos
Only within order (inception towards death) can chaos (life) come into being. Only among chaos can there be merchant/mercari - "to trade, traffic, deal in" aka ones consent (buying) to another ones suggestion (selling).
Nature moving ones life sentence from inception towards point of death implies order/ordain - "to appoint" aka towards a point.
Chaos/khaos/ghieh - "to yawn, gape, be wide open" implies the widening (inception towards death) of being (life) into the open. The yawn refers to motion yawning the spirit of momentum (inception towards death) into each gaping matter (life).
Few suggest "order out of chaos" (Ordo ab Chao) to invert the position of each as chaos (temporary growth) within order (ongoing loss) among many, hence collectivizing aka establishing a constipation of shitty gentiles within the procession of nature, which a jew calls a "royal flush"...
N(orth) E(east) W(est) S(outh)
Let's bring this closer to one...front; right; back; left. A being can only exist in-between as choice within balance. Others tempt one to imbalance ones choice within by grasping for outside "news".
I'm trying to do.. like.. fix shit
a) One doesn't FIX shit...all processes shit through each one. Trying to fix that implies constipation during procession.
b) Being one implies different than one another...not alike. Few trick many to hold onto self as "I AM", which tempts many into the possession of few.
Aka if one claims self as "me; myself or I", then every other one becomes a YOU(jew)...
"news".. if it was large scale enough.
What could be a larger scale than each one in-between N(orth) E(east) W(est) S(outh) of all?
Scale/skel - "to cut" implies the division of all into each one, hence cutting action and reactions apart from one another.
Few suggest the scale as a weighting instrument (reason) to trick many against each other by choosing sides, instead of being ones choice (life) within the balance (inception/death) of all.
The foundation (base) of memory (ment) implies...not the suggested information by others.
what does the cabal "want"
Cabal/cabbala/qibbel - "to receive"...few shape suggestions to tempt many into wanting to give consent, which few in return receive.
Suggested (want) tempts one to ignore all perceivable (need)...
the hidden hand
THE implies suggested the-ism tempting ones consent to manually (manus/hand) give authority to another, that's the hidden handshake between buyer (consent) and seller (suggestion) aka shirking ones response-ability (ones choice) onto another (chosen one).
As for the revealed hand...auto (inception towards death) reveals manual (life).
a) Forwarded (inception towards death) being (life)...before inverts that.
b) Yahweh/hawah/hayah - "was"...that which WAS perceivable before one can suggest another what it IS called.
If singular (one) consents to suggested pluralism (them), then consent and suggestion are put together.
grudge holder
Consent holds onto suggested, which establishes a conflict (war) of reason among those consenting.
war in heaven
Heaven/heave - "to grasp", hence ones consent grasping onto suggested information establishing a conflict of reason (heaven vs hell)...hell/kel - "to cover; conceal; save".
In other words...wanting to grasp (heaven) vs not wanting to let go (hell).
Aka "divine messenger" hence dividing (reason) the message (suggestion), which also establishes an ANGLE aka "space or difference in direction between intersecting lines", hence distorting ones angle of perspective within perceivable with the suggestions of another.
Few utilize compass (reason) and square (angle of perspective) to build walls of ignorance within the minds of many with use of bricks (suggested information) and mortar (consent). The crumbling of this wall is being bewailed by few; fornicated with wishes, and manually/manus (hand) held up.
how many
Each one within all...for there can be only one aka one for all and all for one aka a (w)hole in one aka al(l)one etc.
trying to get a job, as an "angel"
What happens to an angel/angle if origin is ignored for "trying to get" outcome? What happens if origin moves, which thereby changes each ones angle of perspective?
Being in-between left/right + up/down + front/back implies a cube...what does that imply for angles and corners of the being inside?
lotsa swamp
Empire/imperare aka in (being within) pere (production). How could a being (life) within production (inception towards death) be preserved?
occupation of mind
To occupy implies "taking possession of" and refers to ones free will of choice to hold onto suggested information by another, while ignoring that perceivable inspiration cannot be held onto, since it moves through ones mind/memory.
The occupation
...implies ones free will of choice to mentally take possession of suggested THE-ism aka an authority above self.
Hebrew yisra'el - "he that striveth with God" implies resisting the temptation to hold onto, as opposed to falling for the temptation to take suggested information into possession without resisting.
influence that is effecting
Being implies affected form (life) within fluid cause (inception towards death)...hence ones need to resist wanted temptations.
if i go back and download the same document again, it has different data
a) You didn't go back...you're being (life) moved forwards (inception towards death).
b) A jew suggests gentiles to believe in a databank/database aka a repository of information that remains the same. The consent of each gentile implies mass ignorance of moving reality (perceivable inspiration), which in return permits each jew to mimic change through fiction, hence the use of revisionism to distract from the ongoing decline of everything ignored.
a) Being implies ones sentence (life) within (inception towards death)...an index "points out", hence index finger.
Same trick with prices...being implies evaluation (perception) within value (perceivable); while a price is being slapped on the outside to tempt ones evaluation within to sell out.
b) Compare (together equal) inverts "apart different". Drawing comparisons equalizes differences, which is why each jew draws suggestions to equalize differences among consenting gentiles.
That sounds highly pessimistic and manipulatable
a) The directing intelligences suggest "pessimism"; the men of faith speak for both sides within the conflict of reason between pessimism vs optimism, and the herd chooses to follow either side.
b) Sound doesn't divide into two but into each one, hence sound (whole) dividing into each instrument (partial).
It's the directing intelligences, which utilize the men of faith to manipulate the herd to view the world through the lens of dualism aka reason aka high vs low or optimism vs pessimism.
Where does free will and choosing good (God) things come in?
a) You writing free will without "of choice" is based on your choice already given to good over bad, hence bound to a side within a conflict of reason (good vs bad).
If you choose to let go of good, then you wouldn't be bound to bad, nor would you regard free will without "of choice".
b) A thing implies each one partial within whole oneness, which you choose to ignore for suggested pluralism (things).
c) To choose God implies ones ignorance of being choice (partial) within god (whole), hence being set apart from one another.
Choosing God implies holding onto aka having faith aka believing aka taking into possession aka consenting (to buy) to the suggestion (to sell) of another...of a men of faith selling the "good spell aka gospel" in the name (in nomine) of God.
In other words...choosing a side tempts one to ignore self discernment as choice IN-BETWEEN sides, hence life (choice) in-between inception/death (balance).
- Soul (motion) > spirit (momentum) > body (matter)
- Matter (choice) in-between momentum (balance) of motion.
I might be misunderstanding
Your use of pessimism (bad) vs optimism (good) implies your consent to STAND UNDER those suggesting it to you. Consenting to suggested tempts one to MISS perceivable.
A fortune one seeks from suggested outcome...all perceivable value for each ones perceiving evaluation comes from origin aka God breathing knowledge through each Christ.
It's the directing intelligences which utilize men of faith to tempt the herd to seek fortunes by investing aka selling themselves out by buying into.
this book is not high on my priority list
It's a boring coming of age/romance/high society novel, with the occasional intelligence drops mixed into it. It's also the foundation for what a decade later became Brave New World.
the called-out ones meet here
a) Ones meeting with one another contradicts being apart from one another.
b) C-ALL out inverts c-ing (seeing) as one within all. It's yet another layer of spell-craft used to manipulate.
c) Nature doesn't call...it moves hunger and thirst through each being; which forces adaptation by inspiring resistance (need), while tempting ignorance (want).
a) Reasoning (good vs bad) about suggested moralism implies mutual destruction, which doctors are used for to alleviate suffering.
b) Clemency/clinare - "to lean" implies a bending towards a side, instead of holding onto a side within a conflict of reason (good vs bad).
Fauci/fancy - "inclination" implies clemency...
If one discerns self within origin, then one can FORE SEE (fau-ci) outcomes...using a DOCKED OAR (doctor) prevents one from steering.