iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's with this low energy shit-posting. You can find pictures and video of Loomer going back to when she was in early 20s.


She has just had a lot of work done and looks like garbage. But she's a woman.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

The air we breathe is composed primarily of nitrogen and oxygen, with nitrogen making up the majority. Specifically, nitrogen constitutes about 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere by volume.

Composition of Air:

1.	Nitrogen (N2): Approximately 78%
2.	Oxygen (O2): Approximately 21%
3.	Argon (Ar): About 0.93%
4.	Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Around 0.04%
5.	Other Gases: Trace amounts, including neon, helium, methane, krypton, and hydrogen.

I'd relax a little if I were you.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kamala will solidify her allegiance by selecting Josh Shapiro as her VP which will help garner rust belt and AIPAC support. It probably won't be enough though, since Trump and Vance have made it clear that they are both Isreal first and have more populist support.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any CS admin will tell you that you can choose NOT to opt-in to auto-updates of the CS falcon agent software. Most large organizations have change management boards that approve these types of software updates and it can take weeks of testing before new versions are rolled out org wide.

So how the hell did this outage happen? It happened because it wasn't the result of a software update. It was a CONFIGURATION update that was pushed out that didn't have the same quality assurance testing or roll out process that the agent software update typically has. In fact, there is no way (as of now) to turn off automatic configuration updates.

That means that even the even most careful organizations (think govt and Fortune 500) who have falcon set to NOT auto-update got screwed in this outage.

I see a parallel of incompetence between the cause of the CS outage and what happened in Butler PA last Saturday. You can read into that statement however you want.

iloveturtles 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here is another decent analysis that sheds some doubt on the tower shooter theory. https://x.com/SoonMrWick/status/1814331626639516146

I am not making the case there wasn't a second shooter, I don't know for sure. I just don't think there was anyone up on the tower.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will add that in the scale of IT fuckups, the fix actually is pretty straight forward and probably takes just a few minutes. It just gets hard when you have a lot of remote or virtual systems and can't automate a fix.

iloveturtles 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can. Crowdstrike t's antivirus software on lots of business computers and servers. The software updates itself regularly with the latest version. Someone fucked up with developing the latest version and it contained a pretty bad bug that got past testing. This bug caused the machine that it's on to blue screen and go into a reboot cycle. The only way to fix it is to manually boot the computer in safe mode and delete the updated version/file that has the bug.

It get's even more complicated if you use encryption software like bitlocker. You need to manually type in a 48-digit numerical password to unlock the encryption so you can delete the stupid file.

Imagine having to do this exact thing on 50,000 computers this weekend. That's how many systems are affected at just some companies. Millions of systems affected overall. Thank your stars you don't work in IT.

iloveturtles 3 points ago +4 / -1

CROWDSTRIKE is mentioned directly 19 times in drops

All related to the DNC Server Hack, the framing of Russia, connections to the Clinton Foundation, Obama, etc etc

Pause and read at your leisure. https://x.com/MJTruthUltra/status/1814287497171488812

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

I found a post on twitter from a self proclaimed "combat photographer" who claims it was unusual that this NYT photog was shooting at 1/8000 @30fps. Doesn't typically happen unless you want to catch a shot of a head going splat.


iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perhaps this convention wasnt supposed to happen. What if DJT didnt make it Saturday? RNC convention would have been cancelled and Nikki Haley would have been nominated at a later date. (probably)

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haley doesn't seem to have very much attention to detail. The shooter's name Thomas Matthew Crooks

She is showing a screenshot of a guy named Matthew A Crooks, who is saying he is a different person than the shooter, which he is.

Then she links to a video by @jewgazing which was a troll. I fell for that one initially too TBH.

Yearwick while being affiliated with Antifa didn't have anything to do with the shooting.

Hmm by dukey
iloveturtles 6 points ago +7 / -1

I read a thread (cant find it now) on how the SS snipers are reactionary otherwise they'd be popping off at anyone who looks suspicious. It was the perimeter SS/Polices job to confront the shooter and that took too long. The snipers react once they see shots.

I could be wrong about all of that, but food for thought.

iloveturtles 3 points ago +4 / -1

The Thomas Matthew Crooks guy is a troll.


update: looks like the dude in this video is not Thomas Crooks

iloveturtles 14 points ago +14 / -0


It's kinda interesting that this video predicted the exact events three months ago. Skip to the 11 min mark.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

They just sound like shitty people. Find new friends.

iloveturtles 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's covered in one of the videos on his instagram channel. It says Adom descends from the Roman Empire and is represented by the US.

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