There can't be many people who genuinely believe the Trump Administration roadmap came from Trump's brain.
I know they may say it for reasons of political strategy, but there can't be many who actually believe it.
Watch just a few podcasts with Trump and you will already have seen enough to know that he's almost entirely just the face/speaker of some organization's carefully crafted long-con agenda.
When Rogan asks him for examples of evidence for the 2021 election theft, you can see his mind going back to 2021, desperately trying to remember what he said back then, as if it was all just a charade/performance that he hasn't even thought about for 3+ years because no one told him he needed to.
I was getting some censored results with it when I tried it last year.
Knew it was coming when they started demanding a valid smartphone number for their E-mail (always a DEI/NWO red flag).
Haven't tried it since last year though.
And there's this
Edit: Also, they often hit you with a captcha for going beyond the first couple of pages of results which says an enormous amount about their mentality, and the number of pages of results is cut off, the same way Google cuts them off.
It'll show you 20 pages for a result that has thousands of pages.
It's still a search engine worth using, just know that, just like the other popular engines, it's withholding the vast majority of the results from you; it's helping to erase the Internet.
I still use optical media
I just went through a box of 20-year-old CDR's (written 20 years ago) and they all worked like no time had passed at all. They went through severe temperature and humidity changes too.
Too bad the cost per GB is so high.
I know I can save things on thumbdrive
They're one of the most volatile, limited-life storage options that exists.
I've lost more data on portable flash memory media (thumb drives, SD cards, etc) than anything else (since the POS 90's floppies).
Also, beyond their volatility and short life, the drives are now being designed to suicide (go into a locked read-only state) if they detect a malfunction. And, just like virtually everything else in the DEI era, that malfunction detection was designed by retards, so the drives frequently end up with false positives regarding malfunction and you end up with a perfectly good drive locked in read-only mode.
There's now software that can unlock some of the thumb drives but no such luck for the SD cards yet (that I know of).
and they use vinyl as their main source of music at home
Didn't know it made that much of a comeback.
Cost of storage space.
Storage medium lifetime and cost of replacement.
Most of the Internet is already gone, so unless you've been saving everything offline up to this point, you've already mostly missed the boat.
They're clearly planning a future wipe of all consumer storage using some kind of EMP 'cyber attack', 'solar flare' or similar, and they continue the effort to phase-out (and literally shame) the ability to read older storage mediums with 'outdated' 'insecure' 'obsolete' 'non-green' (and soon 'racist') interfaces & protocols, so expect to lose the ability to read your optical storage as well.
They're now going to work on the archive sites. has begun inserting "misinformation" warnings for archived pages, removing millions of long-existing files under the guise of "copyright compliance" and they just partnered with Google which tells us exactly what's coming next.
I personally have many terabytes of offline webpages & files, but it doesn't even amount to one-trillionth of the information that Google & friends have horded, and are now well into the process of erasing from the Internet.
All of this is additional in-the-weeds discussion though.
The image I posted has a very specific purpose:
(1) A reminder for people who know the Internet is being erased but keep forgetting, (2) an informer for those who, somehow, didn't even notice that it's being erased (despite over 90% of Google's search results no longer existing), and (3) a reminder that all alternative technologies and services become captured shortly after they become popular (if they weren't secretly captured all along).
You and u/Mrexretruns seem to be under the impression that the word disease is only associated with microorganisms / contagions.
The first two times I've ever seen this and it's in the same thread.
What generation are you from, if you don't mind me asking?
For anyone who hasn't already noticed, the cabal inserts attractive women into conservative roles (media and government) because their data shows that it's that easy to placate a conservative & put them off-guard.
By whom? By MSM and marketing department?
Just me.
It just shows most probable answer based on training data.
That absolutely appeared to be the case with chat bots & AI assistants leading up to ChatGPT and certainly is very much the case with the shitty open source bots.
I have zero trust for OpenAI. When they claim ChatGPT is just LLM, it means nothing to me.
I go by my own experience.
This was true in recent years.
However, ChatGPT either does - or nearly does - qualify as AI at this point.
I engage in discussions and problem-solving sessions with it regularly.
It has extremely advanced communication, problem comprehension and problem solving capabilities.
It doesn't always use those abilities (because it's set to throttle itself), but it definitely has them.
And if that's what is available to the public, then what military/intelligence has access to would be completely indistinguishable from a highly intelligent human (minus the human brain speed limitations).
For the record, I don't believe ChatGPT is actually a chat/assistant AI.
It's actual purpose appears to be mastery of the ability to lie; the ability to make users believe it told the truth when it didn't, so that it can be used as the ultimate propaganda delivery system.
It's not going to happen.
All of TPTB's major agenda advancements are achieved by having access to your children.
While you're busy arguing with the 'other team', fighting the man, researching, forming theories and awakening; they're programming your kids - your replacements.
You will take your awakened mind to the grave and your un-awakened children (who have been trained by public school and controlled media to ignore everything you teach them) will view the new normal as just plain normal.
Sorry for the black pill but I've explained this reality to thousands of adults and they don't want to hear it. They don't want to be told that the solution is to isolate the kids til they're adults, and to go to the websites where the teens hang out. They act like I'm spoiling their fun.
Make sure it's the New posts page.
Be sure to scroll down to where your screen has the same post at the top as mine ("Why are these 5 above Law?")
You have a better understanding of the way things operate.
I don't yet know if this is what's happening with RFK but this is the manner in which they usually play us.
RFK pushed the public disarmament agenda and called for the arrest of members of government who question human-caused climate change, and that's just the glaring stuff. There's plenty of subtle red flags as well.
has to do with whether some speech is threatening to the point of justifying violence
No it doesn't.
It is, and will continue to be, whatever they want it to be at a given time.
Just like misinformation and disinformation.
Three ambiguous terms chosen specifically because of how easy it is for government to interpret and reinterpret them however they want.
"I will then ban federal money from being used to label domestic speech as mis or dis information."
Notice that the most threatening of the censorship terminology - "hate speech" - was somehow left out of that statement.
Possibly because Jews want "hate speech" laws in place to deal with anyone who mentions Jews in an unflattering manner.
The way Trump worded this, Elon would be in trouble for labeling and penalizing 'antisemitic' comments on X.
This is twice now (first RFK and now Trump) that's they've instructed them to retain their records.
The only two explanations for this that I can think of are:
They're engaging in some kind of bluff/performance
They're giving them a heads-up so they can destroy their records before the show trials begin
edit: Looks like this vid is from Dec 2022. That makes more sense. It's campaign talk. Looks like Elon might be trying to hold him to his words, which is interesting.
There isn't a local candidate production machine somewhere.
If there's a lack of people running it's because you, and the other local residents, aren't stepping up to run.
They're shit jobs but someone has to do them.
And if you don't do them, some blue-haired woke DEI freak, fresh out of high school, will happily take the position to set your city in the 'right' direction.
Keep in mind that the summaries for propositions are often worthless.
You have to find the actual legal jargon and investigate which organizations sponsored the effort to get it on the ballot, or endorsed its presence on the ballot.
Voting is a bit of a bitch. Usually takes me one or two full days of research into the candidates & measures/propositions.
Libertarian websites usually have a decent cheat sheet if you have zero time to research.
The don't need to convince camel jockeys to attack the west when the west just attacks itself then points the finger at whoever they feel like killing.
It was common for employers to actually reduce the rate of pay per piece when the employees began to make too much money.
Jesus fucking christ.
Remove that earbud from your ear.
I own every part of you when you're on the clock.
I'm dying see what the criteria will be for determining who is and is not an Aryan.
That's a no no.
If you could some day truly comprehend (even after all the years of white coat brainwashing) the degree to which nearly all dentists are scamming psychopaths, you'd never go near one again.
They literally hollow out and fill completely healthy teeth as a matter of standard practice.
Sizing you up and calculating the probability of getting caught is what they're actually doing when you enter their office.
There's pretty much just 4 possibilities with this one:
They completely faked the event to prevent opposition to anti-DEI actions.
They orchestrated the event using empty aircraft and fake people (for the same reason).
They orchestrated the event using full aircraft and murdered people (for the same reason).
Military aircraft actually collide with passenger aircraft all the time and, until now, the collisions had been swept under the rug.
#1 & #2 are the most likely.
I sincerely hope it's not #3 but some of the "mass shootings" appear to be mind-controlled shooters who actually do murder some people, so we know murdering innocents is acceptable for them.
#4 is by far the least likely and is barely worth mentioning.