Theism (theo) and logism (logi) imply proposed suggestions...ones consent to a proposition by another tempts one to ignore property/properte/proprius - "ones own".
Ones consent to another ones suggestion shirks property (ones choice) to another (chosen one), while putting self into poverty.
jews believe
Be (being) + lieve/lief/leubh (to care; desire; love) implies a being holding onto a wanted suggestion from another, while ignoring the need to let go within perceivable, which burdens one.
This burden of belief is carried by gentiles, while each jew suggests the burdens for gentiles to willingly take upon self.
Theism (theo) and logism (logi) imply proposed suggestions...ones consent to a proposition by another tempts one to ignore property/properte/proprius - "ones own".
Ones consent to another ones suggestion shirks property (ones choice) to another (chosen one), while putting self into poverty.
Be (being) + lieve/lief/leubh (to care; desire; love) implies a being holding onto a wanted suggestion from another, while ignoring the need to let go within perceivable, which burdens one.
This burden of belief is carried by gentiles, while each jew suggests the burdens for gentiles to willingly take upon self.