illness that compels
Compel aka com (together) pellere (to drive) makes one ill, because the closer together one tries to drive, the less at ease one becomes.
Taking words apart puts me at ease; gives me space to think freely, and permits me to see how few rearrange words by tempting many to hold definitions together.
to define words
To define implies to affix...I break apart words, just as sound is separating each instrumental being from one another.
force or oblige to do
Being (life) forced (inception towards death) isn't obligatory/obligare - "to bind", but a setting free from one another aka being driven apart.
Few suggest compel (driving together) as the artificial inversion of nature, which tempts ones consent to bind itself. Consenting to a suggestion implies religion/religio - "to bind anew".
Turtle/testa - "shell"...choosing a side within a conflict of reason (love vs hate) doesn't shell one from harm, it shells those outside the conflict from the mutual destruction within.
Coherent aka co (together) haerere (to adhere; stick)...that's the foundation of sin aka taking onto self by holding onto others.
Christ/christen - "to anoint" implies a setting apart from one another.
In other words...what one writes cannot be coherent until another consents to it, hence sticking suggestion and consent together.
Christ...taking on sin.
everything is antisemitic
Hence..."It's the deepest impulse of a jewish soul to pull at the very fabric of life until there's nothing left but a thread. They want nothing but nothingness"
a) Oracle/ōrare - "to plead/to beseech", hence the jewish orator using spell-craft (talking) to tempt TikTok to take the offer, hence selling out by buying into.
b) A jew doesn't take over...a jew tempts gentiles to undermine self by giving up.
a) What does a block and chain enable? Leisure for the jailer?
b) How does a block and chain enable less wires? Especially while binding prisoners within a crypt(o)?
c) Wire/wei - "to twist; turn"...a wireless body implies ones FREE will of choice resisting the temptation to turn against others within conflicts of reason.
Consenting to a suggestion wires ones body and mind to another...that's how a net works, by tempting the fish to swim into it.
microwaving humans
a) Human aka the hue (color) of man implies the visible spectrum (momentum) of light (motion) for each ray (matter) within; balancing as choice (life) in-between MIN (inception) and MAX (death), hence wavering.
Few tempt many to ignore wavering (ones growth within all loss) by weaving many together.
b) Only within macro (whole) can there be micro (partial) aka breaking the tide.
AI-Based Security Camera Systems vs Traditional
Security implies setting apart; versus implies coming together. The former implies natural; the latter artificial. Ones consent to suggested artifice implies tradition/traditio - "a delivering up, surrender, a handing down, a giving up"...
Aka chimera...
a) Demos implies "people" aka collectivization of natural units into artificial groups. Within such a group of people (demos) one rationalizes US vs THEM.
b) De-moral aka division of moral implies a further division of rationalization (conflict of reason). A moral people rationalize in-between good vs bad, which demoralization further divides into for example pure goodness vs utter evil. It's still the same conflict, yet with added mental layers to obscure the living being.
easily influenced by advertising
Easily (ones perception) influenced (all perceivable) by advertising (suggestions by another).
It's easy for ones perception to be turned against (ad vert) others...consent given implies offense taken.
susceptible to hypnosis. Why would that be?
Because consenting to suggestion puts ones perception (nosis) to sleep (hypno).
good information...
...implies ones rationalization (good vs bad) of suggested information (operation), while ignoring perceivable inspiration (psyche).
Psyche (animating power) moves through one, hence all perceivable moving through each ones perception, while holding onto suggested implies opera - "effort".
Rationalization/reasoning over information wastes effort (exertion)...adaptation to inspiration affords aka puts forth being (re-animation).
Torah Prophecy
Torah aka mosaic law implies putting pieces together into a whole...suggested prophecies tempt consenting followers to become the pieces being put together.
Aka araqa - "perspiring, deeply rooted, well-watered"...hence starting of the Iraqi war with "Operation Desert Thrust".
failure of human civilization
To civilize implies domesticating that which nature sets free. What you described implies the success of civilization, hence few domesticating many.
complete failure
Impossible, since fall (inception towards death) generates rise (life). Few tempting many to believe in complete/complere - "to fill together" implies each ones domesticated mind seeking completion aka tikkun olam (repairing the world by putting together).
a) Choose a suggested side or remain perceiving choice...
b) Suggested sides are not in conflict with each other until ones choice selects one over the other.
c) Choosing a side imbalances the center. Choice implies center of balance.
d) Sheep/ovis/ovi - "egg"...
Think about does an egg operate? What does the eggshell protect? What's at the center of an egg? How could suggestion be utilized to crack consent? How could center (choice) surrounded by shell (balance) be cracked? What if shell implies a covering (inception towards death) which splits off (life)? What if the momentum of motion represents the "ovum" for matter coming into being within?
Flock/folc/folk (people) of sheep (egg)... aka omne vivum ex ovo (all life comes from an egg).
To take a vaccine implies submitting under another, while giving self away.
Para/pere - "to produce" + site/situs - "position" aka production (inception towards death) of position (life).
Any parasitic behavior is based on exploiting ones "willing" ignorance of the above, with ignorance representing the opportunity given (host) for others to exploit (parasite).
we think
WE tempts one to think according to the suggestions of others.
think about non-
One can only think about nothing if one de-nies/nihilo - "nothing" everything perceivable.
Few establish denial as a think-tank within many...a self imposes shield of fiction within the minds of those ignoring reality.
we label
Nature enables...artificial labels disable.
we let our minds loose
Holding onto "we" binds "one".
in quite a different mood...and the like.
Thinking alike (we) destroys differences (one).
the very moment we are compelled
Moment implies ongoing momentum (inception towards death) setting matter (life) apart from one another...compelling (driving together) by consenting to suggested pluralism (we) tempts one to ignore self for others.
to recognize a creature
Creation implies out of nothing...recognize implies ones responding perception within everything perceivable.
How could one cognize/perceive any NEW creation if everything perceivable was already available before ones perception came into being?
Show me a new creation that wasn't shaped out of what was already there...create something new for me.
The audience puts itself down...
Audience/audire/au - "to perceive"...
Consenting to the suggested comedy by another tempts one to ignore that.
to perform standup comedy...
...implies a consenting audience looking up, while putting themselves down. That's the opposite of comedy (life) growing within drama (inception towards death).
Living within the process of dying implies a comedic relief of dramatic impression. The word dra-matic implies the drawing of matter within the flow of motion.
His conclusion...
...ignores the procession of nature flowing (drama) through form (comedy). Being implies "inclusive"...few trick many to think con-clusivly aka together, when consenting to suggestions by few.
it was not absolute...
...because he and each one within the audience are partials within the ongoing separation of whole, hence being ab-solved aka released aka set FREE from one another.
he could not quite pin down...
...because the audience puts itself down, which in return permits the comedian to "stand-up".
As for pinning...a moving nature cannot be pinned, yet each one within can choose to ignore origin (perceivable inspiration) for pinning a substitute (suggested information) by mentally holding onto it.
Sleight of hand...pinhead aka hellbound hellraiser. Hell/kel - "to cover; conceal". How does one summon pinhead? By opening the puzzle-box aka ones perception in-between left/right + up/down + front/back aka a cube shaped by a moving nature.
In the book the box is called the "lemarchand configuration"...le marchant (((the merchant))) funny to hide that within such a dramatic story.
Edit: In Hellraiser; Frank got the LeMarchand (the merchant) puzzle box from Düsseldorf...
"In 1951 the Central Council of jews in Germany was established in Duesseldorf"...
The original quote is about "sorrow". Pain inspires release; sorrow tempts one to hold onto, hence being stricken by grief.
An author like Mark Twain represents a tale-weaver, hence stricking/knitting together stories for readers to store within mind/memory and become spell-bound; grief-stricken; love-struck etc.
Edit: here's a word for drama and comedy drawn together...Schaden (inception towards death) Freude (life).
Drama (inception towards death) generates humor (life)...humor struggles to sustain itself during drama.
backpage vs onlyfans
The latter puts the consumer upfront (only fans); the former tries to hide the market in the back (back page).
The jewish merchant of temptation requires gentile consent, which is why the marketplace has to be open and advertising to consumers, so that those from outside can buy into, while selling themselves out, when entering into a contract with the merchant.
a) A pimp provides a service...others prostitute themselves when buying into it.
b) Pimp; verb - "to pander, one who caters for the lusts of others", hence a jew utilizing suggestion to tempt prostitution among consenting buyers and sellers...for a fee aka a taxation of sin.
Why is Onlyfans even allowed to exist?
Because all implies only fan; verb - "to stir up air; to fan out". Each one within all is breathed into existence, hence stirred up (life) through air current (inception towards death).
A jew tricks gentiles to believe that a fan follows. What's the opposite of fan? Critic/krei - "to distinguish; separate", hence....everyone's a critic.
Nature separates by moving (inception towards death) matter (life) apart from one another aka a of lust are following a current towards death.
There can be ONLY for all and all FANNING each one apart from one another.
Solicitation implies by request aka suggestion (to buy) tempting consent (to sell). Trying to hide this market on a backpage doesn't work, since solicitation is upfront, hence the vampire knocking on your door.
owing to animal faith
Animal implies tempts one to ignore that by holding onto what one believes one can own.
science as a technique for the transformation of ourselves and our environment
Science/scio - "to know; to perceive" implies the transformation of ones perception as matter within the motion of all perceivable.
Technique/tekhnē - "art" implies the artificial suggestions by others tempting one to ignore perceivable reality.
asking ourselves questions as to the nature of reality
The nature of reality moves ones life from inception towards death...a question/quest - "seeking to gain" tempts ones life to aim at death. The suggested answers by others tempt one to ignore that the reality of a moving nature implies a "solution" inspiring needed resistance, while tempting wanted ignorance.
must be viewed with apprehension
Apprehension implies "a seizing upon, laying hold of" aka faithfully holding onto beliefs suggested by others, while ignoring that the reality of a moving nature cannot be held onto by anyone being moved within it.
society in its pure form
A moving nature implies purification (inception towards death) of impurities (life)...society implies the collectivization of impurities, which makes it harder for each partial to resist the temptation of ongoing natural purification.
In other words...all of nature splits apart into each one being. Simultaneously the moving nature heals each temporary wound within by moving together (inception towards death) that which split apart (life).
labeling terrorist
a) Terror/terreo - "to frighten"...a jew suggests terror-ism as to label frightened gentiles terror-ists.
b) Benjamin Netanyahu books...International Terrorism (1982); Terrorism (1986); Fighting Terrorism (1995).
c) Fear implies towards suggested outcome, which tempts one to ignore perceivable origin, hence..."Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand" ~Isaiah 41:10
Aka uphold you (life) with my righteous right (inception towards death)...
Right/reg - "to move in a straight line"...
Gods left and right implies ones leave (left) of absence and rite (right) of passage, while living within the process of dying. As for hand (manus)...that's ones manual free will of choice in-between left/right balance.
All politicians lie
Each voter believes in the truth of voting, since believing implies a truth/truce of faith in representation through another.
Neither political lies, nor the truth/truce of voting are natural...
his rise to power
The rise of a leader (Führer) is empowered by each follower (Folger; Anhänger). The German "Anhänger" implies hanging on, hence dragging down, which in a balance based system rises the opposite side up.
vehicles...without bodies
Body implies formed vehicle (life) within flow (inception towards death).
Flow (perceivable) sets form (perception) apart from one another...others suggest con (together) scious (to perceive) to invert that.
Many con-senting to suggestions by few establishes a con-scious-ness, with ness implying "a point of land running into the sea"... aka form being tricked back into flow.
a) Dude looks like a lady... birth name BEVAN (son of evan) from evan/ieuanc - "young man".
b) The bright one (helen) nesting (nesta) within a web (webster) implies webbing others into ignorance.
a) The forwards way reveals all perceivable through each ones perception...the backwards way implies ones ignorance (self concealment of perception) of all perceivable for the suggestions by others.
b) Ones consent to a suggestion implies transferring the guilt of ignorance aka ones mind paying (payment) for selling/sealing (to offer as sacrifice) self out to another.
c) Confess implies admission (fateri) together (con), which implies many admitting together the suggestions by few, when giving consent.
Gentiles represent the confession of each jew by their guilt of denial.
d) Karma/krnoti/kwer - "to make, form"...only flow (inception towards death) forms (life). To make/magic/mason/mag - "to knead, fashion" implies form shaping other form, while ignoring flow.
"Karma is an idea that permeates"...
To permeate implies per (forwards) meare (to pass) aka life being passed forwards from inception towards death.
A jew suggests idealism to tempt gentiles to follow, which inverts permeate into dehydrate/drain/deplete/destroy/kill etc. It's ones consent to a suggested -ism, which tempts one to hold onto, while ignoring the permeating passage of all perceivable through each ones perception.
TO implies towards aka both constant change and ones course of life (fate), which one needs to resist the wanted temptation of.