Third-Eye-Vision 2 points ago +2 / -0

Heh, you are just a retarded Masonic Zionist faggot, heh!

YAHshuah HaMashiach will smite all you devil worshiping sodomites down, heh more faggot!

Third-Eye-Vision 2 points ago +2 / -0

May the one and ONLY almighty creator GOD have mercy on all you filthy sodomic Zionazi pedo faggots!

YAHshua HaMashiach the Lord of lords, and King of Kings true Godhead will Judge you too!

Third-Eye-Vision -2 points ago +1 / -3

The Nazis wanted to slaughter over 30 million innocent southeastern European "WHITE" Slavs under Reichsführer-SS "satanic/luciferan" mastermind Himmler, the so called "right hand man" of Adolf Schicklgruber who was nothing more but a double-crossed Rothschild bastard child puppet.

They've actually managed to erase 11 million mostly innocent Slavs from History during WW2!

During the Second World War, around 11 million Slavs were systematically murdered by Nazi forces in a war of extermination in Eastern Europe. This tragic chapter in history affected millions of Slavic people across different countries, leaving a devastating impact on their communities

Third-Eye-Vision 2 points ago +3 / -1

The only thing that's worth watching is the pagan satanic/luciferian Olympic opening ritual, because they have to show you the Truth through predictive programming.

Third-Eye-Vision 4 points ago +4 / -0

Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt. – Juvenal

Wake up, It's all a game! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEH349PxIW8

Third-Eye-Vision 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your only duty is to resist all the paid off Zionazi tyrant puppets that wanna murder you with 5th Generation Warfare.

Third-Eye-Vision 1 point ago +1 / -0

And they chose to cancel the most prominent scapegoat imaginable, we are not Freemasons.

But you have to be a freemasonic faggot & actually sell your very soul to gain power from Satan/Lucifer, who literally is the prince (temporary ruler) of this world according to Holy Scriptures.

Sorry to disappoint you, but Mr. Beast surely is a masonic faggot that still promotes LGBTQPedo+ sodomy to millions of little children on YT.

Third-Eye-Vision 3 points ago +3 / -0

All the divided & conquered sheeple are eating up 5th generation warfare BS all day long, not knowing that the psychopathic puppets in power will soon lead them straight into FEMA camps.

Third-Eye-Vision 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, you stupid luciferian marxist sheeple should probably learn how to interpret the Holy Scriptures properly.

The Bible teaches that “God” is judge (1 Samuel 2:10; Psalm 50:6; Ecclesiastes 12:14; many others). But so is Jesus (John 5:22, 27; 9:39; Acts 10:42; 2 Timothy 4:1). Therefore he is God. God the Father sits on his throne in heaven (1 Kings 22:19; Psalm 11:4; 47:8).

Jesus Christ aka Yeh/Yah-Shu-Ah is clearly the almighty Godhead who walked all the earth in form of divine human flesh.

Now what you masonic Jacobin Club/Fabian Society shill?

Third-Eye-Vision 1 point ago +1 / -0

I couldn't care less about the opinions of luciferian/socialist/marxist Jacobin Club (Fabian Society) sodomite members.

You masonic faggots only believe in Lucifer who is literally the god of all secret societies, wicked pedos ain't know nothing about the almighty creator God from the ancient Holy Scriptures!

Third-Eye-Vision 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm not a protestant, I'm just a believer in Jesus Christ who actually is YAH, our almighty creator God who walked all the Earth in the form of pure Divine Human Flesh and Spirit!

And you still shun me because I expose all the corrupted luciferian human beings that you sheeple worship in 2024!

Third-Eye-Vision 1 point ago +2 / -1

Saint Pope John Paul the II

But you worship a Satanic/Luciferian Jesuit saint aka ANTI-POPE, and not Jesus Christ who is the only True Godhead aka King of kings, and Lord of lords!

Third-Eye-Vision 1 point ago +3 / -2

I'm not saying God protected Trump, what I am saying, is that like the assassination attempt of Pope John Paul II survived only by a twist of fate. He moved his body, by chance, out of the way.

But Anti-Pope John Paul II was a luciferian pedo puppet, just like Zionazi Don Trump in 2024.


Third-Eye-Vision 0 points ago +3 / -3

We have video of the bullet entering his ear. You should probably drop this retardation.

We have seen nothing but fake BS buddy, and the guy (Doug Mills) who shot the photo is actually the same faggot who also shot Bush's school photo of the 9/11 PSYOP.

Says the retarded national socialist who still worships dead Rothschild puppets btw.

Yes, Trump worships the beast. It has fuck-all to do with this actual assassination attempt.

You call me retarded, but yet you eat up everything that the Rothschild owned fakestream media shows you like the brainwashed socialist Zionazi shill you are!

This so called "assassination attempt" on your Idol (false Messiah) was fake AF, and the luciferian kabbalists still own your soul!

Third-Eye-Vision 2 points ago +3 / -1

Star/Hexagram of Remphan/Chiun/Saturn/Moloch/Baal = 666

Talmudic/Kabbalistic Noahide laws will usher in the Beast system!

Third-Eye-Vision 1 point ago +2 / -1

You are not a Christian at all, you are just a lying freemasonic faggot aka accuser of the brethren!

I'm not a protestant you heretical sodomite, and you should worry about God for the innocent humans that you have sacrificed to Baal, you filthy devil worshiping cunt!

Third-Eye-Vision 5 points ago +5 / -0

Jesus Christ who literally is not of this world.

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

Thanks for downvoting & suppressing the Truth buddy, just remember that our almighty creator God will judge you, and all the other mortal luciferian Rothschild Zio-puppets that you worship.

Have a nice day, and better repent!

Third-Eye-Vision 4 points ago +4 / -0

Keep on worshiping all these false prophets & Rothschild Zio-puppets, nobody is reading that schizo shit you brainwashed little fagboi.

Good luck staying delusional & following your Rothschild puppet of an Apollo/Lucifer worshiping "mortal emperor god" straight into the pits hell, like all the other blind Trumptard sheeple.

Your god is literally the devil, and your final destination is eternal damnation!

Jesus Christ is my only King, and the only true eternal light in this demonic dimension!

Third-Eye-Vision 1 point ago +1 / -0

Peasants are hopeless bcz they have been so broken down by their enemies

Qanon peasants are actually blinded by the swamp creature that they call a god emperor.

Their ideas are pretty much corrupted by mindless Idol worship and the lies of the fakestream media.

We need a great reset more than they do.

Keep on dreaming sonny, you won't be able to stop what's coming because you are still stuck in their fucking "false Left vs Right paradigm", and you worship corrupt Rothschild puppets instead of Jesus Christ!

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