VanillaBean 6 points ago +6 / -0

That would explain the 2-3 seconds delay between impact and collapse, he showed no signs of distress immediately after the impact, but rather 2-3 seconds after

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

I really don't think so, the hellfire afterlife concept doesn't make any sense, the part in the scriptures where that one guy visits hell like a tourist and a guy stuck in hell just casually asks for a drop of water on his tongue, does that sound like someone on fire to you, whoever wrote that part clearly had no experience with being on fire, you don't just casually ask for a drop of water like that's gonna do shit to bring you relief, and the fiery place Jesus talked about was this area of ditches where people burned the dead for sanitation purposes, and Jesus was making the point that those people are dead-dead and being granted eternal life is different ie life won't end when the body dies and gets burned in the smoldering pits, the most accurate interpretation of spiritual damnation I've seen is the concept of being 100% cutoff from God forever, and it's really obvious that tptb are already pretty cutoff, they have hit their spiritual rock bottom and are cool with it

VanillaBean 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think they're far more worried about other players freaking tf out, you know nearly every athlete is having the same thoughts right now, hits different when it happens in front of your eyes and it could be you next, it would be a serious loss of control over the narrative if the popular mainstream sportsball guys started openly freaking out

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes BUT we are also paying for the privilege to witness humanity trip hardcore balls as ongoing entertainment while civilization collapses, how many other civilizations got that much in their final stretch, personally I love it when hardcore leftists mock the U.S. for having almost no social program support despite paying so much in taxes and I explain that this is why America is the greatest country in the world and why I'm so proud to be an American, because Americans work their asses off and then sacrifice all benefits from the government and instead give all the tax money to people in need around the world, like Ukraine and the jews, because Americans are selfless altruistic people willing to support the whole world while our roads are shit and most of us can't have dental care, if y'all haven't tried this you simply must because it's among the most epic blue screen meltdowns you'll ever see

VanillaBean 7 points ago +8 / -1

Tbh I think there have always been mentally fucked up people like this (and far worse, frankly) but the internet introduced human psychology to the ability to spend many hours per week roleplaying anonymously online with other people, and somewhere along the line these people mentally lost the dividing line between their play pretend online experiences and the real world, it's like a new form of psychosis and like other forms of psychosis you can usually tell that they're very off in the mind and have the potential for aggressive breakdowns if you encounter them in real life, I've encountered 2 different people like this at different times and they're almost never just normal people who randomly one day reveal something of this nature, they start off with mentally unstable creeper vibes and by the time they make it known that they see themselves as sexualized hamsters or whatever nobody is shocked

VanillaBean 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm 90% convinced that a strong inner monologue tendency develops when a person desires or needs to discuss things with others but can't find anyone willing or able to discuss xyz things, for example say a person grows up in a family or social environment where there is a huge elephant in the room so to speak, they notice it glaringly but everyone around them either acts like it's not real or has a cold silent attitude about it ie acting like it's very taboo to acknowledge it, that person is then much more likely to develop a strong inner monologue to meet the need of socially processing things that everyone else seems to either dissociate from or willfully ignore, so it makes a LOT of sense that many people branded as "conspiracy theorists" would have a strong inner monologue, ie people who hone in on things that most people don't want to acknowledge let alone discuss

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's fairly obvious that he has a notably lower than average IQ, not on a "can't live independently" level but on the level that gets easier tests and homework in a public school ie the noticeable learning disability kids but not full blown special needs

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's still hilarious watching him discover this subculture and play with it though, he's like 1 step ahead of talking about the hacker known as 4chan

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree with you only because I don't think western men are capable of organizing in a productive manner anymore, we really truly are down to nothing but keyboard warriors and lone wolf schizos, and the npcs of course, the most effective organized real life activity I've seen in the past 10 years was antifa and blm, so the bar is in hell at this point

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

This guy convinced me that most people are actually retarded, there's nothing super personal that hits close to home about this narrative, there's no real psyop to it and no advanced emotional manipulation going on, it's just SUPER fucking obvious, the photo shoots and interviews that treat him like a casual celebrity, combined with how the people involved freak the fuck out over the idea of people knowing what exactly the money is spent on, there is NO reason for people to think this is legitimate unless they are genuinely retarded, nothing else explains it

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember yall this won't be anything that we weren't already well aware of, this is just for the normies

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Frankly there are a ton of different people to blame, it hasn't just been a few people or one particular group, the differences among all of them are just the motives, the psychopaths playing god, the greedy money monsters, globo commies who saw an opportunity to wound western economies, the rank and file yes men just wanting to maintain the status quo in their jobs and lives, the narcissistic nutcases who wanted the opportunity to feel like important heroes, the karens and kens of the world who love the drama of a fake crisis in any form, and so on

VanillaBean 9 points ago +11 / -2

They released something wild on their own people, not "covid" but something actually pretty fucked up and the government is freaking out, remember that the CCP tends to be pretty incompetent and ridiculous, that's what happens after several generations of propagandizing themselves into thinking they really are flawless geniuses and giving themselves a bunch of meaningless awards, when shtf for real it's just a big circus as they are all just a bunch of fuckin clowns, but also just like the soviets the CCP bends over backwards to avoid admitting to the world when they fuck up, which is why they are blaming their panicked clown behavior on muh covid, the world shrugs it off like "oh, well the chinese have always been retarded authoritarian weirdos so sure that makes sense"

VanillaBean 10 points ago +10 / -0

Still seems like more smoke and mirrors to me, there is far more evidence that "covid19" was never even real, but if that came to light publicly a lot more people would be in very deep shit, saying that "covid19" was a bioweapon allows for just a few fall guys to take all the heat and satisfy any desires for vengeance among civilians, while the hoax can carry on and more orwellian shit can be rolled out to "protect against future bioweapon attacks" yada yada, plus yall already know Fauci didn't kill himself and will be living a luxurious life tucked away somewhere

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

The feds kinda fucked themselves over this round, how do they expect to lure schizos and groom them into violence after a huge successful psyop convincing all the schizos that white hats are in control and to trust the plan, feds trying to have their cake and eat it too lol

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have inadvertently made jones into a martyr, I've got "normie" friends and acquaintances concerned about what they did to jones just because he openly declared his disbelief in the narrative, one of them is the type who just last year was seriously considering moving to canada to be "safer" lmao so these are not critical thinkers but just decent normie people and even they are freaked out by what tptb did to jones

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q and the anons have woken up more people by far than any other movement or group, and it very well may be a controlled opposition psyop, what a time to be alive when the bolsheviks have done more damage to themselves than anyone who actually opposed them, shit is wild

VanillaBean 8 points ago +9 / -1

Mixed race families are common where I live including several people I'm close friends with, and it's interesting to me that the mixed kids are very accepted among their white peers to the point their mixed heritage isn't even mentioned, but the mixed kids have a lot of problems with black peers who have no doubt learned it from their parents to be very hostile to mixed race kids, one of my friends is currently dealing with it with her mixed race daughter who is only in the 2nd grade and yet is constantly being bullied by black kids and being told she shouldn't be allowed to have her hair braided for example because she is too "light skinned" and so on, the white kids are super chill and friendly with her

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've known people like him over the years, minus the fame and money of course, but as far as being mentally unwell while having moments of extreme clarity far beyond what most people are capable of, it's a fascinating combo because once someone has experienced the social stigma of being "crazy" it's like ripping off a bandaid and they no longer fear what other people think of them, and so ever after when they have those moments of intense clarity they really dgaf how anyone reacts they'll just blurt it out casually like they're talking about the weather or sportsball with no fucks given

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem is not discussing things with people in real life, and we all know why, buncha body snatchers out there

by soma
VanillaBean 8 points ago +8 / -0

God's plans literally involve allowing an antichrist to rule the entire world for a while so evil popes are kinda small potatoes tbh

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Idk I get where the contention comes from on both sides with this particular feud, like anyone can celebrate the winter solstice however they'd like but it's dumb for people to say they're celebrating Christmas when they don't even believe in Christ, I have more respect for the weirdass wiccans who at least openly acknowledge that they do their own thing and call it by its own name yule or whatever, same reason I never understood all the "happy holidays" drama like uh yeah if they don't even believe in Christ then clearly they're not celebrating CHRISTmas and it's good to acknowledge that, let them state accurately that they just want to have parties

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