21 years. Imagine that... waiting 21 years to get this video out? Right in time for new propaganda for new wars...
With current techno this type of video can easily be doctored (and totally created from nothing) by competent people in a few hours. They can also cross-reference voices, places, objects ppl claim to have heard/seen in other already published audio segments, so that the video would be coherent, at least at first appearance.
No I'm not claiming there was no plane. More complicated...
Why is it really that surprising? It was 2001, it might have even been recorded on physical tape. Transferring a digital copy to a PC might not have been a trivial thing. So you are claiming the entire video and all the audio that went with it was fake? That would be quite some effort for a random youtube video with only a few thousand views.
That's my take: this is a fabricated video/scene. There isn't much tearing/artifacting in the fast moving areas. It looks like it was downsampled into 480p from a much higher resolution that didn't really exist in 2001.
I don't buy it.
I also don't buy the "no plane" theory. How difficult is it to put drone controls in an aircraft and rig it to blow? I could do that with the trillion dollars of unaccounted for Pentagon funding.
I also don't buy the "this attack was a surprise" narrative. 2996 dead? 265 people combined on four commercial planes? The planes were flying at only 30% capacity? Even during the height of Covid restrictions the average flight was filled to more than 50% capacity.
"2700 people died in the world trade centers" -wiki Planes hit two 110 story buildings at floors 75 & 95. Assuming everyone below those floors escaped, that's only 2700 people on the top 50 floors. A lot? That's 50 people per floor. One person spaced every 10 yards. Roughly 10% of recommended office density. During premarket.
Why are all the people-holding containers involved with 9/11 operating at such low capacity?
If you saw a chick's left titty and got hard, then she might show you her left titty every time she wants you to get hard. If some day 20 years later you're desensitized and her left titty doesn't get you hard, what if she shows you the other titty. Boing! Like a rock. But the right titty is saggy (or the video doesn't exist) so they have to use CGI and fake it.
The brand new angle is meant to get the warriors hard for blood. There is immense value in the way the brain processes novelty, especially a new view of an old situation.
It could be a legitimate video, held back from the public all this time for the same reason/purpose.
That's quite an elaborate theory. There are also many similar videos from not totally dissimilar angles, so other than the novelty value of some new footage it doesn't add anything.
People started evacuating the 2nd building after the 1st one was hit.
Many skyscrapers have empty floors. Can't build taller after construction is complete. Build tall at start of project, and only finish floors after a client pays for the floors.
Intelligence agency production? On a youtube video with a few k views? There are many videos out there already similar to this one. Ie here is one from a very similar angle: https://youtu.be/ZsP-Gt52P2A
Seems like peoples critical thinking skills have gone out the window.
That and disinformation agents being planted in every community to muddy the waters, blur the lines, and have you lumped in with flatearthers and Qtards to be easily dismissed.
Transferring a digital copy to a PC might not have been a trivial thing.
This is how I know you are a moron.
I found 3 old birthday tapes 2 weeks ago in some boxes in our old house. From 97 to 2001. Told my father to go to this store and ask for those to be converted in digital format. All 3 tapes, approx 80 min total in footage cost 10 euros.
That would be quite some effort for a random youtube video with only a few thousand views.
Again, either a moron or a glownigger.
Do you know how police, and the CIA produce fake evidence? And most importantly, how to plant it to be believable?
Yes I watched it. It was the dumbest most absurd propaganda I had ever seen. Trying to convince people that something that was witnessed by thousands upon thousands of people, and captured hundreds of times by amateur and professional videographers was all some kind of CGI hoax. You'd have to be close to brain dead to believe it.
I wouldn't exactly call it propaganda? But let that rest for now.
I'm not gonna say I'm a 'no planer', because I wasn't there so I can't really tell for sure. But have you ever seen an elongated object crash into something stationary? I'm gonna assume yes. Now, when those to objects collide, there's this phenomenon called "physical deformation". And, since we know that steel and concrete beats a lightweight material like aluminum, the deformation would be expected on the object of least physical strength ie the plane.
Can you find me footage of said phenomena in ANY of the footage from that day?
You might as well watch Judy Wood's presentations as well. She contents that laser beams from space blew up the buildings. If you are gonna swallow disinfo propaganda you might as well consume it all.
It was 2001...Transferring a digital copy to a PC might not have been a trivial thing.
This is how I know you are a moron.
I found 3 old birthday tapes 2 weeks ago... Told my father to go to this store and ask for those to be converted in digital format
The person you're replying to is saying digitizing was not trivial in 2001. It was not trivial, because not everyone had a TV tuner/capture card as standard equipment on their PC. Now technology has advanced to where it would be trivial for anyone to get an analog capture dongle. It would not have been trivial to even get a capture card in 2001, let alone do this transfer yourself. Its the kind of equipment a wedding photographer, or other enthusiast, might have in 2001.
Its so trivial you told your dad to do go do it at the local store, for you, right?
How old are you?
You are the one who sounds like an ignorant child.
Is it a military drone-plane or a civilian plane?
Still hard to see, but I do not see the bright color bands of a civilian plane nor the ID-numbers. Even though they can just paint them over.
There was some clear evidence of a switch going on. The engines are also running very high for a civilian jet. The found engines from the wrecks were also from military planes. But no bodies found and black box disappeared. Most of this info can be found on Pilots for 9/11 truth.
Did this guy really turn the camera away at the EXACT moment of impact? WTF is up with that? I've never seen this footage before- thanks for mentioning it.
That video is from the opposite side of the building. The building literally blocked the view of the plane. This is low IQ conspiracy theory. I suppose you think earth is flat too.
There are many that think all conspiracy theories are "low IQ" and the people that fall for them are stupid, gullible, and crazy. Surely you don't agree with them right?
I suppose you think earth is flat too.
I think the earth is not spherical, and that that proposed shape is not among those reasonable/possible or consistent with science. You may be interested in joining us on the community I created specifically to discuss such things! You likely know nothing of flat earth research beyond the (largely) youtube psyop and its useful idiots repeating stupid things so you'll never evaluate it seriously...
I fucking called it, flat Earther! I have heard everything that flat earth people have to say and have done the research out of my own conspiracy obsession. I have spent the time on researching conspiracy theories. I know the stigma attached the the word "conspiracy theory". The thing is, 2020 totally woke people up to the truth. More people believe in conspiracy now than don't.
Flat earth gets criticism because it's silly. You have to have at least a pretty weak understanding of physics and dimensional space to believe most of the concepts in flat earth. Flat earthers have no euclidian model for the cosmos that holds up as well as the mainstream ball earth model. Look up the flat earth rocket man.
I do have a curious earth model that I can't call mainstream. Have you heard of "growing earth" theory? It's a counter argument for tectonic plate theory. There are some amazing animated models out there.
Back to the 9/11 conversation,
I have heard of almost every conspiracy out there and loved the x files growing up, even have seni-rare x files memorabilia. The xfiles ended in early 2001 and the creator had a spinoff based on the hackers called the lone gunmen. The pilot episode aired in the spring before 9/11/01. It predicted 9/11 better than the official narrative. It would blow you mind if you haven't seen it
I've been down some crazy rabbit holes. Lizard people is my favorite, blue beam is my biggest bet, flat earth just doesn't have enough weight for me to give up on the ball earth model.
Are you prepared to consider that the "silly flat earth" you have experience with was a heavily funded and advertised misinformation campaign? You may be surprised to learn, that earnest flat earth research is not related to that or anything like you thought it was!
You have to have at least a pretty weak understanding of physics and dimensional space to believe most of the concepts in flat earth
I assure you, it is quite the opposite. Reality is stranger than fiction because fiction is obliged to possibility. Once you understand physics and "dimensional space" you recognize that! Most people never get there :(
Flat earthers have no euclidian model for the cosmos that holds up as well as the mainstream ball earth model.
That's true. There is no alternative model. Just the one we are conditioned to believe in and required to faithfully repeat in order to matriculate (conditioning by rote, under the guise of education from childhood). Generally, earnest researchers are not involved nor particularly interested in creating an alternative model. They are busy engaging with research instead!
Have you heard of "growing earth" theory?
I have! It is interesting. Scott adams (dilbert) likes it a lot, i believe. And a batman? comic book illustrator is, I believe, the source.
Some of the flat earth researchers subscribe to it, and likewise there are some who toy with the conception of a spherical earth much larger than we are told.
The pilot episode aired in the spring before 9/11/01. It predicted 9/11 better than the official narrative. It would blow you mind if you haven't seen it
Interesting! I like many, did enjoy some x-files. I'll check it out, for the "predictive programming" lulz, or perhaps art imitating life / life imitating art.
flat earth just doesn't have enough weight for me to give up on the ball earth model.
Well, if you ever feel like evaluating it further - or from a new angle - you are cordially invited to join us on the community I created specifically for it!
I appreciate the offer and civil discussion but I'll never be able to believe the earth isn't a spheroid. The mountains of information that make ball earth fit into these nice little models is lacking for all "flat" models. Flat earth is a neat thought experiment but nothing that can shift my paradigm.
Just imagine the trip Japan would have had to bomb Pearl Harbor in WW2, all around the horn of Africa then either up through the Panama Canal or on around the cape of South America then finally getting to Pearl...then back. Imagine our war with them having to transport everything all the way back...hopeless
I just assumed from the ignorance it takes to think a plane didn't hit the twin towers, that you are the same level of conspiracy theorist as flat earthers. there is a lot to pick at when is comes the the official story but to say planes didn't happen is next level autism.
I've been an avid conspiracy theorist since the 2000's. 9/11 was the catalyst that threw me into a conspiracy obsession. It's become a full blown hobby. I have seen pretty much ever video and witness interview that is available on 9/11.
It was an inside job for sure but there was definitely planes used at the twin towers.
The Pentagon, on the other hand, did have a curious lack of plane footage...
My first thought when watching this video was "Man, that plane looks small AF for a 767" --- So I did some checking, and it turns out I was mistaken. That video seems to roughly fit the proportions of the 767-200 wingspan against the WTC tower face, as far as I can tell.
There is a theory that they were military planes that were mocked up to look like passenger jets.
The plane from the Pentagon never had an image released for it and it was in one of the most video camera heavy areas in the country.
Yeah, I'd bet several vital organs that whatever hit the pentagon wasn't a plane at all. Then there's WTC7. We're so gaslit and lied to about absolutely everything, I'm open to whatever at this point.
The dialogue falsedo, and the narrator explication. This seems gay.
One for the no plane retards.
I think you are the retard.
21 years. Imagine that... waiting 21 years to get this video out? Right in time for new propaganda for new wars...
With current techno this type of video can easily be doctored (and totally created from nothing) by competent people in a few hours. They can also cross-reference voices, places, objects ppl claim to have heard/seen in other already published audio segments, so that the video would be coherent, at least at first appearance.
No I'm not claiming there was no plane. More complicated...
Why is it really that surprising? It was 2001, it might have even been recorded on physical tape. Transferring a digital copy to a PC might not have been a trivial thing. So you are claiming the entire video and all the audio that went with it was fake? That would be quite some effort for a random youtube video with only a few thousand views.
That's my take: this is a fabricated video/scene. There isn't much tearing/artifacting in the fast moving areas. It looks like it was downsampled into 480p from a much higher resolution that didn't really exist in 2001.
I don't buy it.
I also don't buy the "no plane" theory. How difficult is it to put drone controls in an aircraft and rig it to blow? I could do that with the trillion dollars of unaccounted for Pentagon funding.
I also don't buy the "this attack was a surprise" narrative. 2996 dead? 265 people combined on four commercial planes? The planes were flying at only 30% capacity? Even during the height of Covid restrictions the average flight was filled to more than 50% capacity.
"2700 people died in the world trade centers" -wiki Planes hit two 110 story buildings at floors 75 & 95. Assuming everyone below those floors escaped, that's only 2700 people on the top 50 floors. A lot? That's 50 people per floor. One person spaced every 10 yards. Roughly 10% of recommended office density. During premarket.
Why are all the people-holding containers involved with 9/11 operating at such low capacity?
If you don't buy the no plane theory, what would be the point of fabricating the video?
If you saw a chick's left titty and got hard, then she might show you her left titty every time she wants you to get hard. If some day 20 years later you're desensitized and her left titty doesn't get you hard, what if she shows you the other titty. Boing! Like a rock. But the right titty is saggy (or the video doesn't exist) so they have to use CGI and fake it.
The brand new angle is meant to get the warriors hard for blood. There is immense value in the way the brain processes novelty, especially a new view of an old situation.
It could be a legitimate video, held back from the public all this time for the same reason/purpose.
That's quite an elaborate theory. There are also many similar videos from not totally dissimilar angles, so other than the novelty value of some new footage it doesn't add anything.
Why is it when you see the planes go into the building you DONT see anything from the wake of the plane and the smoke?
Intelligence agency production? On a youtube video with a few k views? There are many videos out there already similar to this one. Ie here is one from a very similar angle: https://youtu.be/ZsP-Gt52P2A Seems like peoples critical thinking skills have gone out the window.
That and disinformation agents being planted in every community to muddy the waters, blur the lines, and have you lumped in with flatearthers and Qtards to be easily dismissed.
Earth being a spinning globe was made up by inbred jews and satanists. You sound like a reddit pedo.
This is how I know you are a moron.
I found 3 old birthday tapes 2 weeks ago in some boxes in our old house. From 97 to 2001. Told my father to go to this store and ask for those to be converted in digital format. All 3 tapes, approx 80 min total in footage cost 10 euros.
Again, either a moron or a glownigger. Do you know how police, and the CIA produce fake evidence? And most importantly, how to plant it to be believable?
How old are you?
The video matches with countless other videos from other angles. You must have literally no IQ.
Have you seen September Clues?
Yes I watched it. It was the dumbest most absurd propaganda I had ever seen. Trying to convince people that something that was witnessed by thousands upon thousands of people, and captured hundreds of times by amateur and professional videographers was all some kind of CGI hoax. You'd have to be close to brain dead to believe it.
I wouldn't exactly call it propaganda? But let that rest for now.
I'm not gonna say I'm a 'no planer', because I wasn't there so I can't really tell for sure. But have you ever seen an elongated object crash into something stationary? I'm gonna assume yes. Now, when those to objects collide, there's this phenomenon called "physical deformation". And, since we know that steel and concrete beats a lightweight material like aluminum, the deformation would be expected on the object of least physical strength ie the plane.
Can you find me footage of said phenomena in ANY of the footage from that day?
Because I couldn't.
I havent, and I will watch it right now. Thnx.
You might as well watch Judy Wood's presentations as well. She contents that laser beams from space blew up the buildings. If you are gonna swallow disinfo propaganda you might as well consume it all.
The person you're replying to is saying digitizing was not trivial in 2001. It was not trivial, because not everyone had a TV tuner/capture card as standard equipment on their PC. Now technology has advanced to where it would be trivial for anyone to get an analog capture dongle. It would not have been trivial to even get a capture card in 2001, let alone do this transfer yourself. Its the kind of equipment a wedding photographer, or other enthusiast, might have in 2001.
Its so trivial you told your dad to do go do it at the local store, for you, right?
You are the one who sounds like an ignorant child.
kys glownigger
your right with your assessment, I could do this in 2-3 hours with SV + after effects, probably even do it better.
Is it a military drone-plane or a civilian plane?
Still hard to see, but I do not see the bright color bands of a civilian plane nor the ID-numbers. Even though they can just paint them over.
There was some clear evidence of a switch going on. The engines are also running very high for a civilian jet. The found engines from the wrecks were also from military planes. But no bodies found and black box disappeared. Most of this info can be found on Pilots for 9/11 truth.
This is just so surreal, to see regular gas priced at $1.67!
Well, this fits all the official shots. The engine roar, screams etc.
Idk, can't help but think of the Joshua footage. It's the only footage I've found which stands out.
Did this guy really turn the camera away at the EXACT moment of impact? WTF is up with that? I've never seen this footage before- thanks for mentioning it.
Oh, and by the way; this is what you missed when he turned the camera https://odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/911-Amateur-Footage---No-Planes:d
Well how about that. Dude- thanks for this.
That video is from the opposite side of the building. The building literally blocked the view of the plane. This is low IQ conspiracy theory. I suppose you think earth is flat too.
There are many that think all conspiracy theories are "low IQ" and the people that fall for them are stupid, gullible, and crazy. Surely you don't agree with them right?
I think the earth is not spherical, and that that proposed shape is not among those reasonable/possible or consistent with science. You may be interested in joining us on the community I created specifically to discuss such things! You likely know nothing of flat earth research beyond the (largely) youtube psyop and its useful idiots repeating stupid things so you'll never evaluate it seriously...
I fucking called it, flat Earther! I have heard everything that flat earth people have to say and have done the research out of my own conspiracy obsession. I have spent the time on researching conspiracy theories. I know the stigma attached the the word "conspiracy theory". The thing is, 2020 totally woke people up to the truth. More people believe in conspiracy now than don't.
Flat earth gets criticism because it's silly. You have to have at least a pretty weak understanding of physics and dimensional space to believe most of the concepts in flat earth. Flat earthers have no euclidian model for the cosmos that holds up as well as the mainstream ball earth model. Look up the flat earth rocket man.
I do have a curious earth model that I can't call mainstream. Have you heard of "growing earth" theory? It's a counter argument for tectonic plate theory. There are some amazing animated models out there.
Back to the 9/11 conversation, I have heard of almost every conspiracy out there and loved the x files growing up, even have seni-rare x files memorabilia. The xfiles ended in early 2001 and the creator had a spinoff based on the hackers called the lone gunmen. The pilot episode aired in the spring before 9/11/01. It predicted 9/11 better than the official narrative. It would blow you mind if you haven't seen it
I've been down some crazy rabbit holes. Lizard people is my favorite, blue beam is my biggest bet, flat earth just doesn't have enough weight for me to give up on the ball earth model.
Are you prepared to consider that the "silly flat earth" you have experience with was a heavily funded and advertised misinformation campaign? You may be surprised to learn, that earnest flat earth research is not related to that or anything like you thought it was!
I assure you, it is quite the opposite. Reality is stranger than fiction because fiction is obliged to possibility. Once you understand physics and "dimensional space" you recognize that! Most people never get there :(
That's true. There is no alternative model. Just the one we are conditioned to believe in and required to faithfully repeat in order to matriculate (conditioning by rote, under the guise of education from childhood). Generally, earnest researchers are not involved nor particularly interested in creating an alternative model. They are busy engaging with research instead!
I have! It is interesting. Scott adams (dilbert) likes it a lot, i believe. And a batman? comic book illustrator is, I believe, the source.
Some of the flat earth researchers subscribe to it, and likewise there are some who toy with the conception of a spherical earth much larger than we are told.
Interesting! I like many, did enjoy some x-files. I'll check it out, for the "predictive programming" lulz, or perhaps art imitating life / life imitating art.
Well, if you ever feel like evaluating it further - or from a new angle - you are cordially invited to join us on the community I created specifically for it!
I appreciate the offer and civil discussion but I'll never be able to believe the earth isn't a spheroid. The mountains of information that make ball earth fit into these nice little models is lacking for all "flat" models. Flat earth is a neat thought experiment but nothing that can shift my paradigm.
Just imagine the trip Japan would have had to bomb Pearl Harbor in WW2, all around the horn of Africa then either up through the Panama Canal or on around the cape of South America then finally getting to Pearl...then back. Imagine our war with them having to transport everything all the way back...hopeless
Oh noooo, somebody on the internet disagrees with me and call me a flat earther!!! Aaaarrrrghhh...!
Come on kiddo, you can do better than that.
I just assumed from the ignorance it takes to think a plane didn't hit the twin towers, that you are the same level of conspiracy theorist as flat earthers. there is a lot to pick at when is comes the the official story but to say planes didn't happen is next level autism.
You assume too much.
I've been an avid conspiracy theorist since the 2000's. 9/11 was the catalyst that threw me into a conspiracy obsession. It's become a full blown hobby. I have seen pretty much ever video and witness interview that is available on 9/11. It was an inside job for sure but there was definitely planes used at the twin towers.
The Pentagon, on the other hand, did have a curious lack of plane footage...
Were you even alive when 9/11 happened? Why do you think I'm a "kiddo"? I was in algebra class when the towers fell.
Don't mention it; I've submitted it to the community as a link for people to see.
Imo it's very important footage. An awesome demonstration of what media manipulation is capable of.
My first thought when watching this video was "Man, that plane looks small AF for a 767" --- So I did some checking, and it turns out I was mistaken. That video seems to roughly fit the proportions of the 767-200 wingspan against the WTC tower face, as far as I can tell.
WTC tower face is 208' wide
Boeing 767-200 wingspan is 156' wide
There is a theory that they were military planes that were mocked up to look like passenger jets. The plane from the Pentagon never had an image released for it and it was in one of the most video camera heavy areas in the country.
Yeah, I'd bet several vital organs that whatever hit the pentagon wasn't a plane at all. Then there's WTC7. We're so gaslit and lied to about absolutely everything, I'm open to whatever at this point.
would just like to make a SHOUTOUT to my FBI/CIA lurkers.
Direct energy weapons, advanced hologram "planes".
Time to update my wordpad list.
List of Shills and Disinfo Agents.
dukey - 21 y old 9/11 footage shill.
BlackDay2020 TallestSkil - polarising perspective., enemy image
Canapeder - polarising perspective, enemy image
You don't agree with my unproven conspiracy theories, you must be a shill AND disinfo agent.
Is this an alt for u/bennington?
nope! I only have one account 😊
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
🤘fuck yeah🤘
The Devil is a faggot.
well in that case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l482T0yNkeo
Me? Really? Yes I do throw out contrarian ideas. I don't see how that is out of place for a conspiracy forum.