That's my take: this is a fabricated video/scene. There isn't much tearing/artifacting in the fast moving areas. It looks like it was downsampled into 480p from a much higher resolution that didn't really exist in 2001.
I don't buy it.
I also don't buy the "no plane" theory. How difficult is it to put drone controls in an aircraft and rig it to blow? I could do that with the trillion dollars of unaccounted for Pentagon funding.
I also don't buy the "this attack was a surprise" narrative. 2996 dead? 265 people combined on four commercial planes? The planes were flying at only 30% capacity? Even during the height of Covid restrictions the average flight was filled to more than 50% capacity.
"2700 people died in the world trade centers" -wiki Planes hit two 110 story buildings at floors 75 & 95. Assuming everyone below those floors escaped, that's only 2700 people on the top 50 floors. A lot? That's 50 people per floor. One person spaced every 10 yards. Roughly 10% of recommended office density. During premarket.
Why are all the people-holding containers involved with 9/11 operating at such low capacity?
If you saw a chick's left titty and got hard, then she might show you her left titty every time she wants you to get hard. If some day 20 years later you're desensitized and her left titty doesn't get you hard, what if she shows you the other titty. Boing! Like a rock. But the right titty is saggy (or the video doesn't exist) so they have to use CGI and fake it.
The brand new angle is meant to get the warriors hard for blood. There is immense value in the way the brain processes novelty, especially a new view of an old situation.
It could be a legitimate video, held back from the public all this time for the same reason/purpose.
That's quite an elaborate theory. There are also many similar videos from not totally dissimilar angles, so other than the novelty value of some new footage it doesn't add anything.
I think that novelty is important. Similar to the saying of "you never forget your first kiss". There is a significance/permanence/response to new stimuli (which is why the internet is so addicting) that you don't get from reruns.
I wouldn't put it past the manipulators to factor that into their decisions.
But you're right, the more I defend my perspective, the less it makes logical sense.
People started evacuating the 2nd building after the 1st one was hit.
Many skyscrapers have empty floors. Can't build taller after construction is complete. Build tall at start of project, and only finish floors after a client pays for the floors.
That's my take: this is a fabricated video/scene. There isn't much tearing/artifacting in the fast moving areas. It looks like it was downsampled into 480p from a much higher resolution that didn't really exist in 2001.
I don't buy it.
I also don't buy the "no plane" theory. How difficult is it to put drone controls in an aircraft and rig it to blow? I could do that with the trillion dollars of unaccounted for Pentagon funding.
I also don't buy the "this attack was a surprise" narrative. 2996 dead? 265 people combined on four commercial planes? The planes were flying at only 30% capacity? Even during the height of Covid restrictions the average flight was filled to more than 50% capacity.
"2700 people died in the world trade centers" -wiki Planes hit two 110 story buildings at floors 75 & 95. Assuming everyone below those floors escaped, that's only 2700 people on the top 50 floors. A lot? That's 50 people per floor. One person spaced every 10 yards. Roughly 10% of recommended office density. During premarket.
Why are all the people-holding containers involved with 9/11 operating at such low capacity?
If you don't buy the no plane theory, what would be the point of fabricating the video?
If you saw a chick's left titty and got hard, then she might show you her left titty every time she wants you to get hard. If some day 20 years later you're desensitized and her left titty doesn't get you hard, what if she shows you the other titty. Boing! Like a rock. But the right titty is saggy (or the video doesn't exist) so they have to use CGI and fake it.
The brand new angle is meant to get the warriors hard for blood. There is immense value in the way the brain processes novelty, especially a new view of an old situation.
It could be a legitimate video, held back from the public all this time for the same reason/purpose.
That's quite an elaborate theory. There are also many similar videos from not totally dissimilar angles, so other than the novelty value of some new footage it doesn't add anything.
I think that novelty is important. Similar to the saying of "you never forget your first kiss". There is a significance/permanence/response to new stimuli (which is why the internet is so addicting) that you don't get from reruns.
I wouldn't put it past the manipulators to factor that into their decisions.
But you're right, the more I defend my perspective, the less it makes logical sense.
I don't think the surveillance state would have activated if it weren't involving public transportation.
Why is it when you see the planes go into the building you DONT see anything from the wake of the plane and the smoke?