BladesLastBottle 1 point ago +1 / -0

wow. He just straight up executed her in her own house. I don't know the whole story but from that clip you can see a medical bracelet on her wrist so she was recently released from the hospital. She seemed like she was medicate and made a bad joke. Her demeanor and attitude were all non threatening also. Correction* with the second BC it does appear she tried to throw the pot after the officer threated to shoot her in face. either way this was fucked up

BladesLastBottle 6 points ago +9 / -3

i don't understand how people don't get the fact that ALL the governmental bodies work together. Did you forget covid happened? Trump was instrumental in the biggest psyop of our generation which resulted in MILLIONS of deaths. He opened the doors for the medical organization to literally rape the future of millions of people. I get it, its kinda scary to think all sides are against you, but its reality. No public figure let a lone politician of any country will save you

BladesLastBottle 2 points ago +3 / -1

i read somewhere he was married but basically lived in a second house with some dude for numerous years. they might have also shared a bed every night..

BladesLastBottle 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe what your referring to is the divine right to rule. During the middle ages kings would have there legal and religious authority given to them by the pope. This is how they were able to say that god mandated there legitimacy to the peasants because the pope spoke for god.

From what iv researched about British history there's seems to be a whole chuck of time added in. Everything before the northman conquest around 1066 is a blur.

I have read that the name Britain comes from the briton people who were named after Brutus of troy. I dont if any of that is real though. the whole united kingdom has a strange history

BladesLastBottle 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh man, were do i start?

ok soo, Egypt is a fcking mess, there's over 30 dynasties with numerus kings. The first step in understanding what was actually goin on is this, out of every dynasty there is one that stands above all. The 18th dynasty.

If you add up everything we know about EVERY DYNASTY it still doesn't equal the information we have on the 18th dynasty.

important things to know about the 18th dynasty

-mainstream history had no idea they existed till 1800s when Armana was found

-they were completely written out of history after there reign and possibly ran out of Egypt

-some of the important rulers were Thutmose Hatshepsut Akhenaten Nefertiti Tutankhamun

-Akhenaten is the most famous pharaohs hands down, then king tutankhamun. The first row of pictures are Akhenaten, the rest are the royal family

-Akhenaten changed the entire Egyptian culture.

-Akhenaten tore down all the temples of the old gods for Aten

-Akhenaten birthed the idea of one GOD and that god was the actual sun.

-Akhenaten is claimed to be a man but clearly is a woman.

-Akhenaten is usually surrounded by other woman of the royal family in inscriptions.

-modern scholars are juggling with the idea that Akhenaten is the biblical Moses

-Akhenaten changed the entire art culture and ruled all Egypt. All other pharaohs are always represented the same. Flabby androgenous with Asiatic features. Akhenaten is the only one who is actually drawn and sculpted the way they looked.

-Akhenaten wore a fake beard from time to time.

-One of Akhenaten daughters was sent to Ireland and settled near Scotland. She was known as the legendary Scota and thats were Scotland got its name from. (look that shit up for a rabbit hole)

-Akhenaten wrote letters (cuneiform like the Sumerians on small clay tablets)

-Akhenaten is always portrayed as an abnormally tall person.

-The Armana letters are between Akhenaten and other kings from the middle east.

-the other kings ore clearly subservient to Akhenaten and the letters are filled with pleas and request because they were being invaded by the Hyksos (im not sure who these people are yet, mainstream says possibly Asiatic peoples) and was fighting with Canaanites?. very weird.

-instead of accepting the fact that Akhenaten is clearly a woman along with the rest of the 18th dynasty (more on that in a min) mainstream is entertaining the idea that Akhenaten had marfan syndrome lol

-all the members of the 18th dynasty had elongated skulls.

-King tut or tutankamun is also a woman. They were buried with 2 babies that died before and after birth, they were buried in a woman's tombs, and they has a scar in the same place someone who had an ancient C-section would. They probably died during child birth. They also had narrow shoulders and wide hips. So yeah, another woman.

in summary the most impactful rulers of all Egyptian history worshiped the sun, appear to be female dynasty with elongated skulls, and were forgotten about till 200 years ago.

BladesLastBottle 2 points ago +2 / -0

your thinking outside of the box, i like it. Diets are an interesting study for 2 reason. They had way less options, but it appears they had a much better diet (mainly because of our use of sugar, and they ate alot of organ meat which is packed full of vitamins.). They can tell because of how strong there teeth are. they didn't have tooth decay or cavities.

tbh im not quite sure about the pyramids yet. there part of a group of megalithic ruins which there is no inscription or even clear purpose for them. Are they religious? who can say, they have no markings or inscriptions. Humans dont do that, we mark our achievements. Our pride in ingrained in our nature.

BladesLastBottle 1 point ago +1 / -0

real ip2 hours

BladesLastBottle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bio cell salts and or mushroom complex supplement.

BladesLastBottle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Holy shit, your ahead of the game lol For real. the polymorphic nature of bacteria is the real secret in all this (imo)

Im a huge proponent of terrain theory and think the germ model is garbage, but with that said iv notice alot of people in that camp tend to disregard bacteria altogether like its pointless to study.

you mentioned bacteria mutating, Im starting to think they are the precursor to parasites and fungi infections. Bacteria -> fungal -> parasites -> cancer.

I also came across this Blog where the writer drew a very compelling case that our DNA is modulated by our bacteria its self. Interesting stuff. Either way im glad theres still some thinkers still around here

BladesLastBottle 3 points ago +3 / -0

You've been posting your own research regarding covid/aids for over 2 years now, what are your thoughts on the "no virus" debate?

BladesLastBottle 1 point ago +2 / -1

i dont know a single flat earther who got the jab. not a single one. They knew what was up

BladesLastBottle -3 points ago +1 / -4

well the math for modern cosmology doesn't really work that's they have to invoke claims like dark matter and dark energy ect. Tbh im not even arguing a flat earth. Im ok admitting that I don't conclusively know the structure or full scope of our "earth".

My main contention is our cosmological model. Space is a weird topic for people. It transcends science and has become part of our societal culture. Were literally programmed from infancy (toys, games, shows, movies, comics) to believe this story about a vast outer space with mores planets and galaxies, maybe other life.

what's the proof? grainy video and testimonies from a corrupt government and ignorant scientific community. Thats not good enough for me anymore. Covid taught me that all the governments and scientific establishments are more then capable of working together to deceive us.

cosmology is just another one of there many lies

BladesLastBottle 5 points ago +6 / -1

in 1 week we had hail the size of golf balls, 4 days of record breaking heat. Massive caterpillar infestations and a actual tornado. None of this is normal for northern Ontario

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