Serpentarius 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not really. I just let you say degenate shit and mods seem to be taking care of everything else, lmao

by pkvi
Serpentarius 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol, your shitty opinions are getting deleted.

by pkvi
Serpentarius 1 point ago +1 / -0

I only brought up internet points because you said that they should be enough to censor those pics of nigger dicks that you are so fond of. Now you are calling them useless. Make your mind up

by pkvi
Serpentarius 1 point ago +1 / -0

There you go defending "pixels on the screen" again. Quit saying that. We are talking about actual pictures of nigger dicks, not the pixels and you know it. Is child porn just "pixels on the screen"? Would you defend that shit too?

by pkvi
Serpentarius 1 point ago +1 / -0

You should be able to relate according to your comment ratios.

by pkvi
Serpentarius 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nashville did have that Christmas explosion last year that cut out internet and phone service for a lot of people in central Tennessee.

Serpentarius 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll stick to the model that makes logical sense and can be physically represented in small scale. Have fun with your magical non-euclidian video game model.

BTW, the flat earth rocket scientist killed himself on his second flight but never got even close to cruising altitude for passenger jets. This is why I call flat Earth "low IQ" but then again you don't think planes are even real.

I have an open mind but it's not so open that my brain fell out. I update my views of reality quite often but it's just that, an "update". What flat earth is asking is that you throw everything you think you believe or know since your first memories as a toddler through school and even decades of personal experience in the world in the trash. You have to consider flat earth from a literal point of ignorance or you will reject it. It is the only mainstream conspiracy theory that requires this level of disconnect from learned experience. Every other conspiracy in the world works with the ball model. What is even the reason to hide the shape of the world? Why can't a true "flat" model exist?

Serpentarius 2 points ago +2 / -0

I appreciate the offer and civil discussion but I'll never be able to believe the earth isn't a spheroid. The mountains of information that make ball earth fit into these nice little models is lacking for all "flat" models. Flat earth is a neat thought experiment but nothing that can shift my paradigm.

Serpentarius 2 points ago +2 / -0

I fucking called it, flat Earther! I have heard everything that flat earth people have to say and have done the research out of my own conspiracy obsession. I have spent the time on researching conspiracy theories. I know the stigma attached the the word "conspiracy theory". The thing is, 2020 totally woke people up to the truth. More people believe in conspiracy now than don't.

Flat earth gets criticism because it's silly. You have to have at least a pretty weak understanding of physics and dimensional space to believe most of the concepts in flat earth. Flat earthers have no euclidian model for the cosmos that holds up as well as the mainstream ball earth model. Look up the flat earth rocket man.

I do have a curious earth model that I can't call mainstream. Have you heard of "growing earth" theory? It's a counter argument for tectonic plate theory. There are some amazing animated models out there.

Back to the 9/11 conversation, I have heard of almost every conspiracy out there and loved the x files growing up, even have seni-rare x files memorabilia. The xfiles ended in early 2001 and the creator had a spinoff based on the hackers called the lone gunmen. The pilot episode aired in the spring before 9/11/01. It predicted 9/11 better than the official narrative. It would blow you mind if you haven't seen it

I've been down some crazy rabbit holes. Lizard people is my favorite, blue beam is my biggest bet, flat earth just doesn't have enough weight for me to give up on the ball earth model.

Serpentarius 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe that the aircrafts that were used were not civilian. They were mocked up to look like passenger jets. But still jets, none the less. You can still argue the no plane argument about the Pentagon but WTC had way too many witnesses and the needed a "plane crash" to sell the attack. The 3 buildings that fell in new york, definitely had help with explosives though.

I could point you to some pretty interesting anomalies related to that day that you might not know about, if your interested.

Serpentarius 1 point ago +2 / -1

Were you even alive when 9/11 happened? Why do you think I'm a "kiddo"? I was in algebra class when the towers fell.

Serpentarius 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Devil is a faggot.

Serpentarius 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been an avid conspiracy theorist since the 2000's. 9/11 was the catalyst that threw me into a conspiracy obsession. It's become a full blown hobby. I have seen pretty much ever video and witness interview that is available on 9/11. It was an inside job for sure but there was definitely planes used at the twin towers.

The Pentagon, on the other hand, did have a curious lack of plane footage...

Serpentarius 1 point ago +1 / -0

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Serpentarius 1 point ago +3 / -2

I just assumed from the ignorance it takes to think a plane didn't hit the twin towers, that you are the same level of conspiracy theorist as flat earthers. there is a lot to pick at when is comes the the official story but to say planes didn't happen is next level autism.

Serpentarius 2 points ago +3 / -1

You don't agree with my unproven conspiracy theories, you must be a shill AND disinfo agent.

Is this an alt for u/bennington?

Serpentarius 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a theory that they were military planes that were mocked up to look like passenger jets. The plane from the Pentagon never had an image released for it and it was in one of the most video camera heavy areas in the country.

Serpentarius 1 point ago +4 / -3

That video is from the opposite side of the building. The building literally blocked the view of the plane. This is low IQ conspiracy theory. I suppose you think earth is flat too.

Serpentarius 8 points ago +8 / -0

They are grown men that play with balls.

Serpentarius 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have to be a very retarded faggot to think earth is flat. Do you think there is a giant tortoise underneath us too? 🌎 🐢

Serpentarius 1 point ago +3 / -2

It's an interesting thought experiment but it falls apart fairly quickly if you have at least a basic understanding of 3d space and physics.

Serpentarius 1 point ago +3 / -2

It require less than 100 IQ to believe that the earth is flat.

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