GoldenRatioed 7 points ago +7 / -0

New Melinda looks like Kevin Kline in drag.

Edit: Kline not Cline

GoldenRatioed 3 points ago +3 / -0

On the internet, absolutely. People want to feel smart, and that gets blown to shit when you point out they’re arguing with lines of code and they need a helmet.

I still see people driving alone wearing masks to this day- though admittedly nowhere near the numbers we see bots on the internet (by design, of course)

GoldenRatioed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did Ventura lose his marbles before or after the shot rollout? I can’t remember when I started thinking “wtf?” whenever his name showed up in headlines

GoldenRatioed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Were you angry-drunk posting? Pointing out the solution isn’t pointless.

GoldenRatioed 0 points ago +2 / -2

Protesting the bullshit is the only way change will happen- and the protests have to come from the players directly.

As long as they continue to play the game with males, they reinforce the validity of allowing males to play with them.

GoldenRatioed 1 point ago +1 / -0

When someone derives pleasure from the misery of others, that person cultivates a miserable life for themselves. You’re a transparently miserable person.

Since misery loves company, I’ll leave you to it and pray for you from a distance.

GoldenRatioed 4 points ago +4 / -0

Jessica Day-Weaver murdered her own child at the altar of pharmacology.

GoldenRatioed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Israel already selected Trump. Won’t be anyone else unless they pull off a successful assassination

GoldenRatioed 9 points ago +10 / -1

That was easily the most retarded paragraph I’ve read all month. The qoomers are off the rails and over the cliff.

GoldenRatioed 5 points ago +6 / -1

Maybe, just maybe, we don't take pleasure in being right about certain things- and once reasonable evidence has been established, we find it unproductive to continue beating the dead horse.

This subreddit seems to be at least somewhat active though: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainDebate/

and unlike /r/HermanCainAward, it's not a sub about laughing about those on the other side of the aisle.

GoldenRatioed 5 points ago +5 / -0

As a society, we’re overdue to replace that coaster cart with a train car.

GoldenRatioed 2 points ago +2 / -0

This seems like a good place to remind/inform that it's a well-known fact throughout Israel that for many years it was official Likud Party policy to fund Hamas. Can't imagine why US MSM doesn't seem to mention this.


GoldenRatioed 4 points ago +4 / -0

The message after Saturday shouldn’t be conspiratorial. It’s simple- the news media has radicalized the left to the extent that they’re now actually willing to kill us. The response from the left after the event has been clear- they wish he hadn’t missed. That little worm missed the president, but he killed a working class man to the chagrin of no one who wished he hadn’t missed.

These people want you dead. They’ve officially shown that with flying colors. No further conspiracy theories needed. Prepare accordingly.

GoldenRatioed 1 point ago +1 / -0

This one was eye-opening. We always hear about AIPAC, but that organization is just the surface of a much deeper network.

GoldenRatioed 3 points ago +3 / -0

He’s 38 and she’s 47 with kids already in tow.

He’s definitely gay.

GoldenRatioed 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wouldn’t blame the shots.

Neither of my parents got the shots, but in recent years my mom has spiraled into an unbearable, insolent child. She’s more or less an alcoholic these days, and when she’s not drinking she’s high as a kite on cannabis (really just addicted to not being sober).

I think it’s because she’s never made peace with her own mortality, and now feels the reality that she’s in the twilight of her life. My dad might be more in that camp if my mom wasn’t making his life a living hell, so he’s definitely looking forward to checking out.

Boomers as a whole are the most selfish generation of all time, and incredibly non-introspective to boot- only makes sense for a large portion of them to go out this way. Wouldn’t blame the vaccines except for early-onset dementia, which a number of their friends have gotten all of a sudden over the last year or two.

GoldenRatioed 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hold crypto. Used to hold a lot more. Was deep in it about a decade ago. The thing crypto bros who evangelize it like it’s some sort of savior never seem to realize is the metric of monetary velocity. Without monetary velocity, your precious coin is dead to the world at large. Even total shitcoins like USD maintain value simply due to their velocity.

Monero is wonderful as a technical achievement. It’s also far too cumbersome & complicated for your local farmer to ever understand & adopt, so it’s completely useless as a real currency for anything other than buying drugs or perhaps paying a coyote to get you out of whatever country you’re in. But here’s the thing- gold still does that last part better.

If you want an out from fiat debt notes, stack precious metals and resources for barter (and lead to protect them). Humans have been using those for millennia and understand those methods for value transaction on a cellular level.

Back when I was a crypto evangelist, I legitimately believed we were living in a post “boomer rock” world, but we never will be.

Edit: corrected autocorrect

GoldenRatioed 3 points ago +3 / -0

“Dramatists Guild”

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