redkrab 1 point ago +1 / -0

seems like national socialism worked. why does it matter it was socialism? because they lacked freedom to pursue degeneracy? idk man...

redkrab 4 points ago +4 / -0

scripted matrix

hard to be surprised these days. lets not let them black cube kikes mess with our heads

redkrab 1 point ago +1 / -0

bro has no fucking idea about NaZi GeRmaNy.

yet you complain about your jewish farm called canada lol

jews erradicated natives, now they are erradicating whites and hopefully that shithole implodes with all the jeets, trannies and fags it so proudly hosts

redkrab 2 points ago +2 / -0

yes. probably clown world degeneracy syndrome and the sun throwing more radiation at us combined with weaker magnetic field.

these 2 go hand in hand in the end times.

redkrab 2 points ago +2 / -0

can you guys stop for a second and imagine millions of people read this shit and accepted the narrative anyways?

honestly kinda hard to make a mental picture of that happening. soulless npcs working for satan must be real

redkrab 0 points ago +1 / -1

who are the real jews then? when did khazars took over?

redkrab 1 point ago +1 / -0

thanks. hopefully someone online has done this experiment and can share the result. btw the video link says "video not available"

redkrab 1 point ago +1 / -0

whats a killer logical argument that debunks ball earth and proves flat earth?

redkrab 2 points ago +2 / -0

interesting, but true israelites have converted to Christianity by not denying christ. so you are saying all israelites worshipped saturn instead of just jews?

redkrab 7 points ago +8 / -1

hey op i get your intentions of exposing jew lovers but brazil is a huge social experiment, its like a retarded usa.

just like the usa, brazil has opposing parties that serve the jews in different ways. lula is a filthy thief totalitarian communist Bolshevik that has absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever other than saying negative stuff about israel. he sells brazils to (((foreign parties))) though and uses taxpayer money to fund other communist shitholes, basically what happens in ukraine, by funnelling money from people into elite bank accounts.

and on the other side there is bolsonaro, which is like a funny old uncle, nationalist, god fearing, pro gun, pro family, hates felons, antivax, makes fag jokes and overall is for a smaller state. this is all words though, there were little cultural changes during his 4 years in power. whenever he is out there in the street talking though he shows his israel support.

so you see brazilian people are forced to support the guy who openly simps for israel and has objectively good moral values but doesnt really act on them or the openly communist dictator that factualy advances the jewish agenda.

its a shitshow, there is no way to pick sides as the jew fully controls brazil.

redkrab 1 point ago +1 / -0

completely agree.

unfortunately we are the a stage where we honestly cant tell if they will use emps to cover for solar flares or solar flares to cover for emps. or even climate change to cover for both.

redkrab 0 points ago +3 / -3

That guy is a cryptokike. Fuck Adam. Bro thinks he is a viking LMAOOOO and slams Christianity almost as much as Judaism. He says he wants people to understand life outside the Abrahamic system yet fails to provide any real and solid alternative.

On top of that, instead of helping expose Jews and maybe identifying key facts so modern christians realize their cucked condition, he wants to simply make people stop believing in Jesus. Wow what a great idea to lead people into a vacuum of religion so the natural thing is being a piece of shit atheist that won't stand in the way of the Jews.

When asked about afterlife, that piece of shit had the guts to say "oh I really don't think about it a lot". What a shocker. Yes goyy go live your life as materialistic as possible, with fear of dying every step of the way and as soon as your parents die you became a fat slop redditor because you just can't cope with it

Be very careful when taking info from (((Adam green)))

redkrab 5 points ago +5 / -0

zionists vs bolsheviks. doubledipping every single time. we are not playing your sick games anymore, jews

redkrab 0 points ago +1 / -1

its either that, starting a profitable business or rending land. there is absolutely no other way to beat inflation. stucking your head in the sand without providing alternatives or missing on life changing money just cause you dont like what jews prepared for the masses is not smart.

just play the game by their rules until you are able to exit the game. cant be more simple.

redkrab 0 points ago +1 / -1

Agreed, fake and gay. However internet is the base for their satanic control system. If it fails it will be engineered and guided by them, and for a short amount of time.

Due to the blockchain nature of btc and other cryptos, as long as one backup exists anywhere in the world, the whole system stays in tact.

redkrab 1 point ago +3 / -2

btc is a solution for a problem they created. simple as that. better buy some before you are priced out.

dont care if it’s psyop or insider or organic, its the best shot anyone has of acquiring and transporting liquid wealth in the event of a local catastrophe or a tyrannical government, both which will increase exponentially in the next decades

redkrab 2 points ago +2 / -0

thanks. thats very informative. but i still dont get how that explains how a random person who has sex with an lowlife is able to comeup with an aids positive test.

are you saying they fake the tests, even for random people that dont follow gay degenerate lifestyle?

and if they are not faking, what exactly are they finding in people’s bodies and saying it’s AIDS?

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