TurnToGodNow 2 points ago +2 / -0

That seems possible. It still begs the question of what they could be using to induce this state.

Visually through some giant screens, through audio, EMFs, or a combination thereof. This really should be studied.

TurnToGodNow 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would be interesting to have a small team go to these major concerts with audio and EMF recording devices. I wonder if they could find any weaponized frequencies overlayed.

TurnToGodNow 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it was a pride issue I'd be more angry. This is more exasperation with someone who doesn't have eyes to see. The only explanation I can think of is that you need to embrace the true gospel before the Lord opens your eyes here.

From previous conversations I know you follow a false gospel (and don't even adhere to that strongly).

TurnToGodNow 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's some of the worst ad hoc interpretation of Revelation yet. It's certainly fitting that Babylon has a harlot in office, but that doesn't make her THE harlot. She is far too incompetent for that even if the harlot were a person, which it is not.

The harlot is the great city of modern day Babylon.

TurnToGodNow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Doesn't even look like the guy from the blackrock commercials. Also how were there no recent photos of him whatsoever? Not even from his parents?

TurnToGodNow 1 point ago +2 / -1

So he changed the slant of his eyes? Unlikely. She's just a Zionist hag, plain and simple.

TurnToGodNow 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Holy Spirit of God.

Follow after Jesus Christ and the true gospel he laid out for us.

TurnToGodNow 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not a strawman if you've been paying attention to what's happening among Trump's base. Popular evangelical pastors including one at the RNC itself were saying this was an anointing by God. The idea is circulating among his base.

I believe your pride

What you believe isn't changing the facts at hand. Nothing to do with pride.

The kind of certitude you show

I thank God for giving me discernment and clarity on this issue. Nothing wrong with it.

TurnToGodNow 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do. I pray to God for discernment and I'm grateful for the discernment given.

This was staged and Trump is an evil man, not anointed by God.

TurnToGodNow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then we know it was staged. Or you can believe the Jew worshiper who has the hots for his own daughter is anointed by God. Take your pick Crazy King.

TurnToGodNow 1 point ago +1 / -0

That "wound" is a joke. The blood was a joke. The photo op after was a joke. Secret service allowing the slow walk off for the photo was a joke. Secret service putting a small woman in just the right place to not block the shot is a joke. Trump lying about it right after and contradicting the video evidence also a joke.

I'm just trying to introduce you to reality. Yes you should look at my username and pray/repent to find truth.

TurnToGodNow 1 point ago +1 / -0

And why would they kick him out for "no being a good shot" instead of just making him a bench warmer and letting him train with them?

TurnToGodNow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Misdirection. Nobody shot his ear, they aren't risking that. They just applied makeup and did some bad acting.

They've probably taken a small piece out after the fast so Trump can prove his wounds to people.

TurnToGodNow 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sure. Modern people share everything on social media including what type of bowel movement they had that day, but refuse to give details about a casualty in a historically significant event.

That's too personal? Nonsense.

TurnToGodNow 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's a national event, so that would mean it is in the public interest. If this was truly a private matter being private would make sense. But this happened during a presidential assassination attempt and is a matter of historical record. So this is SHADY, and so are you.

TurnToGodNow 2 points ago +3 / -1

It is plausible. Worse than that it fits all the evidence better than anything else.

Trump is not our "savior" as Jake Paul said and many faux Christians believe. The Deep State doesn't want him to be dead because they know how to kill people and this wasn't it. And no it wasn't a miracle of God to save the "anointed" Trump, because Trump is a lying sleazeball and not under such protection.

The "ear wound" was a stage job. A real rifle bullet would rip that ear in tatters. And Trump would be holding his ear and running, not getting his shoes and fist pumping the air.

TurnToGodNow 0 points ago +2 / -2

There was not shot to his ear. Obviously they were launching off other shots to make the event more real. They may have even killed a person or two.

TurnToGodNow 4 points ago +4 / -0

The American flag shirt guy is David Dutch, 57. Marine Commandant, whatever that means.

The other man mentioned in the article who was "critically injured" is James Copenhaver, 74.

The family has since requested privacy from "friends, the public and the media", adding they would not be releasing further information on his injuries.

Uhhh that's weird. If my family member was shot in such a public way, why would I have an issue saying what injuries he sustained?

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