I assumed you were an atheist based on what you wrote because those are common atheist arguments.
if you believe there is multiple true relgious please reconsile that quote, either you are wrong or jesus is wrong, but you also claim to be a chistian despite then saying multiple relgions are true
Dude, talking about strawmen. Didn't you understand anything I wrote? Where did i say there are multiple true religions? I said there is a way to find out what religion is the true one and the whole stupid argument "but there are x number of them" is irrelevant. There could be a million claims out there and only one of them to be true.
i am afriad you are stil dunningkugered to fuck and arnt capable of rational though, you believe want you want to because it makes you feel better about your self, its comforting lies nothing more
I don't care about your psychological report. This is not an argument. I could easily turn that around and say that you don't believe because it makes you feel better and chill that once you die all lights are out so no consequences and nothing really matters in the long run. Btw do you believe the universe is ultimately meaningless? Do you consider that to be a rational belief?
by your logic africans are more evolutionarily fit than european because they have a higher birth rate
Sure, are they not? This is your worldview after all. I see a lot of African immigrants swarming white countries the last few decades. The reason they do this (besides the political machinations of the international cabal) is because they have the numbers. Evolution is all about survival and reproduction. Lack of reproduction leads to extinction. How can a species thrive if it doesn't reproduce? Who cares about your superior genes if you touch wieners with other dudes, use contraception, abort your babies or fail to reproduce because Gill Bates told you the world is overpopulated (and actually you simply can't because you took his sterilizing shot)? And all this while white city dwelling cucks think they're smarter and more educated (i.e. indoctrinated) than peasant African chads having a hut full of children. It's a numbers game.
Just like how you'd go finding anything to be true - you investigate and look into what they teach. There are many religions true, but there are not that many basic philosophical positions on the nature of reality, of life, man and the universe and of universal concepts like logic, truth, knowledge, morality, math, etc. So you can group all religions in a couple of categories based on that. There's also historicity, consistency, cohesion within the religious system; how well does it justify and explain things we appeal to and necessitate in our day to day (like the universality of metaphysical concepts like the laws of logic for example).
The problem with atheists is they have a warped and straw-manned view about religion because of indoctrination. I was an atheist and thought I had it all figured out but I was at the peak of Dunning-Kruger and about to take a plunge. I never gave it a serious chance and any complex subject will look like bs with such a bad faith predisposition.
The red herring aside, you didn't answer my question. I'll shoot it straight - Christians are evolutionary more fit than atheists based on their rate of reproduction. Secular people are taking themselves out of the gene pool while preaching darwinism and eugenics and acting superior which is the best joke God could ever pull on them.
You're dumb as hell if you believe that.
Since you're so big on darwinian evolution, do you consider atheism and materialism to be a more evolved stage of humanity than religious beliefs like Christianity? Are atheists evolutionary more fit than religious people?
No. God created man monogamous. He created one woman for Adam to be his wife, not a damn harem.
Don't be a psychopath. This poor boy didn't deserve this.
And what does the dollar stand for besides the preferred currency of the debt based beast system of the international central bankers?
Good. The book gets drawn out and boring at times, delving into details so you might want to skip to the big picture stuff (which the lectures do).
Here's a famous quote from it:
“The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank...sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence co-operative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”
How about going back to when the war started. I'm watching this 6 hour 30min documentary here about Hitler. Up to 5hrs 15min. What was going on which caused the war to start. I think it was some mistreatment of people in Russia and that's why Hitler went in there to rescue them.
No, Hitler invaded Poland because there were many Germans, especially in Danzig and the polish mistreated them. The nazis wanted to get rid of the jews, but the plan was to send them to the Palestine - they were practically zionist. The only way you can understand anything about the world wars and revolutions is to follow the money. More particularly, who financed each side. Spoiler alert, it all came from Wall Str. and the City of London.
if this stuff is real, where these gas chambers are bogus.. can't somebody get sued about this?
The historic truth doesn't matter for them because it doesn't always serve their agenda. They decide what history is. It's just like 1984. They own and run the system, including the courts so who are you going to appeal to?
I think the best book on 20th century history is Carrol Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, although it's bulky and academic so not accessible to the wider audience, especially today when people don't even know how to read (again, by design). This is the book of the elites (Quigley was the history prof. of Clinton). Once you read it, you'll get answers to many questions about what happened, why it happened, how the current world order was created and (to some extent) who created it. Luckily, there are great lectures about it on youtube which are much more accessible and time-saving: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxhXVudkkhw&list=PLYmIBQRIOqKk1Kp8sDtnSaX1fTd5K-Kvo
It's by design. They are setting themselves to be the victims and make people root for the muslims, so it's a double win. Flooding white countries with arabs seems to be their top priority. This is why they escalated the conflict in Palestine. It's not about the land because it was already under their full control, considering it's occupied by them and they control Hamas. In fact, they need the enemy there so that they can justify their military/police state.
Because the German government has been occupied since after the war by the same people who "liberated" and renovated the camps. What history books never tell you is that more than 2 million civilian germans were killed in camps and were extradited. Germany got decimated according to the Morgenthau (jew) plan. Germany ceased to exist as a soverign state in 1943.
This is why Germans are the most cucked nation in the world today and can't stand up for themselves in the face of immigrants slaughtering them and raping their women. They have been emasculated and humiliated by the jew as an example. The jewish financial cabal (tptb) did the same to their other true enemy during WWI - tzarist Russia.
It's the Cole video, right? I believe it's on jewtube surprisingly.
woah, dude
illuminate = confirmed mind = blown
You've got a theory and you pull "evidence" from your ass to support it. This is dumb. I can proof any claim that way. And I've got news for you - Santa Claus is a capitalistic invention and proves nothing about Christianity. People are controlled via many things besides religion. One of them being the bullshit you repeat here. The only thing that matters is the truth.
It's Mockingbird 2.0 - it's mostly geared towards propaganda and soft power in foreign countries.
Fun fact: These are all retarded arguments that have been dealt with countless times even on this board.
If you knew anything about Church history you'd know how the Church fathers calculated the date of birth of Christ through knowledge of the jewish holidays referenced in scripture (St John Chrysostom also tells us Christians already celebrated the birth of Christ at that time during the 3rd c). It doesn't follow that because Christ happened to be born at that time somehow that proves the pagan origin of the celebration.
Did the Church "baptize" pagan celebrations winning over pagans who found it easier to convert while retaining some semblance to their traditions? Yes. But it's still the pagan celebration becoming the Christian one and not the other way around which you assume just because some of the pagan ones (like Saturnalia) are more ancient - that doesn't follow.
Many pagans celebrated the winter solstice because they worshiped the sun. The argument is usually about the Roman celebration of Sol Invictus, which was instantiated by Aurelian in the 3rd c to counter the rising tide of Christians celebrating Christmas. Saturnalia took place between 17-23 December so it doesn't even overlap with Christmas. There are literally no similarities with Christmas, idk how anyone with a brain could use that argument.
But I thought oil is dinosaur juice. D. Rockefeller wouldn't lie to us, right?
OP, this video pushes the same narrative, but instead of dinosaurs it's now algae and plankton that form oil through a mysterious process taking millions of years. It also means we still could consume more oil than is produced by that process, meaning peak oil could still be valid. You're poisoning the well with this vsauce goober.
Here's the true story of oil told by an insider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSff0pwc1Xc&t
You mean the billionaire real estate mogul and playboy isn't Christian? What has this world come to...
You mean jewed up. We know who's behind the troons agenda.
Thank you for the quotes, but that doesn't tell me he's not jewish in any way though I agree the burden of proof is on me. If you had above room temperature intelligence, you could know communism is based on kabbalistic dialectics. Jewish or not, he serves the jewish agenda as described in the Protocols and that's enough for me.
I red it and didn't see one actual antisemitic statement there - seems like they try really hard to paint him that way. He could be controlled op. But even if he were openly antisemitic he wouldn't be the first jew to do so.
You took that way too personally. You are either a jew or a gooner. Maybe both.
Blacks used to be like that before MLK came around and "emancipated" them.
Of course there has been a more insidious and harmful psyop to America and it's called gangsta rap (which is literally fake and gay).
You mean it doesn't say it explicitly. Spanish/Sicilian descent could mean a lot of things. There are lots of marranos. Most hardcore commies are jewish, they just can't help themselves.
America is under ZOG no matter who the president is.
Do you know what internal criticism is? I'm not an evolutionist, bro. You can't just turn the argument against my worldview because I don't appeal to darwinism. This was the whole point of our argument.
The point is, since you're all about evolution and fitness, it makes sense that you convert to Islam or at least Christianity or any belief system that aids reproduction and the rearing of offspring.