VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well there are categories of dentists, the ones that keep it real with you and tell you what you really NEED to address for example an infection/abscess is a serious thing that can go septic and be life threatening, there are lazy idiot dentists who have no business practicing, and there are used car salesmen type dentists who will use whatever tactics necessary to try to get you to spend as much money as possible, my dentist is the first type hence why I've gone only to her for over 20 years now, she breaks things down into need, recommend and "eh not a big deal" and has always done good work and been fair, ALL professional services have to be vetted, there is no sacred profession you can just trust blindly without getting burned

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nobody needs to worry right up until white people stop acting offended, as long as there are plenty of white people acting all indignant and offended everything is fine, that's why the waters are tested so frequently

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

All the god complex psychos like gates, fauci, etc have giddy energy when talking about things that would be horrific, imagine interacting with someone like that in person, some random coworker or whatever, who gets all giddy and creepy smiley talking about mass suffering, death and apocalyptic scenarios, in the context of reality and not some show they watch, they get like that whenever talking about making people do things / comply against their consent, like giddy psycho rapists, so again imagine interacting with someone like that, like a supervisor at work who gets excited and gleeful about the 'power' they have over staff, if you encounter people like this in an everyday life type of scenario you immediately know you're dealing with some demented sick fuck

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Something else I don't see discussed too much is the possibility that a lot of first world people are losing their comfort tolerance for hot weather due to multiple generations (at this point) of AC being commonplace/normal, a lot of people going to work these days in uniforms and business casual clothes that are obviously not suitable for outdoor hot weather, but they are spending most of their waking life working in buildings with AC, going home to AC and driving around with AC in their vehicles, I'm an old fart so I remember before AC was super common and strongly preferring labor jobs where we could dress more reasonably for the weather vs being in a hot stuffy office with a collared shirt and tie, and on the weekends best believe I was mowing the lawn in nothing but jean shorts, and people knew to stay in the shade when possible and stay hydrated because it was HOT during summer, just a duh type of thing, these days it honestly seems like you put a lot of grown adults outside with no AC and they don't know how to act and start freakin out

VanillaBean 2 points ago +3 / -1

They're just regular humans sharing a dress code, their power comes from a notable majority condoning their behavioral choices, they can arrest a drunk driver because a notable majority of society agrees with the decision, in Ireland there are way more Irish men who are not employed by law enforcement versus the number of Irish men working as police officers, the majority of Irish men could end this madness in 48 hours but have chosen not to do so, they are "okay" with losing their civilization, it's not an easy choice by any means, to choose to sacrifice now for a better future for their civilization, but nonetheless they are making a choice, they are choosing to surrender to a little army of cucks

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

There will be a fake election because it helps maintain the "everything is normal, folks" parade, Trump will run because preventing him from running will fire up the right, so he will run but his supporters will be able to tell that something is off, they'll be expecting it to feel like last time and it won't, it'll feel weird and unsettling and awkwardly forced, the left will prop up someone at the last minute to replace Biden, the MSM will very awkwardly mostly ignore this person and just take the usual anti-Trump approach, the last minute prop from the left will win by a small margin, they will literally repeat everything from last time, people will feel awkward for being shocked at the audacity even though they know they shouldn't actually be surprised, then the crazy wild card event will happen almost immediately after the election

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Typically the most depressing explanation for things turns out to be correct, so most likely there have been no aliens and it's just sold out groups of people working behind the scenes of institutional powers to use scientific advancements to further the dominance of their inbred masters, these inbred masters know that people won't worship and fear them personally so they need a front like the 'perfect' AI or fake aliens which they can puppet, and even if it doesn't work it still serves a purpose like psyops and diversions, but ultimately it's still just creepy inbred sociopath families with grandiose delusions, ironically sometimes the NPCs "get it" more easily because highbrow psyops go over their heads, so they're not trying to explain to themselves why the government is suddenly talking about "aliens" because they just live with the vague general understanding that it doesn't matter what the government says unless their access to resources is involved

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can't really share let alone enjoy this type of silver lining sentiment, yes the world is full of retards but I love several of them, tbh it feels the way it would if some psychopath poisoned the food of someone's animals, and the animals ate it without knowing any better, that is what "tptb" have done to a lot of retards, poisoned a bunch of retards who are very much loved, or were very much loved when they were still alive

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Peak irony when twitter pedophiles are criticizing the film as "qanon" but the problem with the film is that it's actually not when it should be

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'll admit it's very unnerving watching conservatives wildly oscillate between freaking out over the latest obvious elon red flag and cheering over his latest vaguely anti leftist sassy tweet, always the possibility that it's mostly bots at this point as well, most self identified conservatives I know and encounter irl don't pay attention to twitter at all

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idc if some larpers got ahold of it and started freaking out over every mention or picture of pizza on the planet, it's like many other things in life, in that there is a major undercurrent of truth in it amidst all the nothingburger offshoots, and I'm glad so many people started paying attention, digging, questioning and bringing things to light, I also love how naming that specific investigative movement "pizzagate" triggered tf out of so many people who in time got busted for CP, meanwhile actual pizza restaurants just shrugged it off as nothing as they were just normal restaurants, quite telling

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idk, in previous decades I would've taken solace in the understanding that my civilization in particular is not important and that eventually, inevitably, after its collapse humanity will get to a point again of attempting a free civilization with high quality of life, but it's definitely hard to be as optimistic when mad scientists are fucking with people's dna, animal's dna, trying to play god with earth's climate and huge food chain systems, not just wanting to bioengineer everything and blot out the sun but actually going for it, it is definitely possible for things to be irreversibly fucked up, I think we'll see a significant shift back into spiritual fatalism in the wake of such things

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is such a dead forum that nearly anything goes, but it is supposed to be a forum specifically for discussing and debating conspiracy theories, so conspiracy theories involving or surrounding a religion would certainly apply, but if you roll out a hopeful message don't be shocked getting polarized doomer opinions, and vice versa (people who open up with doomer opinions are also fair game for positive counter arguments), only people who think they're going to have a preacher on the pulpit experience have a bad time

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

The original concept of free will is just the psychological ability to make a behavioral choice against one's own primitive instincts. This translates into more specific concepts like bravery (doing the right thing even though you're afraid), self control (not assaulting people just because you're angry), integrity (telling the truth even when it would pragmatically better your own outcome to lie), generosity (sharing resources when you're able instead of hoarding them), toughness (willfully tolerating pain for the sake of a desirable outcome), etc. It's not a super mysterious thing.

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well it was either that or thousands of "pedes" were going to flood back onto reddit, twitter and elsewhere, tptb prefer civilians of uh differing opinions to be separated and quarantined from the internet general public

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Are there any corporations left that aren't run by absolute retards, it's not exactly surprising that the same modern day "business leaders" who think selling trans toddler clothes is a good idea would also want to spend millions on office spaces they don't need for demented control reasons instead of just objectively measuring productivity

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sometimes it's more stealth, like how cognitive disorders are now neurodiversity which btw is now a good thing, so if/when it ever becomes widespread public knowledge that xyz causes "neurodiversity" it'll be real chill

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hot take - most western people collectively and subconsciously feel like they deserve their own corrupt government, they didn't oppose it when it was fucking up several other parts of the world so who are they to cry and complain now when that same government turns on them overtly, most have accepted their fate as a sort of karmic judgement, it's ironically more psychologically comfortable than playing the role of spoiled sheltered prince who never cared about the peasants but throws a tantrum when the problems finally reach his castle, nobody with a shred of dignity or humility wants to play that role, it's more mentally and emotionally comfortable to just embrace being useless pampered eaters while 'balancing' it with a 'graceful' acceptance when it's time to pay the price

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most cats come across as having a very self assured attitude like they're the royalty of the world, in between their bizarre playfulness, comically entertaining all around imo, but a terrible choice for anyone who desperately wants to feel superior and important, but dogs are the only true bonding companions thanks to thousands of years of evolutionary development in the relationship between man and canine, dogs are psychologically on the same level as a 4-5 year old human, a lot of people who have dogs really shouldn't

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what I've seen so far, this seems like a more mundane case of a retarded business owner who tried to make money off of something and completely botched it, the vast majority of the english speaking population never goes on reddit, it's not as popular or big as some users seem to believe, especially when accounting for the numerous bots, there just aren't that many real people on there, I think the guy really is just a greedy moron who saw an opportunity and then completely fucked it up, which isn't at all surprising since he's shown impulsive poor judgement in the past

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

False flag blamed on Russia & the angle is Trump was besties with Putin during his presidency & can't be trusted as the leader after the thing Russia has done & the "Russian collusion" trigger term comes back from the dead in msm, triggering some mkultra tier response in the general public

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Countries with nukes won't go to war with each other, they'll have economic pissing matches and play rock em sock em robots in developing countries for the spoils, but they will not directly engage each other in warfare, Ukraine finding out the fun way that no matter what Russia does or what the world thinks Russia did, nobody is going to try to kick Russia's ass

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can you imagine 20 years ago being told that in 20 years the U.S. would legalize cutting kids dicks off

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

They got caught shipping tons of saline injections all over the country, it was even in mainstream news because it happened too often to successfully ignore, but they brushed it off as accidents, the actual mrna shit was targeted, there were control groups other than just the people refusing it

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Previously in western history, everyone had the same weapons, there was very little difference between the government's fighting power and civilian fighting power, then the difference in power became overwhelmingly massive, patriots struggle to admit it but there will never be another successful revolution from here on out, it is simply not possible, the people can burn the whole thing to the ground if they want but they can't salvage it, it can die slowly or quickly but this shit is terminal one way or another

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