Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some simple examples: a baby crying is a manipulation. A shopkeeper setting a price of 0.99 instead of 1 is a manipulation. A smile and funny joke to a girl you like is a manipulation. None of these things are inherently bad.

Manipulation with intent to hurt is another story, but that's just one side of the coin.

Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

To put it simply, in the foreword he goes into the issue of how morality intersects with these concepts. He explains that the fact remains that they exist and can be effective, so it behoves one to be aware of such techniques, if only to spot them being used against you and your loved ones - so you can apply proper advice and save yourself trouble. Many of the explanations of the concepts that you provided are also so misrepresentative as to be laughable. I would personally be embarrassed to try to explain a text that I had never even glanced at. To each their own, I guess.

On that note: Did you cry as a baby in order to get attention and food? Such dark wizardry from such an early age! You evil manipulator, you.

Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Manipulation of others is neither good nor evil inherently. It's part of the human experience, we are all both manipulators and manipulated.

Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like I said, you will never really know any different, so of course you don't notice any issues. Glad you're making the best of it bro, yeah best of luck to you too

Yeah, I guess I'm kinda passionate about the issue, I don't like to see cutting up babies as an accepted pasttime. Call me crazy, I guess. If you take a step back, you'd realise that you are pro baby mutilation here. Just think about that.

Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do you think about the studies showing that mutilation and the pain that comes with it in early life affects brain development? (The Jews tried to get these studies censored, btw) I just can't imagine it would be healthy to have your body mutilated as a baby.

In the end, you will never know any different and nor will I, so neither has anything to compare it to.

Everyone will try to make the best out of their situation that they had no control over, but when I read your comments, it sounds a bit like a African woman defending her clitoris being cut off. The way you would see her is the way most of the world views American men regarding this subject. Has a vibe of cope. Can't blame you for rationalising, though. If I had it done to me, I'd probably be saying the same shit. Hell, nobody wants to reckon with the reality of your parents condoning your mutilation, ruining your ability to enjoy orgasms properly for the rest of your life. That's some heavy shit to deal with, so the brain comes up with as many excuses as it can.

Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's fair, I suppose. Sometimes I will upvote something before watching it, if I want to find it more easily later. Either way, not something to worry about too much imo

Stylishman 2 points ago +2 / -0

I only upvote entirely on whim or to find something later. I've never cared about how many upvotes something already has, or my own posts have. It's a simpler path, friend. Come walk it with me in peace, and stop attaching undue meaning to the little number alongside any post.

Stylishman 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lighten up dude - everyone knows it's not true but it's an interesting little read

Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you not remember the last time? Vaccine rollout had no effect on lockdowns ending. The UK even got brand new lockdowns post-jab. I can't speak for other countries, but I'm sure many of them were the same. Many states in the US too.

Assume they will try to lock us down again, and harder than ever this time.

Stylishman 9 points ago +10 / -1

To play 'devil's advocate', maybe these people simply read the bible and copied details into their patent

Stylishman 2 points ago +2 / -0

What a condescending tone to take ha, as if I don't already know...

Democracy is certainly rigged. I don't think anybody here denies that.

But the establishment really didn't want the brexit vote to turn out the way it did - it set them back in their plans. They remained dominant ofc, but with the way they tried to get around the peoples vote, they hated that they actually lost progress because of a vote. Anything that makes them even temporarily seethe makes me happy. They need to keep the deception going, which means they need to either control both "sides" of a vote, or cheat the vote. Thus, they are, short of revolution, the only chinks in the armour that it's possible to get at them through, as the general public still believes that democracy works. The elite want them to keep believing that.

Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree that they're neither left nor right. The way I see it, their goals are to expand their control whilst keeping pitchforks from their doors. The global financial system has been on life support since 2008, so they seem to be keeping it afloat artificially (by stuffing countries with migrants) while removing any power to resist from the masses - as it is sure to fall apart before too long, and people will be angry, to say the least. Sure, directing the anger elsewhere is a time-tested ploy, but it's so much easier to maintain control over a communist style system - so that's what they're gunning for, as fast as they reasonably can.

Stylishman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hmm, bold move to allow the far left to be painted as the villains in the normies eyes - seeing as quasi-communism seems to be one of their goals. Possible, though.

Not sure what angle they'd take to accomplish that, either. They prepped hatred of Trump for years to get them riled up a few years back. While I know that Antifa aren't keen on Democrats either, I don't see the backdrop there. Maybe they would if Trump won in 2024, before he took office.

Stylishman 4 points ago +4 / -0

I completely agree, but they don't have absolute control - they're not gods. I really do believe that they wanted Hillary to win in 2016, for instance. And they woke a lot of people up with the blatant cheating in 2020. I'm torn on Trump, but it's clear that the establishment don't want him.

by pkvi
Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

My sense is that you're off the mark on this one, pkvi. Either that, or humanity truly is doomed.

Why do I say this? Because what kind of person clasps hands with the forces that murdered his father? If someone murdered my dad, no promise of unlimited wealth, power or opportunity could ever make me lick their assholes.

I would hope it would be the same for you.

So, I doubt Kennedy is one of the deep state. I just don't buy it, unless you can show me something more convincing than this rhetoric.

Edit: I'm not from US, and I wouldn't bother voting even if I was tbh.

Stylishman 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's not the take away I get from this tbh.

In the end, threats of violence online ARE a pretty stupid thing to do. If you mean them, then why would you want to give warning and time to prepare? If you don't mean them, then you're just a barking puppy in a sea of similar NPC tripe.

It just gives your opponents easy ammo.

by pkvi
Stylishman 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's the bet that they'll announce resounding support from the public, regardless of actual sentiment

by pkvi
Stylishman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm I'm torn on this tbh

It would be one thing if it was just the leader of a random country But NK makes it's money by selling crystal meth, hacking people's bank/bitcoin accounts and human trafficking/slavery, all while keeping the vast majority of it's people on the verge of starvation.

Ofc I don't think assassinating KJU would change anything, it would probably just lead to another Kim taking power, but I would shed no tears for the fucker dying, and would consider whoever did the deed something of a 'hero of the moment', no matter who it was.

by pkvi
Stylishman -1 points ago +1 / -2

And if China takes Taiwan with their chip technology, they would be able to fuck any country in the ass tech-wise at their leisure. We want a world where Taiwan is not China, at least until other countries can work chip tech like Taiwan can

by pkvi
Stylishman 2 points ago +3 / -1

To be fair, China has been saber-rattling with that "playing with fire" line regarding US-Taiwan relations for literally years, and have done nothing about it as of yet.

Stylishman 2 points ago +2 / -0

She's also the worst one, and there's some olympic competition here

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