They had their union turn against them recently, and people walked out. Only the ones close to retirement were willing to deal with pay cuts.
Notice the date is 2015.
I'm so over that. It's been YEARS. Assisted suicide is trendy. I don't care how painfully they choose to die.
Nothing you said isn't hateful driven. Not even a citation. You're a waste of space. Luckily equality allows that. Your willingness to make extreme comments because, " this is an extreme site" is enemy within.
I lived in a building where the landlord had to pay squatters to leave because they had more rights than tenants.
Are you aware manosphere agreed with the Islamic State attempted terrorist attack in Vienna? Is that where you align yourself? Show me where in the above linked information you find an error. Removing education, and rights for women make stupid children including boys. I have no time for dumb shit. I've pointed out your logical errors. If you choose to ignore it, that's on you. You are choosing to make extreme comments online aligning yourself with terrorists.
Not too bright.
Your illiberalism is the problem. Anyone that doesn't 100% agree with is the enemy? You're turning this into reddit. It's so obvious it's hilarious.
Don't put words in my mouth. I'm discussing the WHY. The policy aspect is well after the why. Perhaps you're too full of American poisonous food?
The argument says there is ads.
I've never used gab. I've read things linked there, but it's never been busy enough to be interesting.
They're genetically the same people.
These commercial breaks for characters that'll die after the commercial break are weird as all hell.
The issue happens to be they came here with unpoisoned reproductive systems, and a religious text that says to breed them out. IVF is how you fight back. The illegals throwing the processed food because it was gross was just rage bait to the idiots here.
Those of us that can read between the lines understood. They didn't eat that garbage. They weren't giving their kids that garbage.
Most of the world considers surrogates ham trafficking.
Look, it's manosphere agreeing with the Taliban. And, it's not even correct. It's just feelings.
The replacement theory people should be wanting this.
If economics, and control is of interest. Black Was Street should also be looked at.
This is why they want cell phones out of schools. Also no 911 calls during false flags. But, this too.
I love how the black students are trying to teach the idiot at the front of the class how black parents don't fuck with that shit. I loved being told to get out of class at that age. In school suspension was better than nonsense in the classroom.
Maybe it's a skit.
The stupid need to be allowed to go trans, and sterilize themselves. They also should be encouraged to follow through with their abusive threats of suicide.
Before Coursera became pay for play, I took the course Geography of the Bible. I found it very interesting. 10/10.
Nurses in the US allowed themselves to become political, and turn against the patients. They allowed themselves to be targets (for the most part), and allowed inhumane actions to patients that dated to disagree. This is against the ethics they studied, and agreed to when they took their job.
Travel nurses were knowingly, and willingly creating and spreading varients. Because they made money off covid continuing. They failed to consider they're easily replaved wit the next graduating class.
No one gave a fuck about squatters before Blackrock owned neighborhoods.
Companies going public has not been productive in many years. The Almighty shareholder has a cousin now, stakeholder. Companies need to stay private to maintain any control.
If your goal is to be an informative encyclopedia, the issue I'm bringing up means you're probably not referring to the same internet locations.
I'm not for every company profiting off individual IP, but the individuals. Did you forget the fuck spez drama? Every instant of fuck spez was changed to hail spez. Why should accounts like that be available? Australia police are allowed to pretend to be the user in their social media due to covid laws.
You, and I simply have different situations on our minds when this topic comes up.
That's the Canaanites. Old physical books explain it very well, what we're told today is the opposite.