VanillaBean 10 points ago +10 / -0

The economy is a total charade so it won't completely and suddenly fall apart unless that's what they want, they definitely seem to prefer boiling the frog which makes much more strategic sense for them, things will just continue to gradually get worse and each new level of economic fuckery will be normalized, those of us who are older and not braindead can clearly see the economy has gone to shit just comparing differences between now and decades ago, but it's all very normal now

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Check out "nonlinear warfare" this shit has been masterfully weaponized for a hot minute

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Christians police themselves super heavily though, like it's already pretty widely accepted that catholics are fuckin creepy and their clergy are all suspect, most christian denominations see catholicism as satanic and predict the antichrist will be a pope, hardcore baptists are also very suspect, mormons are a joke, then there's plenty of other obscure nutbag groups like the poisonous snake denomination, whatever the fuck they're even called, christians of any denomination can't so much as fart upwind without being heavily scrutinized, show me an ounce of that same vigilance within the lgbt community, show me some gays willing to say openly that hormone injections and genital surgeries for kids is unacceptable, show me some gays who openly oppose any lewd behavior or displays in front of kids, show me some gays who are vehemently against teaching 9 year olds about anal in school, ffs I can easily find a bunch of vegans who are passionately against putting cats or kids on a vegan diet so where are the fuckin gays against grooming young children into butt sex and sex changes

VanillaBean 6 points ago +6 / -0

I went wading into lgbt internet territory and there is actually a fair bit of contention, it's just not getting any media attention (big surprise, right), apparently (and this is just as shocking, folks) gay men don't want to have sex with vaginas and lesbians don't want to have sex with penises, and there is a whole shitshow happening over it, the trannies even fractured the homosexuals and are winning (at least on the internet), the gays and lesbians who openly don't want to have sex with trannies get banned, just like the women who don't want to share locker rooms with men get banned, no wonder the trannies bold enough to threaten to blow up target, they have had zero pushback anywhere

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

What did they forget that the military is about trans pride now and soon to be about fighting for dEmoCrAcY or something in Ukraine, they can't keep up with their own bs anymore

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Imagine having the type of psychology where you relentlessly fuck with other people's lives on a national level but can't handle anyone openly disliking you, nothing so fragile should have so much power

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not always a primary purpose of distraction, tptb are always up to some evil shit which can make it seem like the purpose is always distraction, but over 90% of the population doesn't even require distraction, because they don't want to know, they distract themselves of their own volition, because they want to be distracted and not worry about things, if anything, feigning a need for distraction is unto itself a manipulation tactic as it gives the few people actually paying attention the false impression that "if the npcs find out / wake up, THEN it's game over for tptb" but no, tptb can do whatever the hell they want quite brazenly and the general masses go along with it, but all of this said, covid was a lot of things at once to a lot of different people, aspects ranged from economical to police state to test running to population culling and more, the one real takeaway here is that a LOT of people conspired together on this one, which is unusual, tptb typically operate like rival gangs

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dude one hour of studying the past 2000 years of basic world history paints a very clear picture of humanity's default being very "rightwing", going "leftwing" is actually quite difficult and complicated and therefore goes way off the rails every time it's attempted, how many mere decades did it take in the u.s. for the "leftwing" to descend into a bunch of flagrant corruption that manages to succeed in legalizing pumping children with hormones experimentally yet has made zero improvements to any of the cities they control, it's not that "rightwing" is so "good" but it's the default and is easier to manage, even if some aspects of it are shit, whereas "leftwing" ideology is so against our species base instincts that it's a complete hijacked shitshow every time, perhaps possible among like, a group of 16 really good friends alone on an island, for 1 or 2 generations

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you want to dive deeper, do some reading on the limbic system and the role it plays in personality, perceptions, memory, emotional regulation, interpersonal behaviors, etc & then do some reading on limbic system development, how it works, what effects development and what causes development damage (limbic system stops developing before fully developed), also read into neural connections and pathways, how they are formed and strengthened, how this varies with the age of the brain, do some reading on how the limbic system operates in response to stimuli that evokes terror and the neurological science of trauma, etc there's plenty of little rabbit holes to go down and they're all interconnected, free will is real but it's much harder for some than others to "do the right thing" or simply act right, doesn't mean they can't but for some it is much more unpleasant and difficult in certain types of situations, for a very intriguing spiritual take on it I highly recommend a book called People Of The Lie, has religious undertones but not overbearing, more so philosophical psychology, but yeah the neuroscience backs it up, like back from before science became a complete joke

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do they need that they don't have, let them try to answer that at their own PR peril, especially when followed up with "such as" when they try to keep it vague

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty sure this is just a case where someone has worked in retail for a long time, has built up a lot of repressed anger from dealing with dumb assholes on a regular basis while not being allowed to stand up for herself, her brain got the tiniest notion of an opportunity to maybe fight back and not be in trouble, and all those years worth of repressed anger came out at once and she almost killed the guy. This is why if anyone is going to work a shit job, due to lack of options or by choice, they should always work somewhere where employees can tell customers off and refuse service (when they truly deserve it). There are plenty of places like this, too, especially when turnover is very high and they're always short staffed, it takes more to get fired. The staff need to be able to take a stand against shitbag customers so they don't just snap one day. Nobody should ever work anywhere that pays piss poor AND expects staff to tolerate bad behavior. Gotta pick your poison.

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

I typically prefer to wait and see. So I waited to see if at least a significant majority of the lgbt community would condemn getting children involved. They did not. Which is especially bad since the far left is constantly insisting that there is no such thing as neutrality, that people who are neutral on moral issues have chosen to support whoever the winning side is, and that it's not enough for people to simply not partake in bad behavior, they must openly denounce it or else they are guilty of enabling it. The left very openly and vehemently reveals that this is how they think when talking about racial or economic issues, but they have a very strong opinion are nearly everything because they don't believe in neutrality or refusal to participate. So that further shows what it means to them personally when they won't condemn involving children. It would be different otherwise, wouldn't automatically be the fault of regular lgbt people if pedos tried infiltrating them, but their overwhelming refusal to reject the pedos is quite damning.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most of the people making these decisions are old and don't have much future left anyway so they'll do literally anything for luxury, sex slaves and drugs. It is seriously that simple. Only a small percentage are absolute nutbags like bill gates who genuinely want to play god. The rest would be down with a nuclear holocaust as long as they get enough ass and blow in their last few years of life.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

The most ironic thing about this particular drama to me is that of the black people who are into animated entertainment, the significant majority of them prefer anime, so cartoon people who look white and/or asian. Like they didn't need to make the little mermaid black to cater to black people, they needed to turn her into a waifu.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Republicans aren't dumb, they're just like every other politician and propagandist, they live only for the here and now, they get paid off now to live lavishly now, and they do this until they die, they care nothing for the future or anyone else, they all have their luxury doomsday bunkers and islands now as well so it doesn't even matter if the charade falls apart, so they can be as sloppy and obvious as they want, they live only for the present moment and fear nothing

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

For a moment I was really shocked when they were letting it hit msm that it was sexually transmitted and also kids and dogs living with gay men were getting it, was just like holy shit are they really gonna actively help the npcs connect these dots, then it suddenly disappeared and now they're back several months later with an explanation

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

My impression so far is that most people with "long covid" have neither virus symptoms nor vaxx symptoms but just finally have a label for issues they've had their whole adult lives

Example, a woman I know who is clearly just depressed with her life and has been for the past 2 decades, unhealthy lifestyle habits, somehow a female incel and unresolved anxiety issues from growing up with bad parents, nothing has changed but now it's "long covid" to explain why she shows zero motivation for anything, can't hold down a job and nothing is ever her fault

Long covid is the just new the fibromyalgia

And yes there are men who try to milk it as well but it's less common because lack of determination and work ethic is judged more harshly in men

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

The actual answer is that there aren't enough fit straight men willing to join the military anymore after a handful of cases where the feds brazenly threw away people's lives over really dumb corrupt shit, so now in order to recruit enough fodder the military has to embrace literally anyone, if it were legal they'd be recruiting special needs adults, it's not some honor to join the military industrial complex, it's a shameful embarrassment, but the mentally deranged people on the left have tunnel vision locked onto the military worshipping emo dudebros on the right and thus believe they are forcing their way into a rightwing safe space, so that's why they act all awkwardly smug af about it even though they're just a last ditch resort for fodder

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Okay but for real that was one of the most terrifying psyops I have ever personally witnessed in my 6 decades of life, the VAST majority of the population (left, right, neither, didn't matter) just very suddenly "forgot" (erased?) practically overnight Trump getting lambasted by msn and "experts" for insisting under his leadership the "vaccine" could be ready waaay faster than normal, talking heads calling him all types of stupid for even suggesting that it could be safe or effective without several more years of testing and development, and then just very suddenly, complete polar opposite reality shift, not taking the injections was a pro trumper thing and insisting the injections are safe and effective was a "progressive" thing, I have never seen a more intense and brazen display of mass mind control, seriously

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Book of enoch does basically boil down to "some angels thought human chicks were hot so came to earth for the seks but also taught some science and shit to the human bros to smooth things over"

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do find it genuinely fascinating that third eye experiences (in the more mainstream sense, not like in the "aliens came out of my closet and talked in maths" sense), but rather in the pure love divine connection to all living things sense, is essentially a regression into very early life psychological development, before things were complicated and factors like desperation and self preservation set in on a conscious level, and that teaching quote from Jesus (who was very "new age" for his historical period and region) about how people must be able to "become like children" to enter the kingdom of god/heaven.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I honestly don't blame people anymore. Anyone paying an ounce of attention for even just the past 2 years let alone 10, 20, 30+ years knows it's damn near everybody. Like the momentarily popular quote "if only you knew how bad things really are" well actually yeah we already know.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's honestly hard to tell because the feds and certain pockets of both leftists and rightwingers are all larpers, and they all suck at larping, and they're all fodder for msm propaganda

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

Idk these types of topics always flare up my libertarian streak. Alcohol and gambling shouldn't be forbidden just because a tiny percentage of people don't think personal responsibility applies to them.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because it's at least 2 different religions (if not easily 3+) crammed into one book, deliberately as a form of sabotage. The old testament is the religion of the pharisees (jews). Jesus was very critical of their religion, basically called them satanists and also called out their prophet Moses as a false teacher who had just said whatever people wanted to hear. Jesus taught an almost completely different religion. This is why the pharisees/jews had him killed. So that's 2 different religions, between the old testament and the gospels. Then the rest of the new testament is different people writing letters with strong opinions, rapturous poetry and one very trippy prophecy.

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