VanillaBean 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's like a collective case of borderline personality disorder, people with BPD pathologically and compulsively do everything they can to provoke others and then when they finally get a reaction they play victim and use the reaction as 'proof' that the other person had malicious intentions all along, and typically it's the people who have sacrificed the most and stuck around the longest who the BPD person antagonizes the most.

A lot of U.S. men went willingly into certain death in an effort to liberate and save jewish people in western germany (regardless of one's historical beliefs this is what those soldiers were dying for to the best of their understanding). Tons of money was spent. Jewish refugees were welcomed into the U.S. with open arms and actively supported and encouraged in taking powerful positions in government, finance, media, etc. White people of the U.S. went above and beyond to be there for jewish people around the world including ongoing unconditional support of israel.

So of course in typical BPD fashion white people in the U.S. are who the ADL tries to antagonize the most.

by varuna
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I get the impression that the types you're describing somehow got it in their minds that if the holocaust did happen then that means criticizing jewish supremacy shouldn't be allowed, which is nonsense, nearly every group of people on earth have some really messed up stuff in their wartime history and that doesn't make anyone above reproach in the present day

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nah the antichrist has to perform miracles that will awe the world into seeing him as a god-like figure, to most of the world Musk is a nobody and even among the populations that know who he is, roughly half don't like him and the roughly half that do like him don't see him as an actual miracle worker, just as a funny free speech autistic man.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Drudge has always writtem whatever he thinks are the most sensationalist clickbait lines he can legally get away with, nothing new from him in that regard, there was a period of time where his sensationalism was more appealing to more people on team red than on team blue and he was criticized by talking heads from team blue over it which made people on team red think Drudge was somehow on their 'side' for a while, but again he has always been after views above all else so whatever he thinks is most sensational

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's even worse than that really because one of the worst results is that people experience cognitive dissonance when you ask them critical thinking questions or show them information that doesn't jive with the narrative, cognitive dissonance is very psychologically uncomfortable so the result is that people feel severe psychological discomfort when anyone or anything challenges the narrative, which then leads to people actively avoiding any interaction or information that might trigger the cognitive dissonance (challenging the narrative). The tunnel vision as you describe it basically boils down to people trying to avoid severe psychological discomfort that they have been conditioned to experience if they think critically about nearly anything that involves the msm narrative. It's not even just people being too "dumb" it's like a psychological punishment system meant to discourage critical analysis.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gotta love how asking to wait a bunch of decades before releasing stuff is just normal and allowed, like not only is it not a huge obvious red flag but it's just a normal acceptable thing, like pfizer wanting to wait a lifetime before releasing study info, totally chill normal practice and definitely not a glaringly obvious sign that they are up to some wild shit

by pkvi
VanillaBean 3 points ago +4 / -1

Who in the absolute hell honestly thinks the "good" guys are "winning"?

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think it's a Christian thing because a significant majority of the white people who are super vocal and vehement about how not-racist and not-like-other-white-people they are, are not religious and many openly identify as atheists. I think the western world (historically mostly white) has had the notion of "with great power comes great responsibility" deeply embedded into their subconscious minds. There is no denying that historically the western world has collectively achieved and maintained tremendous power versus all other civilizations on the planet, even though nearly every other civilization certainly tried to achieve dominance themselves. So there is a massive internal, mostly unconscious conflict of "we collectively achieved so much more power than anyone else but we don't want to acknowledge it because that would be arrogant but also we need to be responsible and ethical with our power".

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just want to let you know that there are sane people here who understand the point you're making, ie if "being jewish" has no actual definition then it's grounds to turn into the same paranoid BS witch hunt that historically happen in communist takeovers. Terms should have clear definitions and not be loosely thrown around ie how "racist" and "bigot" have lost all meaning these days.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don't know that's an awfully optimistic theory and the reality of this world doesn't merit that level of optimism. It's a lot more likely they're just banking on only a tiny sliver of people not falling for it and that tiny sliver being easily trampled by everyone else.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The ironic thing is that this tactic only works on white people. I've only ever seen and heard white people actually humbling themselves contemplating how their race could be collectively better, actually caring about being perceived as compassionate and ethical, actually wanting to make amends for any historical grievances. The "evil" whites are the only race collectively to actually give a shit about being good people so the guilt tripping tactic only works on white people and hence is only used on white people.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dude has his flaws but he doesn't like being told what he can and cannot say, so the more they try to shut him down the more he stands up, gotta admire that. Rosie Odonnell was the same way but less popular among the right due to being a fat woman. She was a little nuts but when the MSM and NPC masses tried to tell her she basically wasn't allowed to like Trump she just doubled down and slammed them all right back for trying to police her opinions.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

So far the only people I see masking up again are the obviously neurotic, the crazy eyes women and the grown men wearing anime and video game shirts, the actual "normies" are acting like "covid" never happened which is to be expected.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I had no religious influence tinting my glasses, my theory would be that it's obvious aliens did some bioengineering experiments here, attempting to combine their dna with the dna of the creatures evolved from this planet, and humans are the result of one of those experiments.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's fascinating to me that there is a "shortage" of people who want to do the bare minimum while getting paid the bare minimum, far more people who would rather work harder and more creatively with their own "hustle" and make more money, yet there's an endless parade of people whining that "nobody wants to work anymore" and "too many young people are lazy" it's the complete opposite lmao, there's not enough people who want to flip burgers and scan groceries for peanuts, most would rather bust their ass working for themselves with their own small businesses and make more money

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's so the sensationalist material takes center stage while the real receipts get ignored.

Nobody is talking about the ethical factors surrounding the very real present day research going into using youthful blood for vanity benefits in the older wealthy population. Instead the attention is on tabloid vibe arguments about whether or not politicians are eating babies.

It's the same way most people aren't having serious conversations about the ethical factors involved in Canada euthanizing the poor, but instead the spotlight stays on "conspiracy theories" about a nwo cult using big pharma to chemically genocide most of humanity.

It's the same way most people aren't discussing the cold hard math of how sustainable or not it is to accept X number of immigrants into the U.S. but instead the focus kept on the concept of white genocide / replacement theory so it's framed as neo nazis vs the hardworking people of the 3rd world who just need a chance.

Their goal is to make things seem so over the top crazy or extreme that most people will just psychologically "nope" right out of contemplating or discussing the topics.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

To me it looks more like they're planning to turn the U.S. military forces on U.S. citizens, like they're going to create a true widespread crisis and everyone left in the military will be NPCs who do whatever they are told.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Y'all should ponder what Jesus meant when he said that you can't enter the kingdom unless you can become like children. Also remember that the most violent words Jesus ever spoke were to say that it would be better for someone to be drowned in the ocean than to cause a child to "stumble" and this was in direct reference to his disciples trying to stop children from approaching him.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I still lmao every time a mrna ad plays on the radio, "WE CAN DO THIS" so dramatic to the point of comical absurdity as there are still no signs of an actual pandemic when out in public and never was yet those ads still play in public on a regular basis, it's orwellian cringe dialed up to 11 and 99% of people just awkwardly ignore it yet pfizer still desperately trying to make more money

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes but I genuinely don't think he's controlling opposition, he isn't really controlled at all because his autism percentage is too high, so it's still interesting to watch as he rocks the boat, if the world is falling apart while we sit at our keyboards let's at least be entertained.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's proper fucked either way, whether they do a "rug pull" ie nonlinear warfare style to create absolute chaos or they do a slow trickle so that the NPCs don't even notice. In both scenarios we can't rely on the masses being rational and sane, since the rug pull contingency plan was to blame it on trump anyway.

VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nah I will keep loving all the good humans thx

VanillaBean 1 point ago +3 / -2

If you socialized more openly then you'd know from experience that all the races have their low quality margin. The way white people refer to low quality white people as "trailer trash" the other races have their own versions of the sentiment. Where I live black people refer to low quality members of their own race as "hoodrats" and don't want to be around them anymore so than white people do. In the REAL world (not the internet full of bots and propaganda) black and white people have open conversations about these things and get along well, there's no walking on eggshells or other BS, and nobody likes karens or hoodrats.

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Putin's personal ideology, like his predecessors, revolves around doing literally whatever it takes to make Russia as powerful and prosperous as he possibly can. So look at his options and figure out which one realistically best meets that goal, and that's what he's trying to do. He would never sell out Russia for personal gain, but if he believes that the globalist agenda gives him a chance to surpass competition like the U.S. then he will roll with it to whatever extent he can take advantage of without jeopardizing Russia.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone who isn't intelligent enough to notice that fallacy on their own also isn't intelligent enough to truly think for themselves at all ie a lost cause. It's the equivalent of saying that people who are against rape are "antisex". Again the people that just automatically accept that notion are too retarded to reason with, waste of time.

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