Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyday in the UK, it's always somebody else's job. Assholes just want to get paid for doing almost nothing else. You're the problem for being the customer, raising a concern. It is in every public sector. It's somebody else's job. Tories have been the worst on the planet for this toxic attitude taking over our institutions.

This topic here can anybody tell me what is wrong with its approach.

Free up teachers teaching what. AI is marking. No sooner is it teaching.

We had it in COVID. The grades went to hell. Suicide increased. Online teaching. Virtual classrooms.

AI marking grades reviewing coursework. AI is sooner teaching. What is an AI grade? The same grade for everyone, the same homework?

Why are teachers getting lazier? They've been marking their subjects and assignments all these years until a Tory came along. Let's get somebody else to do it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most of it is a honeypot.

Now since Ukraine is fully compromised. It literally routes out tell me who these narratives are for and why they're scripted.

I believe many of its ops are counter insurgency. More are bot driven, or state orchastrated. Pretending to entice narratives that are state operandi. Simply to poll members, and trap them.

It is completely compromised on its cloud flare connection.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bud is a horrible beer. It taste like mold. God damn it. I have always hated Budweiser as a beer. It has an awful taste like licking a toad. The colour of it is darker as well. But it tastes rancid. You couldn't give me a budweiser to drink. Hate it, its taste. Oh I enjoy strong beers, not Bud. Why does anything need to be called light. Just epically dumb, well obviously if it tasted gross. But a light version, is never going to save it, if it tasted vile anyway.

Ep0ch 7 points ago +9 / -2

Yawn. Conjecture. Strings a bunch of words together fitting it into a conclusion, and it was based on speculation. Because we've seen certain observations, somewhere off in the galaxy, but there's no way of proving them. Points to mythical texts and assumptions. Don't worry just join the cult of the doomer, and they're hiding underground, waiting for 2 more weeks, and repent.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stereotypical Prep. If and if Nato has to prempt. Or respond. Finland will obviously become a front line flank. It's simply checking those boxes. Obviously Finland on joining Nato is obviously beefing up by increasing its parameters. It now has access to increasing arsenals. Membership perks. Perhaps also to join in any other global operations. The fact is it has opened up a larger front directly along the border. It will obviously defend and arm in accordance to its status.

But gearing for war, defensive, and causing war are two very different notions.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

It was a constant narrative to funnel all the traffic through Big Brother, mainframes. Apple got unlocked then so did almost everywhere else.

But it had been going there since terrorism, sanctions, and every other thought crime and law was passed.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

United banana Republics. It will go down well with the natives.

Anywhere else it's a coup when that happens. Because the rich people robbed it. The banks.

Look at France with the pensions

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because it profits. Not because it's factual. It's simple population control. Not upsetting the status quo offering appeasement. By having a population divided what does it solve? How much more brokerage is there into grants shares rent and investment. How many services and premiums are exploited.

The nonsensical narrative is population control. Niggers go ape if they actually heard what animals they are. Everywhere else in the population causes rebellion. So it distorts all facts in attempts to contain or police it, profiting, because it doesn't upset the investment funnelling in.

Think of global numbers. In your hand at home is far easier to repress, tax, and regulate, as you constantly exploit bigger numbers investing.

Until that balance has evaporated, it simply seeks rent. As it makes and creates and drives the most obnoxious narratives in history that are willfully unfactual.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only pegging was when your brain fell out your ass. Dumbass. You're on retard account. What happened to the last one. Did the Mod fuck you.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are a dumb idiot. Clinically retarded

The video from outside the house play it again. Did you see that. She said. She knew there was somebody at the window. The door closes and she pretends to get spooked. She is calling out is anybody there.

Single female is doing this? On a brand new property? That isn't her furniture and stuff?

What does anybody do? Tell me. You fucking dumb son of a bitch.

It is fake lame and stupid. Ghost don't look like Freddie Kruger either.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I am going to shout out bullshit. Psychobabble. Nonsense. Conjecture.

It even defeats its own logic on high self esteemed low self esteem in psychological causes. Read its analysis.

It is hypothesized that this inverse relationship is mediated through the human psychological inclination to define and protect their self- and in-group- identity or self-conception.[5] Specifically, for someone with high self-esteem, seeing another person fail may still bring them a small (but effectively negligible) surge of confidence because the observer's high self-esteem significantly lowers the threat they believe the visibly-failing human poses to their status or identity. Since this confident individual perceives that, regardless of circumstances, the successes and failures of the other person will have little impact on their own status or well-being, they have very little emotional investment in how the other person fares, be it positive or negative.

Conversely, for someone with low self-esteem, someone who is more successful poses a threat to their sense of self, and seeing this person fall can be a source of comfort because they perceive a relative improvement in their internal or in-group standing.

This bullshit word excuses wealth and blames poverty.

It is nonsense. How did wealth amass their fortune and don't they derive the same Schadenfreude? Pleasure off another's failures if it profits. Tell me why then don't we all have the same wealth. Because of the pleasure of another's failures. How come it is wealth that considers itself with esteem.

Completely fucking bullshit. Hey shrink shove it up your Schadenfreude.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Counter propaganda. Or who cares until shit actually happens.

Explain it. A) Factual B) Misinformation

Probability isn't 50/50

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Are you dumb like on the level of retarded spastic mongoloid.

  1. Phone emergency services if you're not armed. Phone them anyway. Intruder in your house.

  2. Who talks into a camera. It is no defense. Who talks shit into a camera if there's an intruder in their house?

  3. Look at all the stuff in the house whose is it if she bought the place. Who arranged it?

It is completely fake and full of shit

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Who makes this shit. Nobody on the planet acts like that. Immediate phone to emergency services, unless she is armed. The dumb talking throughout. Okay, nothing, you saw that, just the wind. Who is she talking too? Are people that dumb with a camera. Only in fake ass bullshit. Didn't research the property. She would've visited prior to moving in. Where is her stuff. Like the bed she is about to sleep in. Next to the counter she's putting her keys.

Fake dumb and full of shit.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What house in order? New age bullshit. Completely mouth breathed feces.

Prejudice will always be in society based on money, intelligence, beauty, possessions. And dumbass we are all fundamentally different. Hence the historic paradigm Cain and Abel or whoever you attribute.

You assume making shitty Movies and Netflix shows inserting Black People as Queens of England solves anything? What about banning people off social media because they offended somebody by insulting their skin colour? Look previously tell me this Anne Boleyn or Catherine, it's an oxymoron. It incites it. It has no humanity. It just wants to get paid for bullshit. It wants to control. It's a fucking dumb service. It wants profit to sell shitty services. It thinks it'll get a bunch of Africans investing into look at those stereotypes. Tell me the market. Do you think wealthy Africans care? They care about wealth. Nothing else. But sure enough it is guilty of the very thing it thinks to eliminate. Prejudice. It is racist to its core. Disgustingly bias. It is unfactual and shovels shit down our throats. It should have a content warning. Racist. It would be the same if it was a blackface, right. Heinous privilege. Usurpation. The same as Trans. Etc.

Aliens, hahahaha. Don't give a shit. We don't threaten them. If we did we'd be attacked by an advanced race, threatening it. We haven't proved aliens. At what point do aliens care. What do aliens want from us. Think. Look at our history of technologically superior meeting primitives. Why? Resources. Which resources and profit and control? Otherwise tell me why they'd care. We haven't proved aliens. The minute we do we become a threat or we are subdued. We literally bow and change our history. Or trade based on what means of power?

It isn't inserting prejudice. Look at that crap on Netflix.

Accordingly religion wants our worship. Hence your mythological fables. In the case of Netflix profit. Wealth, controlling. No other reason.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Ukraine are lying again. Claims patriot's shot down hypersonics. After this strike, and others. It is quite absurd. It is the latest nonsense from Ukraine. How does a missile at much less speed hit a much faster missile. By detonating in the flight path. Perhaps. But how come they've beaten that defense already and similar.

Look here. This topic.

So tired of Ukrainian lies. The patriot missile system stopped a hypersonic. Tediously stupid. If it had a lucky hit. It's not worth the rest of that probability.

As soon as there's this news. Not covered. Ukraine resorts to the bullshit.

Or why not test that lie. 20-50 hypersonics at Kiev?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Big foot is bullshit evolution. If there are the cyptoids. There's an evolutionary big foot. King Kong eliminated the giants.

If there were giants. It presents a massive evolutionary problem. Monkeys are smaller. But the dinosaurs.

Big foot is superstition, it gives the children their monsters. Children need monsters, it stops them being naughty, adults need fantasy.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yes. The damage in the rest of the radius isn't. There are lower yield tactical nukes. No.

Although I still don't know why they aren't deployed. It is becoming obvious they'd achieve easier victory, ending this conflict. Saving lives. Those lines have been crossed. But any risk of wider conflict possibly still outweighs their justification.

It was a weapons factory, and fuel depots. It also supposedly hosted anti aircraft?

Until Nukes are none other conspiracy. This scary word that means nothing else. They prevent wars from decisively ending.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

I doubt it. Nice theory. But we'd hear no end of condemnation if there was that strike. Or even worse.

As far as bullshit like running out of munition. No. The amount of countries buying billions worth for the Ukraine has reached epic proportions.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Exactly. Why did all manned flight later end in disaster. Every single time. Until the ISS.

Thanks. It's different nuking the moon, than coming back from the moon.

This by all probability is, tell me these odds. No return manned. Only drones.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Nuking the Moon is another thing. Russians sent a dog there first.

As far as Musk he's paid to shill.

But OMG 50 years later are only just sending Billionaires into upper orbit? Didn't that get cancelled? Because of climate change.

Give up.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +4 / -3

Most of the footage was the same as Space Odessy tier.

No it wasn't Clash of the Titans. They didn't need to CGI the astronauts. Just the set. Tell me about this set, aw look it's in Diamonds are Forever right away.

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