Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can someone explain what this means? What is stockpiling crypto? That would be a yuge amount of capital out lay for some ones and zeros on a computer. Is this a good thing or would it be better to purchase more gold and silver?

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Trump annexes Canada think about all those Canucks who will take the first opportunity to move south. Instead of hearing southern drawl in Alabama there would be a chorus of Canadian speech idioms instead. The world would never be the same.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I watched this movie last night. I give it a grade of C. I empathise with the rascism they had to endure, it should not have been like that, but that was life and reality back in the day. The ladies proved they could move the mail, yet in the movie it didn't show too much of that, only the white on black struggles. One scene showed a male placing a sack full of letters in the back of a vehicle. Now, being an ex-postal dude, myself, I know for a fact this is inaccurate. That particular bag probably had 50-70 pounds of letters in it, yet this military person gently placed it into the truck. Yea, riiiiiight. The movie clipped along at a pretty good pace, the love interest in the beginning was..unnecessary. I just wanted to see how they sorted and moved the mail (spent two hours hoping to see that but was disappointed). Is it a movie that needs to be seen? Naw, just imagine what a movie about a bunch of POCs being trodden down by the Man would be like and that is what the movie really is. Skip it and you won't have missed anything.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +2 / -1

Doesn't bother me one bit. She raised her hand to serve, along with it she gets some nice benis. BUT, when the time comes for her to raise a weapon in defense of this country she had better be there. If she doesn't then she can sit in a stockade for a few years. Oh, if she gets killed or wounded while serving on the front lines, well, that is what she signed up to do, also.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Back in the day there was not the internet that could help check the verascity of a news story. Now, pedes can figure it out fairly quickly. The MSM is evil becaue they are too lazy to dig into the facts of a story that was produced in a far away country. Oh well, that will change in thirty days!

Tynyyn 2 points ago +3 / -1

What a very interesting story. I will give Brian Cates props for digging into this and writing a very good article. I finally understand what the Russian interference is all about. Lots of Obama administration officials will be helped into their place in our justice system. I want to know, though, will the trials be in a military court or a civil court? Who gets to do the lifting on these cases?

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was about the military industrial complex needing to have money roll in so they could keep building weapons. The cold war was ending and they had to find a new boogie man, thus folks who live in dirt huts in the deserts were deemed worthy enough to fight against. The desert dwellers had a few Kalishnokovs and some hand gernades, so America had to spend billions to fight against them. Yea, riiiiiiggggghhhhttttt.............

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've often thought a race of huge "people" were the ones who built the pyramids and other monoliths around the globe. How did average sized people move hundreds of tons of stone? Giants could do that, though, but where are their bones? Surely some giants had to have died while here or were they taken away in their space craft? Why are monoliths all over the world, China, South America, Great Britian, Egypt, and on and on. Were they building societies and cities for their own population or did they build cities and then populate them with their own offspring? Lots of questions, yet no easy answers.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

He probably likes stilleto high heels crushing his gonads, also.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is that Ted Kaczynski?

Tynyyn -1 points ago +1 / -2

During the past four years Trump has not been out of the limelight. If he were to have retired then I doubt his popularity would have been on the rise this entire election cycle. Trump and Q had a plan, it was for Joe to fraudently take over the Presidency, do bad things with the people's money (sending it to Ukraine and then having it secretly passed onto the Deep State). Trump let all the crimes happen so he could have evidence for the coming tribunals. Peoples eyes will be opened and Trumps fingerprints will not be on anything. Lots of unknown bad actors will begin to be vanquished by silent warriors under the direction of the new military commander. This is a war and all's fair in love and war, the deep state will never know what hit them, nor will the vast majority of Americans ever hear about the cleansing that is happening behind the scenes. But the world will gain it complete freedom within four years and a lot of hearts and minds will see for themselves how wonderful it is not to live under the thumb of tyranny.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

President of a soon to be defunct Non Profit.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lots of POC's. I wonder why that is? Could Diddy be a rassissssst? Or are the POC's easily pliable with grand dilusions of fame and fortune? Sad that these people want momentary pleasures instead of the freedom that comes with working hard for whatever you earn and it not being given to you for free. Remember, FREE always comes with strings.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you cannot haul your fat carcus down to the polling station then you haven't earned the right to vote. If you can drive yourself to Walmart and use their scooter and fill up the basket with snacks, candy, frozen pizzas and two litre cokes, then you can make it down to the polling station and cast your vote in person. Oh yea, bring your state issued ID lest the poll workers think you are trying to vote illegally.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe this was a CIA operation. The FBI is just the clean up operation.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +4 / -1

Maybe she's tired of killing kids and having to drink their blood.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is a great way to get the commanders fragged. Once the commander is gone, the recruits can simple begin walking home. Just say you have a verbal pass from the commander.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you watch Suspicious0bservers on YT? Ben Davidson has great material on how the Earth flips over every 6000ish years. Pretty remarkable timetable. I'm still scratching my head as to how the folks back in those eras made those mega structures and smoothed out granite to a glass finish. Certainly there must be tools or instruments in old debris piles that prove they existed and did the work instead of outerspace aliens. Why is there never any tools recovered from these sites? Are the archeologists rushing in before any commoner and grabbing the tools and saying they never existed? Someone, somewhere has the answer as to how megaliths were made. Why has that news not come out? Why is it such a guarded secret? I have a lot of questions about this subject yet my research is very lacking. I appreciate your efforts to supply some links so I can delve further into it. Thanks!

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Ancient sites are located along a great circle"....This has intrigued me for a while. Do you have any resources or know sites which sit on this great circle? Machu Pichu, some in India and China, a few in Japan, but I don't have exact locations. Can you list a few or do you have a book which you could recommend that has the sites listed? Thanks.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

With time all of the charges will become clear. Whether or not the Tates are guilty is not up to Americans to decide, I will let the other countries figure that out. For now, I say they are innocent until proven guilty. Let the court system put their evidence out there and then let the Tate refute it. We will probably know one way or the other in six months to a year. I have the patience to wait until the judge slams his gavel bringing those proceedings to a conclusion. It will be interesting to watch, though.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you implying that these people don't report news but instead massage the news to make a reader/listener think the reporter is telling the truth?

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