D-Dub 0 points ago +1 / -1

The narrative that psychedelic drugs like mushrooms and marijuana are bad is starting to form on X.

People claiming he had a psychotic break. Or that the drugs changed him.

D-Dub 4 points ago +4 / -0

This just makes me think of the song forest fire by the Dead Kennedys

Windows covered with bars Security guards Is that a house or a fortress Against the rest of the world?

Windows covered with bars Security guards Is that a house or a prison How you gonna get out?

D-Dub 1 point ago +1 / -0

They didn’t buy into something they created.

Answer this if it isn’t a giant government controlled scam how is the government able to seize bitcoin without the wallet password like they did with the Silk Road raid or any other criminal cases?

It’s controlled by the government because it was created by the government and these globalist corporations that are in bed with government.

Money to a bank is nothing but numbers on a screen. A means to accomplish their ends. They don’t care if they lose “money” because they can literally create more through fractional reserve banking or just have the tax payers bail them out.

Your entire premise is retarded after the 2008 housing crisis.

D-Dub 1 point ago +2 / -1


Jews perverted the Bible a long, long time ago.

They changed the passages to make you weak and complacent.

Jesus went into the temple, flipped over tables, and chased the priests out with a whip.

Do you think he was concerned with spreading violence? He was a fighter. A lion. A Shepard who protected his flock. The greatest example of what every man should strive for and you chose to be the opposite. A sheep.

You are no Christian. You are catholic. The perverted version of Christianity and paganism designed to keep people as obedient sheep.

D-Dub 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have to believe a lot of things caused by incompetence is actually malice to get your tinfoil this tight. While yes there is a lot of malice in the world there is far more incompetence.

Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

D-Dub 7 points ago +7 / -0

I invite you to drive for ten mins in my city and not think people are retarded.

My state has no lane discipline laws so people drive how THEY think is right.

It is a disaster.

If you don’t think the majority of people are stupid you should go outside or open a history book because that is exactly why pure democracies fail every time.

Basement dwellers might have a different perspective of the world and this post exposes you as someone who doesn’t interact with people outside of their social group.

D-Dub 0 points ago +1 / -1

You know people do drugs at concerts rights?

Do you know because of second hand smoke and the diffusion of gasses you can get high without doing drugs.

Potheads refer to this as a contact high.

What is more likely:

A) Havana syndrome from gov spy agencies.


B) accidental drug inhalation

D-Dub 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why would it not be like that?

I’m sick of pretending the whole world is the same.

Out of the major religions there are clear delineations and only one of them led to a modern civilized society.

Judaism and Islam both “other” people not in their group. They have words for this. Goyim and kaffir. They are barbaric and cult like. We shouldn’t expect barbarians to be civilized by Christian standards.

D-Dub 1 point ago +2 / -1

Everyone on the Donald is upset because Kyle doesn’t support their views.

They are upset because they did something good and were not rewarded.

If you do good expecting to be rewarded you aren’t good.

You are defending shitty people.

Explain how they are not being a bunch of worthless faggots. Or just admit you were wrong.
You are wrong about everything until you learn something new. It’s just the way reality works.

D-Dub 1 point ago +3 / -2

It really exposed a lot of people as just red colored NPCs.

Essentially they are upset because they did something good and were not rewarded for it.

Which is incredibly fucked on multiple levels.

They supported the god given inalienable right to defend oneself with armed force, which is the good and moral thing to do. The end. Or it should be but these faggots got all but hurt because Kyle didn’t support their ideas.

If you only do something good because there is a reward you are not good.

D-Dub 3 points ago +3 / -0

The people who go to college nowadays are infantilized by their parents and society.

They are literally overgrown children when 5 generations ago they would have been considered full grown adults and expected to have their shit together.

D-Dub 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have always said they are going to get people hooked on btc then turn it off and all the people who lost their money will be offered a cbdc token as an exchange.

Silk Road members had their coins seized. Thought the gov wasn’t supposed to be able to do that.

D-Dub 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looking a lot like they set this sperg up.

They probably have been encouraging him for months on social media and text and that’s why it has been scrubbed and they can’t get into the phone. That evidence links directly to the deep state who also botch the security on purpose to allow their sperg a chance.

D-Dub -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. America has brought more people out of poverty and done more good for the world than any nation anywhere.

The cia are terrorists.

You are a faggot and jimmy dore is a childish piece of shit who spits on people who he disagrees with but can’t intellectually challenge.

He’s a piece of shit and you people are a piece of shit for praising him and his commie bs rhetoric.

What do you expect when this community has been taken over by Muslims. Dirty despicable people with no integrity. The type of people who could praise human scum like the American hating commie jimmy dore.

D-Dub 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well you’d have to be some kind of faggot to raise an army of half a million to slaughter your own people over black slaves. Especially when Britain had already freed their slaves with no bloodshed.

Lincoln is one of the worst presidents to have ever served and americas first dictator who set the precedent to completely disregard the constitution.

D-Dub 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lmfao. If you think your free you cant escape.

Americans lost their freedom generations ago.

This is a socialist country.

You have been brainwashed by the government so your view of freedom is contained within their framework of slavery.

Your fantasy isn’t what is gonna happen. There will be tyranny but more controlled and more methodical.

It’s gonna be a bait and switch. The people who you think are taking power are going to flip and the dichotomy will collapse into one totalitarian regime.

D-Dub 2 points ago +2 / -0

They will just pay it because they don’t have the balls to stand up against government jackboots.

D-Dub 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doing good is almost never easy.

That’s why real good people are revered and virtue signalers try and co-opt it.

D-Dub 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact that we let foreigners and their children have any role in our government is incredibly stupid and part of the reason our country is failing.

D-Dub 1 point ago +1 / -0

All the fans of BTC forget there have been multiple cases where government seized btc. Silk Road, Zhong, bitfinance.

It’s a honeypot created by the CIA and they are gonna turn it off when they want to roll out their CBDC.

All the ppl with btc will gladly exchange their worthless btc for CBDC.

D-Dub 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes you did.

If you read the constitution joining the military is going against this country.

It is unconstitutional to fund a standing army for more than 2 years. It’s unconstitutional for the federal government to have an army. The armed forces in this country is supposed to consist of state controlled militias that can essentially be borrowed by the federal gov.

D-Dub 1 point ago +1 / -0

People struggling with this should read this book: https://www.amazon.com/Complex-PTSD-Surviving-RECOVERING-CHILDHOOD-ebook/dp/B00HJBMDXK/

Watch this podcast: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K60u6ObDsrI

And keep digging afterwards.

This is waaay more complicated then this article talks about and somewhere between 60% and 80% of American adults suffer from this issue.

D-Dub 0 points ago +2 / -2

The only thing you know about Tiananmen Square is the propaganda the CIA has fed to you.

You are literally repeating the same thing every NPC on the planet is saying today.

What’s up with the burned soldiers bodies that were strung up on this date?

It wasn’t a one sided massacre. The tank man was stopping tanks from leaving the square.

There is more to this story then the exact narrative pushed by mainstream media.

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