Thisisnotanexit 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know what you mean, I guess you're insulting me?

Thisisnotanexit 2 points ago +2 / -0

What would you like to know? How I grew up in a mini hell ran by drug addicts? How I was somehow protected and carried through it? Should I tell you how God answers my prayers and rescues my family from ourselves all the time? Would you like to know about my brother, who they told us wasn't worth it, he wouldn't walk, wouldn't talk and his spine would be outside his body? He's 25 now, holding a full time job and thriving with friends and family and his journey with God, who he loves. (He walks and talks and dances even!)
God saves me everyday. He's more real to me that the people I see in front of me and I'm sorry you don't know what that feels like, I can promise He'd be willing if you are.

Thisisnotanexit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your gods are devils meaning to keep you away from our creator.
I'm not waiting to die.

Thisisnotanexit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then you have your reward, I don't like settling. My treasure is in heaven, safe forever. How long will your land last or your life?

Thisisnotanexit 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't get it. You don't want to be like the 'jews' so you hurt yourself by worshipping anything but God? Just because most people are terrible doesn't mean God isn't real. The Israelites were tasked with keeping knowledge of the one true God and they had many failures and success but God is known.
Would be really tragic to end up outside of heaven because you didn't like people. You end up in heaven because you can't stand to be without God.
Idols do nothing but distance you from the creator.

Thisisnotanexit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do browse there but that was down too.

Thisisnotanexit 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is very interesting. Thanks for taking the time to talk to me about it.

I understand there are different 12 tribes, and then later some tribes went back, namely Judah and Benjamin. A lot of that confuses me.

I would probably agree that the new temple where God dwells is with His people via His Holy Spirit.
I think covenants get fullfilled but do not get overwritten.

Thisisnotanexit 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems so, I didn't realize at first, it was just really annoying.

Thisisnotanexit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just see things performing on a higher level, probably. Any humans siding with the dark side will have a bad time and I'm not convinced anyone knows who is really Jewish except God. I imagine all ethnicities are being waged in war with special attacking on Israel, according to a book I'm reading. I'm trying to understand things and it's difficult. Nothing new under the sun and all that..

Thisisnotanexit 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hope you're right but I also just got a sick thought that zombies may not want out.. gross

Thisisnotanexit 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yeah, probably locks down from the outside too, kinda like a prison would, I imagine.

Thisisnotanexit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I couldn't watch the whole thing, it's super repetitive like brainwashing or something probably.

Thisisnotanexit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can conscious self-awareness be coded in an algorithm? According to distinguished computer scientist Lenore Blum and Turing Award Laureate Manuel Blum the answer is "yes," and they join Brian Greene to explain their approach.

Lenore Blum
Manuel Blum

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