9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

nice post. some things OP might be interested in:

not free, but thorium salt reactors are worth looking into if you haven't already. they're interesting in part b/c they're simpler and safer than current designs and they scale down well.

also not free energy, but victor schauberger's work dealt with more efficiency and using natural principles.

also, some of electric universe theory's ideas have implications for cheap, somewhat decentralized power generation

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

No one on the planet is responsible for more wars and violence than Jews.

cartoon-villain levels of douchebaggery.

by DrLeaks
9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

holy shit, those people are stupid. you don't go fucking around with that stuff. it's no joking matter. like giving a toddler a book of matches and keys to a fireworks factory.

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

i had a pretty bad experience with a desk-top CNC manufacturer and Home Depot, Amazon, and TrustPilot all took my VERY negative review.

i was kinda' surprised Amazon left it up, as i didn't actually buy the CNC via Amazon.

for the record, the manufacturer rectified the problem and then some. i lost some business, but def came out ahead on spare parts and an upgrade.

Yelp, however... don't trust a lack of negative reviews on anything Yelp. AND... if you see 1 neg review, guarantee there's 10+ more.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

laser focused

(((they))) tell us in plane sight

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

check out the Thunderbolt Project vids on YT. Some pretty interesting electric universe stuff that correlates with global catastrophes and does a far better job of explaining geological anomalies than what mainstream science has come up with. And, so far, electric universe theorists have had a far better track record of predicting anomalies that our various spacecraft have found on planets and asteroids, than conventional cosmology has.

Immanuel Velikovsky's "World's In Collision" has some pretty good write ups and explanations of the geological anomalies.

electric universe theory does a better job explaining why pole shifts happen than current, conventional geological models.

by DrLeaks
9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

disturbing your neighbors, not cool

municipal governments using drones to spy on American Citizens, even jewish ones, significantly more uncool.

everyday, it becomes more and more obvious American "government" at every level, is invasive, tyrannical, and at odds with Constitutional principles.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

alot of the layers were due to everybody smelling like armpits and assholes, then, as humans are wont to do, they started turning the extra fashion into fashion statements.

considering our era's fashion statements includes guys chopping their dicks off and turning bowel parts into vaginas, i'm not inclined to judge any bygone age's weirdness.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

>be cop in DC

>job revolves around covering for or even assisting shitty (((TPTB))) do shitty things

>get burned by shitty (((TPTB)))

that's great he came forward, but... still a cop.

9035768regginwolg 8 points ago +8 / -0

this has been happening for awhile, even since the 90's. iirc, it was the late 90's when I'd first heard about reps from the companies that do the harvesting contacting the families of people who were about to die, and pushing the families to sign waivers and release the body so the organs could be harvested.

this shit was going on at the hospitals, and in the waiting rooms, usually with family members of someone who'd been in a bad accident of some sort, with the reps accosting family members in an emotional state, and saying things like organ donation would be a great way for the loved one to live on or continue to contribute to society or science. the family members generally assumed the donation would be after their loved one was actually dead, and the company reps would never bring up or gloss over exactly when the organs were being removed.

iirc, i heard/read about it in an article where a couple doctors were saying, "Hey, this is fucked up. Families need to know what their loved one is actually going to go through while the body, if not the brain, is still alive." there was also the subtext that the overwhelming majority of doctors were oblivious to or simply didn't care what the organ harvesting companies were doing to people who were still alive.

the entire medical industry qualifies as psychotic.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

in mass.

that must've been disruptive to the liturgy. if this was a regular thing, one would think the clergy would protest, en masse.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

yet, they still need us to donate 3$...

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

search /pol/, godlikeproductions, greatawakening.win, and even r/conspiracy for pizzagate and related terms (jimmy comet, Podesta art, Madeline McCahn, Abromovich, spirit cooking). Terms/criteria referring to events that took place long before PG became a thing are useful, too. DynCorp, Nancy Schaefer, Dutroux Affair, Jonny Gosch/Jeff Gannon, Finders, Presidio, Michael Aquino, Conspiracy of Silence, Jimmy Saville, Sabbataens. Also, you might as well get ready to be redpilled/blackpilled on the JQ. Took me a long time to admit it, but ALLLL of the satanic pedo/child trafficking leads to the same place. Shit. Is. Fucked. Up.

alot of people got redpilled on bread from Q bakers so do a search here: https://8kun.top/qpatriotresearch/catalog.html

even if you aren't a Q fan, the Book of Q has good stuff, if you can find it online. MouthyBuddha had alot of goodstuff on youtube, i think his account got axed, but someone here might know where to get his archived stuff. There were alot of bloggers/vloggers following Q. I didn't pay much attention to them, but others in this sub might have. Tracy Beanz wasn't a Qtard, but she had good stuff in her first year or two.

VOAT (this sub's predecessor) got canned, but there's searchable archives somewhere.

https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/ also has some good bits

imho, /pol/ is the best place to start. i've got dozens of screencaps from /pol/ that summarize various facets of the cabal. There's also a PDF called "4chan Compendium" that has hundreds of screencaps & images about a bunch of different topics, but alot lead to deepstate satanic pedo stuff.

also, i just tried searching a few items on DDG and Google to give you some direct links, and the results are shit. Yandex might be better.


just found this: https://archive.org/details/All_Qdrops_PDF/mode/2up Regardless if Q was a larp or psy-op, some good stuff/leads can be found in the individual drops.

edit: FBIanon and Meganon/Mega anon posted good shit pre-Q, and there's compilations of all their drops floating around, as well.

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

wonder if there's a lawsuit in their somewhere. hope her or her kids find an avenue for justice or vengeance against any/all who killed her husband.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the call for incandescents to come back is strong enough, the market will find loopholes to do so.

the guy who comes up with a DIY incandescent bulb kit is going to make bank. there was a discussion about this a few months ago on the chans that was pretty kino.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

States should be allowed to leave the union.

iirc, it's why no Confederate generals or officials were tried after the war. a trial would have showed the illegality of the north's aggression.

9035768regginwolg 9 points ago +9 / -0

both from the same hole. for sex, relies on mucus to lube. take my word for it and don't read about it; you'll vomit.

every doctor who approved this needs to have their license revoked and never be allowed to work in any health related profession/field again.

by DrLeaks
9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +2 / -0

safe and effective

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