Traxx 0 points ago +3 / -3

As usual, Americans think only about the USA...

  1. Bolsheviks did nothing to the US. It's a special group created to destroy Russia. More info in historical records.

  2. The USA was flooded with non-whites before the whites killed the majority of them.

  3. You state "no white person wants to fight for the USA", yet the US is the country that started most wars in such a short time...

  4. Winning wars has always been a matter of resources. The satanists hold the majority of resources, so it's only natural that they can adjust any war to their preferences.

  5. Yuri Bezmenov talks about how Russia operated propaganda while he worked for them, he says nothing of Bolsheviks.

It's interesting to follow your thoughts though. Usually plain, incoherent, and ending with something vastly disconnected from the initial thought.

  1. It's obviously not a "flawless victory", since flaws are the reason conspiracy forums even exist. And it's not even a victory yet. Only a major win.

I have to give up replying to stupid posts... You found a picture you agree with. You shared it. You drew an incoherent conclusion based on it. That's why people think conspiracy theorists are idiots...

  1. The picture has no connection with your title or comments.

  2. Seriously incoherent thoughts. It seems like anger drives your thoughts rather than logic.

  3. Chances I will get a coherent reply from you: 0%.

To my knowledge, most people in here will immediately agree with something that is pro-USA and blames some of the known satanic groups. Pictures are most liked as the American attention span is around 6 seconds. You offer no solution, no means of escape, just an angry outburst... People, who like your post, already agree with it. It brings nothing new to the table. This place has become a non-thinking platform. Either you agree and spread the hate towards the satanic groups, while offering no solution of course, or you disagree and insult anyone with different opinion than yours... People in here don't care about a solution, only a validation of their own thoughts... I think Bill Cooper is turning in his grave right now...

Traxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

I feel that people using "like" as a bonus word, don't understand a lot of things.

Traxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

Touchy... :D

When does he contradict himself? He is quoting the book.

Why would you call him a prophet? :D Do you even know what it means?

These are not arguments, again you react like a child that has something personal against Christianity or this person. That's not an insult. It's the way you present your "arguments", which are baseless, but I will still wait for any example that you can put forth, if any. So far, you just throw a fit.

The bible clearly states, whatever I want to say next, while quoting nothing

This is how you put forth your "argumentation". :D You actually wrote that. :D

10:54; starwars.wikia.com.

Grown man argumentation? Or a fit? You be the judge. :D You really wrote that... :D

:D :D :D I like you. You're in total denial. I remain with my statement that you throw a childish fit. Most people will just watch the video instead of immediately siding with the kid, who personally hates Christianity. So, I seriously doubt your fit will attract any attention. Even I got bored arguing with a child...

"Baseless insults are not arguments" - 10:54 Luke Skywalker

Traxx 2 points ago +3 / -1

That's a jew comment right there... :D

Traxx 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gay and Jewish... These words seem like synonyms nowadays... We can add "raped by his father between the ages 6-13" and "having severe mental problems making him egocentric and melodramatic".

I love posts where the information is plainly presented! Thank you for that! Please continue making similar info gifts!

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

To what end? How can a potential theft of voting shares be beneficial in his case?

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Definitely a bot. :D

Traxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wow, I replied to you in a different comment thinking you are a normal person. :D My bad.

Yeah, yeah, this picture surely helps your case. :D You really are a nutjob. :D Anyway, it was entertaining at least.

Traxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

Are you aware of your point even? I would rather listen to the video than read your comments... You seem personally affected by Christianity in some way. If you are against reading a book, then I don't think you should discourage others to do it.

I get it. You are angry because he is not spoon-feeding you information that you can check in 5 seconds online. Perhaps the information is not meant for you. Thank for your opinion though. Just FYI, your scoffing at information is predicted in the Bible. Do you notice how you only mock without actually presenting any valuable information? Sorry, but actual discussions demand actual arguments, not the scoffing of a child.

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

I still don't get it. It seems a lot of work for little to no actual data. Sorry, I hope it works for you in some kind.

  1. Do you say you have only one source for the data? You admit that the data can be altered...

  2. Why use chatGPT when the excel formulas are much easier? Anyway, it shouldn't present differences in any way.

  3. What is the aim of the spreadsheet? Why calculate this data?

Sorry, don't want to be insulting or something, just pragmatic. I could compile a better table for you, if you let me know what data you want to see. However, at this point, the vaccines given are scrambled with the double-triple vaxxed (not your table, just the general data). However, I would be happy to help you with spreadsheets.

Traxx 2 points ago +4 / -2

I was going to downvote this, but it is actually good.

Give it a try, the guy is talking sense. He is backing that up with real information.

Good morals are written in you as a child, that's how you can figure out that all he says is true. And that the Bible is the education you need as a person.

If all people had good morals, we wouldn't be in this situation... Keep them coming, Third-Eye-Vision. God knows we need that more than ever.

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't understand your point. You present some conservative pawns that all work for the conservative vote... I don't see how they differ.

Trump Jr. created a rally of the anti-vax popular people, including RFK. Which means that they play for the same team. Desantis was also caught getting money from Israel, just like Trump. I don't really see the difference.

Or perhaps I don't understand your comment... I don't know. Do you mind going further or just reviewing the points I made in this comment?

Traxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

I thought pkvi is a bot. Did he made a new account to spam again?

Notice how all of his posts are leading nowhere... then he ends with the usual "#BurnTheBridge". That user is only spamming the most unrelated news ever...

Sorry, pkvi. You just annoy me as a user. You scream a lot but in all of your words there is nothing of value. You've done nothing considerable in the last (at least 3 years, from when I've seen your activity).

Even Satan will be proud of your spam nowadays. I guess, since you are active, Satan can take a vacation... All you have done is spam some phrase to be relatable to others... I detest that in people. The more you post, the more I will expose you.

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have Jun 20, 2022 and Aug 14, 2023... That's more than an year discrepancy...

What is the source of "Death from Covid" and "Death % of pop"? How do you verify your "data"? :D

Seems like an excel table made by a kid. I can sort in excel as well. :D I've seen your posts, seems like you spam more when you should think more before you post. Just food for thought.

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Death % of pop" is based on what timeline? How can you confirm "Deaths from Covid" table? "This is lowest deaths. It's not the highest vaxxed." - what is the use of that data? "Latest data" from what source?

This "data" seems scrambled.

Traxx 2 points ago +3 / -1

This only confirms he is a jesuit and is working to be liked for opposing vaccines.

  1. He is not straight with his answers. He talks a million topics at once. That's a sign of someone working to confuse, not some working to clarify...

  2. Look at his body language - he is taking control in a conversation with a woman. Why do you need to shorten the distance with a woman and look controlling? Unless your arguments fail?

  3. If he was indeed a true person, he would already be dead like his uncle, or Bill Cooper, or Gary Webb... He is just a controlled opposition... Why do you elevate anyone who screams your opinion? Politicians make a career based on that and you still elect them...

Just because you are angry at the system, you fall for the trap that is created by those who scream that they are against the system, while secretly are working for them... How would you EVER figure out who is telling the truth?

Traxx 1 point ago +3 / -2

Hitler was only the tool that the jews used as controlled opposition. You can learn what was happening in Germany before the world wars, so you can understand.

Hitler was very useful:

  1. Creating himself as the bad figure at the end of the war, so the jews can make themselves as the victims.
  2. Influenced Europe with the generation theory, focusing on the supremacy of the Aryan race.
  3. Created conflicts in Europe, so the following wars will destroy the majority of Christians.
  4. Staged his own suicide. He was a member of the secret society known as Thule, which today holds the name "Skull and Bones".
  5. As long as people will figure out that the jews are the opposition, they will immediately back the nazis, confirming the jewish plan works even now.
  6. He wasn't a military strategist, nor a scientist. He was a painter. With a talent for details and beauty, he got to be a great orator. I have heard many of his speeches and he is very focused on the emotion of the listener. His speeches remain unequal in regards to motivation based on emotional distress. Perhaps that's why they don't translate them in many sources.

Controlled opposition is created so the lower level researches can immediately buy the opposition of the known enemy - "The enemy of my enemy is my friend", right? But what if the enemy of your enemy is also created by your enemy? :D

High level researchers question their own assumptions. Jumping in the team that screams your current opinion is a game of politics - they seem friendly until people give them power.

Sorry, but a contrary opinion deserves examination, not an upvote.

Traxx 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just check the full page. She is listed in an apparent documentary of some sort called "Evangelicals Conquering the World" from this year. It is interesting that she might be connected to the Jesuits. In here wiki page, it says she has a long Irish bloodline...

Glitch in the Matrix? :D Did you just saw the title actress and made this post? Because it seems you blew things out of proportion on this one...

Also, all politicians and judges are actors. That's a given if you want to be in the system. After all, we are just the spectators.

by DrLeaks
Traxx 2 points ago +3 / -1

They do actually.

How fkin stupid does one have to be to not make a 5-second search online?

Traxx 4 points ago +4 / -0

Horrible... I never thought this was so prevailing. I thought they were a secret sect, but obviously they immediately brainwash their families from early age to keep quiet about incest... Truly Horrible...

Seems like there are some jews in the comments that feel exposed. :D Keep exposing them!

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