Redsky 1 point ago +1 / -0

I too noticed a lot of information is being deleted. A few years ago I noticed many articles on the insane amount of ingredients in a Mcdonald's Shamrock Shake (100+). I can't find that anywhere.

You bring up a good point/idea. We should have a collection or archive of all of the material we have collected. Information is becoming more difficult to gather and if you dont save it then the information will be purged.

Redsky 1 point ago +2 / -1

I've always been curious about Angela Merkel and her striking resemblance to Hitler - maybe it's just that she is German and Hitler is German and Germans of that local look alike.

The other part of me thought this could be some type of humiliation ritual where they took Hitler's bloodline (Merkel) and turned her away from Hitler to be a further insult. (No evidence for this just a wild thought that occurred).

Redsky 3 points ago +3 / -0

I didn't see any posts on patriots.win critical of Trumps decision on Gaza - which I thought was very disheartening and a sign of censorship on the site.

Redsky 6 points ago +6 / -0

Jewish interests operate on a long-term the horizon. The 'win' that you have yet to even see play out is negligible compared to the long term goals of Israel.

Trump is literally pushing Bibi's chair in, hosting him as the 1st foreign leader and offering to clean up Gaza for him ...in return Bibi gives him a pager so he can answer when trump calls.

Its clear who is running the show

Redsky 2 points ago +2 / -0

Netanyahu gives Trump a golden pager as a 'gift'. This is quite an awkward gift; seems like a gift that an abusive boyfriend, or aggressive pimp would give to his submissive other.


Redsky 2 points ago +2 / -0

What other ethnic group yields this kind of power to have the President of the United states decree, by executive holding, that holding (certain perceptions) are illegal?

This illustrates the degree to which (Jewish Power) Operates within the United States / World.

Of course the (Jews) don't control the media, economy, government or other societal institutions! But (Jewish Power) has made it illegal to say they do...so they must wield some degree of significant power... (https://www.trackaipac.com/)

They don't control the government, but yet saying they do is illegal...hmm.

Redsky 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wouldn't mind having a beer with David Cole, Brother Nathaniel or Bobby Fisher.

I also think Dave Smith is a reasonable person; however, he knows the limitations of what he is allowed/not allowed to say. (https://comicdavesmith.com/)

Redsky 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly, if you were to go back to ~2000s and ask people what they would do with a smartphone they would have no idea. Cellphone companies could not sell "smartphones" because no one wanted them and only forced adoption by limiting options. Now everyone has a smartphone. I suspect the same with AI will occur.

Saying AI is a gimmick now is equivalent to saying the internet is a gimmick in 1995 - AI is in its infancy and will only get more advanced. In 1995 the internet was a "gimmick" too.

We can debate what the true intent of $500Billion is for and what this means but I would not write off AI.

Redsky -1 points ago +1 / -2

Not saying I'm an Elon fan, but I do have a slightly more favorable view of him after this salute

Redsky 5 points ago +5 / -0

the cat knows too much. label the cat an anti-semite, call it hateful and racist and shut it down. Kick it off twitter, facebook and youtube now!

Redsky 3 points ago +3 / -0

sorry to hear of the murder-suicide

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