posted ago by Filledwithfire ago by Filledwithfire +18 / -0

I have been an active studier of what many would call "free energy" for most of my life. Recently, a presentation by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell got me thinking of it in a different way.

(Note: "free" in free energy does not denote breaking the laws of thermodynamics, but instead refers to harvesting the very fabric of the universe, the aether)

In his talk, Dr. Farrell details the making and testing of the nazi bell. In short, the nazis were attempting to create a technology that would enable them to separate from the global energy infrastructure to freely power their own society. The technology for the bell weaseled its way out of Germany right before the end of WW2. There were a few folks who still were working on it, and I put forth that the tech was secretly shared to a few governments to continue the work. I believe that work to be solved and it rests waiting for its activation.

We know that the concept of free energy would be liberating to the world, as there would no reliance on physical (oil, coal, even wind or nuclear) energy being transformed into electricity to power our world. This zero-point energy can be extracted from the aether, and many obscure folks in the past were able to do just that. We here are definitely familiar with examples of energy researchers being offed unexpectedly either right before they solved their field of work, or had solved it and were about to release it.

There are political implications (can't control the population) and commercial implications (can't make money) to having zero-point energy or alternative fuels. That is why many clever, intelligent, and philanthropical individuals have lost their lives or livelihood to such pursuits. In the zero-point/aether field, think Tesla, or Wilhelm Reich. In the water-fuel field (way too many examples) think of the recent Buffalo shooting victim.

It is a fact that governments all over are sitting on the papers and technologies that detail exactly how to make free energy. What they are waiting for is the correct time to release the technology.

With all this geopolitical drama happening in front of us right now, it is clear that we are baring witness to the coming end of the petrodollar. Oil is simply not good for international trade. It is an amazing natural resource with many uses so it will never end production, but the reliance on it for energy is problematic. The international trade of it, more so. And no, our energy needs will absolutely not be met with wind or solar.

Now think of this: all this dystopic technology is being developed and slowly being implemented. These technologies requires power. The more people included, the more power needed. Free energy is bad for business and control. So how do you control it? Just like this recent UFO disclosure, I will predict that we will slowly start to hear more about the possibility of free energy and alternative fuel sources. Why? Because the technology already exists, and governments are still trying to figure out how to commercialize it, and control it. Control you.

I suspect it will go like this over a long period of time:

  1. Acceptance of nuclear energy will increase

  2. Nuclear plants will be constructed

  3. After years of operation, some government "pretty boy" will come out and start disclosing free energy in a very limited and obscure fashion

  4. After enough public outcry, there will be an "experimental" power plant constructed (with heightened security of course) and be touted as a success

  5. More of these "zero" plants will be built and the grid will slowly be switched over to this new energy source, and the public, pacified by low energy prices, will call it a day

-Hooray! We've got free energy!

But there's the trick: the grid still exists. You will always be charged for maintaining it.

There are many ideas on how to make free energy, but they all require large amounts of time, money, and polytechnical skills to complete: resonance methods, magnetic methods, rotation physics, chemical phase change methods... There are cases in all of those fields of individuals who get put on a list or get offed. But each of those methods requires boatloads of research, knowledge and tinkering. Those who've figured it out are wise to not reveal it for their own lives' sake, as global powers still frown upon such devices. I would wager, as long as this global system is still in place, that any free energy device/method that becomes available for anyone to build and activate would quickly become subject to the law, so you best keep your mouth shut.

May God protect those who have figured it out.