complete with swastika icon.
And then which kind of ties everything together.
All created in the past 48 hours.
Why? And why now, on the heels of the news that the American government is going to be looking for EXACTLY these kinds of communities?
Was there enough outcry to warrant all these subwins being created....simultaneously?
It really doesn't look good.
they want to shut this place down, so they do what they always do. have jews larp as white nationalists. they did it on voat, they did it on ruqqus.
We can see the fake upvotes to keep the fake shitshow debate that follows the comment I am replying to at the top of the comments.
Know this: both sides of the debate are shills designed to make readers believe that one side could be shills/feds and other side are the real racists/homophobes/xenophobes/antisemites.
EDIT: Yeah, the large number of downvotes I am getting for pointing this out is super organic.
I don't believe there are 12 people here who would downvote what I wrote. Nobody said anything about artificial intelligence.
YOU want to shut this place down, glow boi. Glow harder.
People that say boi watch blacked porn. Run along child.
Keep crying in the flat earth sub, jussie smollett. You don't belong here.
You are the one crying. The owner of that sub is being so nice and polite to you, and you're being complete garbage. You're either a jew or a jew slave.
Hope you get at least got your moneys worth selling your soul to Molech.
You replied to the wrong guy
Says the racist who doesn't want blacks becoming the new proletariat.
Go watch your nazi porn, bigot.
It's rough I know. I'll refine it
Nah, I'm trolling the trolls.
You sound more like a jew than a white human being. How are the suicidal thoughts? Can you stil manage them?
This glowie is trying so hard its making me kek
Needing jews to do the work White Nationalists refuse to do? Oof.
We don't need jews. Are you a jew?
Point is, the numbers of White "racists/homophobes/xenophobes/antisemites" are embarrassingly low. They're so low that the off-brand races are thriving. All of our major cities have become African habitats. jews have to fake anti-semitic acts. There's something missing from this picture.
Yeah, that's the point I made.
I saw this tactic on Voat where glowies would post child porn. Mods would delete them on sight, but that didn't stop the narrative from forming. "Voat is filled with pedophiles!". Not long after, Voat closed down. The owner didn't specify why, but it was obvious.
Infiltrate and subvert. They're preparing the narrative for why is filled with pedophiles, racists, faciscts, etc. Whatever they can get to stick.
They still do that on reddit. Whenever a subreddit exists which hasn't technically broken any rules, a bunch of AHS tards spam child-porn and take screenshots before it's taken down.
Win has been a honeypot from the start, some say. TheDonald was an absolute shitfest running up to nov 6th 2020 and afftr the election was 'ouo' about it(self) being a hoax. Anti-DJT threads were stickied and no mods around at all. Or, no one taking down anti-'MAGA' posts. Makes you wonder about all the Sunday Gunday threads, eh? I said this on and won myself lots of updoots and my first and only stickied thread on .win Then, I was mysteriously banned from without warning and none of my queries to the mods are answered. This is a burner account as I have been locked out of my other. 90sNonconformist was the name.
Astroturfing is inevitable on any relevant site. This site redpilled me beyond what I thought was possible. There is no interest for a honeypot to enlighten the masses about government fuckery.
Baiting people into extremism, yes. But not with truth. Think how CNN and reddit operates. Telling you what to think with little to no evidence or falsified evidence.
Then on to the next site. They will never win.
They've done nothing but win for the last 75 years.
Good catch. Glowies trying to poison the well
It's u/insurgent. Many suspected he was a paid shill for jidf/shareblue etc. He (that is, the account) would shitpost low effort memes for literal days straight. The last interaction he had with conpro before deleting his account involved him getting called out for shitting up the board with a anti-natalist doomposting, vote manipulation via alts, and shit tier nazi memes. He deleted his account, and a few days later these "totally organic-seeming" communities started sprouting up. I was willing to give national socialism the benefit of the doubt because it would've taken some that content off conpro. Clearly though, with these other communities surfacing, I think it's safe to say this is subversive behavior and being done in bad faith.
Insurgent was obviously an israeli shill but he was fun to unleash on other communities because he played his role of nazi marine vet so aggressively you could use him to shut down cucks on other forums who didn’t realize he was another israeli shill. Just tag insurgent on some retarded post by u/deplorablegerman or some other anti white cuck and this israeli pretending to be a nazi would go unload like a million threats to kill them. It was hilarious.
I interacted with his alts about Jewish foods and he was very famiiar with them. JIDF. I commented on Tel Aviv's notorious gay community, and he knew. Safe to say Israeli propaganda corps, often over the top with its larp comments, so easily spotted.
He 100% was not a marine vet, he used to rip on vets all the time.
There is no question this is an orchestrated attack and not just one deranged crazy. But let's look at just one sub creator: 4 month old user Panzerfaust who moderates and runs:
sub [National Socialism] 2 days old sub. Contents: rabidly anti Jew, anti black. Mentions Hitler frequently. Has the same six repeat posters such as
Dempsey: listed account age: 3 months. All comments are rabidly anti Jew, anti black
StrawberryWuffle: listed account age: 2y
Jerrycan111: listed account age: 2y
else: listed account age: 1M comments are rabidly anti Jew, anti black
NotKGB: listed account age: 8 days. Jewish, posting as Christian
and there are a few other random names commenting.
sub [Niggers] -
"A community for expressing your hatred of the inferior negroid race" 2 days old sub. Contents: massive, just massive hate speech against blacks. Huge number of posts in one day after it was created. Too many for a one day old sub with no time to become known. Then 50 more in 24 hours. This is mechanized somehow. Systematic and purposeful.
Shares many users with National Socialism sub.
sub [PatriotFront]
"A community for the white nationalist organization Patriot Front" 1 day old sub. No content as of 2/14/22 2 AM
Because these are all very new subs made by somewhat new users, and yet they get filled rapidly with hate speech, I see them as an organized planned concerted attack on .win to frame it. I mean, how does a one day old hate sub get 50 posts minutes apart many of which had prepared image or material?
Also in parallel there has been a series of attacks of comments on site mods in the last few days.
I feel this is all a campaign. The size of effort suggests it is not just one deranged person but a unified campaign. It reminds me a lot of JCM267's massive neocon-driven effort on Reddit. I am guessing this is part of a larger campaign to affect .win's effect on the 2022 election. However it could be a double game: I have a suspicion that JCM was involved in setting up .win in order to lay a base for future opposition control. The neocon Internet people have immense patience for longterm strategies over years. They in turn are run by Israel. So the game is tricky and layered.
I note there seems to be a connection between a lot of the hate speech posters and the ConsumeProduct sub in the past where this appeared: "Can somebody who has the ability to create .win communities make" posted 3 months ago by Il_Guido in ConsumeProduct
Il_Guido is a banned troll who seems to be a psycho.
Good homework!
It's Panzerfaust, Troll, Tenet and SwampRangers. DemonKingzer0 runs RonDeSantis, but I don't see a direct connection except for the date and a post by that user in LGBT (modded by SwampRangers). SwampRangers runs many more fake communites to turn people against the political right before the elections.
EDIT: Beware user accounts that post in the comments of this post. The majority so far are on a list of accounts I would immediately ban.
Panzerfaust is one of the many alts of the user Insurgent. Who spent the past several months antagonizing The Donald enough that he was getting alts banned there daily, shitting up ConsumeProduct by spamming low effort nazi memes, trying to stir up board drama, and manipulating votes with his many alts.
Recently he managed to piss off the ConsumeProduct regulars to the point he became persona non grata, though he still uses his alts to mass downvote everything in new and occasionally try to get everyone else to fight each other. And then a few days later he created those wins with one of his alts. Whatever his motive, this guy's an extremely toxic troll.
JIDF special forces
Semper Flatulence
I strongly suspect it is an organization with political motives. Their primary goal appears to be stopping Trump from regaining the presidency.
What you describe is very much in line with the behavior of a few regulars here who should have been banned months ago.
Regarding the accounts that comment in this post, I didn't expect this to turn into the shitshow that it currently is. They're here.
I was completely expecting it.
I can stand on my reputation here. I also posted my strategy and will elaborate at c/Unspoil from time to time. Currently Scored has entered a "land rush" phase common to any new namespace release, a phenomenon familiar to net watchers for 25 years, and my activities have been modest by comparison.
"My" forums are open to selecting additional mods, however their developing communities suggest (I've already added one who is trustworthy, and will continue). They will remain free-speech havens on the topics selected within the rules given, inviting all views unless there is a broad community desire for tighter rules (albeit the Christianity-based Scores are deliberately kept under the narrower civility rules similar to c/Christianity). We've already seen clear community consensus in favor of the named topic in two or three, and clear community consensus against the named topic in one or two. As an example I didn't create, [c/FurryArt]( is pro while c/Furry is anti. Welcome to free speech in the 20s.
My own forums are all sincere in offering free speech, or in a few cases free speech supportive of Christianity. It is my belief that being proactive is the best approach for political purposes on this apolitical forum, including particularly the political purpose of the Republican Party but also seeking to transcend their faults admitted by their own leaders. There is no faking or turning people against conservativism, the Constitution, or limited government going on here. The fact that people exist, often twentysomethings, who enjoy projecting racism when given a free-speech forum (I've defined "racism" carefully before), is an ongoing problem within humanity that experienced moderators do their best to mitigate, and I guarantee you that all eyes are on that problem. Permit me to say "Trust the plan" insofar as Jesus is the planner.
You must think everybody is pretty stupid.
Just visit places like c/LGBT or c/Holocaust to see the truth about what u/SwampRangers is doing.
You're joking. We've been complaining about being banned from the Q cult for months and months after posting one inconvenient truth or the other.
I was banned for simply saying trump is pro-israel not pro-america. No debate, no refutation, but they will passive aggressively send me a picture of trump wearing a yamulka and praying at the wailing wall.
So are they arguing against anything or banning everything against the cult?
We said the same damned thing for flat earth and faggots on here complain about "discrimination" and forced "inclusion".
National socialism is the antidote to communism.
Nazis and Commies both get the wall. Liberty, Freedom, and Justice for all.
Then you're a fence sitting capitulater who will virtue signall while they rape your children.
Murdering children isn't included in your "right to exist".
Something something newspapers something something love the oppressor and hate the oppressed, yadda yadda
Nobody could possibly believe that posting vile material in a bad-faith attempt to influence the next elections should be allowed.
Oh, you're for National Socialism
and call Judaism a cult. So believable you are.EDIT: The user u/DavidColeIntrepid went from talking about Q to Israel and Jews and then used the phrase "banning everything against the cult." I missed that he referred to Q as being a cult two paragraphs previously.
Jews suck baby penis and believe it's OK to rape little children. They also habitually hide the truth about what's in the Talmud because they know if people found out, they would be told to leave at the very least, like Hitler tried to do.
What "vile material"? The fact trump puts Israel before the US?
When did I call judaism a cult? A slip of the foot can be corrected but a slip of the tongue cannot.
"Q"daism hahahaha
You went from talking about Q to Israel and Jews and then used the phrase "banning everything against the cult." I missed that you referred to Q as being a cult two paragraphs previously.
What I am talking about is stuff like calling blacks chimps, calling Jews subhuman, telling people to go out on murder sprees, lynch public figures or blow up federal employees. That sort of thing us vile to any reasonable person.
But talk about Q if you want.
I'm not doing any of that. I don't condone, mostly, those things.
Hitler was a jew. So why don't you love Hitler? What are you, an antisemite?
Jews are white, they're just inbred supremacists.
Some accounts started doing that last year and that is obviously what we are talking about here.
So you are superior to them. Right.
You think child rapists and lying thieves are EQUAL to anyone else?
Keep in mind the vast majority of accounts posting threads about this (and explicitly calling for bans) are very young accounts (OP was 9 hours old at time of posting) or sleeper accounts with age but no karma.
We're very wary of taking responsibility for subjective content moderation as a platform, when these forums will die out on their own within days due to their unpopular ideas anyway.
maybe dont have them listed by about that...maybe make these shit communities at the bottom of the list and have the oldies up top. It shouldn't be a page one communities when I "View All" --- espoecially with your measely pagination...
I really hope I'm reading this wrong and you aren't attacking the source of this information instead of explaining how the fuck all of these incredibly suspicious outlets for hate speech happened to pop up within 48 hours of one another under your watch after all thats happened in the past week regarding online hate speech and the American government....
Community creation was opened up for active users.
u/lawabidingcitizens, C has earned my total trust in human terms by leading a cautious and wisely executed community through its various growth transitions, and I find this one well-prepared for the sudden spurt. I just wrote, "Currently Scored has entered a 'land rush' phase common to any new namespace release, a phenomenon familiar to net watchers for 25 years, and my activities have been modest by comparison." I published my own true purpose in proceeding, and will continue to elaborate on what parts of that are incomplete at c/Unspoil.
I picked up about 25 sub Scores in all, and will continue, because I see that C has 50 of them himself, a good estimate for an upper bound for now. Note that only a tiny minority of them are properly suffixed with ".win", none of the new ones to my knowledge. Yahweh was my first, and Nazi was near my last, and you have total freedom to make any suggestions as to how they should be administered. I don't see validity to deleting them, though, because they would be immediately reanimated for other purposes by the next comer; best to work with me and the mods the communities select. The Scored namespace should be populated by those with the political will to see names through to good things.
Win, for the last year, has dealt wisely with two or three Wins that AFAIK are still putting out exactly the same problem you perceive will arise somewhere within the influx: echo chambers of shock jocks. I don't name them or visit them because I have no need to encourage fed trolls (pun). If you've lurked you know. Free speech must magnanimously always permit a sludge pile to exist (this can be proven philosophically). Think of it as the Limbaugh Museum of Failed Liberal Ideas.
My larger point wasn't that the communities were created. It was when they were created and the sheer amount that were created in that time frame.
We aren't talking about innocent communities like or Were talking about communities created with the sole purpose of housing hate speech. Exactly one week after an online hate speech crackdown in the United States.
Because you're the only one who noticed this, and no one else had access to the information, right? Explain why you posted about this from a brand new account, handshake. Either you had a reason to not use your main, or you don't have one; either way that makes this post somewhat suspicious, even if this is a legitimate issue.
Suspicion intensifies
That whole argent about the brand new account is stupid and meaningless.
People get banned from certain forums for "dooming" (content control) or simply forget their passwords and start new accounts all the time. Some of the most based members can get banned and start a new account and then guess what? They have a new account.
Normally I'd agree, but given the circumstances it raises red flags. Also getting banned from this board takes some doing.
If his main had been banned, why not come clean? Instead, he went through my post history and downvoted my comments on this post and then baselessly accused me of being a "fed."
Check his post history, this day-old account has spent its entire existence concern trolling and spreading devicive, baseless commentary across this board.
Given the recent circumstances, that's suspicious, and the longer the account exists, the more I'm convinced it's a shill.
Tons of people at conspiracies have been banned from GAW and the Donald
Speaking of alts...
Fine, keep your secrets then, handshake.
Are you implying that shills are posting here pointing out that these new forums are strange, and that it's not strange that all these new forums that are like the Nazi Confederate people at the trucker protest are not strange?
I find that strange
I don't think it's strange that these new communities have popped up, but I can see why some would view it to be strange.
It's because we opened community creation.
You don't think is strange? Patriot front is known by everyone in the redpilled community to be an FBI front.
And the majority of new forums are not only white supremacists forums but with stupid low brow names.
It's exactly like the guys waving the Nazi and confederate flags at the trucker protest, and for the exact same reason
This isn't true at all, there have been many communities created and the vast majority have been good.
The organization behind this will supply ample shills to create the illusion of vibrant communities of hate.
There have been multiple new accounts spouting obnoxiously obvious violent rhetoric too. They're getting desperate.
yes - they are aren't using just the usual accounts........ So many handshakes recently
NOW do you believe me that we have been under attack??
Depends on who the "we" is. Saw some jews or retards a little while ago on Christianity decrying "racism", and literally not accepting that different races have different physical features. Plus there appear to be hoards of people here who've used reddit after 2015.
This happens to any forum that becomes relevant enough. See Voat.
You see why absolute free speech doesn't work in practice. Moral principles aren't formulated with a goal in mind, and they are for all situations and to be followed for their own sake (blind to individual situations). Ideologies have goals on the other hand, and so in a conflict between a goal-oriented ideology (can adapt as needed to reach goal) and goal-less idealism (blind to current situation), which one do you think has an advantage?
IMO .win must choose between absolute free speech and becoming sidelined like VOAT. Many here think wish to bring change to their respective societies (a goal). You can't do that if you can't continue to bring in good people here (which might be repelled by extremist content/conspiracy theories that are too ridiculous to believe like flat earth, regardless of its truth). Without critical mass, nothing will change.
Mods, I guess what I'm saying is: Choose between having a goal vs. having principles.
You sound like the meme:
"Fellow free speech people, if we don't embrace censorship we will not survive."
If free speech and "extremist content" drive people away, why is Gab doing so well? We're in this shit position today because we abandoned hard truth for easy lies. The evil people are in charge and rule by propaganda and lies. They're evil precisely because they've abandoned truth. You don't get out of such a position by more censorship and lies. You get out by searching for, understanding, defending, preaching, and aligning with truth.
We have a right to freely express ourselves about political topics without an opposition political organization adding off-topic content to make us look like violent homophobes, xenophobes, racists, misogynists, bigots, transphobes and antisemites,
Free speech does not boil down to "everywhere is a graffiti wall." Moderated discussions are free of censorship even if they spam, trolling, child porn, pranks and other disruptions. The same is also true for groups of people attempting to undermine the discussion itself, particularly for political gain or to put the participants in legal jeopardy.
Each forum is free to do as it pleases. However, the right prizes itself on prioritizing uncomfortable truths (red pilled) over easy lies (blue pilled), of being able to break from the conditioning we've been brainwashed into since childhood from all manner of corrupted institutions and outlets.
The left calls us "racist" because we quote crime stats and differences in IQ and culture between the races. They left calls us "white supremacists" because we want our own countries, and point to the hypocrisy that open borders, mass immigration, diversity, and multiculturalism is only being pushed on white countries and people. They call us "conspiracy theorists" when we bring up the globalist's plans to replace and exterminate white people in their own countries, and have directly said as much for over 100 years (the Kalergi plan). We're called "antisemites" for showing the inordinate Jewish involvement in the upper echelons of the globalist movement and all of its arms. We're called "homophobes" for pointing to the failings and degeneracy of the LGBTQ movement, which is also being pushed by the globalists. We're called "mysoginists" because we point to the biological, physical, and mental differences between the sexes.
Banning and censoring all of these topics, at the fear of being labeled a name by our enemies, is the height of stupidity. It's an abandonment of constructive debate and discussion, and the central pursuit of both: truth. Different forums are free to discuss different topics, but this site is largely devoted to such topics, and this specific forum is devoted to conspiracies, which coincidentally everything I listed above is about. If you don't know about these topics, then I sincerely question either your experience or your authenticity.
I never said unlimited free speech was correct, or that it shouldn't be organized, or that it shouldn't be constructive (honest, civil, and logical), and I never suggested all censorship is wrong. If you took that from my comment, that's on you. I merely asked pertinent questions to poke holes in the previous commenter's argument.
What good is the truth if it cannot be found or heard by those who need it?
If a three letter agency wants to target us, they need only increase the noise to such an extent that the signal is lost (i.e. fill the site with so much low value content/bait without substance, it becomes a chore to find anything worthwhile).
It's easy to suck all of the mods' time into deleting child porn, that there's no time to manage the content. If your first impression of a site is that it's a lot of meaningless content, or looks like an echo chamber of one type of ideology (eg: every other post is about "niggers") that you don't hold, you're not likely to visit again.
A site is vulnerable when it is small, because it doesn't take much manpower to derail it. See Voat. Once you're past a certain size, it becomes increasingly expensive to keep the signal-to-noise ratio low. Perhaps Gab was there at the right time and the right place to get enough real users to avoid becoming Voat. Who can say Voat wasn't trying to get the truth out there as much as Gab? IIRC, Gab ran for years without being known for conspiracy theories, while Voat was doing pizzagate etc. from the beginning (like us). Thus Voat attracted more attention from 3 letter agencies, like we will. Gab is not a threat as much as we could be, because we're hyper-focused on dismantling the establishment's foundations (very high signal-to-noise ratio for getting the red pilled).
I never advocated for lying. Come on. And not all censorship is bad. Censorship that improves the signal-to-noise ratio improves efficiency of information dissemination. The only issue is having well defined rules for removal. A post that does race baiting with no useful information is just noise without substance. A community that values it's right to exist on par with a post with lots of useful information, for the sake of free speech, is a community that values noise on par with the signal for the sake of free speech.
I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the methods to spread the truth. Just getting my thoughts out there, and I accept that many will disagree.
There are two ideas in your statement here.
The first is the idea: we must self censor or government will shut us down. Tyranny doesn't shrink, it grows when the people capitulate, compromise, and acquiesce to it. It doesn't matter how much we self censor, it will never be enough. Lies beget more lies. That's why the establishment and the left are in a self defeating purity spiral, why their narrative is accelerating well past insanity. If you compromise truth with a lie, if you censor truth in the name of a lie, if you capitulate and acquiesce to tyranny, you only defeat yourself. It is wrong in every situation.
The second is the idea: all speech devolves into meaningless speech. This is outright false. There are other considerations involved. The right prioritizes, or at least it should, traditional values and virtues. One of the most foundational, necessary, requirements for civilization to exist is merit. Merit means that bad things are overcome by good things, that inefficient things are overcome by efficient things, that good things are overcome by better things. If one doesn't believe in merit, they don't belong on the right. The globalists are antithetical to merit, as a foundational philosophy and as a means to control us. It's why they push affirmative action. Weak and stupid people are put into positions they don't deserve, pushing good people out of those positions, and degrading the infiltrated institution.
I imagine you wouldn't disagree with this, but it's relevant to the discussion, and you didn't include this consideration into your argument. Specifically, here, we have upvotes and downvotes to praise the good, worthy, efficient, virtuous, and good comments and ideas, and downvotes to castigate things that are the opposite. Furthermore, the adage "the left can't meme" holds true. It's ridiculously easy to spot feds, leftists, and their shills. I highly doubt they could effectively infiltrate a genuine forum if people held to merit, and all other virtues taught by logic. The disingenuous more effectively infiltrate and subvert by subtlety. However, beyond teaching everyone what the left's foundational philosophies are, what their effects are, how they act, and how to spot their signs, there will almost always be such infiltrators. There will also always be useful idiots using the same tactics and arguments as the left. Even then, the best course of action is to hold to merit, because then their bad ideas, posts, and comments will be properly downvoted.
All forums are echo chambers. Why do people congregate in the first place? It's to pursue shared goals. That means all communities, by their very nature, necessitates homogeneity. In some way or another, all communities of people are more alike to each other compared to the people outside that community. While the people may be different beyond their shared goals, they only work together because of their similarity. Websites, hobbies, jobs, countries, peoples, forums, they all follow this rule. A forum may exist to talk about Star Trek, and it can allow all discourse about Star Trek, making it an echo chamber about Star Trek. Or, a forum may exist only to praise Star Trek, and only allow discourse which praises Star Trek, making it an echo chamber about praising Star Trek. The same goes for any topic and forum.
Forums with large scopes can be host to a wide range of related topics (i.e. politics, science, conspiracy theories, etc.), and they can also change over time. For instance, changed to, because the scope changed. Lots of discussion, most of it now, doesn't even involve Donald Trump. Even though we mostly agree politically, there is wide range of opinions on certain topics, actions we should or shouldn't take, what the causes are, what's related, and so on.
I agree that a small force is more easily attacked and conquered than a larger force, but that's not the only consideration here, especially since this isn't war, it's a forum. There are important differences. More important than size, is the strength, wisdom, and virtues of the leaders of this site, and its users. If both the leaders and the users are strong, the forum will grow, that is of course if there are people who would belong on that forum who haven't found it yet. That's why Voat failed. The leaders were weak, and they were the ones that shut it down. They said "one of our investors backed out and we can't afford to run it anymore", but most of the user base said "run a funding campaign, we'll donate", to which the Voat leaders refused. That's why Voat failed. That's also why Gab is growing, even with all of the discussion of "niggers", "jews", and conspiracies, even with how much backlash they've gotten from the mainstream, and from banks and money lenders, and from infrastructure providers. The Gab leaders are strong, and thus were willing to tackle the obstacles in their path, and they've succeeded. Have you been there? Lots of people talk about conspiracy theories. Most modern conspiracy theories are related to politics, and vastly shape understanding of the modern world. Gab is growing because its leaders are strong. Andrew Torba and all the other Gab devs haven't capitulated to the globalists, or compromised, or acquiesced. They fought. That's why people flock to them. We're in such dire straights because of weakness. People are seeking out strength, and will support anyone that shows strength in adversity, especially for those that show strength against the people ruling over us.
I disagree strongly. This site has already acquiesced, not allowing its users to discuss plans to overthrow the government. It may not be "legal", but it's right. We live in the United States, a country founded by righteous men that talked about, organized, and violently fought against tyrannical government. For us to say we're not "legally allowed" to discuss such things is a compromise with lies, evil, and tyranny, a betrayal to the very country we live in and how it was founded. THAT'S why participation in this forum has dropped so drastically after January 6th. People want to act, but they're not allowed to talk about it here, or organize here. You don't defeat tyranny with peace. That's why shills are so quick to yell "glowie" any time someone wants to fight back or organize. It's a means of control to keep us peaceful and apathetic, thinking we can win this war with memes online, and not actually fighting. Sharing information is the first step, action is the necessary next step.
Furthermore, Gab is more successful than us because it allows people to more openly discuss all topics, including the most verboten topics: differences between the sexes, racial disparities, and Jewish involvement in globalism. Regardless of how you feel about the topics, the very allowance of the debates enables, over time, to expose more people to truth, whatever side is proven right or wrong. That's why the globalists must censor, curate, and control so much, to control what people see and don't see, to make us think, speak, and act how they want us to. That is why free speech is so vital: to pursue truth.
I never said you advocated for lying. It's relevant to the larger topic at hand, which is why I included it. The very core tenet/philosophy of globalism, of evil itself, is lies. That's why globalism is evil, and why evil is what it is. It's why good people prioritize truth above all else. This distinction, more than any other, helps differentiate good versus evil. Furthermore, truth (logic) will tell us what is virtuous, right, moral, ethical, efficient, and good, and what is not. Logic dictates that some censorship is good. For example: porn. Also, as I said above, all forums must censor certain topics that are beyond the mutual shared goal of the people on that forum. A Star Trek forum should censor discussion of football, if it's not relevant to the discussion at hand, or if it's being done intentionally to sow discord in the forum. Even if censorship wasn't used, or if it didn't catch everything, as I said above, the simple use of upvotes and downvotes can dissuade discussion that's irrelevant, in bad faith, or with ill intent. Again: merit.
There are many people, even here, that are making bad faith arguments, especially over censorship of certain topics. When a certain topic is brought up which they don't like, instead of debating in good faith to "defeat" their opponent's argument, they yell at them, call them names, and advocate for censorship. Such actions don't disprove anything a person says, it doesn't teach any bystanders the nuance of the different sides, and it doesn't further anyone's understanding of truth. That's why the left is so apt to use logically fallacious arguments and censorship. It's the only way for their ideas to remain, unchallenged.
The goal of debate, of speech itself, is the pursuit of truth, even above our own preconceived ideas. If you prioritize truth above all else, even if you're proven wrong in a debate, you still win. It's better to be proven wrong and realign with truth than to forever hold onto bad ideas or lies. However, for this to occur debate must be constructive, meaning it must be civil, honest, and logical. Anything outside of these bounds solves nothing, and usually makes the situation worse. If people enter into a discussion or debate without truth as their highest priority, it means they're denying their own humanity. With a few important exceptions (not relevant for this discussion), we're imperfect, mortal, finite, and have free will. We don't know everything. We can't know everything. Some or much of what we know is wrong, partially or totally. Even if everything we knew was right, it can be taken out of context because we don't know all the other relevant information, making us reach the wrong conclusions. That's why half truths are so dangerous. Without someone telling us, or experience to teach us, or questions to seek it, or debate to find it, we'll keep believing things that are wrong, we'll keep believing the lies and propaganda we've been taught, and we won't change and align closer to truth. To intentionally participate in destructive debate is to deny the purpose of it, and in so doing is to deny our own humanity. It's a proclamation that "I am God, I am not wrong".
This is how they infiltrate and destroy free speech sites - it’s super obvious. Happened to VOAT but that site ultimately was “shut down” rapidly and rather suspiciously imho
This was released exactly seven days ago. Here we are on the following Monday morning. This timing cannot be a coincidence.
Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland
It's not feds.
They've been saying that same thing about white males and "hate speech" for years now. In 2014 they put libertarians and combat vets on DHS Memos for being "anti-government." This whole "anyone right of Mao is a terrorist" schtick is nothing new. Whatsmore, this new memo was realeased immediately following a foreign national holding a synagogue hostage and demanding the release of that female al-qeida bomber; a situation based largely on a "false narrative."
This isn't how feds opetate either. Assuming they are monitoring this site, they aren't going to subvert their own honey pot. All this is going to do is is drive some users away and prevent new users from coming here. If they have all their cats wrangled in a corral, they aren't going to tear down the fence and scatter the herd.
This is however how shills operate. Jidf/shareblue/various left wing pr organizations/etc. have interests in running users off. Given the trucker rallies/convoys going global in the last week, the coof narrative falling apart, midterms, and a growing distrust in the electoral process, it makes infinitely more sense that this is a ham-fisted shill campaign, and the accounts running these new communities are operated by paid subversives.
Inb4 you sperg out and schitzo-post about me being a fed again.
This predictable, juvenile response is exactly the kind of response a fed would make trying to get the heat off.
Meds, take them.
Take your feds.
Even though your idiotic username screams shill, what you wrote is intriguing. Are you aware that this was released seven days ago?
Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland
I am not saying that this means it's Federal agents using the same kinds of techniques on us that they used at the Capitol on January 6. It could be any sufficiently motivated group hoping to take advantage of it for their own gain. This does include government agencies or the Deep State, but it is not necessarily them.
Shareblue Media is now called The American Independent, and I think it's them, but I could be wrong. For all I know, it actually is part of Biden's administration and they are hoping to ensure a second term for him.
If new wins arent shut it means win is captured.
Well, I can't get any of them to work, so either they got shut down or they never existed in the first place.
This site is already something of a honeypot. Who pays for it, and how does it get by without ads?
I've wondered that myself for a while.
Not a single ad anywhere?
Fulltime mods/admins?
Extremely suspicious. is already the Nazi site, lol. I think you're right OP.
its such a shithole. I honestly ignore people who mention that place with anything but contempt. Its so poorly done...
It started off with what I thought to be a good idea. Exposing mindless consumerism. How it devolved into a nazi larper hangout so quickly may be something worth discussing in the conspiracy sub.
Yes I agree - I checked it out because I assumed by the name it would be about mass consumerism and corporatism...but instead it is just racial hate and thinly veiled hate speech and mindless memes.
Downvote comments that blame Jews for this. That is there to give the discussion an antisemitic veneer.
Only the most self-serving of Jews would participate in this political operation because it necessitates the possibility of inciting violence against actual real-life Jews--Holocaust survivors, children. That should be unthinkable to any Jew.
There was no holocaust.
The site also changed it's name to "". This also is very suspicious.
Someone should just make,,, etc. Then, what will they do??
I do believe a Trans community was just created as well. Should be a dumpster fire by the end of the week.
I didn't even know that it's possible to create your own dot win. How does it work?
I just noticed - the company is different. It was Patriot LLC, now it is communities, LLC.
Sold Out??? I bet u/C isn't the same person...
Good digging. Keep it up and we'll all be banned and memoryholed.
Why would it shut down? This place actually has a user base, and it is the admins who made the change to the site. No laws in the US is being broken, as we have this thing called freedom of speech, like it or not.
Because people want a reddit where they do not get banned for speaking their mind. If we start banning people for disagreeing with us, we are no better then them.
Those sites ended up dead because there was not any users there to begin with.
Worst case, there's always the chans.
Isn't that the name of thelat fake white supremacists group in the weird costumes that the fBI are the only members of?
I won't even look in the hose forums. Looks like they are framing the place up
Correct. That'd be the same group. Loves cramming into uhaul trucks. And stickers.
Hopefully these fake astro forums will die out quickly. Seems like a retards little science project for the most part. You think the fucking loser would get tired of posting from so many alts and having conversations with themselves. Could be a new Sharia Blue type situation or some kind of new fangled glowie bullshit.
Totalitarians and Statists hate free speech and hate freedom so they are always trying to make the platforms that won't let them control the narrative look bad and get them shut down.
Losers are gonna be losers. It is kinda a good idea because they can start posting about it and start consensus cracking too......hmmmmm.....
its bots. + Chromium + Puppeteer
I guess you could always just pack up your shit and leave if you don't like it? Idk I doubt you're welcome anywhere civilized so...slim pickins.
You're sick and need more help than anyone here can provide.
So mad. Nowhere to go and nothing to do with all of your rage. At least you can take solace in knowing that it'll all be over soon. Once they come to raid you for the mountains of CP you have stockpiled, you can finally an hero and the world will be a better place. I will pray for you in the meantime. May God's justice be swift. You've suffered enough having to inhabit your current incarnation.
the fuck, looking at your post history, you're just spreading ridiculous bullshit constantly, outright slander.
what are you, some communist glowie?
Like what?
literally fucking all of it. get the fuck out you faggot
Make me.
Looks like astroturfers from shareblue/media matters are getting busy here, trying to falsely smear the site. Creating fake groups and false flags is a well used tool of shareblue.
"there are posters against Dr fauci. We must expunge them. Anyone who doesn't like hanging out in gay bath houses to do "research" needs to banned off the platform because I'm sensitive to being called things"
You're weak, then. All it takes is one Carlos Maza or jussie smollett to take everything from people like you. Give it to them then. Give them your children to indoctrinate with CP in school. Give them your money. Go ahead, bend over loser. Don't stand up and speak for yourself, GET BACK IN LINE!
Screw you and you delicate feelings, fence sitting capitulater. You willful tool.
Cold take.
Free speech platforms existed before this. They were home to the reactionary right long before milquetoast conservatives and civnats got deplatfrormed by big tech. All big tech did was push those people into the "alt right's" sphere of influence. The people sympathetic to the ideologies represented by these new communities want nothing to do with Trump or mainstream politics.
Ageed. I think its the main reason why Gab exists and has so many people that it does. The establishment has had to clamp down more and more to keep people in line, they're censoring and banning more and more people off the mainstream controlled platforms, forcing more them into these once small corners of the internet that actually prioritize free speech, the only places that talk about conspiracy theories and unsavory topics that most normie right wingers have never heard of, exposing more people to this information. Then, when an actual actual free speech large social media platform comes along like Gab, it's populated by all those people who were exposed to the censored content, and exposing even more people to it, the exact opposite intent of the establishment.
Lies always destroy themselves. Truth is immutable.
Where are you getting this? Are you equating the ownership of this site with those in control of TD? Also, much of that kind of criticism was unfair on its face.
Admittedly I don't know the full history of this website and who owns it. Still, what you're asserting is a stretch. It seems that the owners are claiming that moderating would place them in a position of being responsible for what is written by users. It's the same idea behind big platforms that claim they are merely a neutral distribution channel.
Since when does "approval" mean anything?
LOL, what a silly term to use. Might want to expand your vocab a little bit.
Free Speech has the consequences of unsavory things being discussed. You can either allow the things to be discussed, or go into the spiral which is censorship.
I mean, fuck Trump? He had his run and he failed miserably. What Trump stood for, and what Trump did are two separate things.
Optics are for cucks, because, newsflash, they already think you're a bunch of nazi racists.