Xaviermgk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, the ZIonist deep state definitely wants him in. It's why they give him nearly ubiquitous coverage.

Stolen election...sham...used more to make "conservatives" look bad moreso than Trump even.

Trump in prison...sham...never happened.

Killed...well, that didn't happen. Shooting may have even been faked. The whole incident is pretty suspect.

Trump had a Kabbalah teacher, his daughter married a Jewish dude (even visited top rabbis together), did the Abraham Accords, but the Zionists don't really want him?

Why are they waiting for Trump to finish "peace in the MIddle East", when they already had the perfect puppet in Biden?

Xaviermgk 2 points ago +2 / -0

If he is a bot, why is he far more intelligent than you?

Xaviermgk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Take a look at some pics of Nazi rallies...I believe there's some doctoring afoot. As in, making crowds seem bigger than they actually were...I could see it being done with double exposures alone.

Not to mention photos were faked all the way back to Matthew Brady. Well, perhaps "staged" might be a better word in that context.

Harvard had a KKK chapter that was primarily Jewish. Now you know why they burn crosses. Real Christians wouldn't burn crosses.

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quite excellent!

An intellectual makes things SIMPLE, not overly convoluted.

Like, they still make vaccines the same way they always did. In chicken eggs. I'd be willing to be that the only real protection from vaccines is from immunogloobulins in eggs.

It's also a solid reason why they messed with egg prices so much.

And, I had a very public conversation on Facebook with an actual mRNA researcher (at Cedars Sinai in LA). He was completely full of shit, and did a very bad job at gaslighting. There was very early documented evidence of a 21% adverse reaction rate from Moderna, and he literally couldn't make up enough excuses for it.

Very pitiful, for a "scientist" (with many publications too!). I'm glad to see that many people witnessed his complete lack of concern and antagonistic nature.

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like WWII with less countries. Til there's more.

Xaviermgk 2 points ago +2 / -0

With the mod's approval, of course. That's why I don't frequent here any more. He's more directly antagonistic than most mods on Reddit LOL.

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck, you are stupid.

I'm stupid, because you don't know the connection between eclipses and CMEs?


Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's not a full CME view...

You can only see that in an eclipse.


Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, and thank you for exposing YOUR ignorance.

Xaviermgk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uh, it's not bullshit. What I said is exactly true.

Wow, you really are retarded!

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a little aside, but I was eating some garlic for a "bug", and it made me think about how garlic wards off disease, and vampires. And it's because they thought vampirism was a blood disease that the myth came into play.

But at the same time, look at something like ivermectin. Treats parasites, and perhaps there's more to it (works for macro parasites AND viruses?). The mechanism of action is interesting. And from a holistic standpoint, it's interesting that the "parasitic class" revolted against a drug that is anti-parasitic. Like a vampire reacting to garlic.

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +2 / -1

but again ive said before, perhaps the world is flat, but due to the curvature of space and time, it just looks round or something.

Maybe I'm just nitpicking about language, but I find it strange that the phrase "plane(s) of existence" is commonly used, especially among occultists.

Doesn't plane imply being flat or level? There's oodles of other words that could work in that phrase-domain, realm, region, etc

Even the Oxford dictionary has the second definition as "a level of existence, thought, or development."

Just an interesting word choice.

Whoever created the horoscope must have had some kind of advanced mathematical knowledge, if not knowledge of the solar system itself.

Yeah, I'd agree. It is really intricate...like I can't imagine how that really went down.

If you do a natal chart online, it seems like nothing. But it's like impossible to imagine doing it with like a mediocre telescope and an abacus or some shit. Not only that, but then figuring out how that "affects" things (if it really does).

Xaviermgk 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well, if there is a pole flip, that is supposed to change to Vega or some shit like that.

Magnetic north is pretty funky so who knows?

Not me LOL.

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +4 / -3

You won't because you can't.

Wow, you really are retarded!

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +4 / -3

They can only see the beginning of CMEs during eclipses.

Are you retarded?

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's pretty obvious that Trump is going to win again. And like you said, it has zero to do with voting.

Xaviermgk 3 points ago +5 / -2

I'm gonna hazard a guess that he's not gonna want to do that LOL.

The Bible alone shows us that they were "chosen" not because of their goodness, but because they "strayed from the flock" of humanity.

Israel is called "corrupt and evil" in Ezekiel for a reason, and they are indeed corrupt and evil.

The OT more or less explores the concept of straying from God, good, and truth, and how that affects the different characters. One could even see it as an exercise in karma. That's why the establishment of Israel is a double-edged sword...Sure, you're gonna get what God promised...the tiniest sliver of the pie. But what will you miss out on?

Xaviermgk -2 points ago +2 / -4

Hitler was a Zionist.

Rudolf Hess was a huge Zionist and even commissioned a token with the star of David on one side and the swastika on the other side.

The S.S. Tel Aviv was one of the first ships to take Jewish people to Palestine, and this website has a good summation of the ship in the item description. Also, didn't seem like they were eating bad for being "exiled".

Also, I just found that wikipedia has a picture of the ship, but it is not used in any wikipedia articles...Strange.

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