no_ez 4 points ago +4 / -0

I fail to see how the link posted reflects the Post’s Title…

no_ez 4 points ago +4 / -0


no_ez 2 points ago +2 / -0

Duh. Trump offered something to net and yahoo, annat big bossman called his lil halfsie hoe, and gave her the deets… word on da streets.

no_ez 0 points ago +1 / -1

Finally, a video without creepy foreboding annoying ethereal music

no_ez 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what?

Human beings are designed to be nomadic/semi-nomadic creatures.

All of history: Cultures rise, cultures destroyed by sword. Repeat and rinse.

I would never personally order a genocide or forced removal. But they happen. Sa la vie, Sa la mort.

no_ez 2 points ago +3 / -1

These machines alert staff and make a loud sound when a heartbeat stops. If you could prevent it from doing that… well…💀you can assure the dead stay dead.

no_ez 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uncle Jack talks a lot about Jose Delgado… and other stuff.


no_ez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude what happened? Was it the hvac stuff, the fridge/walk in cooler stuff, or the car freon stuff? Was it the older freon they banned?

no_ez 2 points ago +2 / -0

The damages from Alcohol and excessive eating can be reduced by testosterone injections and working out… who woulda thunk it? …but God bless his liver… wow. Nigga need to hit that roasted dandelion root tea stat.

no_ez 2 points ago +2 / -0

Embrace Christ.

There are over 300 prophecies that point directly to the Messiah.

Here’s 8:

The time of His birth (see the Daniel 8 & 9 Timeline)

He would be born in Bethlehem. (Micah 5:2)

He would be born of a virgin. (Isaiah 7:14)

He would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. (Zechariah 11:12)

He would be mocked. (Psalm 22:7,8)

He would be crucified. (John 3:14)

He would be pierced. (Psalms 22:16)

He would die with the wicked, but He would be buried with the rich. (Isaiah 53:9)

no_ez 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sovereign wealth funds are incredible financial vehicles for the wealth of a nation.

If we ever had any hope of getting ‘free’ healthcare or education, it would be from such a purse.

Now personally, I think the healthcare and education systems are a joke, and want nothing to do with either… but it’s something the “left” harp on about endlessly.

no_ez 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is this Yuval Noah Harari himself?

Because I’m gleaning now that you’re also gay in addition to, you know, the other thing.

no_ez 2 points ago +2 / -0

Surveillance under the skin…. Hmmmm… where did i hear that? Which ghoul was it? Klaus or Harari?

no_ez 3 points ago +3 / -0

The conspiracy is hacking the human machine for profit. Manifestations of the “attention economy” to keep you glued to your phone—

In the old days, every thumbnail had a set of tiddies in it to make you click. Now, things are a little more nuanced. Please see the video I posted above.

no_ez 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are correct.

The “I just smelled something rancid”-face, the “you’re not gonna believe this… whoaaaa!”-face.

It is a psychological trick to get people interested or concerned in something. In this case, what was coined CTR—click through rate.

This guy’s voice is annoying as fuck, but I used to work for a similar company that managed social media accounts to maximize engagement:


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