ApexVeritas 8 points ago +8 / -0

Also recall how Reddit flipped from mostly being Ron Paul libertarian supporters...to hardcore leftist Hillary supporters, the day after she won the DNC in 2016. ActBlue/ShareBlue/CorrectTheRecord shill farms got the DNC funding.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's a really easy way to disprove the things we're seeing are due to incompetence or greed.

If what we're experiencing was due to incompetence, we'd see a lot of variation. We don't. Every single corrupt institution is pushing the exact same things, the same ideas, arguments, ideas, philosophies, and policies, applied to the same people, in the same hypocritical ways. It's an entirely unified front. That's not incompetence.

If what we were experiencing was due to greed, we'd see the people in power motivated entirely by money. They're not. Many, many of their ventures which push their ideas and policies lose massive amounts of money, and have been for decades. There are also numerous examples of the antithesis being true as well, where companies and organizations which express the opposite of globalist positions make a lot of money (when not cancelled). Thus, it's not greed.

The only motive that makes sense is malice. It explains why the people in power are pushing destructive, degenerate, and evil things, and are willing to lose a lot of money doing it. Incompetence and greed are a part of the cabal we're facing, but they're subservient to the malice, which is the root of the rotten tree.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's see which countries on earth don't have central banking...

Hmmmmmmm. They're all demonized by the media and government.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

There have apparently been at least one person trolling online that they're the "real" Crooks guy, which is making investigation a bit muddy, as they look alike.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

Time to play their game

What do you think the entire breadth of mainstream right wing politics has been for over 100 years? It's been White men playing by (((their))) rules, in (((their))) game, pursuing (((their))) interests, using (((their))) words, arguments, and tactics. What's been the result? A non-stop assault on White people.

You don't beat liars by lying yourself. You beat them with truth.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

At 37:35 in OP's video it shows the angle of the bullet that hits the railing, passing through a man in a white shirt and light khaki pants on its way to hit that railing. The trajectory for that bullet leads to the water tower (and not the closer roof where the supposed assassin was). Weirdly, though, is that trajectory is nowhere close to hitting Trump, which means the people that planned this wanted extra casualties.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Decent video. Four thoughts:

  1. I really don't like it when normies (especially people into conspiracy theories) can't tell the difference between a gunshot and the echo. The guy in this video, when analyzing how many shots were fired (starting at 13:20 in the video), was counting echoes from the gunshots, as gunshots. For clarity, I heard 8 gunshots (plus/minus 1, given the spurt of latter gunshots making it difficult to count).

  2. Many eye witnesses were reporting gunshots coming from multiple directions. It's entirely possible those eyewitnesses were also being confused by the echoes. However, this doesn't rule out multiple shooters.

  3. It's possible more shots were fired than are heard. The patsy shooter could have been using an unsilenced rifle, and the other shooter(s) could've been using suppressed rifles. While suppressors aren't nearly as quiet as Hollywood depicts, they can be masked enough during unsilenced gunfire where they won't be heard (or more difficult to hear), where the loudness of the unsuppressed shots masks the suppressed shots.

  4. The best evidence for a shooter on the water tower (starting at 37:35 in the video) is where it shows a bullet impacting the railing in the rear bleachers (behind and to Trump's left), and it clearly looks like that bullet passed through a man (the guy in the white shirt and light khaki shorts, that immediately drops to the ground) to hit that railing. The trajectory of that bullet lines up with the water tower, and not from the closer roof where the supposed assassin shot from. There's zero chance the guy in white was reacting to the sound of the bullet, as he starts to drop immediately when the gunshot is heard (human reaction time isn't that quick). Weirdly, though, is if that shot came from the water tower, it came nowhere near to hitting Trump. If true, it looks like the people that planned this wanted extra casualties.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reddit is actually better than this place.

A profound and mocking laugh. What an absolutely astounding statement.

At least they are self-aware that they are on Reddit.

The NPC meme is real, and you're apparently one of them.

The true irony of your response, which you are too dense to see, is that your entire response is literally the EXACT stuff you find on the front page of Reddit. It's laughable.

At the probable result of another laugh, why do you suggest this?

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's c/conspiracies's resident deny-everything shill. I've tried having actual debates with him here until I noticed the pattern. In every single thread, he denies the conspiracy and/or just defends the mainstream. Browse through his profile as evidence.

Best to just downvote and ignore him. He adds zero substance to any legitimate discussion, diverts attention away from actual discussion, and actively tries to be as abrasive as possible to drive away legitimate users.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

He's a fake populist, a controlled opposition "outsider" to reign in an neuter any resistance from people who've escaped the controlled right wing.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no nuance or discussion.

Yes, there has. There's been lots of it over the years, on this platform and others. It's just that many people get tired of repeating the same things over and over and over and over, year after year after year. This is why many people fall back to simplicity.

It reminds me of unhinged reddit.

Dude. You made a front page Reddit tier comment, here of all places, and never once retracted, explained it, or said it was sarcasm.

Its counter to the very purpose of the community.

Not necessarily. The pursuit of conspiracy theorists is with the truth. We see that official explanations don't make sense, that there are numerous holes, which we try to poke through, to see the truth. We try to find alternative explanations that better fit the evidence at hand. We theorize when we can't make definitive statements.

Many of us believe Q is a controlled opposition asset, meant to keep people complacent, because "the good guys are in charge, just wait 2 more weeks". That makes genuine Q supporters, depending on their interaction with the community, dangerous to said community, because they're espousing stuff from a controlled asset, meant to divert people away from the truth.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Known shooter was on a roof 150 yards away from Trump. 150 yards is an easy shot. 300 yards isn't too much more difficult, but you need some training, and some rifles won't be able to do it accurately.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why is disliking Trump and Q embarrassing?

From what I've seen there are still Trump supporters here, although their numbers have dwindled with his handling of things like Covid, the vaccines, and J6, as well a the jewish question becoming more well known.

In general, though, I agree that I prefer conspiracy boards going deeper into subjects, especially stuff outside the political arena, as it can get tiring.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's been working thus far? Honesty? The only honest politicians we've had thus far have been assassinated (JFK), had their families killed (Massie), or had their lives ruined (Nixon). And why would that kind of tactic continue, unchallenged? Because good men did nothing to stop it. We're rapidly approaching a point where that will no longer be an option.

We don't live in the world we live in because good people aren't better at utilizing the enemy's tactics. We live in this world because good people don't stop the enemy.

Ever since the "official" narrative of WW2 started being taught in school and media (in combo with slavery and the Civil War narrative) they began brainwashing White people that we can't collectivize, even in mutual defense, because that would be "literally Hitler" and "Nazism". Thus, we're left with the false option of trying to elect leaders, who are good, or we're merely told are good, to try and root out the systemic evil of government and all of civilization, by themselves. If they fail, by intention or lack of support, or are backstabbed, ruined, or killed, no one raises an army to punish the perpetrators. We expect individuals to do the work of armies. This is why individualism, by itself, is a self destructive philosophy, and why it's an obvious control mechanism pushed on the political right, which is almost entirely comprised of White people.

Unless you're inferring something else, in which case I would appreciate clarification.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

He agreed to go there. He agreed to wear the tiny hat. He agreed to be photographed doing it. He could've said no.

A man of principle would say no. You don't beat subversives and liars by being more subversive and lying more than them. You beat them with the truth.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +3 / -1

Butt hurt? No. It's predictable. A race traitor and jew worshipper isn't an ally, and if you think otherwise, you're the moron. Jews controlling both sides of politics is a really, really old conspiracy, with tons and tons of evidence. Do you even belong here?

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +6 / -1

Which made it hilariously sad reading the comments in TheDonald about this. Many, many people were rightfully criticizing this pick for VP, that this is the best we can hope for, but most still said "still voting for Trump". That is the exact mentality people have/had with the Republican party, which is one of the primary reasons most abandoned it for "MAGA", because they were tired of settling. And yet here they are again, settling. Why? Because they refuse to learn the correct lessons. They're still stuck inside the system, playing by its rules, and wondering why things keep going the way they are.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

Uh huh, which is why you made the above comment, which would only belong in a front page Reddit thread, not on a conspiracy board, or on this site. Unless you were being incredibly sarcastic, and I just missed it?

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +8 / -0

I came across this thread on Gab, with some interesting info:


Both of Thomas Crooks parents are "behavioral counselors" and their license registration dates are just days apart. Odd. His parents have stink on them and are sheep-dipped if you ask me...Crooks classmates recount him being relentlessly bullied in school. Sounds like the perfect candidate.

In that thread, people post 2 pictures of Thomas Crooks wearing the tiny hat. The one I linked here, and this one:


On top of this, Thomas Crooks was also seen in a BlackRock ad:


Hmm by dukey
ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

The supposed shooter took up position on a rooftop only 150 yards away from Trump. I've done a lot of shooting, and 150 yards is nothing. Even with a moderately built 5.56 AR-15, with a moderate scope, it's ridiculously easy, even for a layman, to make that shot. 5.56, in a moderately built AR-15, has 1-2 MOA, which means at 150 yards there's a 1.5 - 3 inch grouping. Furthermore, that round has so little drop at that distance, even in shorter barrel ARs, you can just aim center of the crosshair, without factoring in wind or bullet drop. The Marine Corps (at least it used to, not sure on current training) trains high school kids to make 500 yard shots with iron sites, where the front site post is bigger than the target itself.

There's no way in hell that the Secret Service would allow a rooftop only 150 yards away to be left unguarded or unwatched, unless they're ridiculously stupidly galaxybrain incompetent, or they're in on it.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +6 / -1

Agreed. A few more important points to consider:

  1. One of the easiest ways to control a populace is to give them the illusion of choice, where both sides are controlled by the same people. "Discourse" and politics is controlled through these entities, parties, and leaders, who curate the narratives the people in power want, keeping the people from straying out of bounds, where they'll realize what the actual solutions are.

  2. Whenever a significant number of people begin to wake up and realize the charade, the establishment presents them "outsiders", who are just as controlled as the false left and false right, to reign the noticers back into the fold. The "outsiders" may, at first, present ideas, words, and actions which are agreeable to those who've woken up, but slowly, over time, the "outsiders" become more milquetoast, and adhere more and more to globohomo policy. This is exactly what happened with Occupy Wallstreet, the Tea Party, and now with MAGA, where all of them were co-opted, or controlled from the beginning, and brought back into the false choice fold. We can see this with MAGA, who now unironically support the entire spectrum of LGBTQ so long as it's wearing a MAGA hat, as well as our borders remaining open, mass non-white immigration continuing unabated, White people still being attacked and being denied basic human rights, and racism being decried as the worst evil imaginable (but only if White people do it). Trump also claimed to be going after the swamp in his first term, but selected all swamp creatures for his entire cabinet, who (big shocker), all undermined his supposed extreme positions.

  3. Globohomo isn't monolithic. They're evil by nature, and will often betray each other at whim. Even though their hatred for us shared, there are numerous people and parties involved, and they sometimes have conflicting interests, agendas, and plans.

  4. The mountain of propaganda arrayed against us produces mountains of useful idiots, who all parrot the exact same globohomo messaging as the people in power. At a certain point, it becomes impossible to determine if the people we're dealing with are merely useful idiots, or actually controlled. Pragmatically, it makes zero difference, and all should be rejected.

  5. The mainstream right wing has been 1-5 decades behind the curve on every single issue and solution. Even "outsiders" like Trump, whether he's controlled or not, aren't good enough to actually fix our problems. This will become more apparent as time goes on, even to the most diehard Trump fan.

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