thats really interesting. i will definitely look it up. hope its not an elite family exclusive deal though!
because the scenario i have in mind is not only the stock market crash, but something bigger, something more coordinated.
I think the dollar will implode due to a liquidity crisis, meaning only people with physical cash, gold and maybe tbills will "survive" and scoop up all the other hard assets for a penny. Or they will hack some central bank, fed, bis, blame it on AI, china or iran. All the numbers on the screen of everyone will be erased.
In both cases the solution will be to reset the economy with cbdc and gov willl give out this free cbdc so the newly formed giga slave class doesnt rebel.
in those cases, im not sure the insurance company would be honoring the deal you know? maybe for a ultrawealthy family but for anyone else idk. thoughts?
spot fucking on
these retarda are at least 50 year behind in their reasoning when gold stopped being the backbone of the global wealth. everything after that is a scam, fake money, credit, numbers on a screen.
could the same jewish scammers be the ones behind btc? i giess, but it is objectively better nowadays and the near future.
and reminder that the (((vatican pope))) is nothing but an employee of the black pope, supreme master of the jesuit order.
we are living through the final stages of a multi millennial spiritual war, 6k or even 12000 yo war
aquarius means knowledge, thats it. aquarius often lacks the effort, skill, motivation, discipline to do something about it. i guess we will have to wait for the next age to humans be smart enough to act on the information.
look at the anount of retarded shit thats been exposed since the scamdemic? no one does shit.
absurd lies.
government seizes crypto because they used torture or because the person left their private keys unencrypted. thats it.
theres nothing whatsoever about them breaking encryption.
and what? defend your gold agaisnt the army? swat team? are you for real or just retard mode?
there will be no justice system, there will be full force, there wont be recourse.
the average person doesnt have 500 usd emergy fund. the average person cant reload a gun. do you honestly think they will fight the global jewish government when they come take your illegal cash, gold, car, house?
what happens when a pack of niggers or jewish pigs comes to your pod apartment, invades it, rapes you and steals your hard earned precious metals? or are you actually trusting the jewish piece of paper telling you have X grams of gold in their bank?
or maybe when you need to flee your kiked country because it was overrun but the next jeet desease or simply because of the next world war, how the fuck are you carriying your gold?
im waiting for answers.